My Master Is a God

Chapter 1919 The natal essence and blood of the magical bird

The energy contained in the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan he refined was the same as that refined by the alchemy genius Qi Jun Xianren, which Yang Yiyun was proud of.

He was finally relieved, but the subsequent absorption improvement made him feel bitter.

The effectiveness of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill is reduced.

He is now in the middle-grade True Immortal realm. After taking the first pill, he felt that the power within Qiankun Daoyuan increased by less than 20%. You must know that when he came out of Daluo Immortal Mansion, he took three Jinyuan True Dao Pills. It allowed him to step from the first-grade heavenly immortal to the first-grade true immortal. This difference was a bit bad for Yang.

This also illustrates a problem. After taking the same elixir several times, the efficacy will gradually decrease, which is eternal.

Fortunately, it is still useful for the time being, and the strength has increased by less than 20%, so he will continue to take it. Anyway, he has refined it for three times and will continue to take it until it is ineffective.

Next, Yang Yiyun continued to take it...

The second pill, the third pill... Yang Yiyun took nine pills in one breath, the entire Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pill.

Then there was a bang in his body, and he finally broke through to the realm of high-grade true immortals.

According to the records in the Qijun Alchemy Book, under normal circumstances, an immortal in the True Immortal Realm can break through to the Golden Immortal level by taking three Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills.

But he is just a freak. After a whole batch of nine Jin Yuan True Pills, he broke through from the middle-grade True Immortal to the high-grade True Immortal. Not to mention the Golden Immortal, even the True Immortal has not reached the Great Consummation.

There were also two bottles of eighteen gold Yuan Zhen Tao pills. Yang Yiyun took a look at them and gritted his teeth and swallowed the whole bottle in one breath.

He couldn't believe that he still couldn't break through to the Golden Immortal level.

In fact, the Golden Immortal level was the lowest level he expected this time.


He didn't take it seriously before taking it one by one, but now all nine pills exploded in his body with a roar.


A typical self-inflicted crime.

Yang overestimated his ability to bear it.

Just like eating steamed buns, if you eat them one by one, you can turn around and digest them. But now he ate nine buns in one breath, and his stomach suddenly couldn't turn around.

What's more, this is an elixir, an elixir that Immortal Qi Jun should be proud of.

Nine pellets of energy instantly exploded in the body.

He couldn't absorb and refine the huge energy, and it felt like his stomach was about to explode, so he couldn't help but roar.

This is a scream~

"Wow, you little bastard, you are seeking death~"

At this moment, the God and Demon Bird squatting on his shoulders was awakened by Yang Yiyun's howl. As soon as the God and Demon Bird woke up, he saw Yang Yiyun's situation!

There are bulging blood vessels all over the person's face, typically looking like his body is about to explode.

Even if he wanted help at this time, he would not be heard outside because Yang had set up a barrier deep in the cave when he was practicing.

There is only one god and demon bird around.

But when the God-Devil Bird saw it, it couldn't do it. Yang was about to die. It could see at a glance that the pill bottle in front of Yang was nowhere to be seen. This kid had swallowed a lot of pills. It can't be digested. Is this going to be burst by the power of the elixir?

Seeing that Yang couldn't control the energy in his body, the God and Demon Bird became anxious.

For it, if Yang doesn't die, it will be in big trouble. It has an agreement with that old bastard Yun Tianxie to protect Yang Yiyun.

If Yang Yiyun dies, that old bastard Yun Tianxie has his own things, but he will never get them back. If he doesn't keep them all, he will be killed by that old bastard.

"Weak chicken, weak chicken, super weak chicken, bastard little bastard, you want to die on your own, and you will make me suffer with you, weak chicken, ahhhhhh~"

The magic bird cursed Yang Yiyun, flicked its wings, and pecked Yang Yiyun between his eyebrows.

However, the divine devil bird spat out a drop of golden blood, which immediately seeped into Yang Yiyun's eyebrows.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's eyebrows were golden, and with a buzzing sound, a three-legged bird appeared, its whole body shining with golden light, as if it was bathed in golden flames.

Then he flashed his wings, and the huge wings completely enveloped Yang Yiyun and turned into a golden cocoon!

Golden light flickers from the curve, but you can see inscriptions flowing...

At this time, the God and Demon Bird fell to the ground with a crash, and suddenly became sluggish.

He lay directly on the ground and slowly closed his eyes, still muttering and cursing to himself: "You super weak chicken, my life essence and blood are going to kill me..."

The voice gradually became quieter.

It can be seen that the magic bird is really bleeding heavily this time.

And what about Yang Yiyun?

After he swallowed nine Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills in one breath, and was exploded by the huge energy of the nine elixir pills at the same time, his body was exploded in an instant, and the Qian Kun Dao Yuan made a clicking sound, and he was completely out of control.

No matter how he ordered the exercises to be performed, there was no time to absorb and refine all the blasted energy, and the meridians and blood vessels were severed...

He felt bitter in his heart that he was too greedy. If he had known earlier, it would be better to take the refining pills one by one. Now it was better. He felt very clearly that he was going to explode and die from the energy of the nine elixirs~

"It's going to be over~"

While he was feeling bitter in his heart, he heard the magical bird cursing him.

But how can I have time to pay attention to this miscellaneous bird at this time?

But what he didn't expect was that just when he felt like he was about to die, with all his orifices bleeding, and his eyes blurred by blood, he vaguely saw a god and demon bird flying towards him, between his eyebrows. Pecked.

However, he could do nothing and let the god and demon bird peck him.

Then he felt that another hot and even greater power suddenly came from the center of his eyebrows, and then spread throughout his body...

At this time, Yang Yiyun just wanted to curse the devil bird. This feathered bird was adding insult to injury. My body was almost bursting with huge energy. Why the hell did you give me a chance to instill more powerful power into my body.

Didn’t I just pluck out your feathers and curse you?

As for wanting me to die so much?

However, when he was cursing the devil bird even more in his heart, he realized something was wrong.

The force of the God-Demon Bird's peck between his eyebrows did not accelerate his body explosion as expected. Instead, after this force entered his body, it began to suppress the energy of the Jinyuan Zhendao Pill in his body.

It was completely overwhelming.

What's even more amazing is that Yang Yiyun discovered that the hot power sent in by the God and Demon Bird did not cause damage to his body.

On the contrary, it was helping, and although it was hot, it was not damaging in any way.

In an instant, it merged into the broken blood vessels throughout the body, and then the flow turned to the heart.

At this moment, the situation in the body was under control. Yang Yiyun quickly activated the Qiankun Creation Technique and began to absorb and refine...

At the same time, he also heard the last weak curses of the God and Demon Bird. Only then did he realize that the mixed-haired bird was helping him, and the power it sent into the body was its own essence and blood.

Although Yang Yiyun had a lot of questions, it was too late to ask the God and Demon Bird, because the situation in his body was only temporarily improving for him, and he had to seize the opportunity to cleanly absorb the energy of refining the elixir.

In addition, the hot power sent in by the God and Demon Bird is also an even more terrifying power. Although it has been integrated into his blood and even entered his heart, the real energy exists in the body. If it is not refined, , it is a dangerous thing after all. Only by refining it and turning it into your own strength can it be considered safe.

After the power in the body stopped randomly tearing apart, Yang Yiyun's creation skill of turning the world around became effective.

The meridians and burst blood vessels also began to repair, Qiankun Daoyuan also improved immediately, and everything was finally on track.

Time passed silently, Yang Yiyun forgot everything and devoted himself to cultivation.

During this period, his body roared five times.

The first time was when he finally entered the realm of True Immortal Dzogchen, and the second time was when he broke through again and entered the realm of first-grade Golden Immortal.

After the fifth roar, Yang Yiyun woke up from his cultivation state.

Because all the power in the body has been refined and absorbed by him.

At this moment, his cultivation has reached the level of Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

Of course, he had cultivated to the Golden Immortal Dzogchen state without his knowledge.

The first time he woke up, he was shocked.


Yang's eyes widened, and only then did he realize that he had reached the Golden Immortal Dzogchen level.

It is equivalent to jumping through five small realms in a row, from the realm of high-grade true immortals directly to the great perfection of golden immortals.

"Is this a fucking hallucination?"

Yang said to himself, he couldn't believe it.

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