My Master Is a God

Chapter 1943 It’s not certain who will send whom on their way.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the spirit of Qiankun speak.

He had indeed forgotten this incident.

The Eye of Qiankun was opened in the world of cultivation. He remembered the magical power he gained after another upgrade of the Qiankun Pot.

Indeed, as Qiankun Spirit said, his previous cultivation was weaker after all, and he did not take this innate magical power too seriously.

But now it's different. He has reached the Golden Immortal Dzogchen level. At this time, using the Eye of the Universe and the perception of the heart orifices, the cooperation of the two may really produce unexpected miraculous effects.

When the time comes, the eyes of the world will be used to see, and the mind will be able to sense the danger of Dongyan's attack, so that he can take a greater advantage.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved. The golden light between his eyebrows flickered, and his third eye, the Eye of Heaven and Earth, opened.

In an instant, he saw through everything in the fog and found the old immortal Dongyan.

Just more than ten meters in front of him.

When he passed by, Dongyan looked over suddenly.

Yang Yiyun quickly opened his eyes and looked away without moving. He didn't want Dong Yan to know that he could see him in the fog.

It would be cool to play dirty tricks on this kind of old immortal.

Indeed, at that moment Dong Yan suddenly looked up and found Yang Yiyun looking at him. He was suddenly shocked. His advantage was that within his Danwu, he could see Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun couldn't. If Yang Yiyun could see him, his advantage would be lost.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun only turned his head for a moment. It seemed that he didn't really see him, but just glanced in his direction.

This made Dongyan breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he murmured in his heart that it was impossible for Yang Yiyun to see him. In his Dan Mist, he was the only one who could see through others.

Next, Dong Yan held another elixir in his hand. He squeezed it and exploded it. It turned into a red mist and quickly spread.

This is a poisonous pill. As long as you take a breath of poisonous gas and enter the body, it will completely disrupt the immortal energy in the body and even paralyze the whole body. You will not be able to exert any power within an hour.

I have to say that this old immortal is quite cold.

But it happened that Yang Yiyun saw it after opening the Eye of Lai Qiankun.

Although he didn't know what kind of elixir Dongyan, the old immortal, had crushed, he thought it must have been used against him, and it was not a good thing.

Seeing the red mist after Dong Yan squeezed out the elixir, Yang Yiyun didn't even think about sealing all the acupoints to prevent the gas from entering his body.

Anyway, he needs to be more energetic now. Dongyan wants to play tricks on him under the light, so he should return the favor to him now.

In less than three breaths, Yang Yiyun felt the breath coming from the air reaching around him.

Yang Yiyun had been with Lu Yanzhi for a long time, but Lu Yanzhi was born with a poisonous body and was one of the most calamitous among poisonous bodies. He specialized in cultivating Taoism. Although Yang Yiyun had never practiced poisonous Taoism, he had been with Lu Yanzhi for a long time. Being together, we have been exposed to it a lot, and we still know a little bit about the poisonous path.

You can tell right away that this is poisonous gas.

In other words, what Dongyan just crushed was a poison pill.

"The old immortal is so sinister~" Yang Yiyun cursed in his heart.

But at the next moment, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then his face began to change drastically, and his face began to turn extremely red. This expression looked like he was poisoned.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun's body shook from side to side, he made a sound of pain, and fell to the ground.

Then he cursed loudly: "Old thief Dongyan, you are so mean to me~"

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's state showed that he was seriously poisoned.

He saw Dongyan more than ten meters away, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

After a while, I saw Dongyan coming.

Yang Yiyun didn't move, waiting for Dong Yan to come step by step, and his face began to turn from red to black.

In fact, this was the result of him channeling all the power in his body to his face.

" are still a little greener when it comes to fighting with me~"

Dongyan walked up to Yang Yiyun with a smile, and the thick mist wrapped around him, making his body grow bigger, making him look like a devil.

Seeing Yang Yiyun's appearance, Dongyan knew that his poison pill had worked.

"You are so despicable. If you are capable, fight me head-on~" Yang Yiyun fell to the ground and looked weak, his body was weak and it was difficult to move, and he cursed Dongyan.

"Haha, despicable? Why don't you, boy, return to me and fight with me? I will teach you a lesson. The way of cultivation is not to show off as a hero. Whoever lives longer is the strong one, hahaha...

How does it feel to be poisoned? Is it because the immortal energy in the whole body can't circulate? Is your whole body numb and weak? Hehe, for your sake, I spent all my money on the elixirs today, so you should be satisfied~

Now you are nothing but a piece of cake, I don’t have time to waste time with you. After I search your soul, everything in your body belongs to me, hahaha... Well, I will give it to you now. Hit the road. "

After saying this, Dongyan suddenly stretched out his hand towards Yang Yiyun and grabbed Yang Yiyun's head.

Yang Yiyun knew that this old immortal wanted to search for his soul.


How could he be allowed to do so?

"Haha, it's not certain who will send whom off~"

Yang Yiyun sneered, suddenly turned to Dong Yan and clenched her wrist with her backhand and said loudly: "Heilian help me~"

At the same time, the green lotus fairy fire in the other hand was activated, and it also mobilized 10% of the power in the body. The punch hit Dongyan's lower abdomen. This is where the immortal mansion is and where Daoyuan is. It can be broken with just one blow. He Daoyuan.

Even if you don't die, you can cripple people.

Dong Yan's expression changed drastically at this sudden change. He knew at this moment that he had been fooled. Yang Yiyun was not poisoned at all, or the look he saw Yang Yiyun giving him before was true.

This kid could have seen him a long time ago, but he was deliberately pretending to let his guard down.

Set him up again.

So what if you know?

By this time it was too late.

His hand grabbed Yang Yiyun's head. When he was a finger away from Yang Yiyun's head, Yang Yiyun exploded and grabbed his wrist with his backhand.

And at the same time, he punched him in the lower abdomen.

Everything happened without warning and in one go.



Dongyan screamed and stood up. At this moment, he clearly felt that his Daoyuan was broken.

He originally wanted to retreat quickly, but his wrist was tightly grasped by Yang Yiyun and he couldn't break free at all.

Dongyan felt that another powerful aura appeared in front of Yang Yiyun at this moment. He clenched tightly and suppressed him. This kid didn't give him a chance to resist at all.

He watched helplessly as Yang Yiyun punched him in the lower abdomen, causing Daoyuan to rupture.

At this moment, Dongyan was on the verge of crying. He originally wanted to play in the dark, but now he was played by Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun succeeded with one blow, and with the help of Heilian's powerful soul, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Dong Yan's head.

He shouted angrily: "Search for souls~"

This old guy had been luring him here all this time, and he didn't seem to care about Ghost Mother Flower before. Yang Yiyun guessed that his purpose might not be Ghost Mother Flower Tears at all, but something else.

There is obviously a powerful Demonic Mother Tree here, but so far, there has been no movement from the Demonic Mother Tree except for the rattan attack.

This made Yang Yiyun think, there seemed to be secrets here, and the one who knew the weirdness here must be Dongyan, the old immortal.

If the old man searches for his soul, well, I will search for your soul in return, tit for tat.

You can also know something about the situation here.

The play just performed was a success.

He was just waiting to make the old boy relax his vigilance, so he didn't attack until the old immortal's hand was just a finger away from his head.

To be honest, it was a big risk, and he would be the one who died if he was not careful.

Fortunately, this old guy was too confident and succeeded with one blow.

"Hehe, the old immortal is now in my hands. Don't you want to search for my soul? It's rude to come and go without reciprocating. Now I will give it back to you, so that you can taste the feeling of being searched for your soul~"

Yang laughed and activated his powerful soul power, and began to search for Dongyan's soul...


Begging for mercy in fear, Dongyan was finally soul-searched by Yang Yiyun.

After ten breaths, Yang Yiyun stopped and slapped Dong Yan, who had become an idiot, into a pulp with one palm.

With a wave of his hand, he picked up Dongyan's Immortal Storage Ring.

"So that's it, haha, the old immortal has a big agenda~"

Yang muttered to himself.

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