My Master Is a God

Chapter 1933 Weird Rattan

Yang Yiyun didn't know that Dong Yan actually did this on purpose, waiting for him to be a praying mantis, and then he would become an oriole himself.

But it doesn't matter to Yang Yiyun anymore.

From the beginning of his cultivation, he understood the truth that it is safest to rely on yourself in everything.

and Dongyan can only be said to be using each other.

Dongyan knew where there was a ghost mother demon tree, and he, Yang Yiyun, knew how to collect the ghost mother's flower tears.

The two of them said they were cooperating from the beginning, but in fact they were trying to take advantage of each other from the beginning.

Yang Yiyun needs Dongyan to take him to find the Ghost Mother Demon Tree.

What Dongyan needs is for Yang Yiyun to collect the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears. Afterwards, when robbing Yang Yiyun, he not only needs to obtain the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears, but also the Taoist inscriptions on Yang Yiyun's body.

The wishful thinking was decided from the beginning.

Now things are developing in the direction he expected.

As for what it will actually look like in the end, that’s not yet certain.

Because Yang is not easy to mess with!

He will naturally have the means when the time comes.

And there are other uncertainties here.

Those are the three major forces, the Immortal Pill Tower, the Fire Cloud Pavilion, and the Immortal Refining Alliance.

Dongyan thought he had everything under control, but what he didn't know was that the three major forces that came had experts dispatched.

The formations in the misty forest can trap ordinary immortals, but they cannot trap masters.

The three major forces including the Immortal Pill Tower and his Demonic Pill Palace are on an equal footing, and even the Refining Immortal Alliance, which has never been involved in the fight in the Immortal Pill City, is the real big force.

The Golden Turtle Immortal who formed the Immortal Alliance had a very clear purpose of coming to secretly help Yang Yiyun.

Especially if Yang Yiyun is plotted against?

At this moment, outside the Demonic Mother Tree, at the edge of the misty forest, people from the three major forces have come out, and they can see the Demonic Mother Tree moving like a sea...

"It turned out to be the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree. Haha, no wonder this old ghost from Dongyan set up a formation in the misty forest. It turned out that he didn't want people to discover the existence of the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree here, but he forgot about it. Little Misty Forest You can’t trap me yet.” The great swordsman of the Immortal Pill Tower narrowed his eyes and said.

It was the first time for Jia Lianhua to hear about the Demonic Mother Tree, and she couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa Jian, what is the Demonic Mother Tree? Old ghost Dongyan and that kid Yang Yiyun have gone in, what should we do? Such a huge tree This is my first time seeing it, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to deal with?”

"Haha, it doesn't matter. This ghost mother demon tree is indeed difficult to deal with, but there is nothing we can do about it. These demon trees are already accomplished demon spirits. Those who have lived for thousands of years are very scary, but they have treasures in them. The demon tree There are nine flowers, and the flowers contain the essence of heaven and earth. They are called Ghost Mother Flower Tears, which are the main ingredients for refining high-level elixirs.

Our visit this time is not in vain. If we can get this kind of elixir, we can refine a lot of elixirs in the elixir building. The most important thing is the heart of the demon mother tree, which is what the practitioners in the world dream of. The treasure exists, can be refined and absorbed, its wonderfulness is indescribable, its skill and cultivation have been greatly improved... Come on, let's go in, these treasures should have a share of the pie, hahaha. "The great swordsman laughed as he finished speaking and took Jia Lianhua into the sea of ​​​​Ghost Mother Trees.

On the other side, the fifth deputy pavilion master Jing Can, a woman in red in Fire Cloud Pavilion, also came out of the misty forest and saw the endless sea of ​​ghost trees. She muttered: "The miniature of Dongyan is very big, let's go and join in the fun!"

Hua Luo took two old women, one black and one white, into the sea of ​​ghost trees.

After both groups of people entered the sea of ​​​​Ghost Mother Trees, the golden turtle immortal from the Immortal Refining Alliance appeared with the four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree. It seems that what Dongyan is plotting is the Ghost Mother Tree's heart. That's good. We, the Immortal Refining Alliance, should also have a hand in such demonic things. Of course, after entering, everyone will Remember, to protect Yang Yiyun, we cannot let that kid die. The alchemist behind him will be of great help to our Immortal Refining Alliance." said the Golden Turtle Immortal.

"I understand~"

The four of them answered in unison.

At this time, within the Sea of ​​Ghost Mother Trees, Yang Yiyun used the Green Lotus Immortal Fire to open a path and rushed directly towards the depths.

About three hours later, the three people saw a faint orange light in their eyes.

The next moment, his vision suddenly became brighter.

But it appeared in an open space.

Here, there are no dark green leaves and branches blocking the sky and the sun, and it seems that the sky can be seen at once.

In fact, he saw the true face of the ghost mother tree.

It wasn't that he saw the sun, but that there was an orange-yellow halo around him, which looked like light shining from the sky.

Above the sky, there was a tighter blockage of branches and leaves, seemingly forming a space with a diameter of a kilometer.

The three of them saw a big tree that was not too thick, about three meters in diameter.

The main tree is almost transparent orange-yellow, but you can see the inner seeds, which are thick and uneven, like blood vessels.

This surprised Yang Yiyun.

This is clearly like the blood vessels of the human body.

Indeed, this is a tree demon that has become a spirit.

Hundreds of feet above, countless branches spread out, but they opened up like a giant umbrella to form this space.

Looking carefully, the branches and leaves here seem to be the same as outside, except for the different colors. The branches and leaves here are orange-yellow in color, and exude a faint halo, illuminating this space.

"Is this... the true form of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree?" Yan Chixia couldn't help but say something.

"That should be it~"

Yang Yiyun said.

"Why don't you feel there is no danger?" Yan Chixia was a little confused.

Yang Yiyun said: "Be careful. The less danger there is, the greater the danger..."

"Look above~" Xuexiang said at this moment, pointing to the top of her head.

Yang Yiyun and Yan Chixia looked up and saw flowers the size of watermelons. They were shaped like small lanterns and were blood red, just like the blood vessels in the tree. When they looked up, there were exactly nine flowers. flower.

The location of the distribution is unusual in Yang Yiyun's eyes. If you look closely, it turns out that it is arranged in nine palaces.

Several flowers from the Demonic Mother Tree are arranged into nine palaces.

This is definitely unusual.

Each bloody red flower is shaped like a small red lantern, not in full bloom.

On the contrary, they are like fruits.

In fact, Yang Yiyun knew that these were the Nine Flowers, and according to what he learned from the Qijun Alchemy Book, the Ghost Mother Demon Tree would not bear fruit at all, it would only bloom, and inside the flower would be the Ghost Mother Flower Tears that absorbed the essence of heaven and earth.

"Finally found it, hehe, the master's subordinates will go and get it for the master."

While Yan Chixia was speaking, she stepped out, flew up, and headed straight for one of the ghost mother tree flowers.

Originally, Yang Yiyun wanted to say, don't worry, it's too peaceful here, something is wrong, take a look before talking.

As a result, Yan Chixia was eager to try.

Well, I'm going to try the shades anyway.

He didn't say anything and let Yan Chixia try it.

But the next moment...

The sudden change~

As soon as Yan Chixia's body flew up, a cane with a thick thumb appeared out of thin air and hit him directly.



"Ah...ah, my mom~"

Yan Chixia screamed and was whipped, flying down. She hit the ground and landed in front of Yang Yiyun.


Yan Chixia opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Yang Yiyun quickly went to help Yan Chixia, took a closer look, and let go.


Because Yan Chixia is charged with electricity.

"I guess it's Yin Lei~"


Yan Chixia was thrown away by Yang Yiyun, and she screamed in pain from the fall.

"It's also poisonous~" Xuexiang walked over and spoke at this time.

Yang Yiyun's hands that touched Yan Chixia's body were numb for a while. Fortunately, the power was not strong anymore. He used his skills to neutralize the thunder coming from Yan Chixia's body.

After hearing that Xuexiang said it was poisonous, Yang Yiyun took another look and saw that Yan Chixia's face had turned gray-black at this moment.

Suddenly he took a breath of air.

The cane that whipped Yan Chixia before was very strange, and he couldn't tell from which direction it came.

It was completely like a vine appearing out of thin air.

Looking up now, there is nothing strange in the surrounding area. Where can I see the strange vine that Yan Chixia just drew.

"Ouch~ It hurts me so much~"

Yan Chixia screamed and rolled on the ground.

Xuexiang shot a milky light at Yan Chixia and entered his body.

Then he said: "This is the poison of Yin Lei. I helped you suppress it, but it needs to be refined as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in danger."

"Thank you, Mistress." Yan Chixia thanked her and forced herself to sit up and start refining with her legs crossed.

Yang Yiyun looked at Xuexiang and asked, "Xuexiang, did you see what happened just now?"

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