My Master Is a God

Chapter 1905 Prepare to leave

A near-miss fight ended~

Yang Yiyun was worried.

After all, he is only a middle-grade true immortal now, but he is taken care of by a Hunyuan Taoist immortal. This is a very dangerous thing for the current Yang Yiyun.

Not even a Hunyuan clone can be dealt with by him.

What's more, it's the Hunyuan deity.

Although Xuexiang is powerful, she is still in the realm of Daluo, and dying is the pinnacle of Daluo's perfection.

Being able to deal with Qian Buman's Hunyuan clone does not mean that he can deal with Qian Buman himself.

This girl is also simple, and he can't rely on her for everything. This is not Yang Yiyun's style.

So you still have to improve your strength.

Du Renjie invited Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang to enter the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun happened to ask Du Renjie for something, so he followed Du Renjie into the Taiqing Immortal Sect without any courtesy.

Of course, before entering Taiqing Xuanmen, Yang Yiyun went to Du Renjie to ask for fairy clothes for Xuexiang.

Du Renjie was very generous and gave ten sets of fairy clothes to Xuexiang. Although they were all low-grade fairy clothes, they were still much better than ordinary clothes.

There is no need to worry about the embarrassment of Chi Guoguo every time Xuexiang changes. After all, the fairy clothes can be taken into the body with thoughts.

Of course, I found a secluded place where no one was to dress Xuexiang.

Only then did Yang Yiyun enter the Taiqing Immortal Sect with the servants Xuexiang and Yan Chixia.

In Taiqing Hall, Du Renjie and several elders of Taiqing Immortal Sect first expressed their gratitude to Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang.

If Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang hadn't come to help this time, Taiqing Immortal Sect would definitely be expelled from Yan Wuliang.

In a thrilling battle, the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect only lost two Golden Immortal elders, which was already the minimum price.

In comparison, the Shangxuan Immortal Sect was completely destroyed from top to bottom. From the sect leader Yan Wuliang to the elders and True Immortal disciples, all the people from the Shangxuan Immortal Sect who came to attack the Taiqing Immortal Sect were destroyed.

Of course, there were also the two Great Luo Immortals invited by Yan Wuliang, and even Qian Buman's Hunyuan clone was lost in the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

The battle was glorious.

It's just that the same danger has become proportional.

Although there is no danger in Daqing World, there are no enemies like Yan Wuliang and Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

But this time, Du Renjie also provoked an extremely powerful enemy, Qian Buman, the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal of the Man King Fairy Mountain.

There is no doubt that Qian Buman will not only miss Yang Yiyun, but the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect will also be hated by Qian Buman.

If there is no strong protection in the future, everyone in Taiqing Immortal Sect will not be able to escape the fate of being disintegrated.

As for Yang Yiyun, it's okay, he can leave the world of Daqing Fairy Mountain to avoid Qian Buman's pursuit.

But the foundation of Taiqing Xianmen cannot escape here, and it is difficult for so many people to escape unless Du Renjie dismisses Taiqing Xianmen.

But this is impossible. For an immortal sect, dismissal is equal to destruction. This is the practice of abandoning the ancestors. Du Renjie will definitely not do this.

Throwing away the ancestral inheritance is more uncomfortable than killing him.

But no matter what, the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect will also face a situation of leading to disaster.

Yang Yiyun is still worrying about these things for Du Renjie. Of course, the reason why he is considering it is because of his good friend Du Jiebin.

Now that Du Jiebin is no longer Taiqing Xianmen, Yang Yiyun, as his friend, should share his worries.

However, during the conversation with Du Renjie, he found that the person involved, Du Renjie, looked extremely relaxed and seemed not to take the matter of offending a Hunyuan Taoist at all.

Talking and laughing, chatting and laughing, in a good mood.

However, seeing this in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he secretly admired Du Renjie and said: "As expected of the master of the Immortal Sect, Taishan's expression remains unchanged. I think there is still a lot to learn. If you become a qualified master of the Immortal Sect, here is His knowledge is great.

Du Renjie seemed unconcerned and acted calmly. Maybe he didn't want to worry the people below him. This is the master of the Immortal Sect! "

"Good nephew~"

"Good nephew..."

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking wildly, Du Renjie saw Yang Yiyun's absent-minded look and couldn't help shouting.

After three consecutive calls, Yang Yiyun finally came to his senses and said quickly: "Ah... senior, did you call me?"

"Haha, what are you thinking absent-mindedly? Also, since you and my son Du Jiebin are good friends, I asked you to call you nephew. Don't call me senior. If you can call me Uncle Du, How are you?"

Du Renjie laughed and said.

"Of course it's possible. My nephew has met Uncle Du." Yang Yiyun stood up and saluted. Now he knew that Du Renjie had officially recognized him.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, okay." Du Renjie laughed happily.

Then he asked again: "I see that my good nephew is absent-minded, but is there something on his mind?"

Yang Yiyun listened to Du Renjie's question and couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Uncle Du, you are asking knowingly. Xuexiang and I killed Qian Buman's Hunyuan clone, and now it is being taken care of by a Hunyuan Taoist level master. .

You always said that I can't worry, and if my nephew has anything to say, just say it directly. Du Jiebin and I are life-and-death friends. Now that he is gone, uncle, your Taiqing Immortal Sect will also be destroyed by masters like Qian Buman. I'm thinking about it. At this time, I wonder if my uncle has any solution?

It can be said that I have caused trouble to my uncle's Taiqing Immortal Sect, and my nephew feels very sorry. However, I, Yang Yiyun, am not an irresponsible person. If Qian Buman takes revenge next, my nephew will definitely stand with Taiqing Immortal Sect. "

After all, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but express his worries and expressed his personal position, willing to advance and retreat together with the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

"Hahaha... My son really didn't misjudge the person, let alone made the wrong friend, okay, okay, okay." Du Renjie listened to Yang Yiyun and laughed. After saying this, the smile on his face became more and more The thicker.

Then he looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "My dear nephew, don't worry, these things are no longer a problem. After our battle is over, Du Jiebin and I finally came here with the summons, and the matter on his side is settled.

My son successfully activated the Fengling Immortal Body. According to the agreement, the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal he met back then accepted him as his disciple.

Now my son has become Dongfang Yao Immortal Lord, a disciple of Hunyuan Dao Immortal Yong Ling Dao Immortal, and is on the way here with my father and Yong Ling Dao Immortal.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about these problems at all. He, Qian Buman, is just a first-grade Hunyuan Dao Immortal who dominates one party.

Compared to Dongfang Yao Immortal, he is nothing. Even my son Du Jiebin’s master, Yong Ling Dao Immortal, is a high-level Hunyuan Dao Immortal, and Qian Buman doesn’t even look at him.

If Qian Buman really dares to come to my Taiqing Immortal Sect, I guarantee that he will never come back. Since you are my son's best friend, you can also call me uncle. When Yongling Taoist Immortal comes this time, I will let him go bankrupt even if he loses everything. If you worship the Taoist Immortal Hunyuan and sit down, then Qian Buman will naturally not dare to cause trouble for you..."

Du Renjie explained it to Yang Yiyun with excitement.

Only then did Yang Yiyun realize that it was not Du Renjie who was calm, but Du Jiebin who had successfully become a disciple.

No wonder Du Renjie was so calm.

According to Du Renjie, the place where Du Jiebin went to become an apprentice was actually far away from here, and he had some things to do after becoming an apprentice, so he wasted time.

Now after Du Jiebin became a disciple, he brought his master Yongling Daoxian to the Taiqing Immortal Sect in person to support him.

I have finally found a strong backer. Speaking of Du Jiebin's master, Hunyuan Taoist Immortal Yongling, he is the Dongfang Yao Immortal Lord, and the Immortal Lord is a higher-level existence.

Du Jiebin met Taoist Yongling when traveling with his grandfather in his early years, and that was how he got this chance.

After Daluo Immortal Mansion, Du Jiebin and his grandfather went to Yongling Taoist Immortal Dojo to become disciples.

Now there is finally a result.

Du Renjie is not bad, and he is sure to make Yang Yiyun worship under the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal Sect, so that Qian Buman will be afraid of him.

Put it this way, the matter is no big deal.

After all, Qian Buman is just a first-class Hunyuan Taoist, a Hunyuan Taoist from a place. However, Du Jiebin's master is not only a high-level Hunyuan Taoist, but also a powerful person who can sit down as an Immortal Lord.

There is no way to compare the two before and after.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, most of his worries dissipated, but he could only refuse Du Renjie's proposal to become a disciple.

Because he has a master.

Moreover, his master is not an ordinary immortal, Hunyuan or something, someone Yang really doesn't like him.

Of course, these things cannot be said to Du Renjie.

Now that what happened next was simple and clear, Yang Yiyun said goodbye.

Yang Yiyun could not tell Du Renjie for various reasons. He only said that he could no longer stay in the Daqing world and had to decide.

He didn't plan to wait for Du Jiebin to come, anyway, he had his own considerations.

Seeing that Du Renjie couldn't keep him, he didn't force Yang Yiyun, but he prepared a magic storage weapon for Yang Yiyun.

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