My Master Is a God

Chapter 1927 Five Thousand Middle Grade Immortal Stones

"Oh, I've been waiting for a long time, little brother, haha~"

The golden turtle came back smiling with a warm smile on his face.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised. Why did this guy seem so much more enthusiastic than before when he went out for a while?

But it doesn't matter to him. What he cares about anyway is how many immortal stones he can exchange for the elixir in his hand.

"It's okay. I wonder how fellow Taoist Jin's appraisal goes? How many immortal stones can I exchange for a bottle of Xianyuan Dan and a first-grade detoxification pill?" Yang Yiyun asked directly.

"Five thousand~" the golden turtle said with a smile.

Yan Chixia muttered upon hearing this: "It's only five thousand immortal stones. Isn't that too little?"

Yang Yiyun also frowned. Although he didn't know much about the exchange of elixirs for immortal stones, two bottles of five thousand elixirs were indeed a bit lower than his expectations. However, considering that he was refining the most basic immortality elixir and antidote elixir in the immortal world, he I feel relieved.

Five thousand, just five thousand, and I can refine more in the future.

Anyway, it's a good deal.

He can make elixirs to maximize the value of elixirs.

However, at this time, Jin Gui smiled and said: "I'm talking about five thousand middle-grade immortal stones, not low-grade immortal stones."

"What... a middle-grade immortal stone? Real or fake?" Yan Chixia opened her mouth wide.

The ratio between middle-grade and low-grade stones is huge. In the fairy world, one medium-grade fairy stone can be exchanged for ten low-grade fairy stones, which is exactly ten times.

Five thousand middle-grade immortal stones are a total of fifty thousand low-grade immortal stones.

This is the lowest elixir refined by the master. In fact, Yan Chixia has also heard about the ratio of elixirs to elixirs, but she never thought of it!

Even Yang Yiyun was a little surprised that Immortal Golden Turtle was actually talking about a middle-grade immortal stone.

He had frowned just now, but now he was surprised.

"Nonsense, this Immortal represents the Immortal Refining Alliance. Every spit is a pit. How can I lie to you? This is the number of five thousand middle-grade Immortal Stones." Jin Gui threw a storage bag to Yang Yiyun as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun took the five thousand middle-grade immortal stones in the storage bag, many of them.

Now he was a little unsure about what Immortal Golden Turtle meant.

Although the Xianyuan Dan and the Antidote Pill he refined were of good quality, they were the lowest elixir after all. Immortal Golden Turtle gave him five thousand middle-grade immortal stones at once, which was far beyond his expectations.

But I don’t know what’s going on!

Could it be that refining the elixir yourself is really amazingly good?

Golden Turtle Immortal seemed to see Yang Yiyun's doubts, and leaned closer and said: "Little brother, your elixir is of ninth-grade quality. It is already the highest-level tempered elixir. It is worth the price. Let me say something more about your ninth-grade elixir in the future. Try to be easily exposed to others so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to yourself.

In addition, if there is a chance in the future, can you recommend your master to come to us to refine the Immortal Alliance, so that I can have a better experience? Of course, in the future, as long as it is the elixir in your hand, little brother, come to us to refine the Immortal Alliance and exchange it, you can give it to the highest price.

One more thing... I think my little brother is also an alchemist. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Immortal Refining Alliance. This may save little brother a lot of trouble. Besides, we have so many experts in the Immortal Refining Alliance. The remuneration is generous, and it can make the path of alchemy smooth for little brother, and can provide all the elixirs needed. I wonder what I want, little brother? "

It has to be said that Golden Turtle Immortal's proposal is extremely generous to anyone, even Yang Yiyun was extremely moved.

But his own affairs were in good hands. Yang Yiyun knew that the Golden Turtle Immortal wanted to win over him because of the degree of tempering of the elixir in his hands, or for the unwarranted elixir master behind him.

In order to get in touch with a master of alchemy, I extended an olive branch to him.

Little did he know that the elixir itself was refined by himself. There was a master behind him, but there was no master of alchemy at all.

The point is that this is not an alchemy expert at all, but just the alchemy method of Immortal Qijun.

Of course, if we really talk about it, Qijun Immortal is indeed a master of alchemy. It is a pity that Qijun Immortal finally fell because of his method of alchemy.

Yang Yiyun knew what the consequences would be if he showed the method of Qi Jun Dan Dao.

Therefore, he will not join the Immortal Refining Alliance. Although he is interested in the conditions of Immortal Golden Turtle, he cannot.

As for the other sentence he heard from the Golden Turtle Immortal's words, he automatically ignored it.

The Golden Turtle Immortal said something that could avoid a lot of trouble, which made Yang Yiyun hear the hidden meaning in his words, and he wondered if the Golden Turtle Immortal knew that he was the person wanted by the whole city of Jia Lianhua, the Immortal Pill Tower?

When entering the Immortal Refining Alliance, all three of them registered their information, and Yang Yiyun used his real name.

Because he knows that the Immortal Refining Alliance exists beyond the three major forces in the Immortal City and has never participated in the disputes in the Immortal City, so Yang Yiyun registered his real name, which is okay.

Now it seems that the Golden Turtle Immortal knows something.

But it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, the elixir has been redeemed. The next step is to go to the Wanyao Market to find Dongyan and then look for the Ghost Mother Demon Tree to obtain the Ghost Mother Flower Tears.

Faced with the Golden Turtle Immortal's attempt to win over Yang Yiyun, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Taoist Jin, for your kindness. I am used to freedom, and my master also said that he will not let me join any force. Thank you very much."

Yang Yiyun's simplicity and clarity rejected the Golden Turtle Immortal.

In response, Golden Turtle Immortal smiled. For him, Yang Yiyun's rejection was expected, and he just did what he should do.

"It doesn't matter. We who forge the Immortal Alliance never do anything that makes things difficult for others. Let's do this. This is our token for the Immortal Alliance. If anything happens in the future, you can come to someone at any time with this token and exchange it for the elixir. Or you can get priority by doing transactions at any branch of our Immortal Refining Alliance.

Of course, little brother, you are always welcome to join our Immortal Refining Alliance. This token is the offering token of our Immortal Refining Alliance. No more than a hundred will be given out in the entire Immortal World. Today, I can see the ninth grade in the hands of my little brother. The elixir can also be regarded as the fate between you and the Immortal Refining Alliance. I hope my little brother will accept it. "

The golden turtle said this very sincerely, and of course it was also the explanation given by Lord Ding Heping, so this token was given sincerely.

Yang Yiyun had a telepathic feeling about this, so he could feel that Jin Gui was sincerely showing favor to him, and Yang Yiyun knew that such a token was equivalent to a senior member of the Immortal Refining Alliance, so he was happy to accept it.

"Then thank you Daoist Jin~"

This time Yang Yiyun accepted the token for the Immortal Alliance without any courtesy.

Then he said goodbye and left.

Jin Gui looked at Yang Yiyun and the three people leaving with a smile on his lips, and said to himself: "A good start, and then I really hope that the Immortal Pill House will go to Yang Yiyun to cause trouble. When the time comes, I will come forward to help Yang Yiyun, and he will You owe me a favor for forging the Immortal Alliance, it’s perfect~”

After muttering, Golden Turtle Immortal said: "Here comes~"

The next moment, the space behind him was distorted, and a man in armor appeared. He knelt down on one knee and said, "I have met Mr. Jin. What are your orders?"

"Go out and spread a message, saying that someone with Taoist inscriptions on his body has appeared. Of course, this message is only for the Immortal Pill Tower, but people must not know that it is us who spread the message, understand?" Jin Gui said lightly.

"I understand," the armored man replied seriously.

"Go ahead and keep an eye on the three people who just went out. Report any movement at any time. Don't let them find out. In addition, notify the four guards of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning to come see me. Go ahead."


Yang Yiyun and the others were still dressed as in A Chinese Girl. After coming out of the Immortal Refining Alliance, they went directly to the Wanyao Market to find Dongyan.

The other eight elixirs for refining Jin Yuan Da Luo Dan have been prepared at the Ten Thousand Medicine Market for a long time. He did not have any immortal stones on him before, so he went to the Immortal Refining Alliance to exchange for the immortal stones.

Now he is considered rich. Five thousand middle-grade immortal stones are equivalent to fifty thousand low-grade immortal stones. He is very confident.

After arriving at Wanyao Market, the steward had already received Dong Yan's order from Yang Yiyun and the three of them to come and take him directly to see him.

Since everyone had already agreed to go look for the Demonic Mother Tree together, they would naturally set off together.

Only Dongyan knows where the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree exists.

After the two parties met, Yang Yiyun spent two thousand middle-grade immortal stones to buy eight other immortal elixirs for refining Jinyuan Daluo Pill.

After that, he and Dongyan set out to look for the ghost mother tree.

Dongyan would naturally not tell Yang Yiyun where the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree existed for the time being.

Yang Yiyun didn't ask. Anyway, the goal of both parties was the same for the time being, and they both needed to be the ghost mother's flower tears on the ghost mother tree.

Just follow Dongyan, he is not afraid of Dongyan.

But they didn't realize that when they came out of Wanyao's market, they were targeted by several forces.

To be precise, the five forces were targeting them.

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