My Master Is a God

Chapter 1900 Is the Qinglian Fairy Fire just a decoration?

Du Renjie's loud reminder was a step too late. Yang Yiyun slashed at Yan Wuliang with his sword. In fact, the range was already within ten meters of Yan Wuliang.

However, Yang Yiyun didn't take it seriously. Now that several golden immortals from the Xuanxian Sect have been killed, only Yan Wuliang and two Daluo masters are left in the city.

The latter was tightly restrained by Xuexiang alone and could not get through at all.

Yang Yiyun joined Du Renjie's side to deal with Yan Wuliang. It was a piece of cake for a few golden immortals from the Taiqing Immortal Sect to suppress the true immortals and heavenly immortals from the Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

The situation has become clear, and if nothing goes wrong, it's time to go to the Xuanxian Sect.

However, when he heard Du Renjie's loud reminder, Yang Yiyun was still on guard.

But at this moment, Yan Wuliang's deep roar was heard: "The ice in the sky freezes the world."

In an instant, Yang Yiyun saw Yan Wuliang dancing his hands, and suddenly thousands of silver lights appeared on his body, suddenly erupting and spreading.

Wherever the silver light passed, the ground was covered with a layer of silver.

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he felt the ultimate chill.

Now I understand that our Du Renjie shouted at him, and we also realize that the battle between Du Renjie and Yan Wuliang has always been a hundred meters away.

Occasionally there would be a collision, but he would keep a hundred meters away from Yan Wuliang for the first time. Most of the time, the two of them would fight a hundred meters away.

This is because Du Renjie is afraid of Yan Wuliang.

Be wary of Yan Wuliang's methods that can freeze the world.

The area within a hundred meters became Yan Wuliang's extremely cold territory.

Yang Yiyun was the first to be among them.

It's not that he didn't think about retreating and evading, but he found that there was no chance at all.

Yan Wuliang's speed was really too fast.

It was so fast that he couldn't escape at all.

Because the power that bursts out from Yan Wuliang is light.

And it spread out in all directions.

Yang Yiyun was too close to Yan Wuliang and could not avoid Yan Wuliang's light and cold power.

In the blink of an eye, his whole body was enveloped by this vast cold power, and he turned into an ice sculpture in an instant.

Of course, with Yang Yiyun running his skills, Yan Wuliang's icy power could only freeze the surface of his body, instead of freezing the entire body inside and outside into an ice sculpture.

However, even so, Yang Yiyun also felt the terrifying power of Yan Wuliang.

He found that this icy air was very powerful and overbearing. It penetrated directly from the outside to the inside, and had a tendency to completely freeze him into a popsicle.

Yang Yiyun tried his best to use his skills to mobilize his strength to resist, but he felt that his strength was retreating steadily in the face of Yan Wuliang's extremely cold power.

Thick, dark and cold, domineering, powerful and destructive, etc. These words are how Yang Yiyun describes Yan Wuliang's power.

Yang Yiyun became nervous now. He didn't expect Yan Wuliang to have such means. He was too careless.

Even the powerful sword energy he slashed with all his strength was frozen and turned invisible under Yan Wuliang's extremely cold power.

The strength of Golden Immortal Dzogchen is indeed powerful and beyond imagination.

Of course, this is Yang Yiyun comparing himself with himself.

Judging from the previous battles, with his current strength as a middle-grade true immortal, if he relied on the power of Black Lotus, he could at best compete with a high-grade golden immortal.

Now it would be difficult to face the Golden Immortal Dzogchen like Yan Wuliang, and he was even completely at a disadvantage.

What should we do at this time?

Yang Yiyun contacted Hei Lian for help, but found that Hei Lian could not be contacted.

Yan Wuliang's extremely cold power was not just as simple as freezing, it could actually isolate the consciousness of the immortal soul, and even the power of the immortal soul. Now Yang Yiyun was really scared.

But then Yang Yiyun suddenly remembered that he also had the power of this kind of attribute in his body.

But I don't know if it can be used.

That is the Origin Pearl of Water.

It has been nurtured in the body.

The Water Origin Pearl is essentially the ancestor of all water attributes. Yan Wuliang's icy power can also be said to be a type of water.

But Yang Yiyun didn't know if the Water Origin Bead could be absorbed?

At this time, Yan Wuliang's extreme cold power had penetrated into his body. Yang Yiyun had no time to think about it and could only use all the power at his disposal to give it a try.

Immediately activate the Water Origin Bead, hoping to absorb Yan Wuliang's extremely cold power.

What made Yang Yiyun bitter was that he found that Zhihan's power had done too much damage at this time, and he actually did not activate the Water Origin Bead.

I was really anxious at this moment.

But at this moment, the voice of the Spirit of Universe sounded in my mind: "Boy, don't you need to keep the green lotus fairy fire in your body as a decoration?"

Just such a sentence shocked Yang Yiyun's heart.

In his anxiety, he was a little confused, and he forgot that he still had the Green Lotus Immortal Fire in his body. After being reminded by the Spirit of Circumstances, Yang Yiyun felt at ease.

That's right, your Yan Wuliang's extreme cold power is as awesome as the Qinglian Immortal Fire?

Qinglian Fairy Fire is one of the top three fairy fires among the top ten fairy fires in the fairy world, so its power goes without saying.

It can provide power to Kunpeng eggs, which already illustrates the power of Qinglian Fairy Fire.

The main reason is that Yang Yiyun did not think of the Green Lotus Fairy Fire in the direction of fighting from the beginning. Subconsciously, he only thought that the Green Lotus Fairy Fire was used to make elixirs.

But they forgot that the powerful fairy fire can also be used in battle.

Now Yang Yiyun finally felt hot in his heart.

Quickly activated the Qinglian Fairy Fire.

Let the green lotus fairy fire spread in the body from the inside out.

The next moment Yang Yiyun was overjoyed.

Sure enough, Yan Wuliang's cold energy began to retreat after encountering the Qinglian Fairy Fire.

In an instant, the cold air that enveloped his body was burned away by Qinglianxian.

At this time, Yang Yiyun looked at Yan Wuliang, only to see that the old man had already arrived in front of him and struck him in the face with his palm.

In fact, it didn't take too long from the time he was frozen by Yan Wuliang's extreme cold power to the time he used the Green Lotus Immortal Fire to dissolve Yan Wuliang's extreme cold power, which was just a few breaths of time.

After being frozen, it was normal for Yan Wuliang to take the opportunity to attack him.

And it was quite funny, but Yan Wuliang never thought that there was Qinglian Fairy Fire in his body.

It was indeed a success for Yan Wuliang. After he used his method of pressing the bottom of the box against Yang Yiyun before, he saw that Yang Yiyun's whole body was frozen.

I couldn't be more happy.

Thinking that I could finally avenge my son.

He was still sneering and said, "You have been avoiding me all this time, but you are so bold this time. You didn't expect me to have such means, right?"

Laughing loudly, Yan Wuliang saw Yang Yiyun transforming into an ice sculpture, and immediately slapped Yang Yiyun.

When Yan Wuliang left with a palm, he had already imagined in his mind that Yang Yiyun would be smashed into pieces of ice under his palm.

However... just as he was about to succeed, Yan Wuliang suddenly saw a green light erupting from the ice sculpture of Yang Yiyun...


With a roar, Yang Yiyun's body glowed with green light again.

" is this possible?"

Yan Wuliang was shocked, he was very confident in his cold power.

If you could still cope with it before it was frozen, then it would be completely ruined after it was frozen.

No immortal under the Golden Immortal can come back from his frozen power.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun actually made a comeback.

Under the green light, Yan Wuliang felt an unparalleled scorching temperature that made his heart palpitate.

At this moment, his palm had landed in front of Yang Yiyun. He felt something was wrong and wanted to take it back, but it seemed that he was finished.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun was actually facing a lot of pressure at this critical moment.

Because he knew that the difference between his and Yan Wuliang's cultivation level was an entire realm, and this was no joke.

He can fight against the high-grade Golden Immortal, but he may not be able to withstand the power of the Golden Immortal's Great Perfection.

After the green lotus fairy fire dissolved the cold power on his body, his whole body recovered, and he saw Yan Wuliang's palm coming towards him.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was not completely sure whether he could receive Yan Wuliang's palm.

But he had no choice but to hope that the Green Lotus Fairy Fire would work.

In a hurry, Yang Yiyun put all his strength into his palm and met Yan Wuliang's palm.

Looking from a distance, Yang Yiyun's palm glowed with green light, while Yan Wuliang's palm glowed with dazzling silver light.

One is hot and the other is extremely cold.


The two sides hit each other palm to palm and made a roar.

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