My Master Is a God

Chapter 1892 The sacrifice begins

The spirit of Qiankun said: "Isn't this nonsense? If you refine the Kunpeng egg, you will naturally be able to ward off the disaster for the little girl, but accordingly, your kid will be in trouble in the dark, but it doesn't matter, you will become the Kunpeng. Lord, you should pay the price.

The problem now is that you must first let this girl agree to provide energy to the Kunpeng egg. Only then can you have the opportunity to sacrifice the Kunpeng egg and become the master of the Kunpeng in the future. "

"I don't think it's a problem to provide energy to Kunpeng eggs. The difficulty is to sacrifice a Kunpeng egg. What do you have in mind? Kunpeng eggs are not that easy to sacrifice, right?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The spirit of Qiankun said: "That's natural. Even an egg of Kunpeng, who is known as Yunei, is extraordinary. But you kid is so lucky that you can get the Qinglian Fairy Fire. This is the condition for success. Then you use the Green Lotus Immortal Fire to nourish the Kunpeng egg, adding one drop of blood essence at a time, and after seven great weeks, you're done."

Yang Yiyun was stunned: "Is it that simple? Isn't this just an ordinary sacrificial refining method?"

Yang Yiyun thought that if he wanted to sacrifice and refine Kunpeng eggs, he would definitely need some unique secret methods. Who knew that it was so simple as the spirit of Qiankun said!

"Don't overcomplicate the problem. There is a saying that the greatest truth is simplicity. The simpler something in the world, the more it returns to its original nature. Besides, it is not simple at all. Your kid has the Green Lotus Immortal Fire and the Qiankun Kung Fu. This in itself It is a condition that ordinary people do not have, and the Kunpeng egg is just an egg after all, not the real Kunpeng.

If it is the real Kunpeng, you kid, don’t even think about it. Just because it is Dan egg, it is a huge opportunity for you. How can I put it, the Kunpeng in Dan egg is just a consciousness and cannot exert its great strength, so A simple and direct blood sacrifice can easily conquer them. "The spirit of Qiankun gave an explanation.

Yang Yiyun felt relieved upon hearing this.

Not only can he help Xuexiang, but he can also get a powerful mount that will become a demon ancestor in the future.

As for the karma that Qiankun Spirit said he would bear in the future, it was nothing.

The next problem is to convince Xuexiang to let him participate in the mana nourishment of the Kunpeng eggs. Then he can complete the subjugation of the Kunpeng eggs without the gods noticing.

When he was talking to the spirit of Qiankun, Xuexiang on the other side stopped.

After finishing nourishing the Kunpeng egg with mana, it looked like her body was trembling a little.

Yang Yiyun hurriedly walked over and helped her: "How are you, Xuexiang?"

"I'm fine, I just need to nurse myself back to health." Xuexiang's face was extremely pale when she spoke.

But Yang Yiyun now understands her situation.

At this time, he knew that Xuexiang was consuming his own life force. Just as the spirit of Qiankun said, when Kunpeng broke out of the egg, it was when her fragrance was gone. In other words, when Xuexiang's whole body's life force was exhausted, it was The day Kunpeng was born.

Maybe this simple girl hasn't realized this yet.

However, Yang Yiyun could clearly feel that the vitality in Xuexiang's body was very weak at this time.

"You said it's okay. The vitality in your body is draining. I don't believe you don't know?" Inexplicably, Yang Yiyun felt sorry for this innocent and simple girl at this moment.

Xuexiang smiled slightly, looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "I feel warm in my heart. I like this feeling very much."

Regardless of whether Xuexiang was kind to her because she practiced the Qiankun Creation Art, or for some other reason, Yang Yiyun wanted to help her at this moment.

Originally, the water of life was not going to be used on this simple girl, but now he decided to give it a try.

Firstly, Xuexiang needs to replenish her vitality at this moment. Secondly, Yang Yiyun knows that she trusts him at this moment. If he takes out the water of life, he can not only help her, but also... control her.

Of course, Yang Yiyun didn't want to control her at this moment, but wanted to help her.

The control of water of life is relative.

As long as he doesn't regard Xuexiang as a slave in his heart, it doesn't count as control.

"Xuexiang, I want to help you, do you trust me?" Yang Yiyun asked after helping her sit down.

"Yes, Xin." The girl with twinkling big eyes replied seriously: "I can feel that you not only have the aura that I like, but I can also feel that you care about me at this moment. This feeling has been mine for a long time. I have never felt this before, I like this feeling, so I trust you."

Yang Yiyun listened to Xuexiang's words and couldn't help the movement in his heart anymore. A drop of water of life appeared in his palm. He looked at Xuexiang seriously and said: "Although you are of the demon clan, I know that you are giving Kunpeng day by day." The egg inputs mana, which is actually consuming your life force. Tell me, are you already higher in cultivation than you are now? Is it that as time goes by, the power required by the Kunpeng egg becomes stronger and stronger, causing your cultivation level to decline? Decreased?"

Xuexiang's pupils suddenly dilated, but she nodded, acquiescing.

Seeing this situation, Yang Yiyun understood that this girl was just naive and simple, not stupid. She might have guessed that her life force would be exhausted on the Kunpeng egg.

"Hey ~ this is the water of life... I... I don't want to lie to you. To tell you the truth, this thing is suitable for any demon clan in the world, and it can also improve the power of blood. It can be said that it is a demon. Family treasure, you now need the water of life, which can replenish your lost vitality.

But... the water of life also has disadvantages for you demon clan, or it is not a disadvantage. To be precise, this disadvantage is only for me. The water of life is the treasure in my hand, so once you take it, your Life and death are in my hands.

If you believe me, just drink the water of life. I swear I will never hurt you. I want to help you from the bottom of my heart at this moment. You can choose whether to take it or not. "Mr. Yang accidentally said what was in his heart, but he couldn't bear to deceive this simple girl.

Now that he had said it out loud, he felt much better inside.

Although there might be unforeseen consequences after he said it, and Xuexiang might even rise up and kill him, he still said it. This was what he thought in his heart. Cultivating Taoism adheres to one's own nature and heart. He felt that this That is the way.

"You are stupid! If you tell this girl this, do you still want Kunpeng eggs...?"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, the voice of the Spirit of Heaven and Earth became furious in his mind.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and responded to Qiankun Spirit: "I can't deceive such a simple girl..."

At this time, Xuexiang opened her mouth and swallowed the water of life and said: "I believe you, and you are right. Xiaopeng's need for power is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid that my own strength cannot support it." The day will come when Xiaopeng breaks the egg and is born, so now I need vitality to restore my own strength, I believe in you."

When Yang Yiyun listened to Xuexiang's words, he felt a little jealous of Kunpeng Dan. He could meet a girl like Xuexiang, and for the sake of Kunpeng's birth, even if he knew that she would die because of it, he would still do it, even if it was because he would risk his own life and death. Giving it to him also requires power. What I am still thinking about is how to provide power to the Kunpeng egg so that Kunpeng can be born.

"Hey~ what can I say? If you can, I hope to help. How about I also provide power to Kunpeng eggs in the future?" Yang was not melancholy at all at this moment. He said this not because Kunpeng was born, but It was to prevent this girl from providing strength to Kunpeng Dan and ultimately sacrificing herself.

In his mind, as long as he sacrifices the Kunpeng egg, he will provide the power of the Kunpeng egg in the future, and Xuexiang will naturally survive.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Xiaopeng needs not only strength, but also high flame power for incubation. I'm afraid the flames emitted by your current cultivation are not enough." Xuexiang said.

Yang Yiyun smiled slightly, and with a movement in his heart, a green flame appeared in the palm of his hand, shaped like a lotus, exuding extremely hot temperature, and said with a smile: "Look, this is my fairy fire, named Qinglian." , is the third-ranked fairy fire in the fairy world.

Although it may not be as strong as your cultivation flame for the time being, I think it is enough to hatch Kunpeng eggs, and as my cultivation level increases, the power of the Qinglian Fairy Fire will only become more and more powerful in the future, so I will Can I hatch Kunpeng eggs with you? "

Xuexiang's face showed a trace of hesitation at this time, and she said: "But providing power to Xiaopeng consumes life force. I don't want to implicate you...ah~"

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly let out a scream, her face showed a look of pain, and then her whole body glowed with light, and her true body was drawn with a bang~

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the power of the water of life working, so he said to Xuexiang: "This is the water of life that is improving your blood. Don't worry. Although there is some pain, it will be fine if you get over it. You should understand this period." I will take good care of Xiaopeng."

"Oh...please, Xiaopeng needs a power nourishment every day of the Great Zhou Dynasty...ah...ouch~"

At this time, Xuexiang almost endured the pain and confessed to Yang Yiyun. She knew that she didn't want to implicate Yang Yiyun anymore.

Immediately, Xuexiang transformed into a huge body and hovered down, with silver light emitting from her whole body, completely enveloped in it.

Yang smiled and said to himself: "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Kunpeng Dan."

He knew that Xuexiang had entered the stage of blood purification. He had seen this situation many times. When he conquered the purple emperor and other great demons, the situation was almost exactly the same. The difference was that after Xuexiang took the water of life, the onset was slow. It only took some time, and when he was subduing the big demons of the Purple Emperor, as long as he drank the water of life, he would immediately enter the bloodline evolution stage.

This may be the difference between the creatures in the fairy world and the cultivator world!

Not enough. Yang was feeling happy at the moment.

After Xuexiang took the water of life, he didn't know how long it would take for the blood to be purified, but he thought it would definitely be longer.

For him, as long as he has seven weeks, he can complete the sacrifice of Kunpeng eggs, and then he will be done.

When Xuexiang's bloodline was purified and she woke up, he also completed the sacrifice of Kunpeng eggs, and both of them would obey his orders.

Even if he had said that he would not use the control power of the Water of Life to restrain Xuexiang, he could completely give orders to Kunpengdan and let Kunpengdan say that he wanted to leave here, and he would still be able to achieve his goal.

Finally, I left according to my own expectations. Everything was ready and all I needed was the east wind.

Xuexiang completely entered the blood purification process, and Yang soon waited for the time when he needed to inject power into the Kunpeng egg for the first time.

Now, with the help of Xuexiang, he has left his own mark on the Kunpeng egg, and he will not suffer backlash from the Kunpeng egg if he touches it again.

Yang came to the Kunpeng egg with excitement and expectation, and carefully placed his hands on the Kunpeng egg.

As expected, there was no backlash this time, which made him feel completely relieved.

With a movement in his heart, the green lotus fairy fire appeared in the palm of his hand, and activated the power of Qiankun Daoyuan in his body. At the same time, with a movement in his heart, a drop of blood essence appeared and fell on the Kunpeng egg.


Kunpeng Dan made a roar, seeming to be cheering and excited.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He knew that Kunpeng Dan had accepted his power. Not only that, he was quite happy.

As for a drop of essence and blood, it entered it silently. According to the spirit of Qiankun, the method of blood sacrifice is completed in seven times. This is a silent process of containing objects. The current Kunpeng egg is only a conscious body. It is not expected that it is a kind of blood sacrifice. contract.

All the power will be absorbed, just let Yang Yiyun do it boldly.

After the magic power was activated, the Kunpeng egg buzzed, and the inscriptions on its surface began to flow. Yang Yiyun also activated the blood sacrifice method, and everything went smoothly.

But at this time, a wave of consciousness also came to his mind: "I like your power~"

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