My Master Is a God

Chapter 1886 Another Name Penglong


He was thrown dizzy, but he recovered quickly. The next moment, Yang Yiyun saw that there was another large cave here, which was five or six times larger than the previous secret room of the treasure house.

But what he saw in the blink of an eye was that the scene made him gasp.

What appeared in his sight when he raised his head was a pair of huge lanterns.

Of course, Yang Yiyun would not really think that they were a pair of big lanterns.

When he was in the secret room just now, a halo vortex appeared on the top of the secret room, and a huge claw appeared directly, grabbing him instantly, and he had no defense.

This can only mean that the powerful existence he encountered in the lake before appeared.

Now he can guess that after he entered the Qiankun Pot, the Qiankun Pot did not sink to the bottom of the water, but was captured by that powerful existence, or the existence that captured him just now.

Obviously the treasure is the treasure of the entire powerful existence. After the Qiankun Pot was obtained, it was thrown directly into the treasure house by the opponent.

However, his attack on the stone wall in the secret room alerted a powerful being, and he was caught here at once.

Now seeing this section of the blood-red lantern, Yang Yiyun's first reaction was his eyes.

He had already experienced this kind of situation in the world of cultivation, and some strong demon cultivators looked like big lanterns.

This is Yang Yiyun's first sight.

Sure enough, when he took a closer look, he gasped, and there were ten behemoths in front of him.

A whole body is snow-white, with a single horn on its head, and a body as thick as a water tank is circling around in a large group. It is nearly a hundred meters long by visual inspection. There is a pair of snow-white wings growing on its back, and a pair of dragon claws on its abdomen. It looks like a snake, but Yang Yiyun Definitely but definitely not a snake creature.

What kind of existence is this?

Is it a fairy beast or a vicious beast?

It’s the demon clan anyway…

Looking at the claws, Yang Yiyun was sure that the giant claw that appeared just now was the one that caught him just now.

At this time, I only heard the devil bird say: "Hey, this is a one-horned two-winged dragon. Isn't this thing extinct a long time ago? How come there is such a one here? It looks like you are in big trouble, bastard." Yeah, he really is a Daluo-level existence~"

"One-horned two-winged dragon? Is it also a dragon?" Yang Yiyun had never heard the entire name.

"To be precise, it is a mutated dragon among the ancient dragon clan. It has the blood of a divine dragon, but it is more talented in some aspects. It also has another name that most people in the world don't know - Kunlong.

Don't think too much about the dragon clan. In ancient times, there were many mythical beasts that were no worse than the dragon clan, or even more powerful.

As for the one-horned two-winged dragon in front of you, its mutation is very strong. The adult one-horned two-winged dragon is no worse than the most powerful dragon among the dragons, and is stronger than many dragons. In ancient times, the dragons There are many races in this era.

Mutated dragons like this have unique talents and magical powers, which should not be underestimated. Judging from the breath, it should be an immature one-horned two-winged dragon. This is not a ferocious beast, but a wise fairy beast.

According to legend, in ancient times, the one-horned two-winged dragon followed the demon ancestor Kunpeng. Unfortunately, it disappeared along with Kunpeng. I didn’t expect to encounter one here. It’s so rare~” The god-demon bird was like He is a history expert and seems to know everything.

Listening to the story of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun felt fresh. The name Kunlong sounded very impressive.

But Yang Yiyun doesn't care what the behemoth in front of him is called now, he is more concerned about what to do next?

According to the mixed-haired bird of the God and Demon Bird, the one-horned two-winged dragon in front of him could be judged from the aura as a Daluo-level existence. Facing an existence of this level, he had no certainty at all.

The question now is whether we can escape this disaster. This is the key.

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me if there is any way to deal with this Kunlong?" Yang Yiyun growled at the God and Demon Bird.

"If it's underage, it can only be regarded as a one-horned dipteran now. Kunlong is its name when it becomes an adult." At this juncture, the Demonic Bird still did not forget to correct Yang Yiyun's problems.

"Damn it, how old is it? Why are you correcting it? I asked you if you have any way to deal with it. I don't have any solution. Do you want to make some snacks?" Yang Yiyun roared at the devil bird.

"Are you stupid, you weakling? If I had the strength, Mr. Bird, I would have beaten you long ago. How can I still let you abuse me? There is nothing you can do, but I have a trick?

Are you scared? If the One-horned Diptera wanted to kill you, it would have crushed you to pieces with one of its claws just now. How could it be done now? Besides, haven't you seen it yet and have no intention of taking action? "The magic bird also roared at Yang Yiyun.

After finishing the words, the questionable bird added: "I'm afraid, we'll see what happens later. If the one-horned Diptera really wants to kill you, it can just enter your space. Having said that, see if you can first Take me into your space? Anyway, I don’t have any magic power and can’t help you, right?”

Yang Yiyun was completely speechless about this feathered bird.

He didn't say anything for a long time. Dading was careful not to talk to the feathered bird. If he continued to talk, he was afraid of having a heart attack.

Even if you want to hide yourself from the clean windows.

However, Zamao Bird was right about one thing. Until now, the one-horned Diptera has not made a move against him, so it was safe for the time being.

And there is also a little miscellaneous feather bird that is right, you can enter the Qiankun Pot space.

He was caught by the One-horned Diptera before because he didn't react at all, but now it was different. He was prepared. Even if the One-horned Diptero wanted to take action, he could hide directly in the Qiankun Pot space after a thought.

But Yang Yiyun also knew that avoiding was not an option. He couldn't stay in the Qiankun Pot space for an extra lifetime!

So Yang Yiyun's mind started to work quickly. Since this one-horned two-winged dragon or roc dragon has not made a move against him until now, it means that there is no danger for the time being.

Next, we should try to communicate with this one-horned diptera.

According to what Zamao Bird said, this one-horned two-winged dragon is an immortal beast. Since it is an immortal beast, it is a wise demon clan. Let’s see if we can think of a solution.

You can't always be trapped.

Taking a deep breath of the weather, Yang Yiyun cautiously took a step forward, clasped his fists at the pair of big lantern eyes and said: "Senior and junior Yang Yiyun, you mistakenly entered the territory of your senior. Please forgive me. Please make it convenient for your junior and let me leave." good?"

A word of temptation was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any response.

The one-horned Diptera, which was fifty or sixty meters away, didn't even blink.

Yang Yiyun was a little unsure about the direction of this one-horned two-winged dragon. Why hasn't it responded yet?

I don’t kill him, I don’t eat him, and now there is no response to the dialogue. What does this mean?

In such an atmosphere, Yang Yiyun felt depressed.

Then Yang Yiyun said the same thing again.

But the result is still no response.

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask the mysterious bird: "What does this one-horned two-winged dragon mean like a crow? Fairy beasts should be able to talk, right? It's okay if you don't talk and roar!"

"Little bastard, not all immortal beasts can speak human language. Theoretically speaking, all immortal beasts with timely conduct can speak human language, but there are exceptions. If they have very few contacts with people, or have not deliberately learned from the human race The fairy beast of language cannot speak." The magic bird gave Yang Yiyun an answer.

"Then do you think the one-horned two-winged dragon in front of me is a fool with insufficient IQ?" Yang asked with great imagination.

The God Demon Bird chuckled and said: "Maybe you are right, you little bastard. Among the demon clan, some of the beasts with extremely high bloodlines or high-level intelligence are open. If they do not come into contact with the outside world, The mental level will indeed be very low. Even if you are a demon clan who is successful in cultivating Taoism, if you have no contact with the outside world and just focus on cultivating, your mental level will not be high. Remember, it is the mind, not IQ. Some demon clan's IQ Much higher than your human race.”

Yang Yiyun thought thoughtfully and asked, "Then do you think the one-horned two-winged dragon in front of you has a low IQ?"

"You kid has a low IQ. Such a strange beast in the world is definitely not low in IQ. It may just be that your mind is a little lower." The God Demon Bird cursed.

But it made Yang's eyes suddenly light up.

A flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and he suddenly remembered, here comes the water of life.

The previous method of fooling monsters once again appeared in my mind.

After the water of life is upgraded, according to the spirit of Qiankun, the effect will only be stronger, and it will be effective in controlling the demons in the fairy world in the future.

So...can you try it on the one-horned Diptera in front of you?

However, Yang Yiyun then abandoned this idea.

The behemoth in front of him felt so powerful that even if he tried his best with the power of Black Lotus, he still had no confidence in dealing with it.

Use the Water of Life on this one-horned two-winged dragon. If anything goes wrong, he will be killed immediately. It is best not to use it as a last resort or without conditions during the entire adventure.

But it's not an option to waste time like this all the time. You have to find a way to get out.

As for the way out~

Yang Yiyun saw a cave behind the One-horned Diptera from a long distance away. He thought that it was most likely the way out.

Since dialogue is useless, let’s take a chance and try walking towards the cave behind the One-Horned Diptera...

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun slowly moved back and moved towards the cave wall, and then slowly moved towards the cave behind the one-horned two-winged dragon.

As he got closer, he felt a strong wind blowing over his head.

The next moment there was a bang, and his body flew out.

However, he could clearly see that he was struck by the tail of the one-horned Diptera and sent flying away.


After falling to the ground, it felt like several bones in his body were broken and returned to their original places.

Immediately after the salsa sounded, he found the huge head of the one-horned Diptera slowly approaching him.

At this time, all the hair on Yang Yiyun's body stood on his head.

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