My Master Is a God

Chapter 1885 A giant snow-white claw fell from the sky

"Eh~ Little bastard, this is... what kind of boss's treasure house? How did you get in here? Damn it, you are going to get rich~"

As soon as the magic bird came out, it screamed.

Looking at the piles of various treasures, not to mention the screams of the gods and demons, even Yang Yiyun's heart was tumbling violently.

What a good mother~

This... this is really the treasure trove of a big boss and immortal.

Faced with the screams of the magical bird, Yang Yiyun also wanted to know what was going on?

It was completely different from what he expected. Originally, after he entered the Qiankun Pot, it stands to reason that the Qiankun Pot would sink to the bottom of the lake after it was revealed. Who would have known that it would actually appear in such a treasure house? It was magical.

Now that I think about it, something seems wrong~

Yang Yiyun remembered the powerful aura before he entered the Qiankun Pot, the aura of the demon clan!

This shows that there is definitely a special being in the lake, and the fact that the Qiankun Pot can enter a treasure house secret room is most likely related to the aura in the lake.

Faced with this situation, Yang Yiyun calmed down from his excitement.

I looked around, but I couldn't find any portal. It was like a completely sealed place.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!

Yang Yiyun told the story of the previous time in the lake to the devil bird. He originally wanted to ask the bird in question what it thought, if there was any way to get out of here first, or if he could give some pros and cons. the opinion of.

Who knew that even though the views of the God and Demon Bird were expressed, Yang Yiyun became more and more uncomfortable listening to them.

Because everything this guy said was just to scare him.

It was simply putting pressure on him.

It's not an idea at all.

Just listen to the God Demon Bird say: "Wow~ Bastard, if you tell me like this, there is definitely a fairy beast boss in this lake, and the lowest level of cultivation may be at the Daluo Immortal level.

Seeing that there is a closed environment all around here, the space is not small, and it must be some kind of huge fairy beast. Judging from the treasures piled up here, most of them are human things. This also means that the existence in this lake is probably a murderer. Creatures that don't blink will definitely not like to see immortals. Judging from the number of these treasures, how many people need to be killed to accumulate so many treasures~

The key issue now is to find a way out. I feel that there is a strong aura around here. I am afraid it cannot be opened from the inside. It can only be opened from the outside.

Hurry up and find a way to see if you can get out. Don't be trapped here and can't get out. I'm still upset in your universe. Don't say that I'm still trapped here, ah... If that's the case, I You will go crazy..."

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and was speechless at the question. He originally wanted him to give advice, but now all the words he said were negative, and none of them were useful.

Yang Yiyun said deliberately: "If you can't get out, you can't get out. It doesn't matter. Anyway, there are so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which are enough to support my cultivation for hundreds of years. I just happen to practice quietly here. If there is really some kind of powerful immortal beast here, The treasure house, one day the door will open, and when the time comes, you will have to fight your way out~"

Listening to Yang Yiyun's nonchalant words, Shenmoniao said angrily: "You... you little bastard, no, I can't stay here, I want to go out, I still have something in the hands of your old bastard, Master Yun Tianxie, There's not that much time to waste here.

You kid, hurry up and try to find a way out, but don’t forget that your old bastard master has enemies in the fairy world, and he is a big enemy. He might die one day. If you don’t go out to find your bastard master earlier, in the end You might not like it at first glance..."

"Boom...ah, you weakling beat me up~"

The beak of the devil bird was too broken. Yang Yiyun waved his hand and knocked the bird away. Of course, he had to strike carefully. If he struck too hard, Yang Yiyun was afraid that he would kill the problem bird.

"Listen up, little bastard. Only I can scold you old man. No one else, including you, can talk nonsense. I can't spare you. I'll make you think of a way. You'll give me a lot of complaints." , what use do you need?"

Yang Yiyun was not polite to this bastard bird, and he beat and scolded him all at the same time.

"Ah... You weakling dares to hit me, I will fight with you..." The God-Demon Bird jumped like thunder and flew towards Yang Yiyun with its claws and teeth.

But the result is nothing...


The demon bird once flew out and hit the stone wall, its feathers flying all over the sky.

"Wow, yeah... you weakling... If I get something from that old bastard Yun Tianxie, I will kill you first and glare at you weakling with one look..."

The magic bird once flew over with a loud cry.


Once, he screamed and flew backwards, hitting a stone wall.

At this moment, the God-Demon Bird was already covered with feathers and there were not many feathers left.

This time Fei Guo was not fighting Yang Yiyun.

Instead, he burst into tears: "Wow, wow... I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. I am so humiliated by you, a weakling. I will die..."

When Yang Yiyun saw that this guy still had a shrewish side, he immediately laughed angrily, walked over and snorted: "Shut up if you want to go out."

A very stern snort worked very well.

The demonic bird silenced its voice the next moment.

This guy is a naughty guy.

However, Yang Yiyun could also see that the Zaimao Bird was indeed quite capable. Although he didn't use much force when he hit it several times, it was hit hard against the stone wall. The Zaimao Bird's weak body was smashed. But he recovered in the blink of an eye, with immortal blood.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun had seen the magic of its blood when he saw this guy for the first time.

This little injury won't do anything to the miscellaneous feathered bird.

Anyway, at present, the feathered bird has no magic power at all, only the blood on its body is very strange. Yang Yiyun thought that he would definitely study the blood of this feathered bird when he has time in the future.

I always heard the miscellaneous bird say that it had something in the old man's hand, and now I thought it must be something related to its magic power.

You should ask the old man clearly when you see him in the future!

But this bastard was right about one thing. He couldn't be trapped here for the old man's sake.

The old man was his master, and he worked hard for him. He finally recovered his immortal body, but before he could say much, the old man left directly for the fairy world.

Yang Yiyun knew that these were urgent matters such as the old man having a master's wife in the fairy world. According to what the nine-tailed sky fox master's wife he had seen in the little demon world had said, the old man's confidante in the fairy world might be causing trouble in the fairy world, avenging the old man or something. .

The dead old man Zeng Jin also vaguely mentioned to him that the reason why he ended up with a broken soul was the result of being framed. Who could be the person who framed the old man?

Yang Yiyun imagined that he must be an enemy of the old man's level!

The dead old man is the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal Supreme, which is equivalent to the Immortal Lord in the Immortal World. He is the top existence in the Immortal World. Facing existences of this level, even if Nine-Tails Master Lady and others are powerful, the old man is not at ease!

So after he succeeded in achieving the Immortal Body on Sanxian Island, the old man left in a hurry.

Although he knew that the old man was powerful, as a disciple, how could Yang Yiyun not be worried.

Now that he has ascended to the fairy world, even if he cannot help the old man, at least he must know the news about the old man so that he can feel at ease.

As for Master Yun Tianxie, even though Mr. Yang's mouth is full of words, he actually cares a lot in his heart.

There is no need for God and Demon Bird to remind Yang Yiyun that he has no intention of spending time here anymore.

After taking care of the magical birds, it was finally peaceful.

At this time, Yang Yiyun continued to look around to see if there was any way out.

Since this is a treasure house, there must be a portal, but he didn't find it.

It's a pity that I couldn't find it for a while.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun took out the dragon-slaying sword to save his strength, and then slashed down on the stone wall of the cave.


His purpose was simple. Since he couldn't find a portal, he would open a portal on the stone wall. Even if he had to dig, he would have to dig out a way out.

There was a rumble under the sword, and the whole secret room was shaken.


The next moment Yang Yiyun frowned.

Because there was a halo of energy flashing on the stone wall, it was obviously a defense of some kind of force. His sword did not move the stone wall at all, leaving no trace.

"I'm going~"

Yang Yiyun was so angry that he cursed.

At this time, the demon bird was laughing, as if saying you are stupid!

As a result, Yang Yiyun glared at him and immediately shut up.

"Young master, I don't believe that this place is impregnable." Yang Yiyun fired his giant sword and attacked again.

"Boom boom boom..."

Crazy attacks sounded in the secret room.

For half an hour, Yang Yiyun was panting from exhaustion. As a result, he tragically discovered that he still could not leave a trace on the stone wall.

During this period, he even borrowed the power of Black Lotus, but the result was still the same.


Yang sat down on the ground.

To him, this place is simply a ten-star safe that cannot be shaken.

Just when he was sitting on the ground frustrated, he suddenly saw bursts of light flashing above his head.

Hearing a strange cry from the demon bird, he suddenly squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder, hid in his collar, and screamed: "There's a big guy here, you kid, you can't deal with it, hurry up and get into your space." ...Ah~"

The croaking of the demonic bird came to an end.

I thought that at this time, an overwhelming coercion came down, including Yang Yiyun himself, unable to move under this pressure, and time seemed to have stopped.

With the only movable eyeball, Yang Yiyun saw a huge snow-white claw falling from the sky. To be precise, it fell from the swirling white light at the top of the secret room. It looked like a dragon's claw, but it was a little different. In an instant, it was like a claw. Will be pinched in the heart.

He couldn't move anything in his body. There was only one sentence in Yang Yiyun's mind. He was going to die. He might be crushed in this giant claw...

While he was thinking wildly, he felt his body being grabbed, but not being squeezed to death.

There was a sudden spin, and Yang Yiyun felt his whole body shake, and his body lost balance.


It seemed that he had been thrown from a high altitude and landed on the ground. It hurt from the fall and made him dizzy.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had left the secret room of the treasure house and appeared in another environment.

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