My Master Is a God

Chapter 1890 The consequences of being mean were almost frightened to death

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun's trick can only be used on Xuexiang, who has never been in the world. If it were anyone else, he might be slapped to death.

It's a pity that Xuexiang is an immature girl with no scheming ideas, and she has no feeling at all when being tricked by Yang.

But Yang knew very well that the important point was that Xuexiang was naturally close to him, otherwise it would be hard to say.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun suddenly wanted to figure out why Xuexiang had a natural affinity for him.

After thinking about it, maybe only the spirit of Qiankun can answer this question for him. As for the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun has no hope.

Then Yang Yiyun asked in his mind: "Qiankun, do you know the reason why this girl is close to me? He said that I have an aura that she likes~"

"It's very simple, because you practice Shinto Kungfu. The Qiankun Creation Kung Fu is the top cultivation technique in the world. The aura of power produced is closest to the way of heaven. It's not surprising that this little Penglong is close to you. , because in ancient times their ancestors also practiced Shinto.

So she is the reason why you feel the familiar aura on you and why you have been lonely for a long time. From her perspective, she will treat you as the same kind of existence. You must know that there is no existence of cultivators in the fairy world. You kid is unique. The presence. "The spirit of Qiankun gave an explanation.

Yang Yiyun seemed quite reasonable, and felt a little relieved.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was communicating with the spirit of Qiankun in his mind, while watching Xuexiang meditate, and he did not rush her.

After all, in the heart of a simple fairy like Xuexiang, she knew that she had to protect Kunpeng eggs and wait for Kunpeng to be born, which was a very important mission for her since she could remember.

Now that Yang Yiyun asked her to take him to see Kunpeng Egg, even Xuexiang was naive and had to think about it.

The shameless Yang did not disturb Xuexiang's thinking at all. He knew that waiting quietly at this time was the best choice, and urging her would be counterproductive.

Anyway, this girl is destined to be eaten.

This is the consequence of never being involved in the world. When you meet people like Yang, you will be sold out and help count the money.

Of course, having said that, this is because Xuexiang is naturally friendly to Yang's aura, otherwise he would be eaten by Xuexiang from the beginning.

However, Yang took advantage of Xuexiang's trust, which was indeed a bit shameless.

But in his opinion, it didn't matter, as long as he had no ill intentions towards her.

As for Kunpeng eggs~

Yang is determined to get it. Anyway, if he doesn't get it, people will discover this place sooner or later, and then Xuexiang and Kunpeng Dan will not be able to keep it.

It is true that the current Xuexiang is extremely powerful to Yang Yiyun, but that's all. In the final analysis, she is still only at the Daluo level, and looking at the Daluo level of strength in the entire immortal world, it is really nothing.

Thinking of this, Yang also found a reason for himself to feel at ease.

In fact, he knew that there was no need to think so much, but in the end, Yang was not bad at heart. He said he didn't care, but what about the reality? He still felt guilty for taking advantage of Yukika's simple trust in him.

After coming over for a while, I saw Xuexiang struggling for a while. She looked up at Yang Yiyun again and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see Xiaopeng."

"Well, okay, it should be~" Yang was overjoyed, but his face didn't change at all.

"Come with me~" As Xuexiang spoke, she turned and walked towards the cave that Yang Yiyun had seen before and thought it was the exit.

Yang Yiyun followed Xuexiang into the cave with doubts, but he couldn't help but asked: "Is Xuexiang the way out?"

"No, this is where Xiaopeng is. This is the hinterland of the mountains at the bottom of the lake. There is no way out of the cave at all. To get out, you need a secret method to open the passage." At this moment, when Xuexiang spoke, Yang Yiyun had such a feeling. A momentary illusion.

Because he seemed to see a mischievous smile flashing across the corner of Xuexiang's mouth when she was talking about the passage out. However, when Yang Yiyun looked at her, she still had the same serious or even innocent expression, and there was no trace of it at all. The cunning moment before.

"Illusion~" Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

After following Xuexiang into the cave, they reached the end within a few steps.

In other words, we arrived in front of a portal.

This cave is more than ten meters high and wide, very spacious.

After walking about fifty or sixty meters, he stopped. What appeared in front of him was a dazzling milky barrier. Yang Yiyun could feel the powerful aura from far away.

He didn't even need to ask, he could tell that if anyone wanted to get close to this place, they would definitely get no good results, and the backlash of the barrier would be unimaginable.

Sure enough, Xuexiang said: "This is an ancient space formation barrier. The attack is very powerful. Don't break in here in the future. If you don't keep it together, you will be exiled into the space crack and you will never come back~"

Yang Yiyun felt like this girl was deliberately trying to scare him.

However, he could only write it down, but he said in his heart: "In the future, there is no future, the future does not exist. Brother, I will not stay here for too long. I will take you and Kunpeng Dan away."

Of course, at the same time, Yang Yiyun also gave up the idea of ​​stealing Kunpeng eggs.

After Xuexiang finished speaking, her eyebrows suddenly brightened, and a rune flew out from the dazzling silver light and fell directly into the barrier.

The next moment, the barrier glowed brightly and started to rotate.

"It's open, let's go in~"

Xuexiang spoke and motioned for Yang Yiyun to follow her, and the two of them raised their feet back and forth to enter the barrier.

Yang Yiyun closed his eyes in the dazzling light, and in an instant, the halo dissipated.

He opened his eyes again, only to find that he was in another cave space.

And in the center of this cave hall of more than 100 square meters, a huge star was suspended in his sight.

The dome~

Yang Yiyun opened his mouth and sighed in his heart.

It is visually estimated to be nine meters long and about three meters high.

The entire huge surface was shimmering with colorful lights, and the most dazzling thing was the inscription floating on the huge surface. The golden inscription was something Yang Yiyun had never seen before. It was ancient, heavy, vicissitudes of life and mysterious...

"Is this the Kunpeng egg?"

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yiyun muttered to himself and moved forward.

"Well, this is an ancient Kunpeng egg. Xiaopeng is still inside, and I don't know when it will be born~" Xuexiang said while looking at the Kunpeng egg.

"Kunpeng hatching shouldn't be easy, right?" Yang Yiyun looked around Kunpeng and asked casually.

Xuexiang said: "It needs a chance. I only know how to protect him, but I don't know how to hatch him."

Yang Yiyun had already detoured to the other side of the Kunpeng egg at this time. Looking at the giant egg, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand. He was really curious. This is a Kunpeng egg. Even if it is placed in the fairy world, it is a fossil-level existence. Why don't you touch it?

"Don't touch~"

At this time Xuexiang's voice sounded loudly.

However, it was still too late. Yang, who was mean-handed, had already put one hand on Kunpeng's egg.


A rumble sounded from within the Kunpeng egg.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun saw the golden inscription on Kunpeng's egg come to life, and in an instant it seemed to turn into huge dragons of fog and sweep toward him~

"Xiaopeng, don't hurt him..."

In an instant, Yang Yiyun's face turned as pale as paper and he broke out in cold sweat. He felt a breath that seemed to be capable of destroying heaven and earth erupted from Kunpeng's egg and pressed on him, and it went straight into the immortal soul. In just a moment, Yang Yiyun felt that he The body will be shattered into pieces and the soul will be scattered.

Fortunately, after Xuexiang made a sound, the breath and the golden inscriptions flowing on it suddenly went out again. They appeared and disappeared just as quickly.



Yang gasped for air and sat down on the ground.

Just like that, he was sweating profusely and instantly collapsed to the ground.

I have never clearly felt the shadow of death.

But he is a mean person and brought it upon himself!

I knew in my heart that the Kunpeng egg was not a mortal thing, but I still couldn't help but touch it.

The result was almost tragic!

I was almost frightened to death by the consequences of being mean.

"Are you okay? The inscription on the Kunpeng egg is the inheritance of Kunpeng's protective power. It is used to protect Xiaopeng inside. Xiaopeng doesn't know you. If you touch him rashly, he will attack you." Xuexiang supported you while helping him. Yang stood up and spoke.

At this moment, Yang's soul was almost frightened away. He couldn't imagine it!

A Kunpeng egg has such power, what kind of existence is the real demon ancestor Kunpeng?

"Huhu... I'm fine... Cough... I'm not right, I didn't expect this... to be so powerful~"

Yang spoke awkwardly and subconsciously stepped back, keeping a distance from Kunpeng Dan.

"Actually, you don't have to be afraid. If you get Xiaopeng's approval, he won't attack you in the future. Xiaopeng hasn't hatched yet. He is sleeping inside the eggshell. Attacking is more of an instinct. Kunpeng The protective power of the power of inheritance, just wait, I will communicate with Xiaopeng and let him recognize you, Xiaopeng is actually very obedient and kind..."

Xuexiang was thinking about Kunpeng Dan as she spoke and walked over to communicate with Kunpeng Dan.

"Kind...? Haha~ Such a powerful aura of power, so fierce... can it be called kind~" Yang wailed in his heart, and he was shocked.

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