My Master Is a God

Chapter 1899 Treated at the same level

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The previous situation on the field was waiting for opportunities and changes.

Yang Yiyun is waiting for Yan Chixia, and Du Renjie is waiting for Yang Yiyun.

Opportunities are now available.

Speaking of which, Yang Yiyun actually chose his own heart. When Yan Chixia rebelled and went to Yan Wuliang's side, she didn't discuss anything with his master.

He just felt that Yan Chixia was not the kind of person who was easily betrayed, and he had also caught a flash of strangeness in Yan Chixia's eyes before.

So Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry to take action, but wanted to wait and see.

Now it seems that my feeling is indeed correct.

As for Du Renjie, he was looking at Yang Yiyun. Du Renjie had seen Yang Yiyun's methods outside Daluo Immortal Mansion and had a high opinion of Yang Yiyun.

But what Du Renjie didn't expect was that Yang Yiyun would show up to help them with the Taiqing Immortal Sect. Now he thought it was because of his son Du Jiebin's face that Yang Yiyun came after hearing about the Xuanxian Sect.

Thinking of his son Du Jiebin, Du Renjie felt a faint worry in his heart. Ever since he went out to recruit teachers and recruit soldiers, he has had no news and cannot be contacted until now.

So much so that Yan Wuliang's backer arrived first.

The appearance of two Daluo masters made Du Renjie extremely worried.

But after Yang Yiyun appeared, Du Renjie saw hope again.

At this time, when he saw the disciple next to Yan Wuliang suddenly attack Yan Wuliang, Yang Yiyun quickly took action, and Du Renjie knew that the opportunity had come.

What surprised him today was twofold.

First, Du Renjie saw that the little girl next to Yang Yiyun was actually a master. At this time, she was already fighting with the two big men invited by Yan Wuliang, and it seemed that she had the upper hand in a one-on-one situation.

The second is that Yan Wuliang's disciples will attack Yan Wuliang secretly, which is simply an unexpected surprise.

Although Yan Wuliang didn't kill Yan Wuliang with one blow, looking at the way Yan Wuliang was vomiting blood, Yan Wuliang definitely suffered a loss from the sneak attack.

The situation seemed to be getting better. Du Renjie knew that if he cooperated well with Yang Yiyun, it would be possible to kill Yan Wuliang and the people he brought today.

As for the consequences, Du Renjie didn't think about it at all.

The Shangxuan Immortal Sect and Yan Wuliang are already deadlocked. Besides, today Yan Wuliang is going to destroy his Taiqing Immortal Sect. He even said that the Shangxuan Immortal Sect has been besieging them for decades. This bad breath is really frustrating. .

Du Renjie was eager to kill Yan Wuliang now.

As for Yang Yiyun, when he saw Yan Chixia take action, he immediately struck out with his sword, preventing the three golden immortals of Shangxuan Immortal Sect from dealing with Yan Chixia.

At this time, he appeared in the field and blocked Yan Chixia's side. Without turning his head, he said to Yan Chixia: "You did a good job, but you'd better tell me what you want to do next time, otherwise you will die." do not blame me."

It's a lie to be angry with Yan Chixia.

This guy is so brave that he even lied to him.

If he hadn't caught Yan Chixia's strange look before and had been prepared, Yan Chixia would have been killed by the Jinxian elder of Xuanxian Sect.

"Master, atone for your sins. Yan Wuliang, this old immortal, is very clever. If my subordinates had communicated with you in advance, they might have been noticed by the incoming thief. It's a pity that I couldn't kill this old thief." Yan Chixia said with incomparable hatred.

Yang Yiyun was surprised when he heard this. It sounded like Yan Chixia had no master-disciple feelings towards Yan Wuliang. Instead, she had immense hatred. There seemed to be a story in it, but the war had already begun, and he had no time to ask. These.

He just said to Yan Chixia: "Go and help the other people in the Taiqing Immortal Sect. Don't get involved with these golden immortals in the Shangxuan Immortal Sect. You are not a match yet."

"Yes, I will go now, Master, be careful." Yan Chixia naturally knew that he had just achieved the first-level Golden Immortal realm and would not be a match for any Golden Immortal elder.

If you stay, you will only cause trouble for the master, so it is better to kill those real immortals.

Yingying turned around and left, so as not to get out of the water. Anyway, he was very satisfied with Yan Wuliang's sneak attack, and he was able to avenge his junior sister.

Yan Wuliang's life and death, and Yan Chixia's fate were all focused on Yang Yiyun, her master.

He believed that Yang Yiyun would definitely kill Yan Wuliang and avenge his junior sister.

The reason why Yan Chixia hated Yan Wuliang as her master was that in his eyes, Yan Wuliang was just a beast without any respect from her elders.

Because others may not know it, but he, Yan Wuliang's top disciple, knows Yan Wuliang's dark side.

Very few people know that his master, Yan Wuliang, the master of Shangxuanxian Sect, privately practices the art of harvesting yin, and many female disciples in the sect have become his training cauldron.

This includes Yan Chixia's junior sister, who can be said to be the object of Yan Chixia's secret love.

Yan Chixia went to beg Yan Wuliang, but was punished by Yan Wuliang. As a result, the junior sister was drained by Yan Wuliang's evil skills and turned into a mummy.

From that moment on, deep in her heart, Yan Chixia was thinking about how to kill Yan Wuliang.

But he knew that this was almost impossible, because there was a huge gap in cultivation between him and Yan Wuliang, and he had been stuck at the bottleneck of the True Immortal Realm, unable to achieve even the Golden Immortal.

Therefore, Yan Chixia has hidden this hatred deep in her heart for nearly a thousand years.

Knowing that after meeting Yang Yiyun, his cultivation level had broken through to the first-grade Golden Immortal, Yang Yiyun did not kill him. He also saw Yang Yiyun's potential...

Yan Chixia knew that her destiny was about to change. It was just a feeling, but he believed in his feeling. As a cultivator, his sixth sense is often very strong.

That's why Yan Chixia faced Yang Yiyun's kindness of not killing and immediately made up her mind after regaining her life. Maybe one day she could get revenge, and she might have a greater chance by following Yang Yiyun.

Knowing that Yan Wuliang had been seen before, Yan Chixia hatched a plan for a sneak attack.

Although he didn't know if he could succeed, he felt that he believed that his destiny had changed and he could definitely give it a try.

Sure enough he succeeded.

Although he didn't kill Yan Wuliang, he believed that if he sneaked up on Yan Wuliang and took it, he would make Yan Wuliang drink a lot.


Yang Yiyun didn't know what Yan Chixia was thinking at this moment. He just set his target on Yan Wuliang and the three golden immortal elders of Shangxuan Immortal Sect, and prepared to fight.

But at this time, there were a few whooshing sounds around him, but Du Renjie appeared and said: "My nephew Yan Wuliang will handle it for me. You and them will deal with the three golden immortals."

In Du Renjie's eyes, Yang Yiyun's cultivation level has improved again. Not long ago, Yang Yiyun in his eyes was still in the first-grade true immortal realm, but now he has broken through to the middle-grade true immortal realm. This speed of cultivation can really be called the qualifications of an evildoer. Now Du Renjie I can understand why my son Du Jiebin admires Yang Yiyun very much.

This cultivation talent alone is worth making great efforts to make friends with.

At this time, Du Jiebin asked Yang Yiyun and the four elders of the Sect Master to kill the three elders of the Shangxuanxian Sect, which was equivalent to treating Yang Yiyun as the same level.

In fact, Du Renjie knew that Yang Yiyun had the ability to kill the Golden Immortal, so he was right to be treated at the same level.


Yang Yiyun heard Du Renjie's words without any hesitation. He knew that Du Renjie was also a strong man in the Golden Immortal Dzogchen and would have no problem dealing with Yan Wuliang who was injured by Yan Chixia's sneak attack.

However, it was the best choice for him and the four Golden Immortal elders of the Taiqing Immortal Sect to deal with the three Golden Immortal elders of the Shangxuan Immortal Sect. They could end the battle as soon as possible and help Du Renjie kill Yan Wuliang. After that, they It would be safest to go together to besiege the two great Luos invited by Yan Wuliang.

As for Xuexiang's side, Yang Yiyun had been paying attention. Seeing that Xuexiang could deal with two Da Luo by himself without any loss, Yang Yiyun felt relieved for the time being.


The dragon-slaying sword in his hand flashed out of the way. Yang Yiyun's target was directly focused on a first-grade golden immortal from Shangxuanxian Sect, and he suddenly killed him with his sword.

This Golden Immortal was actually held back by the Golden Immortal of Taiqing Immortal Sect at this moment. Facing Yang Yiyun's sneak attack sword, he had no room to dodge and could only bite the bullet and resist.

The result was that he screamed in the roar and was cut in half by Yang Yiyun's sword.

At this point, there is still one middle-grade Golden Immortal and one high-grade Golden Immortal left in Shangxuanxian Sect.

And Yang Yiyun was surrounded by four golden immortals from the Taiqing Immortal Sect, plus five of his own, besieging two of them.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. It was almost an overwhelming advantage. Yang Yiyun and four golden immortals from the Taiqing Immortal Sect killed the two golden immortals from the Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and headed straight for Yan Wuliang.

In his eyes, Yan Wuliang had not been killed by Du Renjie at this moment, which was really unexpected.

He hated Yan Wuliang from the bottom of his heart, so he rushed over and aimed at Yan Wuliang with a sword.

However, I remembered Du Renjie's loud reminder: "My dear nephew, don't come near Yan Wuliang~"

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