My Master Is a God

Chapter 1934: Sit back and wait for a blow

Xuexiang shook his head and said: "I didn't see it clearly, but I recognize the Yin Thunder. It should be related to the environment where the Ghost Mother Demon Tree grows. The extremely Yin place here absorbs the Yin Evil and transforms it into Yin Thunder, which is also poisonous.

If we want to get the Ghost Mother Flower Bud, we must first find a way to deal with the attack of Yin Lei, or the attack of those weird vines. "

"Indeed, it is true, but I look at it. I am afraid that there are not only rattans here, but also the demon mother tree. There are living beings who have accomplished cultivation. So far, we have not seen any movement in the main tree.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Looking at the main tree trunk, there are blood vessels inside. This is a characteristic that can only appear in creatures with extremely high cultivation levels. Now it seems that this ghost mother demon tree is not a result of thousands of years of cultivation. , I’m afraid that for thousands of years, the bastard Dongyan is plotting against us. "

Yang Yiyun cursed Dongyan in a deep voice.

He also thought of something~

I'm afraid that old boy from Dongyan deliberately let us enter here first. He wants us to collect the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears. Is he afraid that he will directly rob us?

Yang Yiyun thought of this and suddenly had an idea. He said to Xuexiang: "We are not doing anything now, just sitting here. That old immortal in Dongyan wants us to work hard to collect the tears of the ghost mother. I dare say that when we are all When he is exhausted, or loses both sides, or collects the tears of the ghost mother, he will definitely jump out to pick peaches. In this case, we will not let him do what he wants. We will spend it here to see who can spend it. Who has passed~"

Xuexiang was innocent after all. Thinking of the scene where the three of them saw Dongyan and his two men trapped by branches, she couldn't help but said to Yang Yiyun: "Aren't they trapped? How could they come here? Since our goal is the Ghost Mother’s Flower Tears, let’s collect them and I can give it a try.”

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "You are still new to the world and don't understand what disguise is. The old immortal Dongyan was indeed trapped before, but it was most likely a deliberate disguise.

Since he knows about the existence of the Demonic Mother Tree, and when we first discussed it with us, he already said that they had picked off the Demonic Mother Flower, but there was no secret method to collect the flower tears inside, and they would evaporate in an instant.

That's why they need to cooperate with us. Thinking about it now, he must know a lot about this place. The trees and vines outside can't trap them. The reason why they are like this is to let us come in early. After we succeed, they will They will jump out to pick peaches, so we won’t be fooled and just wait here. "

After listening to Yang Yiyun's explanation, Xuexiang exclaimed, "You humans have really complicated minds."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "So you have to remember that you must not trust people in the future."

"Including you?" Xuexiang stared at Yang Yiyun and said.

"Ahem~" Yang suddenly coughed,

"How can you include me? We are friends. You have to remember that I am the best person to you in this world. I help you transfer energy into the Kunpeng egg. I am also the one who brought you out from the bottom of the lake. This You don’t trust anyone in the world, but you can’t trust me, do you understand?” Yang began to brainwash the innocent and simple Xuexiang.

"Oh~ Deep down in my heart I also feel that I have to trust you, but this feeling is uncomfortable..." Xuexiang tilted her head and spoke.

This made Yang blush. He knew that Xuexiang had to believe in him deep down. This was because after she took the water of life, all her life and death were in his hands. In other words, he was Xuexiang. The master, so starting from the depths of his soul, Xuexiang cannot betray him, so he naturally has to believe in him.

She didn't want to use the water of life to restrain Xuexiang Yang, so she rarely mentioned the water of life again in front of her, and never said the original meaning of the water of life.

I just hope that this innocent and simple girl will have a good result if she follows him.

But no matter what, the two of them are destined to be inseparable, because Kunpeng Egg is completely in Yang Yiyun's hands.

And Xuexiang, the Kun dragon, was born to be the follower and guardian of Kun Peng.

Of course, Yang chose to ignore the issue of Xuexiang.

Next, the two of them protected Yan Chixia by her side, far, far away from the Demonic Mother Tree, at the edge of the kilometer range.

Yang Yiyun always felt that the main trunk of the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree was quite dangerous. His aperture sensor could sense this danger, but he couldn't get too close anyway.

As for what's behind them, after they entered here, they discovered that there was no way out. There was a barrier here. It was a kilometer-wide barrier created by the main trunk of the Demonic Mother Tree.

But he wasn't in a hurry. He didn't want to go out so soon anyway, and he had to get the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears no matter what.

It's just that the ghost mother flower is right in front of him, and he doesn't want that old immortal Dongyan to pick peaches.

Moreover, that weird rattan can appear out of thin air, and it carries the sinister poison of lightning. Even if it is beaten on the body, although it will not die, it will definitely not be uncomfortable.

He didn't want to be taken advantage of.

Now he just waits and waits for Dong Yan and his two men to come in and give them a blow in the head.

Time passed like this minute by minute.

Outside, there is a dark corner.

Dongyan and his two men were outside the barrier of the Demonic Mother Tree.

"Why is there no movement, Your Majesty?" One of his subordinates spoke.

Dongyan also frowned and said: "It shouldn't be. There was a thunderous sound. There has been no movement for so long. Isn't this boy afraid of being beaten by the ghost mother's cane and not doing anything?"

"It's possible to think about it. This is the boundary of the Demonic Mother Tree, and what protects the Demonic Mother Flower is the Demonic Mother Rattan with sinister thunder and poison, but it's not something that ordinary people can resist, so Yang Yiyun should be afraid. " Another subordinate said.

"My lord, would you like your subordinates to go in and take a look?"

"Wait a minute, this devil tree barrier is easy to get in and difficult to get out. If something happens to you, we won't be able to rescue you. We are waiting for a little week. If there is no movement inside, the three of us will go in together. , after entering, this time he directly took action to suppress Yang Yiyun. Since the boy did not do anything, after directly suppressing him, and searching for his soul, he would naturally get the Ghost Mother Flower Tears.

If it weren't for the fact that opening the heart of the ghost mother tree requires watering with tears, why should I go to such trouble? I would have killed that kid long ago. After I go in later, I will deal with the demon fairy next to Yang Yiyun. You two will take down Yang Yiyun as soon as possible, and so on. Do it like this..."

Dongyan handed over to his two subordinates.

Both of his subordinates are high-grade Da Luo. In Dongyan's heart, they are more than enough to deal with Yang Yiyun. Although Yang Yiyun has shown good methods, he is only a Golden Immortal after all. Even if the Golden Immortal Dzogchen is capable how?

What if it's a golden immortal? How could he be so defiant as to be an enemy of two high-grade Da Luo immortals?

What Dong Yan thought was absolutely correct, but he didn't understand Yang Yiyun.

A small week passed quickly, and there was still no movement inside.

Although the barrier of the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree cannot see what is going on inside, Dongyan and the other three knew that anyone who touched the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree would be attacked by the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree, which is the power that protects the Ghost Mother Demonic Flower, and With thunderous and sinister poison.

As long as it moves, there will be thunder, which can be heard outside.

But after so long, there was still no movement.

At this time, Dongyan couldn't wait anymore and said in a deep voice: "Let's go in and fight quickly."


Then the three of them stepped into the orange halo and disappeared.

Meanwhile, Yang Yiyun, Xuexiang, and Yan Chixia were meditating.

He was determined not to touch the Ghost Mother Flower and spent time with Dongyan.

Waiting for Dongyan to arrive.

Yan Chixia's Yin Lei poison had been resolved long ago, and the three of them sat together and meditated and waited.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang opened their eyes at the same time.

The silver light of the dragon-slaying sword in Yang Yiyun's hand flashed, and he slashed forward.

"Lao Dongyan has been waiting for a long time, chop~"

Xuexiang also took action and slapped him with a loud shout.

Only Yan Chixia's cultivation level was lower, and he didn't react until the two of them took action.

"Boom boom boom~"

Violent spatial distortion and dull sounds echoed throughout this small space.

Dong Yan and his two men just entered the barrier and were immediately attacked by Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang.

At this time, they were very frightened. They originally planned to attack Yang Yiyun and the others after entering, but they didn't expect that they also had the same intention.

Instead of waiting for them to come in, he launched a powerful attack.

It was simply caught off guard.

The hasty response resulted in a poor outcome.

After one blow, the three people from Dongyang suffered a big loss.

Dongyan was knocked away by Xuexiang's palm.

Yang Yiyun used all his strength to slash out with his sword. He cut off the arm of Dong Yan's subordinate at the front with one sword. The other one managed to escape and retreated with an opening.

Just one moment made Dongyan and the other two people extremely embarrassed.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang's attack did not stop, and came next.

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