My Master Is a God

Chapter 1891 The day when Kunpeng was born was the day when the fragrance of snow dissipated

Yang muttered in his heart and watched Xuexiang walking towards Kunpeng Dan. As for him, he would not beat him to death at this time. The attack just now almost scared him to the point of peeing.

Let's wait until Xuexiang is dealt with.

But Xuexiang stretched out a jade hand and placed it on the Kunpeng egg...

But he was unscathed, and Kunpeng Dan didn't show any abnormal movement.

Well, Yang was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do about it. For Kunpengdan, Xuexiang was a relative and he was a stranger.

If Xuexiang hadn't called out before, he would have been killed by Kunpeng Dan.

Thinking about it, if he was really killed by an egg, he would probably be called a joke in the fairy world.

But Xuexiang closed her eyes, put one hand on Kunpeng's egg and started communicating.

Yang Yiyun was not surprised by such a scene. Although Kunpeng was not hatched and born, it was normal for such spirits of heaven and earth to have consciousness before they were born.

After a while, Xuexiang opened her eyes, looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Put your hand up and leave your mark on the Kunpeng egg. Xiaopeng will not attack you next time."

"Ah~ Come again~" Yang Yiyun suddenly felt a little scared after hearing Xue Xiang's words.

"Don't be afraid, I told Xiaopeng that I won't hurt you this time." Under Xuexiang's serious eyes, Yang Yiyun couldn't believe it at all.

He walked over cautiously and stretched out his hand with his eyes almost closed.

The next moment it touched the Kunpeng egg.

There's something warm about it, it's very hard and there's a vast airflow in it.

This is how Yang Yiyun feels about Kunpeng Egg.

I was so frightened when I touched it before that I felt nothing at all, but now I have an understanding of Kunpeng eggs.

Although I was frightened and frightened, I was really fine this time.

"Just leave a trace of your mark, and Xiaopeng won't attack you next time." Xuexiang's words rang in her ears.

Yang Yiyun nodded and left his mark on the Kunpeng egg, which was instantly absorbed into it.

Then he took his hand back.

Nothing happened at all.

"Xue Xiangye, how did you communicate with Kunpeng Dan?" Yang Yiyun asked casually.

"Communicate with your mind. The mark you have left now can also be communicated with Xiaopeng. You can try it." Xuexiang was very happy at this moment.

Yang Yiyun moved his heart to communicate...

After a while, he looked at Xuexiang awkwardly: "No response~"

"Xiao Peng is asleep. Maybe... he doesn't want to communicate with you for the time being, so he doesn't respond. Take your time in the future." Xuexiang spoke seriously, but Yang was helpless.

To put it bluntly, he was disliked by Kunpeng.

Okay, sir, I don’t care about an egg.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to provide Xiaopeng with mana nourishment~"

Next, Xuexiang told Yang Yiyun and signaled Yang Yiyun to get out of the way.

However, Yang Yiyun's ears were a little surprised and said: "Magic nourishment?"

"Well, every big week, Xiaopeng must be provided with mana nourishment to ensure vitality and help in birth." Xuexiang explained.

After saying this, Xuexiang's hand glowed with a lot of light, and powerful immortal power entered the Kunpeng egg, and Yang Yiyun also felt the scorching power.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "Will Xuexiang be cooked by such a hot power?"

"Of course not. Kunpeng is a powerful demon ancestor in Yunei. Even a Kunpeng egg is unique. Moreover, the Kunpeng egg itself is protected by the power of inheritance. The hot power only has benefits and no harm to Xiaopeng's birth. There is no need to I'm worried that it will be overcooked." Xuexiang's answer is always so serious.

This also reflects her innocent and innocent side.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely think that Yang was playing a trick.

Yang's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this.

At this time, the spirit of Qiankun also sent a message: "You can try to use your Green Lotus Fairy Fire to help the Kunpeng Dan transfer mana. Then you will have the opportunity to penetrate the Kunpeng Dan, and you will have the opportunity to conquer a Kunpeng Dan." "

"Then Xuexiang, I can help you in the future~"

Yang Yiyun tried to speak. He knew that what Qiankun Spirit said was reasonable and feasible. The most important thing was that Xuexiang would not let him touch the Kunpeng egg.

The words were asked, but...

There was no reply from Xuexiang for a while.

Yang Yiyun took a look and saw that Xuexiang had closed her eyes and placed her hands on the Kunpeng egg.

It looked like her face was very pale, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

This made Yang Yiyun understand that Xuexiang's transfer of mana to Kunpeng Dan was not as simple as he thought.

He remembered that Zamao Bird had said before that it seemed that in ancient times, the one-horned Diptera or the adult Kunlong followed Kunpeng. Thinking about it this way, what Xuexiang is doing now is her mission.

And I don’t know how long she has persisted in this task. It is quite a long time to think about it.

This is an increasingly costly and protracted battle.

I only know that an innocent girl like Xuexiang did it.

For some reason, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt pity and heartache for Xuexiang.

At this time, he thought that whether for himself or for her, he should do something.

Kunpeng Dan is obviously a bottomless pit, and Xuexiang is the one filling it.

Yang Yiyun also admired her.

Seeing that Xuexiang was concentrating on entering, Yang Yiyun didn't bother him anymore.

Instead, he started a conversation with the spirit of the universe in his mind. He wanted to ask the spirit of the universe about Kunpeng and Xuexiang. He thought that the spirit of the universe was more knowledgeable than the miscellaneous bird.

"Qiankun, what do you know about the relationship between Kunpeng and the One-Horned Diptera? Can you tell me about it?" Yang Yiyun asked the spirit of Qiankun directly.

"This is interesting to talk about. Hehe, it is said that at the beginning of the world, Kunpeng was born. He transcended the Nine Heavens of the Three Realms and was the lord of the Demon Ancestor. The variant lineage of the dragon clan is the one-horned two-winged dragon. Of course, the underage ones are called one-horned dragons. The double-winged dragon, called Kunlong when he became an adult, was enlightened by the Kunpeng Demon Ancestor and became a follower of the Demon Ancestor Kunpeng.

It is also a well-known existence in the three realms. At present, it seems that the little girl in front of you is really interesting with Kunpeng Dan. Let's put it this way, from the way she transfers energy to Kunpeng Dan, I infer that Kunpeng was born. Needing what she called a victim.

How could it be so easy for Kunpeng, who transcended the nine heavens of the three realms, to be born? Sacrifice is normal. This girl's fate may have been doomed long ago. She is the sacrifice for the birth of the new generation of demon ancestor Kunpeng.

Judging from her current situation of nourishing the Kunpeng egg, when the Kunpeng egg breaks out, it will be her sacrifice. As the Kunpeng egg becomes more and more powerful, more and more energy will need to be devoured...

Otherwise, this girl's cultivation strength is more than this. Kunlong is also a different species in the world. Even if it is an immature cub, its strength is definitely more than Da Luo.

You can ask her later if her cultivation has regressed? If so, then... Kunpeng Dan's absorption of her power is increasing day by day, otherwise this girl's realm strength will be declining.

Otherwise, according to her level, in this state, she has a strength comparable to that of the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm, rather than a small Daluo..." The spirit of Qiankun told Yang Yiyun his point of view.

But in Yang Yiyun's heart, when he looked at the snowy fragrance that was pouring energy into the Kunpeng egg in the distance, he felt uncomfortable.

This innocent girl probably doesn't know that the opportunity for Kunpeng's egg to break out is her life. One day when Kunpeng is born, it will be the day she disappears from the world.

It was really hard for Yang to accept that such an innocent and innocent girl disappeared.

"If you put it this way, isn't Kunpeng Egg very insidious?" Yang Yiyun frowned and said to the spirit of the universe in his mind.

"No, these powerful and mysterious creatures in the world will all have special features. Maybe the consciousness in Kunpeng's egg will not know that the price of his birth will be this girl. It seems that someone can arrange this. Well..." Qiankun Spirit said leisurely.

Yang Yiyun's heart trembled when he heard the last sentence, but he didn't ask any more, because there are some things that the spirit of Qiankun may not know, and it may not be a good thing for him if he asks.

The problem now is that he just wants to help Xuexiang, an innocent girl.

"If I refine the Kunpeng egg, will it become the Snow Fragrance without calling it a sacrifice?" Yang Yiyun asked the Spiritual Way of Qiankun.

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