My Master Is a God

Chapter 1882 Yan Wuliang finally reacted

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


Amidst the dull roar, the power that burst out from Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pill exploded into gas.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and locked his gaze on Jinxian in his sight.

According to the guidance of the spirit of Qiankun, the immortal consciousness is locked.

Immediately afterwards, a substantial pillar of bright red light burst out from Yang Yiyun's body.

A beam of light with a thick arm burst out from Yang Yiyun's Baihui.

The powerful aura caused all the immortals present to change their expressions.

But the first one to bear the blame was Jinxian who fought with Yang Yiyun.

Facing the aura erupting from Yang Yiyun, the golden immortal's face changed wildly, but he had no choice but to fire the arrow on the string. He roared and accelerated, disappeared, and then reappeared behind Yang Yiyun again, with the fairy dagger in his hand stabbing Yang Yiyun's back. Heart.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes. He did not move his body anymore, and just stood there with his eyes closed, because it was no longer necessary.

After activating the four-image inscription on Qiankun Daoyuan, Yang Yiyun knew the result.

This result was naturally beneficial to him, because he felt the power of the Four Symbols, or the power of the universe within the south of the Four Symbols.

Strong, very strong, more powerful than he imagined.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun has absolute confidence that he can kill this first-grade golden immortal.

With eyes closed, one can clearly feel that the power of the Four Symbols Suzaku locks the Golden Immortal as if it has spirituality, and has an aura that will kill the sword even if it is unsheathed.

Although it is just a feeling, Yang Yiyun believes that this feeling will not lie.

Sure enough, the battle miraculously started in the next second, but it was too fast.

It's almost here and it feels like the beginning is the end.

What the other immortals present also saw was the extraordinary scene that happened to Yang Yiyun, which was very shocking to them.

At first, I just felt a breath of power erupting from Yang Yiyun that made everyone feel thrilling. Then I saw a pillar of light rising from Yang Yiyun's body into the sky with thick arms.

Then it turned into a huge red bird, suddenly turned in mid-air, and landed two meters behind Yang Yiyun.


A scream echoed throughout the audience.

Everyone saw the red Suzaku exploded two meters behind Yang Yiyun, followed by a scream, but it was the Jinxian who was fighting Yang Yiyun.

So all the immortals saw it, and witnessed with their own eyes the body of the first-grade golden immortal from Shangxuan Immortal Sect exploded in an instant, and disappeared into nothingness amid the screams...


Many immortals in the field gasped at this moment.

What power is this? What Taoism? What means?

A huge question mark popped up in the minds of many immortals.

Of course, in addition to these questions, more people are sweating in their hearts.

Because everyone witnessed with their own eyes that under the terrifying power of Yang Yiyun, a first-level Golden Immortal and a serious elder of the Xuanxian Sect disappeared into thin air.

That was a Golden Immortal. Even though it was a first-grade Golden Immortal, it didn't exist much in the entire Daqing Immortal Mountain world. Unexpectedly, it disappeared under the mysterious power that exploded from Yang Yiyun.

Is it scary?

Very scary.

The other golden immortals in the field immediately thought of comparing themselves, wondering whether they could withstand Yang Yiyun's mysterious and powerful power?

Almost no golden immortal has confidence in his heart.

This includes Yan Wuliang himself.

Although he, Yan Wuliang, was a Golden Immortal Dzogchen, he felt guilty after witnessing Yang Yiyun kill a first-grade Golden Immortal elder from him.

Because he felt and thought about it carefully, he didn't seem to be completely sure that he could resist such a mysterious and powerful force as Yang Yiyun.

There's something weird inside this kid! ! !

At this moment, Yan Wuliang sighed in his heart, but it was a bit difficult for him to survive.

Niudu blew it out in front of all the immortals, and wanted to crush Yang Yiyun to ashes, but now? I am shocked by the mysterious power of Yang Yiyun's blow.

Come on, Yan Wuliang knows that not even he has the confidence to withstand Yang Yiyun's powerful power, let alone other golden immortals. Even middle-grade golden immortals may be bombarded to pieces by Yang Yiyun's power. , if all the Golden Immortals were killed, it would be a huge loss for the Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

He has already lost one Jinxian brother to death, and now another one has died. After losing one or two, the elder team of Shangxuanxianmen will cease to exist in name only.

Is this the best thing to do?

This guy is a monster!

Yan Wuliang complained secretly in his heart.

Keep fighting Yang Yiyun, you have no confidence.

If he doesn't fight, Yan Wuliang will lose his face.

It's really an extremely confusing situation.

Where is Yang Yiyun at this time?

But he saw that he had the unruly aura of a winner, and his sharp eyes glanced at the Xuanxian Sect Immortal in front of him, and then he raised his feet and walked forward.

When Yang Yiyun moved, many immortals who came to Xuanxianmen retreated in fear.

"Hahaha... you are a bunch of weaklings, don't take it for granted, otherwise you will be destroyed physically and mentally, get out!"

Yang Yiyun laughed wildly, quickened his pace and walked forward...

The immortals who came to the Xuanxian Sect while cursing subconsciously backed away one by one, which was equivalent to making way for Yang Yiyun.

It seems that Mr. Yang is full of momentum, but what is the reality?

At this time, he is in a situation where he is strong but weak.

He actually didn't expect that the power that activated one of the inscriptions on Qiankun Daoyuan would be so powerful. He almost effortlessly killed a first-grade Golden Immortal without leaving any trace behind.

It really can be described in one word - cool! ! !

However, after the joy, it became tragic.

The powerful power is not so easy to use, and it almost drained the power from his body at once.

Afterwards I just felt so weak that I really wanted to sleep.

But surrounded by immortals who wanted his life, Yang Yiyun did not dare to show any signs of weakness at this time.

He also saw the horror that the immortals around looked at him, and even saw the uncertainty in Yan Wuliang's eyes.

After Yang Yiyun observed it, he was overjoyed. Since Yan Wuliang was afraid, it would be easier to deal with. He just took a gamble and they didn't dare to stop him. They would take the opportunity to leave.

Anyway, at this moment, he couldn't use the power of the four elephant inscriptions on the Qiankun Daoyuan for the second time, so he could only take a gamble.

Just bet that Yan Wuliang didn't dare to act rashly, but as long as he was given a hundred meters away from Yan Wuliang, he would have a chance to escape from the trap and escape directly at the cost of the secret method.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyun felt that he had made the right bet.

As he left step by step, Yan Wuliang did not order his immortals to attack him.

And Yan Wuliang himself stood there without moving, but stared at him with gloomy and terrifying eyes.

Yang Yiyun looked calm and calm on the surface, looking like he would kill anyone who moved, but in fact, he was frightened inside, fearing that Yan Wuliang would take action.

As for the others, Yang Yiyun is not afraid at all.

But he was very afraid of Yan Wuliang who had not made any move from beginning to end.

Especially at this time, his body was extremely weak.

He simply didn't have the confidence to fight Yan Wuliang again.

Fortunately, as he walked over step by step, the immortals at the Xuanxian Sect all gave way to him.

In the blink of an eye, he was a hundred meters away from Yan Wuliang and walked out of the encirclement.

At this moment, Du Jiebin and his son on the other side also reacted from the shock.

Du Jiebin finally convinced his father Du Renjie to help Yang Yiyun. Who knew that before they could take action, Yang Yiyun's power exploded and blasted the golden immortal who went to the Xuanxian Sect into dregs.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was seen walking out of the encirclement step by step, but Yan Wuliang and his men did not dare to stop him.

This made Du Jiebin admire Yang Yiyun from the bottom of his heart.

But seeing Yang Yiyun about to leave, Du Jiebin couldn't help shouting, but his father Du Renjie stopped him and whispered: "Don't shout, I can't disturb you when you are there, otherwise everything he will do will It’s all in vain, if it’s really for Yang Yiyun’s good, let him leave.”

Hearing his father speak, Du Jiebin finally held back, but looked at him with doubt, meaning it should be okay for me to say something, right?

However, Du Renjie, a mature man with a very sharp vision, saw some clues about Yang Yiyun. He seemed to be bluffing. If he was really that powerful, he could kill Yan Wuliang directly and cause trouble. Why bother? What about leaving?

After thinking about it, he was afraid that his son Du Jiebin would not be able to hold his breath and call out to Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun would be exposed instead. That would harm Yang Yiyun, and he would not be able to leave by then, so Du Renjie sent a message to Du Jiebin: "Goodbye, are you okay?" We cannot distract Yang Yiyun at this time. If my father is not mistaken, Yang Yiyun should be strong on the outside but strong on the inside at this moment, do you understand?"

After hearing his father's rumor, Du Jiebin was not a fool. He understood immediately and finally resisted calling Yang Yiyun to talk. At this moment, he also hoped that Yang Yiyun would escape.

Seeing Yang Yiyun walking out of the besieged circle and walking further and further away, Yan Wuliang's teeth were itching with hatred, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in Yan Wuliang's mind.

He felt like something was wrong.

But I couldn’t grasp what it was for a while.

I only know that if Yang Yiyun is allowed to be so powerful, Yan Wuliang will lose face from now on, and he will have to avenge the murder of his brother. Moreover, if Yang Yiyun is allowed to be so powerful, with this kid's potential, from now on It will become a big problem for him when he goes to Xuanxian Sect.

It's already a life-and-death feud. If he doesn't kill him, he will kill him. Why not?


When he thought of this, Yan Wuliang finally had a thought in his mind and realized something was wrong.

He was a fan of the authorities and didn't realize it. Since Yang Yiyun was so powerful, why didn't Yan Wuliang just kill him when he faced him?

Are you going to leave instead?

This question can only show that the powerful power Yang Yiyun used just now is not without cost. Maybe he can't use it a second time in his body at this moment, so he takes the risk and takes the opportunity to escape?

Finally figured it out.

The next moment he saw Yang Yiyun who had walked more than a hundred meters away, he shouted loudly: "Take him down, don't let him leave, that kid's strength is exhausted~"

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