My Master Is a God

Chapter 1944 The plot is the heart of the demon tree

After taking care of Dong Yan, the red mist that shrouded the surroundings also began to dissipate.

After Yang Yiyun searched Dongyan's memory, he knew that the Danwu only lasted for an hour, and now it dissipated.

From Dongyan's memory, Yang Yiyun indeed discovered that what this old guy was after was not just the Ghost Mother Flower Tears, but... the heart of the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree.

Speaking of which, Yang Yiyun's understanding of the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree was only from the record of the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears in the Qijun Alchemy Book. In addition, Yang Yiyun didn't know much about the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree's other functions, but now from Dongyan knew everything in his memory.

It turns out that Dongyan, the old immortal, is mainly planning to get the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree, and getting the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree is not that simple.

I need a portion of the Ghost Mother Flower Tears to water the main tree trunk, so that the sleeping Ghost Mother Demonic Tree can wake up. Now the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree has not awakened.

Under normal circumstances, tree roots are rooted in the earth. Such giant creatures absorb the power of the earth's immortal energy and practice while sleeping.

Although it is a powerful tree demon, it is still a plant in nature, so it often absorbs the power of underground immortal energy.

In deep sleep.

To obtain the heart of the tree, you must awaken the Demonic Tree. Only when the Demonic Tree wakes up can you use the Tears of the Demonic Flower to open the heart of the tree demon. To be precise, the heart of the Demonic Tree can be exposed. Then you will have a chance to get the tree heart.

In the memory of Dongyan, the old man, the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree is the treasure of cultivation, which can help him break through the bottleneck of the Great Perfection and achieve Hunyuan.

So the real purpose of the old thing is the tree heart of the ghost mother tree demon.

He has been preparing for this for a long time. There are many elixirs in the immortal weapon ring that are used to obtain the heart of the demon tree.

I have been here several times before, but failed for several reasons.

The first is lack of preparation, and the second is that he has no way to extract the flower tears from the ghost mother flower, because the flower tears will evaporate once they come out of the flower, and they must be extracted using secret methods.

It was also at this time that he appeared at the Wanyao Market to buy the Ghost Mother Flower Tears, and happened to catch Dong Yan's eyes, which led to the following events.

Of course, in Dongyan's memory, he is not sure whether this ghost tree is the one that has been around for tens of thousands of years. If it was the ghost tree that has been around for thousands of years, it would have woken up long ago.

After all, their fight was very noisy.

Dongyan's judgment was that this ghost tree was less than ten thousand years old, so he dared to come and make plans. If it was really a ghost tree that was ten thousand years old, he would not have time to escape.

That would be a real ten thousand year old demon.

The ten thousand years here refer to ten thousand years in the immortal world, so it is very scary.

Now that Yang Yiyun thought about it, he probably wasn't an old demon tree that had been around for thousands of years.

Otherwise, he would have woken up long ago.

This kind of tree demon creature can awaken in a hundred years, become a spirit in a thousand years, and become a great demon in ten thousand years.

So ten thousand years is a big hurdle.

After Yang Yiyun knew this, he thought about whether he should try to find the heart of the demon tree? After all, Dongyan Old Immortal has prepared many natural and earthly treasures that can dig out the heart of the tree.

It would be a pity to give up like this~

However, this idea was later thrown out of his mind, because he knew that there were many things that he could not do on the road to seeking the Tao.

Digging out the core of the ghost tree is equivalent to destroying the tree demon.

Mountains, rocks, vegetation, and trees are the most difficult to navigate among cultivating beings.

Yang Yiyun also has no grudge against the ghost mother tree. He just wants to get a share of the ghost mother flower tears. After all, the ghost mother flower tears are the flowering and fruiting essence of the tree demon, and there will be no impact if collected.

As for poking out the heart of other people's trees, this kind of thing is harmful to the world, so let's forget it!

Besides, there is still a big enemy present, so we should deal with it first.

Jia Lianhua and the Great Sword Master in the Immortal Pill Tower are mortal enemies.

That was the force he swore to Immortal Qijun to destroy.

Since we are facing each other today, let’s find a way to deal with these two people.

However, he felt that the great swordsman was indeed very dangerous, so he still had to think of a way.

When he turned around to look, he saw that Xuexiang had transformed into his true form and was fighting with the great swordsman. However, for the time being, it seemed that Xuexiang was not at a disadvantage.

Looking at Jia Lianhua and her two men, they stood watching the battle from a distance.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and planned to kill Jia Lianhua and her two men first. He was not sure about the great swordsman, but he still had ways to deal with Jia Lianhua and the three of them.

But before that, Yang Yi Yunxian had to do one thing.

That is to collect the tears of the ghost mother.

This is also the purpose of this time.

It's okay now, Dong Yan has been killed by him, and he also has the Yuan Demon Pill prepared by Dong Yan in his hand, which can be used to isolate the breath of the Ghost Mother Vine, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the Ghost Mother Vine.

Just in time to collect the ghost mother’s flower tears now.

There are still six or seven ghost mother flowers hanging upside down on the tree, which is enough for him.

Thinking of this, a Yuan Demon Pill appeared in Yang Yiyun's hand and exploded, and his whole body was immediately covered with a layer of black pill energy.

He knew that this was the elixir Dongyan prepared to use to avoid the ghost mother's vines, and he had seen it work well before.

Looking up, he saw a ghost mother flower not far above his head. Yang Yiyun jumped up and flew towards it. When he arrived in front of the ghost mother flower, no one disturbed him this time, and there was no ghost mother vine to attack, but it gave him enough time. Come and collect the ghost mother’s flower tears.

In fact, it is very simple. It is recorded in the Qijun Alchemy Book that the law is collected.

Facing Yin Hong's words to the ghost mother, Yang Yiyun fired a series of spells, and at the next moment a stream of crystal air flew out, which was the ghost mother's tears.

"Collect it~"


With a twist of his hand, Yang Yiyun collected the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears into the jade bottle prepared in advance, and sealed it with a burst of magic power.

Then Yang Yiyun flew his knife in front of the second ghost mother flower, like a cannon...

After collecting three bottles in a row, Yang Yiyun continued to collect the fourth bottle without listening...

When the fourth ghost mother flower tear had just been put into the jade vase, the danger was suddenly sensed from behind, and a sudden movement in his heart activated the inscribed Taoist talisman and flashed aside.


Just as he dodged, there was a roar where he was.

Suddenly large tracts of leaves fell.

Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and saw that it was Jia Lianhua who was surrounded by a high-ranking Daluo subordinate.

If he hadn't sensed the danger in his mind and didn't hesitate to activate the inscribed Taoist talisman to avoid it, others would have been hit by this attack and their skin would have peeled off even if they didn't die.

There was a fire in my heart.

I saw the two Da Luo and Jia Lianhua in the great sword master's sword energy barrier before, far away from him. I didn't expect that they would attack him when he was collecting the tears of the ghost mother.

"Haha, I was originally looking for you, but I didn't expect that you would come to die so soon. It's better to kill the woman you were going to kill Jia Lianhua first."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot with a whoosh.

Then his hand came to one of them, and he suddenly punched him away.


The biggest advantage of the space power of the inscribed Taoist Talisman is that it can travel through space but kill enemies at close range.

But once the other party is on guard, it becomes difficult to deal with it.

He punched one of them, directly to the head.

But he didn't expect that the opponent would punch him back with a backhand.

But when he calmed down, he saw that the fist that struck back was another person.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun realized that the two people were very close to each other, standing back to back, and he had already been on guard.


However, the other party still let out a scream.

Because Yang carries the Qinglian Fairy Fire on his fist.

It was tantamount to tricking him.

Yang Yiyun resisted Shangpin Daluo's punch.

He now has a clear understanding of his own strength.

In the past, with the strength and cultivation of Jinxian Dzogchen, he could stand up to the high-grade Daluo head-on, but it was a bit difficult to fight against Daluo Dzogchen, and he needed a sneak attack to kill him.

So when Yang thinks about it now, he is quite awesome.

Able to fight across a whole large realm across levels.

After one punch, he retreated far away.

Facing these two high-grade Da Luo, he was in a defensive situation.

Yang Yiyun knew that it would be a bit troublesome to decide quickly if he wanted to.

But it's not impossible. His method doesn't just rely on the ability to travel through space with inscriptions and talismans.

The space power of the inscription talisman also has limitations. The range is within ten meters. Once it strikes, the body will be exposed, allowing the opponent to be on guard.

So Yang Yiyun thought of the Taoist skills he practiced in the world of cultivation - it was also a Taoist skill taught to him by the God and Demon Bird - the art of invisibility.

He just didn't know if the Immortal Invisibility Technique could still be used now, but he thought that as long as he was invisible for a breath, combined with the inscription Taoist Talisman, it should be enough to deal with these two high-grade Da Luo.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun raised the corner of his mouth, and cast the invisibility technique in his heart. The next moment, the inscription Taoist talisman activated and disappeared again.

But it made Jia Lianhua's two Daluo men change their expressions.

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