My Master Is a God

Chapter 1884 Natural Secret Chamber Treasure House

In the space of the Qiankun Pot, no one knows how much time passed before Yang Yiyun finally woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

After looking inside the Qiankun Pot space, I feel relaxed. At least I don't have to worry about safety here.

No matter what happens to the outside world, he is safe in the Qiankun Pot for the time being.

"You weakling finally woke up~"

The taunting sound of the God and Demon Bird came to my ears. This guy would not miss any opportunity to attack Yang Yiyun.

Although Yang Yiyun was very unhappy, he could only let it go and got used to it.

"You know how to enjoy yourself, how come you didn't die outside and followed me into my Qiankun Pot space~"

Yang Yiyun cursed the God and Demon Bird angrily.

Each of the magical birds was squatting on his shoulders, and Yang Yiyun didn't care about it at all. Now it seems that this problem bird has a way to save its life.

When Yang Yiyun entered the space of the Qiankun Pot, the God and Demon Bird squatted firmly on Yang Yiyun's shoulders and naturally came in.

And this is the first time that the God and Demon Bird has entered Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pot space.

"I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. Although I can't use any magic power for the time being, there is no problem in saving my life. Having said that, I know that you have a cave space. It seems to be very good now. I like it here. In the future, I will If there is any danger, just let me stay here, squatting on your shoulders, I will be on tenterhooks, for fear of dying."

The God and Demon Bird immediately complained.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, feeling that he had regained some strength, and got up from the ground and sat up.

Next, he was going to restore the consumed strength in his body. Until now, he felt that he was extremely weak and could faint at any time.

"Let's play, I want to recover my mana, but let me tell you, you'd better not touch the things here without my permission, otherwise I won't be able to spare you, you stupid bird." Yang Yiyun warned the God and Demon Bird.

"Hehehe~ You are too late. To be precise, you have been in a coma for three years. Oh, of course it is three years in the time of the cultivation world. The time in the fairy world is only three days. During this period, I walked around and ate some Lingtao Lingguo also discovered that there are three water droplets full of powerful life breath suspended on a stone in the lake. I originally wanted to try it, but I always felt that there was something wrong with the water droplets, so I refrained from taking it.

There is also the Thunder Mountain in the other transformation. It is simply a big pit. There is actually a thunder tree full of five elements attributes. I was almost scared to death. What is the situation in this dimension? It looks really extraordinary. ~”

The God and Demon Bird was full of admiration for Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pot space, and even had a hint of awe.

Yang Yiyun listened to the magic bird talking and wanted to strip off the feathers of the problem bird, but unfortunately he didn't have the energy.

But I felt relieved. It sounded like the Divine Demon Bird didn't dare to touch the water of life except for eating the spiritual peach.

Yang Yiyun was a little disappointed at this point, and was also shocked by the vigilance of this problem bird!

The biggest effect of the water of life is to make the bloodline of monsters and beasts in the world evolve and control them at the same time.

It can be said that the temptation of the water of life is very great for the monsters in the world. Few monsters can resist the temptation of the water of life. But the God Demon Bird not only resisted the temptation, but also felt the water of life if it took it. , there will be danger.

So Yang Yiyun looked at this problem bird with admiration.

Of course, if the magical bird takes the water of life, Yang Yiyun also wants to know whether the water of life can control the bird.

It's a pity that the bird in question didn't take it, but it's also a bit of a pity.

However, there is no need to control Yang Yiyun, the magical bird, because the old man should have something in his hands about this problem bird, so it has to follow him.

Yang Yiyun does not need to control the magical bird at all.

"Go away~"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to the God and Demon Bird and spit out the word "Go".

"You don't know what's good and what's wrong, humph. Don't ask me for help in the future." The god-demon bird flew away.

After his ears were purified, Yang Yiyun began to practice the exercises.

In fact, the injuries he suffered are not that important. The main reason is that the strength in his body and the power of the Immortal Soul that were consumed when activating the power of the Four Symbols, coupled with the burning mana, caused his body to escape from weakness. This can only be achieved through slow cultivation. Slow down.

Fortunately, he and Du Jiebin killed so many immortals together and obtained more than a thousand low-grade immortal stones, which should be enough for him to recover.

Although it burned the body's strength, fortunately it was still within the tolerance range, and it has not reached the level of bitter backlash such as essential oils.

Apart from being physically weak, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

This was also the reason why he quickly stopped burning mana and entered the space of the Qiankun Pot when he felt that he could no longer bear it.

The situation inside the body has not reached the point of being out of control.

But Yang Yiyun now imagines that this has a lot to do with the power he has cultivated.

The power that appears in other people's bodies after they become immortals is immortal power, and because of his cultivation of skills, the Tao Yuan he has achieved in his body is unique. It is more appropriate to call it Qian Kun Dao Yuan.

The corresponding power within Qiankun Daoyuan is higher than the immortal power. According to Qiankun Spirit, he is cultivating the divine way, so the power that appears is divine power. Of course, it cannot be the real divine power. It can only be said that it is more powerful than the immortal power. High level power.

It is precisely for this reason that although he burned the power in his body, it was not as serious as imagined.

It's still bearable.

The benefits and differences of the way of cultivating the gods are indeed reflected at this time.

Next, Yang Yiyun put away his distracting thoughts and waved the immortal stone to his side. He held an immortal stone in each hand and began to practice and recover.

There are no months to practice, and time passes little by little.

More than 1,500 fairy stones around Yang Yiyun are also disappearing little by little.

He was completely immersed in cultivation and recovery~

Until all the fairy stones were used up, Yang Yiyun's practice still did not stop, and he still fell into the state of practice.

Of course, the exhaustion and weakness in his body had long since recovered.

The reason why he still didn't stop is that he cultivated from the first-grade Heavenly Immortal to the first-grade True Immortal in one breath, relying on the power of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan instead of practicing step by step on his own.

Although the cultivation of elixirs is good, there are still flaws. Even elixirs are no exception. The foundation is definitely not stable enough to be cultivated step by step.

So Yang Yiyun still didn't stop. He continued to practice just to stabilize the foundation of his true immortal state.

Time often passes quickly during cultivation.

During Yang Yiyun's cultivation, the God Demon Bird finally felt bored in the Qiankun Pot space and flew over several times. Every time, he saw that Yang Yiyun was still in the cultivation state, so it could only fly out again.

Finally, at a certain moment, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and ended his practice.

He recovered from all his energy consumption, and his state of first-grade true immortal became stable and solid.

After some practice, I gained a new understanding of the realm of true immortals.

With a smile on his lips, Yang Yiyun stood up.

At this time, the God-Demon Bird flew over from a distance and screamed: "You little bastard, your practice is finally over. Take me out quickly. It's so boring here. No one will talk to me until I go out." I’m going to choke myself to death~”

Yang Yiyun laughed and said: "Aren't you a bastard bird known as the number one god and devil bird in the three realms? Why are you afraid of being boring? Haha~"

"Nonsense, you little bastard has been cultivating for a whole hundred years. In the Ten Heavenly Wheels of the Immortal Realm, in your dimension, not even a single grandma can speak, and even gods can't bear it. Let me tell you, kid, the most terrifying thing in the world is loneliness. Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, do you understand? You weakling, weakling, weakling~"

The demon bird cursed as if it was possessed by a demon.

However, Yang Yiyun still agreed with the words of this problematic bird. Indeed, the most terrifying thing in the world is loneliness and loneliness. He had experienced this in the Black Lotus Space back then, and had also experienced it after losing certain people.

Instead of arguing with the devil bird, Yang Yiyun allowed the problem bird to vent, otherwise he would really be afraid that this guy's madness would get worse.

But he also had a slight impression. After becoming an immortal, his concept of time had weakened during his cultivation. He felt that he had only practiced for a short while, but a hundred years had passed.

In the past, I had practiced in seclusion for hundreds of years in the cultivator world, but I still felt that a long time had passed, but now I don’t feel that much.

While the god and demon bird chattered endlessly, Yang Yiyun cheered up and slowly released the Immortal Consciousness to the Qiankun Pot.

He remembered that before he fell into coma, a powerful aura enveloped him. In the lake, he entered the Qiankun Pot and no longer cared about the outside world.

Now that more than a hundred years have passed, if nothing unexpected happens, his Qiankun Pot should have sunk to the bottom of the lake at this moment.

There were powerful creatures in the lake, but he didn't even see what they were, so Yang Yiyun was very careful when releasing the power of immortal consciousness.

But of course, after the immortal consciousness was released, his eyes suddenly widened! ! !

There is no imaginary situation or environment in which the Qiankun Pot falls into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

Instead, what he detected with his immortal consciousness was a sparkling space that looked like a hundred square meters, more like a tall natural cave chamber.

About forty or fifty meters high!

It felt empty to him.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is... After Yang saw what was in the secret room of the cave, his eyes suddenly glowed green and his saliva flowed down unconsciously.

He saw mountains of fairy stones, ranging from low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and even top-grade fairy stones, but they were all piled up together, looking very messy.

In addition, there are many strange stone materials, bottles and jars, etc., all placed together. The Qiankun Pot is also lying in a corner as casually as these treasures!

Yang Yiyun found no living beings in this sand cave secret room.

At this time, Yang couldn't bear it any longer, and with a thought in his heart, the God and Demon Bird appeared directly in this natural secret room treasure house.

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