My Master Is a God

Chapter 1918 Heart Sensation

"It's not mind reading, it's my mind's perception~" Xuexiang said seriously.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and asked: "What kind of magical power is the mind orifice sensing?"

"It's not considered a magical power. It should be said to be a kind of cultivation talent that is cultivated. Every living being can develop it. You can also try it." Xuexiang said.

"Uh~ I can also practice it? How to practice this mind orifice perception?" Yang Yiyun unknowingly became interested in what Xuexiang said.

But he didn't realize that he was originally going to brainwash this girl, but instead she unknowingly moved him to another topic.

But this is about cultivation, and it is also a kind of cultivation that Yang is interested in.

This is the first time he has heard of this.

Gained knowledge again.

However, he also knows that the way of cultivation is inherently mysterious and unpredictable, which is not surprising.

Immediately he asked: "What is Xuexiang's mind-aperture induction? Can you be more specific? How can I practice it?"

Xuexiang had nothing to hide from Yang, and after thinking about it, she said: "In fact, the biggest benefit of cultivating the heart aperture is that you can sense danger and perceive whether other living beings are good or bad to you.

You can detect some creatures radiating murderous intent towards you, but this is murderous intent emanating from the outside world, but if there is murderous intent in the heart, it is impossible to detect it. At this time, if you have psychic powers, you can feel the murderous intent of the other party. To take precautions.

And the benefits of the mind orifice are not just that. After practicing to a certain level, you can sense the direction of the enemy's attack on you, and you can respond and kill the enemy~"


After hearing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but take a breath of air. The last part was the most powerful. He didn't expect that the perception of the heart orifices could be so useful.

He did not interrupt Xuexiang and listened to her continue.

Just listen to Xuexiang continue: "Another benefit of practicing the mind orifice is that you can perceive some things that are usually difficult to find. It can be said that you have a relatively strong ability to predict dangers, etc., but I really don't know how to practice it... "

"Pfft~ I wonder how you practice?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but say.

"Actually, I only have the ability to sense my mind in the past few days. The reason why I feel so good after leaving the bottom of the lake is of course related to the water of life you gave me. It sublimated my bloodline, so that my bloodline inheritance increased. He has the talent of sensing the mind orifice.

But my inherited memory tells me that all living beings in the world can actually cultivate their own psychic powers, so you can give it a try.

My heart aperture is an inherited talent, and I cannot teach it to you. I can only tell you that the place where you practice your heart aperture is the heart. Heart aperture sensing starts from the heart. Maybe you can start with the blood. "

After Xuexiang finished speaking, she looked at Yang Yiyun with an innocent look on her face.

But Yang was speechless for a long time. He said for a long time that this was a blood inheritance, and it just gave him a direction.

Come on, let’s put this aside for the time being!

Let's study it later when he has time. Although he knows that the direction of cultivation is the heart, but... that is the heart, and it might kill people. There is no clue to the experiment, so he might as well forget it, he doesn't want to die yet.

The joy was in vain, which made Yang Yiyun very depressed.

After the blood went cold, Yang Yiyun realized in a blink of an eye that he had forgotten that his purpose was to brainwash Xuexiang and deceive the immortal stone from this girl.

Now looking at her big, dazzling eyes and her innocent look on her face, Yang sighed and thought, let's forget it.

As a man, you should find your own way to earn fairy stones. It is not a glorious thing to defraud a little girl of her money.

Even though he knew that there were so many fairy stones that Xuexiang might not be useful if he held them, he still gave up the idea.

"Okay, I'll go into seclusion to make alchemy, and I'll leave the Kunpeng Egg to your care." With a wave of his hand, Yang Yiyun said the Kunpeng Egg appeared in the cave.

"Okay." Xuexiang guarded Kunpengdan.

Every big week day needs to provide strength to Kunpeng Dan. During this time, Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang take turns.

In the following time, Yang Yiyun waited for Yan Chixia to come back, and he continued to refine the pills, including the antidote pills along the way.

Although it is a relatively commonly used simple elixir, it can be used to practice the alchemy skills for him. When Yan Chixia comes back, he can refine the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir.

Time will pass very quickly. In the blink of an eye, three days have passed. Yang Yiyun has refined a detoxifying elixir, and the quality is still high.

This made him more confident in Qi Jun Dan Dao.

The elixir's tempering method is truly unparalleled. No matter how bad the elixir is, it can be completely refined from impurities by Qi Jun Dan Dao's method, doubling the quality of the elixir. improvement.

The three great weeks in the fairy world are three days in the lower world (from now on, it will still be calculated according to normal time, and some readers said it is not smooth to read).

This makes Yang Yiyun a little worried. Nothing will happen to Yan Chixia!

Supposedly, I just went down the mountain to buy some elixirs. I should be back~

Putting away the antidote elixir, Yang Yiyun stood up and prepared to leave the cave to see Yan Chixia.

Xuexiang sat in front of the Kunpeng egg and entered a state of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun did not disturb him. As soon as he walked out of the cave entrance, he saw Yan Chixia's figure appearing at the entrance of the mountain pass.

"Master, I'm back~"

Yan Chixia roared and spoke in a loud voice, with an evil look on her face and looked very vicious.

He always remembered Yang Yiyun's request to him to be fierce. He practiced along the way, but found that he liked the sound of shouting and speaking with such a loud voice.

Unexpectedly, he made a lot of money by going to the fairy medicine market. Many people were in awe of his appearance, which made Yan Chixia feel very happy.

Yang Yiyun listened to Yan Chixia's loud voice and looked at his fierce look, and smiled. Not to mention, this guy looked a bit like the bearded Yan Chixia.

He coughed twice and said, "Is it going well?"

"Everything goes well. Master, I bought all the elixirs you asked for. There are three copies in total. It cost 9,300 immortal stones, which is really expensive.

But fortunately, the master's alchemy was not delayed, and his subordinates visited many houses to collect the quantity.

Also, Master, you are so wise. The entire Immortal City is covered with images of the three of us. We are wanted by the whole city of Immortal Tower. If I hadn’t changed my appearance, I might have been arrested by the people of Immortal Tower as soon as I got off the mountain. ~

Master, you don’t know. Now everyone in the entire Immortal City knows that you have an inscribed Taoist talisman in your hand. It’s not just Jia Lianhua from the Immortal Tower who is looking for you. It is estimated that many forces are looking for you. I don’t know if we are still here. How long can you hide?

The subordinates are worried that they will search the mountain sooner or later. What should they do then...? " Yan Chixia spoke with a loud and wild voice.

"Can you please keep your voice down? I'm not deaf. Don't disturb Xuexiang's practice. I'm not worried. You're nothing to worry about. Go outside to protect the law. I'm going to make elixirs~" Yang Yiyun glared at Yan Chixia and left. He went deep into the cave and began to make elixirs.

As for what Yan Chixia said about the three of them being wanted by the whole city, it was expected, but just like that, Yang Yiyun also felt the urgency and had to improve his strength.

Only by improving your strength and cultivation can you go out. There is no need to hide if you can.

Now he will rely on Immortal Qijun's three signature elixirs to improve his cultivation.

After everything was ready, Yang Yiyun took out three copies of the elixir and entered the alchemy state.

With the previous experience of refining the Immortal Essence Pill and detoxifying elixir, I felt confident in getting started this time, and everything went smoothly.

However, Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan is not an ordinary elixir after all. It took him a year to complete the first batch of elixirs, and the second and third batches combined for a year and a half. Practice makes perfect.

Three furnaces of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir were finally successfully refined, with nine pills in each furnace, and three bottles were filled.

Yang Yiyun took the first pill directly after finishing his exercise.

He wanted to know the difference between the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill he refined and the one he and Du Jiebin got at Daluo Immortal Mansion. Would the efficacy be any worse?

After all, what he got in the Qijun Alchemy Cave of Daluo Immortal Mansion was the elixir refined by Immortal Qijun himself, and what he took at this time was the elixir he refined himself.

I don’t know how effective I can get from taking it now. As long as I take any elixir once, the effect will be much worse the second time a third party takes it.

But Jin Yuan Zhen Tao elixir was the elixir for which Immortal Qi Jun lost his life after all. Yang Yiyun believed that it should still be effective. This was also mentioned in the book of Qi Jun elixir.

After taking the first Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill, there was a bang, and the huge energy of the elixir exploded in the body.

Yang Yiyun's face was filled with joy. He felt that the energy was the same as when he swallowed it. In other words, the quality of the Jinyuan Zhendao Pill he refined was the same as that refined by Immortal Qijun.

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