My Master Is a God

Chapter 1926 Don’t make enemies even if you can’t win over them

As the person in charge of the Immortal Refining Alliance's exchange of elixirs for immortal stones, Golden Turtle Immortal naturally needs to have the ability to identify elixirs.

In fact, he is also the alchemist who made the fourth-level micro seal of the Immortal Alliance.

The various refining levels of the Immortal Refining Alliance start from the lowest level one to the highest level nine.

One level and one micro-chapter, Golden Turtle Immortal is a fourth-level alchemist with four badges. An alchemist of his level is already considered a middle-level alchemist in the Immortal Refining Alliance and has authority.

Originally, when Golden Turtle Immortal heard Yang Yiyun talking about Xianyuan Pill and Antidote Pill, he became angry. Is this guy kidding me?

Are the two most common elixirs used to refine the Immortal Alliance really a vegetable market?

The uncle couldn't bear it and the aunt couldn't bear it, so he immediately cursed.

But he didn't finish cursing, so he immediately stopped, his eyes widened, and he stared at Yang Yiyun's palm, unable to curse any more.

Because the white Xianyuan Dan in Yang Yiyun's palm looked as white as jade, without a trace of impurities, it was almost transparent.

At this glance, the golden turtle's heart was trembling.

Refining Xianyuan Dan is not difficult. As long as an immortal is an alchemist, even a first-level alchemist can refine the most common and commonly used Xianyuan Dan in the immortal world.

The difficulty lies in the tempering of the Xianyuan Pill. It can even be said that the quality of any pill depends on the quality of the tempered impurities.

No one can completely refine the impurities in the elixir, which is why taking the elixir requires refining before it can be absorbed and converted into one's own magic power.

Generally speaking, being able to refine 30% of the impurities in an elixir is enough to qualify it as an elixir. This means that 30% of the effectiveness of the elixir can be achieved, and the remaining 70% are impurities that have not been refined. Moreover, after taking it, 70% of the impurities need to be quenched out of the body.

It can be tempered to a maximum of 90%, which means it can absorb 90% of the power of the elixir. This is already an infinitely perfect elixir.

But... how many alchemists in the world can refine the elixir to 90%?

There is only one person in the entire Immortal Refining Alliance, and that is Lord Luoyang, a ninth-level alchemist from the alchemy lineage of the Immortal Refining Alliance. He is a strong man at the level of an Immortal Emperor. Only Lord Luoyang can do this. Tempered to the point of 90%.

He, the Golden Turtle Immortal, is an alchemist with a fourth-level badge. His current alchemy skills can only be tempered to 40% of the peak.

This kid...


Yang Yiyun felt his eyes dazzled, and the Xianyuan Pill in his hand had already reached the Golden Turtle Immortal.

Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with the shocked look in this short immortal's eyes.

From the expression of the Golden Turtle Immortal, Yang Yiyun had already seen the result he wanted first.

He knew that Qi Jun's alchemy was indeed unusual, and he did not let himself down.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun heard the Golden Turtle Immortal ask with a trembling voice: "Boy...who is your master in alchemy?"

Golden Turtle Immortal has never considered that this Immortal Yuan Dan was refined by Yang Yiyun.

The first reaction was that there was someone behind Yang Yiyun, or in other words, there was a master of alchemy who had left. These elixirs were made by experts, and could not be refined by this kid in front of him.

Because he felt the breath of life in Yang Yiyun, this boy was very young and had not practiced for more than three thousand years.

A monk who has been practicing for two or three thousand years can only be regarded as a kid in the fairy world.

Naturally, Golden Turtle Immortal would not believe that the Xianyuan Dan of this quality was refined by Yang Yiyun. Instead, he thought on his own that it should be some old monster behind Yang Yiyun. Only those who have studied Taoist Dan for countless years might be able to extract the most powerful one. The quality of ordinary Xianyuan Dan has been tempered to such a pure level.

In the eyes of Jin Gui, the purity of this Immortal Yuan Pill has reached the ninth level, which means it has been tempered by 90%.


Could it be that there is another master of alchemy in the immortal world who exists like Lord Luoyang?

Why haven't you heard of it?

When asked by Golden Turtle, Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, but then he realized that this dwarf didn't even think highly of him being able to refine an elixir of this quality, so he directly suspected that there was an elixir master behind him?

But that's okay, he doesn't like to be in the limelight now, and it's a good thing for him to be able to have such an unfounded master behind his back.

However, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I do have a master like He Niucha, but I just don’t know where the dead old man is at this moment.

Then he pretended to be mysterious and said: "Well... my master has told me not to tell the old man's name to anyone."

"Oh~ It's a pity~" Golden Turtle Immortal was a little disappointed, but I believe it is normal. A big boss who can refine such elixir, and especially a vain and ordinary person, will definitely not let his apprentice walk on the basis of his name.

But Jin Gui still refused to give up and said: "How dare I ask my little brother, is your master the senior who came out of our Immortal Refining Alliance?"

The reason why I ask this is because Immortal Golden Turtle knows that there are many alchemists who have left the Immortal Refining Alliance, and many have disappeared. What if it is one of their seniors?

Yang Yiyun shook his head: "No, my master's alchemy method was created by himself."

Anyway, when dealing with beetles, just talk nonsense.

Then Yang Yiyun said impatiently: "By the way, look at the grade of my Immortal Yuan Dan. There are nine pills in one grade. How many immortal stones can be exchanged for it? I have something else to do~"

"Oh, little brother, wait a moment. I can't decide on the grade of your elixir yet. Please wait a moment. I'll go ask our great master for refining the elixir of the Immortal Sect for instructions. Don't worry, I can definitely satisfy my little brother. Exchange." said the golden turtle.

"Okay, hurry up." Yang Yiyun agreed, but murmured in his heart: "The short man called himself an immortal just now, and called me master, boy, boy, now he has become a little brother, how snobbish! But having said that, Qi Jun Dan Dao is really easy to use..."

"Come as soon as you go, please take a rest... Come and serve tea to some fellow Taoists~" The Golden Turtle Immortal left in a swish, and also asked others to serve tea.

It's not that he can't identify it, but he really wants to ask for instructions.

In the world of elixirs, there is a master of alchemy who can refine elixirs to 90%. His attainments in alchemy are comparable to those of Master Luoyang. This is a big deal, and he must ask the master for instructions.

In a room on the ninth floor of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

"It is indeed an elixir that has been tempered to the extreme. It should be determined to be the highest-level ninth-grade immortal elixir. We will try our best to win over him, so that we can have the opportunity to contact the master of alchemy behind him~"

The person speaking was none other than Ding Heping, the current person in charge of the Alchemy Department of the Immortal Refining Alliance Branch of the Immortal City! He is a master of alchemy with a fifth-level badge, and a master of Hunyuan Dzogchen.

In response to the news reported by Golden Turtle, instructions were given immediately.

"Yes, my subordinates will arrange for someone to keep an eye on that kid." Jin Gui replied respectfully.

Ding Heping stopped and said: "No, it's not about arranging people, but you keep an eye on it yourself. Remember, the main thing is to win over. Even if you can't win over, you must not make enemies. In the world of alchemy in the immortal world, there are still some masters in alchemy, no less. Mr. Luoyang, I think that behind that boy there must be a reclusive master of alchemy.

Being able to temper the lowest level Xianyuan Dan among the elixirs to the point where it is almost like glass, this is not only a terrifying cultivation level that can be described, but the opponent's attainments in the alchemy path are probably not inferior to Lord Luoyang at all. Such a person, If our Immortal Refining Alliance can be roped in, it will be a big help to us.

Now that Your Majesty has returned, the previous battle with the three giants is about to become intense. If an alchemy expert like Lord Luoyang can come in, it will be a real help in times of need for us..."

"Then... are you going to do it now?" Jin Gui also had a solemn look on his face.

"Have you checked the details of that kid?" Ding Heping asked.

"Someone has been sent to check the registration information..." Just as Jin Gui spoke, there was a knock on the door: "Your Majesty, please see me."

The golden turtle waved his hand and opened the door: "Come in, have you found the information records of those three people?"

A Golden Immortal came in from the door. He bowed respectfully to Jin Gui and Ding He and then said, "That boy's name is Yang Yiyun. He is a Golden Immortal with Dzogchen cultivation. The other one is named Yan Chixia, and the woman is a demon named Xue." Xiang, his cultivation is at the peak of Da Luo..."

"Go down~" The golden turtle waved.

After waiting to go out, Jin Gui suddenly smiled and said: "My lord, my subordinates suddenly remembered that five hundred years ago, Jia Lianhua, the granddaughter of Jia Ye of the Immortal Pill Tower, seemed to have three people wanted in the city. I have seen the images, but they are not There are three people today, but their names are the same.

I guess it can't be a coincidence. If I guess correctly, the three of them are the people Jia Lianhua is looking for. They just used secret methods to change their appearance and breath. Rumor has it that Jia Lianhua came for an inscribed Taoist talisman on Yang Yiyun. If this is true, What should subordinates do? "

Ding Heping shook his head. He knew what Jin Gui was thinking. He shook his head and said: "Compared to a master who can refine the ninth-grade elixir, let alone an inscribed Taoist talisman, it is not worth even one hundred or one thousand yuan. So you secretly Following Yang Yiyun, I think Jia Lianhua will take action against Yang Yiyun. Maybe Yang Yiyun has been targeted, but he just doesn't know it. The Immortal Pill Tower still has some eyes and ears in the Immortal Pill City.

On the contrary, Jia Lianhua of the Truthful Immortal House takes action against Yang Yiyun. You will provide help when the time comes, so that we will have the opportunity to contact the alchemy masters behind Yang Yiyun. "

"Yes, I understand. It's easy to talk to Jia Lianhua, but if I take action, won't we directly confront Jia Ye of the Immortal Pill House? We have been hoping that Jia Ye can join our Immortal Pill House for these years. I'm afraid I'll turn against you!" The golden turtle thought for a while and said.

"Humph, Jia Ye is a sixth-grade alchemist. He has been playing tricks on both sides these years. The Immortal King has long been dissatisfied with him. What is the little immortal elixir building? If he, Jia Ye, really dares to make our immortal alliance an enemy, he will When it comes to destroying his Immortal Pill Tower, just go ahead and do it, and I will report this matter to the Immortal King." Ding Heping was also very dissatisfied when he talked about the Immortal Pill Tower at the end.

"I understand~" Jin Gui bowed and exited Ding Heping's room.

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