My Master Is a God

Chapter 1953 A fight between life and death, destiny, wealth and honor.

"It's easy for you kid~"

Jia Ye cursed fiercely and backed away quickly. He didn't want to provoke the ten-thousand-year-old demon tree that had begun to transform into its second form. Such monsters are wise and will be very troublesome if they hold grudges after being provoked.

Moreover, Jia Ye is not sure how to deal with the demon tree that has begun to transform into its second form.

So after cursing, he slashed at the barrier with a wave of his hand, jumped deep and left the field. If he stayed any longer, the sky full of thunder and poisonous miasma alone would be enough for him to drink a pot, let alone There is an old demon tree.

"Let's go~"

Immortal Golden Turtle greeted his four men, and followed Jia Ye's crack and went out.

Jing Can quickly rushed out of the barrier with two laiyue.

The barrier they didn't split open was just a casual blow to Jia Ye, the Taoist Immortal of Hunyuan.

It was considered an advantage.

This trip was in vain.

Immortal Golden Turtle felt sorry for Yang Yiyun, but he also expected that the powerful alchemy masters behind Yang Yiyun would one day come out to avenge Yang Yiyun. At that time, their Immortal Refining Alliance would still have a chance to imprison the alchemy masters behind Yang Yiyun.

As everyone knows, there is no alchemy expert behind Yang Yiyun at all. The Xianyuan Dan exchanged in his hands that day was actually refined by Yang Yiyun himself.

The so-called alchemy experts behind Yang Yiyun are just the ideas of Golden Turtle Immortal and Ding Heping behind him. Yang Yiyun is just following his words. Anyway, you can take whatever you say.

This was the reason why the Golden Turtle Immortal followed Yang Yiyun all the way to help him in times of need.

But now everything is gone, Golden Turtle Immortal doesn't think Yang Yiyun can survive.

Can Yang Yiyun survive after being so powerful that he enters the whirlpool of the Demonic Mother Tree that devours everything? It's simply impossible.

After Jing Can went out, he glanced at the Golden Turtle Immortal, then looked back at the barrier of the Demonic Mother Tree, and left with a complicated look on his face.

Jia Ye was suspended in mid-air, staring at the barrier with a complicated expression. In fact, he hoped Yang Yiyun could live more than anyone else, because the kid said a name before, which made waves in Jia Ye's heart.

Qi Jun Immortal!

This name is of great significance to Jia Ye.

Jia Ye's ability to become the owner of the Immortal Building, one of the three major forces in the Immortal City today, the death of his son, and the birth of his nominal granddaughter and de facto biological daughter Jia Lianhua, all have something to do with Immortal Qijun...

More than 10,000 years ago, he and Immortal Qijun were brothers. They were close brothers. He was his senior brother and Qijun was his junior brother. They became disciples of a master and practiced the art of alchemy...

However, Immortal Qijun's alchemy talent is much better than that of Jia Ye, so he is more favored by the master. I don't know when he started to be jealous of his junior brother Qijun.

At first, I just kept it in my heart, until the old and immortal master passed the position of master to Qi Jun. That day, Jia Ye left the master, and it was also that day that his jealousy of Qi Jun turned into a clear conscience. On the surface.

Later, he came to the Immortal City and entered the Immortal City's Immortal Tower. At that time, the Immortal Tower was only a small force in the Immortal City. With his alchemy skills, he gradually became a middle-level member of the Immortal City...

One day, an opportunity came, that is, if he had to make a great contribution to the Immortal Pill Tower, he could be called the owner of the Immortal Pill Tower in the Immortal City. So he went to find Qi Jun, his junior brother... At this time, Qi Jun had become a master of the sect. Lord, and their old immortal master has already passed away.

As a senior brother, he asked Qijun to hand over the master's elixir formula. Later, he discovered that Qijun had actually developed a set of alchemy methods by himself, and even developed the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir, which could cross a great realm in one sentence. Higher elixir.

But Qijun didn't give him the elixir, and used the excuse that the elixir of the sect was not allowed to be passed on to outsiders. He also complained that he had already left the sect and no longer had a brotherhood...

Under such circumstances, Jia Ye's hatred for Qijun deepened and exploded, so he used conspiracy and tricks to poison Qijun and plotted Qijun's alchemy techniques and prescriptions.

The fighting broke out, and Jia Ye's son died in the battle, but Jia Ye also destroyed the immortal sect led by Qi Jun at that time, but Qi Jun disappeared in the end. Although Jia Ye did not get Qi Jun's alchemy skills and elixir prescriptions, he However, he obtained many prescriptions from previous masters.

Afterwards, he contributed it to the headquarters of the Immortal Pill Building, and he successfully became the owner of the branch of the Immortal Pill Tower in the Immortal City.

It was also later that she and her daughter-in-law went crazy and gave birth to Jia Lianhua, their de facto daughter.

But now... Jia Lianhua was killed by Yang Yiyun.

But today, Yang Yiyun mentioned Immortal Qijun.

This made Jia Ye have to suspect that Qijun, who disappeared back then, most likely accepted Yang Yiyun as his disciple. Even if he did not accept Yang Yiyun as his disciple, there must be a close relationship between Yang Yiyun and Immortal Qijun.

In other words, Yang Yiyun is the descendant of Immortal Qijun.

It can only be a successor, because Jia Ye knew that he would not survive the poison he gave Immortal Qijun. Even if he escaped in the end, he would only survive for a while at most. Anyway, Immortal Qijun was poisoned back then and his cultivation was considered useless.

So in Jia Ye's opinion, Yang Yiyun may have received the alchemy inheritance from Immortal Qijun.

Therefore, it is a pity that Yang Yiyun entered the heart of the Demon Mother Demon Tree and committed suicide.

If he hadn't been unsure about the second form of the Demonic Mother Demon Tree, Jia Ye would have actually fished Yang Yiyun out and obtained the alchemy technique and elixir prescription of Immortal Qijun.

It's a pity that Yang Yiyun will not survive.

"Alas~ Is there really karma in this world?"

Jia Ye looked at the flashing of thunder and lightning in the barrier and said to himself that he had harmed Immortal Qijun back then, and now Yang Yiyun, a person related to Immortal Qijun, had killed his daughter.

In Jia Ye's opinion, this is retribution.

I was very angry and unwilling, but I couldn't help it. Fortunately, Yang Yiyun was considered dead!

This is understood.

Jia Ye sighed and disappeared into a rainbow, and left.

Jingui and Jingcan flew away with their own people. They didn't dare to stay in this place now. The second form of the Demonic Mother Tree was very dangerous. It would be less dangerous to leave early.

After everyone leaves.

Within the boundary.

The Ghost Mother Demonic Tree has undergone major changes.

The originally huge human-shaped tree, about a hundred meters high, began to shrink in the blood mist and thunder...

This process is extremely slow.

A few months later, the Demonic Mother Tree had completely shrunk to a height of less than two meters. The outside was also wrapped in a blood mist, shimmering and very strange.

Several months passed.

One day after shrinking, the Demonic Mother Tree suddenly let out a roar.


But it turned into a crystal clear tree in the next moment.

Then it gradually became clear that the color of the tree was constantly changing, sometimes white, sometimes black, red, blue, green, etc.

It looks like a small tree at the moment, but the aura it exudes is extremely powerful.

Another vision of heaven and earth appeared at this moment, and a scene of bright stars appeared around the tree, which was really beautiful and added to the sense of mystery.

The second form of the Ghost Mother Tree takes shape.

It becomes a glazed tree that can continuously change colors, with stars hanging upside down on it, and there are strange phenomena of heaven and earth.

Everything looks perfect, but it is still a tree at this time and has not yet transformed into a human being. This is unreasonable.

In the second form of the Demonic Mother Tree, the main body is a glaze tree, but it can also transform into a human being, a real human body.

This is the complete form.

But now this demonic tree is constantly changing between various colors...

"Ah... what's going on? Why can't I turn into a human... roar~"

At a certain moment, the ghost mother demon tree swished and swished loudly, but there was a violent jumping sound.

Indeed, after he completed his second form, he wanted to transform into a human body, but failed, so he suddenly became furious and roared.

Then I heard the old demon tree say: "Damn boy, you are causing trouble in my body. I am going to turn it into a pool of blood..."

Listening to this meaning, it is natural that there is someone inside the body of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree.

And who could this person be?

The old demon tree swallowed up the great swordsman Han Yang before, and later Yang Yiyun entered the vortex of the old demon tree as if he committed suicide.

There is no doubt that there are people inside the old demon tree at this moment, and they can only be the great sword masters Han Yang and Yang Yiyun.

After the great swordsman Han Yang was swallowed by the old demon tree, he heard screams.

After Yang rushed into the whirlpool, no sound was heard until now.

this means……

Of course Mr. Yang is not dead.

And it's still within the body of the old demon tree.

At this time, the old demon tree roared and could not transform into a real human form, naturally because of Yang.

Let's say that Yang Yiyun, thinking of giving it a try, plunged into the whirlpool or inside the tree of the Demonic Mother Tree, which looked like suicide to outsiders.

As everyone knows, for Yang, how could it be suicide? Rather than committing suicide, it would be better to say that he was risking his life.

Here comes a big gamble.

If he wins the bet, he will get the heart of the demon tree. Not only will he not die, he will also get the heart of the demon tree, which will become a valuable cultivation treasure.

Of course, if he loses the bet... he won't die, because he has the Qiankun Pot with him.

He doesn't believe that this old demon tree has the ability to refine the Qiankun Pot into a puddle of water?

If he really had that ability, Yang Yiyun would be in trouble.

At that time, Xuexiang was severely injured by Jia Ye, and Yang Yiyun was furious, but he also knew that the gap between himself and Jia Ye was too big, and he would not be Jia Ye's opponent at all.

But the situation was not good for him, so Yang Yiyun thought of the method in Dongyan's memory to plot the heart of the ghost mother demon tree.

Before this, Yang Yiyun had never thought about it because it was too dangerous, but Jia Ye made him anxious, so he made up his mind to take the gamble.

In Dongyan's memory, if you want to get the heart of the Demonic Mother Tree, you have to open the Heart of the Demonic Mother Tree. The way to open it is to water it with the tears of the Demonic Mother Flowers when the Demonic Mother Tree is asleep and has not awakened.

But now that the ghost mother demon tree has awakened, the door to her heart has opened by itself.

Opening the door of your heart on your own and watering it with tears are completely different things.

The former's awakening will swallow everything.

The latter will not attack. According to Dongyan's method, after watering it with flower tears, it enters the heart gate of the ghost mother tree while it is sleeping, and uses secret methods to obtain the heart of the ghost mother tree.

But after Yang Yiyun was forced by Jia Ye, he was ready to take risks and rushed in by himself.

He thought about taking a gamble and entering the heart gate to get the tree heart.

Anyway, being dealt with by Jia Ye is not as good as wealth and honor, and it is better to fight for it.

Besides, he has the Qiankun Pot with him. At worst, he can hide in the Qiankun Pot. Doesn’t he believe that the Demonic Mother Demon Tree is powerful enough to refine the Qiankun Pot into water?

So Yang went in, and after entering, he had another opportunity.

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