My Master Is a God

Chapter 1883 If we meet again, it will be your death

After Yan Wuliang came to his senses, he yelled at the immortals who were attacking him, but he was furious. He felt that his intelligence had been greatly insulted.

There is a feeling of being blinded by an eagle after being pecked by it all the year round. It is like the spirit of a spirit that is so angry that it has left the body.

With an order, the immortals from the Xuanxian Sect chased Yang Yiyun one after another.

At this time, Yan Wuliang took a step forward and headed straight for Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun had already left the encirclement and was more than 200 meters away from Yan Wuliang.

He was always paying attention to Yan Wuliang's movements. When Yan Wuliang gave the order, Yang Yiyun could no longer pretend. He took away all the breath in his body and ran away.

And he cursed loudly: "Old thief Yan Wuliang, I won't play with you anymore. If we meet again, you will die."

If Yang Yiyun didn't have any confidence to deal with Yan Wuliang and his immortals during the encirclement before, now he was finally confident to escape.

While cursing, Yang Yiyun circulated all his energy and disappeared in a swish.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and burned the power in his body. Only in this way could he be sure to escape. If he took a step slower, he would be caught up by Yan Wuliang.

So at this moment, Yang Yiyun did not dare to be careless at all, and could only run as fast as he could.

Anyway, he couldn't face Yan Wuliang at this time.

The power of the four-symbol Suzaku in Qiankun Daoyuan in his body was too much consumed, and he no longer had the strength to activate the second attack.

It would be better to use the power of the Four-Elephant Suzaku sparingly in the future and only use it as a trump card.

When Yang Yiyun directly burned the power in his body to accelerate, it directly turned into a bolt of lightning, and disappeared on the horizon after a few ups and downs.

Yan Wuliang's face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't expect that Yang Yiyun was also a decisive person. Even after using his ultimate move, he still burned the power in his body to escape despite the vanity in his body. This was tantamount to adding insult to injury.

Ordinary people would not do this. The cost of burning the immortal power in the body is not small. It can range from a regression of cultivation to a dissipation of cultivation. These costs are unbearable for any immortal.

But Yang Yiyun just did this.

I have to say that he is also a very good character.

But just like that, Yan Wuliang knew that if Yang Yiyun escaped today, it would be a big disaster if they met again in the future.

Yan Wuliang had to worry.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said to the two golden immortals around him: "Chase him, and you must not let him go. Let's see how much immortal power he has burning."

Yan Wuliang himself sped up as he spoke.

Anyway, they all have enough immortal power in their bodies, and their speed is not slow under full strength. With the pursuit and locking of the immortal consciousness, even if they temporarily distance themselves from Yang Yiyun, as long as the general direction is correct, they will not lose it.

But Yang Yiyun is still burning the immortal power in his body even though his body is weak. This is no different from seeking death. When the immortal power is burned out, it will be his death.

So Yan Wuliang made up his mind, even if he couldn't catch up with Yang Yiyun, he couldn't let him stop. Since you are willing to burn the immortal power in your body, I will help you until you burn yourself into a mummy.

A battle of one escaping and multiple chasing begins.

Du Jiebin on the other side saw this situation and said anxiously: "Dad, we have to help Yunzi, otherwise he will die."

"If you really want to help him, go visit that old senior now. As long as you succeed in becoming a disciple, you will have nothing to fear when you go to the Xuanxian Sect. When the time comes, it won't be a problem to save Yang Yiyun. He, Yan Wuliang, doesn't dare to mess around." Du Renjie spoke in a deep voice.

"But Yunzi can't pass this test right now. He will be dead by the time I come back as a disciple." Du Jiebin said with wide eyes.

Du Renjie shook his head and said: "Since Yang Yiyun dares to burn the immortal power in his body, it means that he is sure to escape from Yan Wuliang. Otherwise, since they are all one, why would he escape?

So I think Yang Yiyun can escape from this disaster. The key point is what happens next. If you really want to save Yang Yiyun, stop it. Which senior should you visit now? Now that you have activated the Fengling Immortal Body apprenticeship, it should be fine. For I, the Taiqing Immortal Sect, want to kill less and save Yang Yiyun, so I can become a disciple of Qichen~"

After hearing what his father said, Du Jiebin thought it made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I can go without further ado~"

"Let's go. My father has already sent a message to your grandfather. You can go together and there will be someone to take care of you on the way. My father is going back to the Immortal Sect to arrange things. I guess Yan Wuliang will not let it go this time. Yang Yiyun will definitely be able to get rid of Yan Wuliang. Chase.

In turn, Yan Wuliang will vent his anger on our Taiqing Immortal Sect, so this time you are going to become a disciple, and you are also going to recruit reinforcements. Yan Wuliang's strength is comparable to that of his father. If he comes to the door, his father will not be afraid. The scary thing is that Yan Wuliang goes back and asks the Hunyuan Dao Immortal behind him to use his power to deal with our Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Therefore, my son, you are going to take on a heavy responsibility this time. You must go back quickly and invite reinforcements after becoming a disciple. Otherwise, our Taiqing Immortal Sect may be destroyed. After you return, my father will try to delay as much time as possible, waiting for you to return. As for Yang Yiyun, don’t worry, he will definitely get out of trouble this time, and as a father, he will also pay attention to Yang Yiyun’s news, and those who can help will never stand idly by..."

After Du Jiebin and his son discussed it, they immediately left the scene.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and insisted on running away~

At first, he felt relieved when he flew hundreds of miles away. He originally planned to find a secret place and directly enter the Qiankun Pot to escape.

But who would have known that in the blink of an eye, Yan Wuliang would be discovered with the two-faced golden immortal beside him, still being chased by the crowd.

Now Yang Yiyun was secretly complaining.

The original plan was to burn some of the strength in the body, throw away Yan Wuliang, and stop chasing him, and then find a place to hide directly in the Qiankun Pot. After practicing for decades, this matter can be done. past.

Who knew that Yan Wuliang was chasing him with all his might, and the distance was getting closer.

Yang Yiyun knew it wouldn't work if this continued.

He can withstand a small amount of burning power, but over time it will cause big problems.

Yang Yiyun knows this very well.

How to do it?

While continuing to fly and escape, Yang Yiyun's mind was quickly searching for a way to deal with it.

Anyway, the burning power cannot last too long. If you wait until the power in your body is completely burned out, it will be too late.

After a week passed, Yang Yiyun felt more and more that the condition in his body was getting worse and he could no longer burn like this.

Just when he was anxious, he saw a gleaming silver light in his sight.

Upon closer inspection, a huge lake appeared in sight.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he flew down from mid-air.

The next moment, he made a sound and ran straight into the lake.

Then it sank directly into the depths of the lake.

However, the moment he entered, Yang Yiyun felt a powerful aura sweeping over him.

It felt like this was a very powerful aura of power, and it was demonic, even stronger than Yan Wuliang's Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

In other words, there are powerful immortal beasts in the lake that he jumped into, and it is very likely that their strength is Da Luo or even higher.

And Yang Yiyun also felt an aura coming towards him that made his heart palpitate at this time.

Not only that, the lake was turbulent, which meant that there was really a living being approaching him.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun didn't even think about it. His heart moved and he directly entered the space of the Qiankun Pot.

He originally planned to get rid of Yan Wuliang with burning power and enter the Qiankun Pot, but Yan Wuliang's group was chasing after him, so he did not dare to rush into the Qiankun Pot.

Later, when he enters the Qiankun Pot, wouldn't it be a big trouble if the Qiankun Pot is exposed and found by Yan Wuliang?

So after seeing this big lake, Yang Yiyun dove into the lake, thinking that the water in the lake would isolate the atmosphere and avoid Yan Wuliang's pursuit.

But who would have thought that there are still powerful creatures in this lake at this moment. There is no other way but to enter the Qiankun Pot first. After all, life is at stake.

There is no way now.

After entering the Qiankun Pot, the Qiankun Pot will be exposed to the lake water.

Yang Yiyun could only hope that the creatures in the lake would ignore the small Qiankun Pot.

Speaking of which, the Qiankun Pot also has the advantage that no breath will be emitted.

Moreover, it is a treasure, and Yang Yiyun is not worried about it being damaged.

After he entered the Qiankun Pot space, he completely relaxed. This person's detachment reached the limit, and his vision went black and he fainted. No matter what, let's get some sleep first~

What Yang Yiyun didn't see was that just after he entered the Qiankun Pot, a snow-white creature with a single horn on its head suddenly appeared in its original position. Its body was nearly a hundred meters long, with a pair of snow-white fleshy wings growing on its back, and a hole on its abdomen. Dragon Claw is a creature that looks like a snake but is definitely not a snake.

He opened his mouth and took a big bite, but Yang Yiyun disappeared.

This snow-white creature that resembled a python had a pair of very humane big eyes with a look of confusion, but then it opened its mouth and spat out the Qiankun Pot.

After staring at it carefully, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Qiankun Pot.

The next moment, this snow-white creature looked up at the lake water, and swam away, straight up to the surface of the water.

At this moment, Yan Wuliang and the two golden immortals came to the lake and stood suspended.

"The sect master's aura disappeared here. He must have entered the One-horned Dragon Lake. What should we do?"

The elder beside Yan Wuliang looked at the calm lake with extremely fearful eyes as he spoke.

"Damn boy, you have entered this forbidden lake, but there is a one-horned two-winged dragon at the level of Daluo Shangxian in the lake. He can't even think of living. It's an advantage for him." Yan Wuliang spoke fiercely.

This lake is a pot of forbidden land on the surface of the Daqing Immortal Mountain. There is a Daluo Shangxian basic demon beast living in it. Anyone who enters the lake will die. There was once a Daluo-level immortal who wanted to conquer the unicorn in the lake. The two-winged dragons all died inside. The immortals of Daqing Fairy Mountain all stayed away from this forbidden lake.

Over time, let alone entering the lake, even those within ten miles of this forbidden lake will be attacked by the One-horned Diptera.

Yan Wuliang didn't dare to enter the lake easily, so he hovered twenty meters above the lake and watched.

At a certain moment, the calm lake surface boiled.

The faces of Yan Wuliang and the two Golden Immortal elders changed wildly.

"Come on, the One-horned Diptera has come out of the lake~"

After saying this, Yan Wuliang and the other three fled away in a swish.


There was an earth-shattering roar from behind, making the three of them tremble in fear. Everyone ran away. Anyway, Yang Yiyun had no chance of living after entering this forbidden lake. He would only become a snack for the one-horned two-winged dragon.

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