My Master Is a God

Chapter 1906 Heading to the Immortal City

"Master has a question."

After coming out of Taiqing Immortal Sect, Yan Chixia who was following her looked at Yang Yiyun and felt that she couldn't help but speak.

Yang Yiyun could guess what Yan Chixia wanted to ask, and said with a smile: "Are you wondering why I stayed? If we stay in Taiqing Immortal Sect, we will be safe for the time being, and it is very likely that we will be worshiped by a high-level gangster." From now on, the disciples of the Yuandao Immortal Sect don’t have to worry about Qian Buman’s thoughts, and can they embark on a prosperous road?”

Yan Chixia nodded and said: "Master is wise, this is what my subordinates want to know."

"Haha, Yan Chixia, do you think Hunyuan Taoist Immortal or Immortal Lord is a very high existence in the immortal world?" Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Yan Chixia nodded of course and said: "That's natural. In the entire path of cultivating immortals, each of the nine realms is better than the last. Not to mention the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, even the Great Luo realm is something that many immortals will not be able to achieve in their lifetime. realm.

As for the existence like an immortal king, he is already a legendary figure in the hearts of his subordinates, and they really cannot dare to imagine it. "

"Hahaha~" Yang Yiyun laughed loudly when he heard Yan Chixia speak truthfully.

Then he grinned and said, "If I, Master Yan Chixia, tell you that I have a brother at the level of an Immortal King, would you believe it?"

"Uh... this... believe it." Yan Chixia felt that his master was bragging.

"Goodbye, okay? Let me ask you, do you know what kind of being is the most powerful person in the fairy world, standing at the top of the pyramid?" Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky as he spoke.

Yan Chixia said without even thinking: "Of course I know that the most top person in the immortal world is in the realm of immortals. He is the most powerful person in the immortal world. He is a real legendary immortal. If he can meet him in this life, he will be in the realm of immortals." Once I see the immortal-like existence, I will die without any regrets~"

Yan Chixia was filled with fascination as she spoke.

Listening to the fascination in Yan Chixia's words, Yang Yiyun laughed and said: "Don't worry, follow me and hang out with me. I will introduce you to the Immortal one day. Isn't he just the Immortal? It's no big deal."

While Yang was talking, his mind was wondering where the dead old man was now.

As for Yan Chixia.

Hearing Yang Yiyun speak, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and whispered: "Master, you think that the immortal is just a cabbage, but that is a real immortal existence that can never be seen. You are too boastful. ”

Yang Yiyun heard Yan Chixia's muttering and glared: "You kid, don't believe it. My master is a serious immortal figure, hahaha~"

Yan Chixia was speechless for a while: "Uh~"

Speechless for a while.

Just think that the owner is bragging and don't take it seriously.

The three of them walked slowly, one behind the other.

Yan Chixia followed Yang Yiyun and whispered: "Master, let alone the existence of the Immortal Lord, even if you can let me meet the title of Immortal Emperor, it will be an extremely glorious thing, hehe."

"Look at your potential, my master will let you cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Emperor in the future." Yang Yiyun made big words to Yan Chixia.

"Haha~" Yan Chixia grinned, disapproving.

However, today's conversation between master and servant, when one day in the future, after Yan Chixia has achieved the title of Immortal Emperor, in retrospect, she will always sigh in vain, her master is a real great god.

After the three of them walked for a while, Yan Chixia couldn't help but ask: "Master, where are we going next? Otherwise, I'm afraid Qian Buman won't let it go."

"Yes, it is indeed time to leave. Taiqing Immortal Sect is safe now, and I don't have to worry about Du Jiebin. This time I am worthy of my friends.

Next, we are indeed leaving the world of Daqing Fairy Mountain. Qian Buman, the old immortal, still needs to hide. After all, his cultivation is not enough. He cannot rely on Xuexiang for everything. Let me look at the map. "

While Yang Yiyun was speaking, a light flashed in his hand, and the stored fairy weapon presented by Du Renjie appeared.

Before he left, he asked Du Renjie for a map of the fairy world, and Du Renjie directly gave him a fairy storage device.

I think the map was placed inside.

"I can protect you." Xuexiang spoke to Yang Yiyun seriously after Yang Yiyun finished speaking.

Yang Yiyun looked at Xue Xiang and smiled: "Well, Xue Xiang is the most powerful."

Yang Yiyun really likes Xuexiang, an innocent girl now.

While speaking, Yang Yiyun's immortal consciousness entered the stored immortal artifact presented by Du Renjie.

The next moment he opened his mouth.

I was moved in my heart.

Among the immortal artifacts presented by Du Renjie, Yang Yiyun not only saw a map of the fairy world, but also a high-level map. Such high-level maps were worth a lot of money, he had learned about it.

There are also three thousand low-grade immortal stones and a bottle of elixir. Although it is a low-grade elixir, the whole bottle is worth a lot of money. The elixir in the immortal world is very expensive.

The rest also include some commonly used elixirs and the like, all of which can be used at his current level of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun was very moved by this.

Although he rejected Du Renjie's kindness and did not stay due to personal reasons, Du Renjie did not treat him badly.

Three thousand low-grade immortal stones, this is also a big number for an immortal sect such as Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun kept this intention in mind.

Then he opened the map and looked around on it. Finally, Yang Yiyun determined that he was in the Immortal City, a place 600,000 miles away from the world of Daqing Fairy Mountain.

The reason why he chose Immortal City is that it is relatively close and suitable. With his current cultivation level, he does not dare to go too far. In the Endless Immortal Realm, with his cultivation level in the True Immortal Realm, it is actually very dangerous to go too far.

On the other hand, it was because he had not started refining elixirs since he obtained the Book of Qijun Alchemy. If he could refine three heaven-defying elixirs, they would at least allow him to enter the realm of Hunyuan.

Moreover, according to the map annotation, the elixir city is a place where alchemists gather and has almost the largest elixir market in the east of the immortal world.

Refining elixirs and finding elixirs here will get twice the result with half the effort.

So Yang Yiyun chose to go here.

He urgently needed to improve his strength and cultivation, so he could avoid Qian Buman even if he went to Immortal City.

"Yan Chixia, do you know anything about Xiandan City?" Yang Yiyun asked Yan Chixia after determining the route.

"I know that Master Immortal City is the place where the largest alchemy masters gather in the east of the Immortal World, and it is also an eighth-level Immortal Mountain World that gathers trillions of creatures.

Where the immortal energy is extremely strong, you can practice with half the effort, and you can buy the elixir you want. Of course, the premise is that you have enough immortal stones. Although I have never been there, I heard that the consumption in the elixir city can scare people to death. Master, are you sure you want to go there? Going to elixir city? Yan Chixia asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. Of course you are going. Just tell me what you know about the division of power in Xiandan City." Yang Yiyun said.

"I have heard that there are three major forces in the Immortal Pill City, all of which are alchemy forces. There is the Immortal Pill Tower, the Demonic Pill Palace, and the Fire Cloud Pavilion.

These three families have names throughout the entire immortal world in the art of alchemy, and are extremely powerful. Immortal City is just a branch of these three families.

Anyway, the elixir city is controlled by three major forces, forming an independent operating rule, but it is still fair.

However, there is another legendary mysterious force in the elixir city. Although it does not participate in the battles in the elixir city, etc., it is independent of the three major forces in the elixir city.

This mysterious and special force is called - Immortal Refining Alliance! It is a special force that brings together everything in the world related to the way of refining.

The Immortal Refining Alliance is not a single force, but a force formed by those at the top of the refining world in the entire immortal world.

It includes the five major refining methods of alchemist, weapon refiner, talisman, puppet, and formation. That is to say, alchemy master, weapon refiner, talisman master, formation master, and puppet master can all enter the Immortal Refining Alliance.

It is considered a public alliance organization. Regardless of whether they are immortals of any refining method, as long as they can pass the assessment of the Refining Alliance, they can obtain corresponding medals. The medals issued by the Refining Alliance are recognized by the entire fairy world.

If you go out, you will be treated extremely well everywhere, etc..."

"Okay, it's settled, we're going to Immortal City now." Yan Chixia was interrupted by Yang Yiyun before she could speak and decided.

If not for anything else, Yang Yiyun had to go here because there was a force in the Immortal City that wanted to move away from the Immortal Tower.

Because when he obtained the Book of Qijun Alchemy, he swore to Immortal Qijun that one day he would avenge Immortal Qijun and destroy the Immortal Pill Tower.

Originally, Yang Yiyun thought that after so long, the Immortal Pill Tower no longer existed, but he didn't expect that it still existed.

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