My Master Is a God

Chapter 1952 Actually chose to commit suicide

After Jia Ye finished speaking, the aura in his body suddenly surged. He disappeared in a flash and reappeared three meters in front of Yang Yiyun.

A punch hit him.


This punch seemed to kill Yang Yiyun into a pulp, with an unparalleled momentum.

There are powerful fluctuations in the surrounding space.

But Yang Yiyun felt a mountain-like thick aura shrouding his body, and he knew that Jia Ye had locked onto him.

He quickly activated his skills and wanted to respond, but what frightened Yang Yiyun at this time was that he found that he couldn't move.

After locking in the terrifying power and aura of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, it was beyond his imagination.

He watched helplessly as Jia Ye punched him.

If this punch was hit, Yang Yiyun knew that his life would probably be in danger.

There was no chance to escape, because Jia Ye was too fast and suppressed him tightly, unable to move, let alone fight back.

Yang Yiyun's heartbeat felt like it had stopped at this moment.

Is it possible that this is going to end?

But at the critical moment, Yang Yiyun felt his eyes flash, and suddenly heard a thunderous sound in his ears.




At the same time, he vomited blood, and his body was struck by lightning, and mountains hit him.

He was knocked up and flew up. Not only was he vomiting blood, but the sound of the second person vomiting blood was also heard.

Someone is standing in front of him!

Yang Yiyun was shocked.

The unique body fragrance coming from the nose is undoubtedly that of snow.

At this critical moment, only Xuexiang, a silly girl, would risk her life for him.

"Xue Xiang...silly girl, why are you doing this...?"

Yang Yiyun's eyes were red at this moment.

He knew that Hunyuan Taoist Immortal was powerful, and Xuexiang was not his opponent at this moment. Xuexiang blocked this blow forcefully for him.

"'s okay..."

Xuexiang replied weakly.


The two of them crashed into the Demonic Mother Tree together. Fortunately, they hit close to the ground. If they had hit near the whirlpool in mid-air, they would have been doomed.

At this time, he felt that his internal organs were churning, let alone Xuexiang, who could directly resist Jia Ye's punch.

How can it be okay?

After the two fell down, Yang Yiyun ignored the pain all over his body and quickly turned over to look at Xuexiang.

But they saw that one of Xuexiang's arms was broken. It was broken abruptly, and the bones were clearly visible. If the tendons were not still attached, the left arm would have been broken directly.

Looking at Xuexiang, her face was extremely pale, and blood was pouring from the corners of her mouth.

The breath is extremely chaotic.

Yang Yiyun knew that Jia Ye's blow was carried down by Xuexiang, and he only had half his life left.

He felt inexplicably sorry for this simple silly girl who did not hesitate to save him at the most critical moment. Not everyone can do this.

She was seriously injured. Yang Yiyun had no time to think about it and took Xuexiang into the space of the Qiankun Pot. At this time, she needed healing.

After taking Xuexiang into the space of the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun fed the three drops of water of life from the life stone into Xuexiang's mouth driven by his thoughts.

No matter what the injury, the water of life always has an effect.

Then he looked up at Jia Ye.

At this moment, Jia Ye did not take the opportunity to attack. Instead, he looked at Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang with interest.

In fact, Jia Ye did not expect that at the last moment, a woman suddenly rushed out from behind Yang Yiyun, stood in front of Yang Yiyun, and blocked Yang Yiyun's blow.

The result was that Jia Ye saw Yang Yiyun's distressed face.

This made Jia Ye inexplicably excited. Yang Yiyun killed her granddaughter or his daughter Jia Lianhua, causing him to lose the apple of his eye. But now Jia Ye saw Yang Yiyun showing his heartache.

This gave Jia Ye pleasure, and he decided to kill the woman next to Yang Yiyun, so that Yang Yiyun could also taste the pain of losing a loved one.

So Jia Ye kept watching without taking action. He felt relieved when he saw Yang Yiyun in pain and distress.

I just didn't expect that the woman would disappear in the blink of an eye.

This made Jia Ye stunned. After he realized it, he thought that Yang Yiyun actually had a cave treasure in his possession. Such cave treasures that could absorb living creatures were rare in the entire fairy world.

So Jia Ye was also tempted at this moment.

That's fine, let's capture this boy, take away the cave treasure from him, and then kill his woman in front of Yang Yiyun, so that this boy can suffer heart-wrenching pain.

As for the Golden Turtle Immortal and Jing Can Fairy at this moment, they stood aside and watched. They knew that facing Hunyuan Taoist Immortals like Jia Ye, they were not enough...

At the previous moment, even the Golden Turtle Immortal, who was bent on giving Yang Yiyun some help in his time, chose to wait and see after Jia Ye took action against Yang Yiyun, because he knew the terror of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, even if he, the so-called Immortal City, was known as the Great Luo. Daluo Dzogchen, the first person in the realm, did not dare to take action.

Contact with Jia Ye will end in being killed.

Although Golden Turtle Immortal wanted to help Yang Yiyun, he also cherished his old life more.

Not to mention Jing Can, she came here for the Taoist inscriptions on Yang Yiyun's body. Jia Ye's appearance forced her to just wait and see without getting involved.

At the previous moment, both of them thought that Yang Yiyun was finished.

Unexpectedly, the demon fairy behind Yang Yiyun suddenly stepped in front of Yang Yiyun. Facing Jia Ye's punch, she raised her palm to meet it, but it turned into a dragon claw and struck Jia Ye head-on.

But the end was miserable. The demon fairy was not dead but had half a life left. He disappeared in a blink of an eye. Immortal Jing Can and Jin Gui both thought that Yang Yiyun had a cave treasure in his body and took the female demon fairy in...

And what about Jia Ye?

Looking at Yang Yiyun, he said with a gloomy face: "Kneel down and die."


Yang Yiyun heard Jia Ye's words thirty meters away and sneered.

He was struggling a lot in his mind just now, and finally made a bold and risky decision at this second.

Listening to Jia Ye speaking to him, Yang Yiyun became more determined in his decision.

Then he sneered and said: "Kneel down? Just because you are a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, you are not qualified enough. An Immortal King once asked me to kneel down. My master has said that if you are not qualified, who do you think you are?"

Today I also tell you that if I don’t die after today, you and your Immortal Pill Tower master will be removed from the Immortal Pill City and your Immortal Pill Tower will be completely destroyed.

I'm not afraid to tell you that it's not too late for you, Jia Ye, to be in debt to Immortal Qijun for more than ten thousand years. Originally, I still had a grudge against the destruction of my family, but now it seems that it's better to destroy your Immortal Pill House. No one is wrong. From Jia Lianhua to you, it seems that there is no good person in the Immortal Pill Tower. The old man has no way to kill me. "

As soon as Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he was already ready to activate the space power of the inscription Taoist Talisman, and disappeared in a swish.

Although Jia Ye is strong, he is not strong enough to block the power of space.

Yang Yiyun uses the inscription talisman to travel through space, but he can only travel ten meters at a time.

But with purpose, he traveled four or five times in one go and finally reached his destination.

His destination is mid-air, at the whirlpool of the Demonic Mother Tree.

At this moment, because of Jia Ye's arrival, no one stopped the Demonic Mother Tree from swallowing the nine clones. Now the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree has swallowed eight clones.

When Yang Yiyun arrived at the whirlpool, the last tree clone had already arrived at the entrance of the whirlpool.

At this time, Yang Yiyun roared and rushed directly to the vortex at the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree. With a collision, he and the last tree clone entered the vortex of the Demonic Mother Tree...

"Brother Yang..."

The Golden Turtle Immortal shouted...

But Yang Yiyun and the last tree man entered the whirlpool of the demon mother tree together.

This scene is serious enough for the Golden Turtle Immortal to commit suicide.

I sighed in my heart that Yang Yiyun was also a person with personality. He would rather commit suicide than let Jia Ye kill him.

However, Golden Turtle Immortal felt very regretful. He also thought about asking Jia Ye later for the sake of Master Heping, the refining immortal disciple, if he could bypass Yang Yiyun's life. After all, Jia Ye is a Taoist Immortal of Hunyuan. And Lord Ding Heping, who is behind the Golden Turtle Immortal, is also in the realm of Hunyuan. Coupled with the background of refining the Immortal Alliance, maybe Jia Ye will give face to bypass Yang Yiyun.

But now it's all over.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiyun had such a violent temper that he chose to rush into the whirlpool in the heart of the Demon Mother Demon Tree. This was suicide!

The Golden Turtle Immortal knew very well what it meant to enter the vortex of the Demonic Mother Tree.

The ending of ten deaths and no life!

It might have been easy to say before, but now everything is over. The Demonic Mother Tree has swallowed and merged the nine major clones, which is the true nine-nine-nine-in-one, and will turn into the second form of the Demonic Mother Tree, which is also the real one for ten thousand years. The big demon tree.

At that time, even Jia Ye, the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, would have no choice but to retreat.

After Yang Yiyun left, his only option was to be drained of essence and blood by the blood stains and become nutrients for the old demon tree.

In the fairy world, any demon who has practiced for thousands of years is a very terrifying existence.

The tens of thousands of years here are not the tens of thousands of years in the lower world, but the tens of thousands of years in the fairy world.

Especially if such a tree demon becomes a spirit, it will be very terrifying.

Not many immortals dare to provoke him.

Yang Yiyun's way of committing suicide in one go stunned everyone at the scene.

Even Jia Ye was stunned.

He watched helplessly as Yang Yiyun jumped into space and entered the heart of the demon tree.

As a Hunyuan Dao Immortal, Jia Ye naturally knew what the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree was. In fact, when he came in, he saw at the first glance that the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree was merging and evolving into its second form.

But at first, he only wanted to settle the score with Yang Yiyun, and had no intention of provoking the Ghost Mother Demon Tree.

But I didn't expect that this kid Yang Yiyun would be so decisive and choose to commit suicide!

Suddenly losing his goal, Jia Ye was so depressed that he vomited blood.

But thinking about it on the other hand, it’s okay. Anyway, if this kid enters the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree, the final outcome will be that the Demonic Mother Tree will turn him into a pool of blood and he will not be able to survive.

Of course, Jia Ye was still a little unwilling to think about it.

However, at this moment, the situation in this space suddenly changed.


The huge Yin thunder flashed in the air in a form visible to the naked eye,


Thunder struck one after another.

On the ground in the field, a strong poisonous miasma emerged from the ground.

Jia Ye knew that this was the evil spirit and miasma accumulated by the Demonic Mother Tree over thousands of years, and it was very difficult to deal with...

And at this moment, the 100-meter-tall Demon Mother Demon Tree was all emitting the aura of blood mist.

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