My Master Is a God

Chapter 1904: Missed by a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal

Kneeling down is impossible for Yang Yiyun. He has the Shinto Qiankun Creation Kung Fu and can withstand the pressure.

In addition, with Xuexiang blocking him in mid-air, it was impossible for him to kneel down.

It's just that, now that he was facing a Hunyuan strongman, he had no confidence in his heart.

However, Xuexiang was hovering high in the sky and facing Qian Buman, which made him very worried.

He quickly sent a message to Xuexiang and said: "If Xuexiang can't do it, let's withdraw first~"

"It doesn't matter, he is just a Hunyuan clone, I will just swallow him."

This was Xuexiang's serious answer to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun: "Uh..."

Most of the time, Yang Yiyun was speechless.

He didn't know if what Xuexiang said was true. If it was true, then Xuexiang was really tough.

What if it's fake?

This can be fatal.

But Yang Yiyun knew that Xuexiang didn't need to lie. Since she dared to say this, it was undoubtedly true.

Xuexiang's answer was very calm, not nervous at all.

After Yang Yiyun came to his senses, he heard a key word.

That is the Hunyuan clone.

It doesn't seem so scary if it's a clone.

Any clone is naturally inferior to the original one.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun asked Xuexiang: "Are Xuexiang sure? If not, can we just withdraw without risking it?"

"Don't worry, I will swallow him in one gulp. He is just a Hunyuan clone. I am more powerful than him." Xuexiang said calmly.

"Okay, be careful." Yang Yiyun naturally chose to believe Xuexiang at this time.

And he himself was mobilizing all his strength, preparing to wait for the opportunity. If he saw that Xuexiang couldn't be dealt with, he would risk his life to attack her.

Just as Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang were talking via voice transmission, Qian Buman's clone in the sky fell on him and Xuexiang, and finally stared at Xuexiang and said: "Kill my guard, you evil beast, it's so big Be brave, I will give you a choice, surrender to me, and be my mount from now on, I will spare your life today."

When Yang Yiyun heard that Qian Buman actually started to flirt with Xuexiang, he immediately became angry. He jumped up and landed on Xuexiang's back in mid-air. He stared at Qian Buman and yelled: "Bald man is so shameless, my Xuexiang What kind of status does Xiang have? If I serve as a mount for you, who do you think you are? Bah~"

Qian Buman had seen Yang Yiyun through the secret mirror image in his Barbarian King's Hall before, and learned that this white-haired boy was the murderer of Yan Wuliang.

In fact, Qian Buman has been eyeing Yang Yiyun from the beginning. A true immortal can kill a golden immortal. This is a dazzling person in itself. Coupled with the pressure, on the entire battlefield, it is this white-haired boy and The demonic one-horned two-winged dragon was not affected by his coercion.

It’s hard not to be noticed.

Of course, in Qian Buman's eyes, compared to Yang Yiyun, the one-horned and two-winged dragon Xuexiang was the most important, so he didn't pay attention to Yang Yiyun at all.

But he didn't expect that this kid would be so cowardly.

Dare to yell at him, Qian Buman.

This made Qian Buman furious.

Staring at Yang Yiyun who was standing on Xuexiang's back, Qian Buman said coldly: "Haha, kid, maybe you don't know me yet, but now I can tell you that I am the Lord of the Barbarian Mountain, Qian Buman, He is also Yan Wuliang’s backer, the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal...

You are looking for death... Originally, in my eyes, you are not qualified to be looked at by me, but... Since you are so anxious to find death, I will kill you first. "

Yang Yiyun almost laughed out loud at these words. Has he never seen an immortal before?

How about becoming sworn brothers with six-eared macaques?

Is that the Immortal King level?

How about Bee Fairy? He is also at the Immortal King level, commensurate with his brother and sister.

Let’s talk about our old man Yun Tianxie, the Supreme Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations, an immortal-level existence, and he is a top figure in the immortal world.

People are also arrogant, but I have never met Qian Buman who is so arrogant.

When I heard that Po Tian was just a Hunyuan Dao Immortal, and also a clone, I didn't expect him to be so arrogant.

"Old man, aren't you just a Hunyuan clone, and you still have the nerve to call yourself king? Look down on me, I can kill you." Yang Yiyun said to Xuexiang while cursing: "Xuexiang, kill me."


Xuexiang let out a dragon cry, and opened its mouth in the next moment. The scales all over her body emitted a dazzling silver light. Yang Yiyun vaguely saw from Xuexiang's body that there were faint runes on each scale. There are countless scales on the long body, and the flashing light is really shocking.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun once again felt the situation when he first met Xuexiang in the secret room. At that time, the aura so powerful that it made his heart palpitate once came out of Xuexiang's body.

With the same aura pressure, Yang Yiyun felt that Qian Buman's aura pressure in front of Xuexiang was like the difference between a three-year-old child and a strong man.

I also know that Xuexiang didn't use her true strength at all before leaving, which means that the previous battle between Xuexiang and the two Da Luo was just like playing.

At this time, Yang Yiyun believed that Xuexiang's Hunyuan clone who could swallow Qian Buman in one gulp should be pretty good.

Because the breath difference between the two is very big.

The difference in breath is the difference in strength.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun believed that Xuexiang could really swallow Qian Buman's clone in one bite.

As for Qian Buman at this moment, he felt depressed when he saw the aura all over Xuexiang's body and listened to what Xuexiang and Yang Yiyun were talking about.

The development of things did not go as he expected at all. It was beyond imagination and was even about to collapse.

For Yang Yiyun and the One-horned Diptera, they were completely frightened.

One person and one demon, each one more courageous than the other, they even spoke rudely to him, the Taoist Immortal of Hunyuan, without being polite at all. Qian Buman even seemed to be looking down upon him.

Although he is a clone of Hunyuan, he is still Hunyuan!

There are definitely not many immortals in the entire immortal world who can reach the realm of Hunyuan Dao Immortal.

Why did it sound to his ears that Yang Yiyun and Yaoxian were treating him like a little demon and fairy.

This made Qian Buman filled with anger.

But in the blink of an eye, after feeling the aura emanating from the one-horned two-winged dragon, Qian Buman's expression finally changed.

When Qian Buman's clone saw the runes flowing on every scale of the One-Horned Diptera, he even had the idea of ​​​​escape.

This is a very absurd idea.

Of course, even if he wanted to escape at this time, it was already too late.

Because the one-horned two-winged dragon on the opposite side was already biting him.

At this moment, Qian Buman didn't have time to think too much. The main thing was to deal with the attack of the one-horned two-winged dragon with all his strength.

"Ho, come and die~"

Qian Buman roared angrily, and a whirlpool of immortal power as big as a millstone formed in his palms. Then he suddenly put his palms together and pushed towards Xuexiang: "With the energy of Hunyuan, the space is torn apart~"

As Qian Buman finished his sentence, two vortices burst out from his hands, forming a vortex that was eight or nine meters larger, and in an instant, it flew towards Xuexiang like a black hole.

And the rotation is getting faster and faster, and getting bigger and bigger...

When this huge vortex reached a distance of three meters from Xuexiang, it had turned into a huge whirlpool black hole with a diameter of a hundred meters.

It was pitch black inside.

This is actually void, an endless black hole.

This move is also the magical power of law practiced by Qian Buman - Hunyuan Space.

It is a space vortex that can swallow everything in.

It can tear any living being into pieces in the rapid whirlpool. Even if it cannot be torn apart, it will be completely sucked into the boundless void, which is equivalent to a kind of exile.

A kind of death, because there is no spiritual power and energy in the void, and it is full of dangers. The void storm is the biggest killer.

Qian Buman didn't dare to be careless with Xuexiang. After sensing Xuexiang's danger, he attacked with powerful means as soon as he took action.

He vowed to kill the one-horned two-winged dragon with one blow.

However, Xuexiang is very calm, otherwise she would not have said lightly to Yang Yiyun that she could swallow Qian Buman in one gulp.

But facing Qian Buman's terrifying huge whirlpool, Yang Yiyun stood on Xuexiang's back, his whole body drenched in cold sweat.

He didn't even know what to do at this time?

I wonder if she can withstand such a powerful whirlpool attack from Qian Buman?

Anyway, Yang Yiyun was panicking.

But this is the time when the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

There is no time to think too much, all I can do is fight with all my strength.

But just when he was extremely worried and using the power in his body, he heard Lai Xuexiang's long roar.


After the dragon roared, Yang Yiyun discovered that Xue Xiang's scales erupted with countless runes appearing on the scales, and suddenly a Kun dragon emerged from Xue Xiang's body.

The body fragrance suddenly grew more than ten times, and became even more massive when it turned into several kilometers.

This is her snow fragrance and magical power.

He suddenly swallowed Qian Buman's 100-meter-diameter vortex.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun also saw a silver horn on Xuexiang's head, which was getting brighter and dazzling like the sun, making him shed tears.

He closed his eyes involuntarily, but before closing his eyes, Yang Yiyun vaguely saw a beam of light as white and as thick as lightning erupted from Xuexiang's horn and struck Qian Buman's whirlpool instantly.

"Boom boom boom~"

A series of earth-shattering roars sounded.

Yang Yiyun's ears hurt when he heard the vibration.

At this time, he forced his eyes open and looked...

He did see a scene that made him happy.

But after the power of the horn above Xuexiang's head exploded, Qian Buman's mysterious vortex was collapsing.

good chance!

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart, and the sword he prepared with all his strength immediately struck out, heading straight for the whirlpool.

Although Qian Buman's whirlpool is collapsing, it's not that fast yet.

Yang Yiyun's sword was to accelerate the last strike.

His sword was made with the help of the power of the black lotus, the power of the water origin beads in his body, the divine power in the Qiankun Daoyuan, and the power of the green lotus fairy fire with his gritted teeth.

After the sword energy exploded, it turned into a 100-meter sword energy and slashed directly towards him.

It's just that Xuexiang was faster than him at this time and had already bitten into Qian Buman's whirlpool.


After a dull sound, Qian Buman's whirlpool was completely shattered.


At this moment, the power of the whirlpool was violently shattered. Qian Buman was behind the whirlpool and spat out a mouthful of blood due to the violent backlash.

Of course, it was also the result of being affected by Xuexiang's powerful power.

Yang Yiyun originally thought that his sword would fail.

Little did he know that the next moment he would be overjoyed.

After the sword fell, the whirlpool failed to catch up, but it fell on Qian Buman.


Qian Buman was unable to dodge under the series of attacks from Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang.

He was cut down by Yang Yiyun's sword, and his body turned invisible with a cry of reluctance.

In other words, under the two extreme powers of Yang Yi's Yunshui origin and Qinglian fairy fire, he directly reached the ultimate ice cave and the ultimate burning, and was finished on the spot.

However, at the last moment when he completely disappeared, he remembered a strong threat: "Boy, please wait until I, the king, will come to you personally to settle accounts. Just because you can destroy my Hunyuan clone does not mean that you can destroy me." My dear king, please wash your neck and wait..."

The sinister sound, like a curse, resounded in the sky and finally dissipated.

"Phew~ Finally done."

Yang Yiyun looked at the place where Qian Buman's clone disappeared and muttered to himself.

He also felt a little solemn in his heart, knowing that Qian Buman was not lying. What he and Xuexiang killed today was just a Hunyuan clone of Qian Buman.

If Qian Buman himself comes one day, can he and Xuexiang still be able to cope with it?

Being cared about by a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal is not a good thing!

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