My Master Is a God

Chapter 1954 The Kung Fu of Reversing the Universe

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

When Yang Yiyun collided, the last tree man entered the whirlpool of the ghost mother demon tree and arrived in another space.

In a bloody world.

It gave him the feeling of an endless hazy bloody world.

And there was an extremely green world suspended in front of him, as big as a millstone, emitting a faint halo.

Four words came to Yang Yiyun's mind - the heart of the ghost mother demon tree.

This thing exuded a heart-stopping aura, and Yang Yiyun's heart beat faster. He felt great danger from this green sphere.

So there is no doubt that it is the heart of the ghost mother.

Not only that, already here, the first thing you see is the last tree man clone being absorbed into the green sphere.

In between breaths, it was refined into powder and disappeared.

This is considered the ninth clone has been absorbed.

At this time, the ghost mother demon tree has completed the fusion of nine and nine and entered its second form.


After the roar, the heart of the demon mother tree glowed brightly.

Changes followed.

The breath also changed drastically at this moment.

Yang Yiyun felt several different auras, which were very complicated.

There was a powerful evil spirit, a demonic aura, a divine aura, and an oppressive aura from heaven and earth that made his heart palpitate.

In an instant, he felt that his whole body was enveloped in this aura, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

He knew that this was the original power emanating from the heart of the demon tree.

It can be said to be the most primitive power.

At this time, the old demon tree evolved into its second form after absorbing the power of the nine tree-man clones.

At this time, the aura that Yang Yiyun felt from this glazed demon tree made him extremely depressed.

He couldn't move.

It was also at this time that I felt a sense of danger.

My heart suddenly became anxious.

But he didn't expect the danger to come so quickly.

Just when his heart was beating rapidly in anticipation of danger, he saw the green ball change.

After the green light flashed, the sphere turned into a person.

But it is an extremely enchanting yin-yang face, half of it is young and looks like a girl, and the other half is wrinkled like the face of an octogenarian.

Very disgusting, very weird.

Half man and half woman, she is simply a mutated shemale.

Yang Yiyun couldn't move and could only look straight at the other person.

I saw this monster saying fiercely: "Damn boy, you are quite courageous. You broke in by yourself. Fortunately, I transformed you to increase your cultivation, quack quack~"

The words are mixed with the sounds of yin and yang, the hoarse vicissitudes of men and women.

This tone of voice was very familiar to Yang Yiyun. It was exactly the voice of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree before.

Yang Yiyun knew that this human demon was the soul of the ghost mother demon tree.

When the old demon yuan's myth fell, Yang Yiyun saw the opponent open his big mouth and roared suddenly at himself, and suddenly a huge sucking force came.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but move towards the old demon...

In an instant, he arrived in front of the old demon Yuanshen.

The next moment, the old demon raised his hands, and his arms turned into countless vines, which suddenly pierced into his body.


The excruciating pain made Yang Yiyun scream involuntarily, as if his body was pricked by dozens of long needles.

In fact, the hands of the spirit of the ghost mother demon tree turned into vines as thick as chopsticks, and pierced into his body like tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun felt that the essence and blood in his body began to drain.

This is because the old demon is absorbing his blood essence.

Not only that, but tentacle-like vines also penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, heading straight towards his soul...

This is the rhythm of absorbing and assimilating the essence and blood of the soul and the physical body.

I have to say it’s really cruel.

But Yang Yiyun was powerless to resist under the thick blood mist and unparalleled oppression.

This was a huge gap between real strength and cultivation. He had no choice but to watch the old demon's rattan tentacles pierce into his body.

Not to mention the loss of essence and blood, Yang Yiyun now feels that the sea of ​​consciousness is focused.

Shout loudly: "Heilian~"

The role of the black lotus must be brought into play at this moment, otherwise if something goes wrong with the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, everything will be over.


The black lotus blooms without light in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The so-called "raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while" is the current situation.

Of course, facing the power of the ghost mother demon tree, Yang Yiyun was not sure whether Black Lotus could help.

After all, Black Lotus is also a unique creature residing in his body. Although it is known as the first lotus in the world, it is in the state of lotus seed nirvana and is far from as powerful as the real first lotus in the world.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun had no choice but to place his hope on Heilian. He always had to protect his soul from being violated by the old demon.

When the black light of the black lotus bloomed, the lotus bloomed in an instant and enveloped Yang Yiyun's soul sitting on the lotus platform.

It was also at this moment that the tentacles transformed from the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree took root on the lotus platform.

"Boom boom boom~"

Dull sounds exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he felt that his soul was no longer in danger and was protected by Black Lotus.

But then his heart was in doubt again.

This time, he was worried about Black Lotus. Black Lotus was in his sea of ​​consciousness, so he could clearly feel Black Lotus being pierced by the vines of the Demonic Mother Tree like leeches, even though Black Lotus was resisting without any light. , but Yang Yiyun still feels that her power is losing...

This is very dangerous...

Yang Yiyun tried to use his energy to resist, but facing the power of the Demon Mother Demon Tree, his resistance was negligible. It could even be said that all the power in his body was suppressed and he was unable to resist at all.

But when the vines of the Demonic Mother Demon Tree were tightening around Yang Yiyun's body, there were two voices talking in the Qiankun Pot on Yang Yiyun's body.

"Wow wow wow~ Yang Yiyun, this weakling, is in danger. Boss Qiankun, why don't you take action?"

"What's the rush? It's not too late yet. It's okay to let this kid suffer a little. It will save him from overestimating his abilities in the future. His road to the immortal world is still very long. This is just the beginning. What he will encounter in the future The enemy will become more and more dangerous, let’s watch the show for a while, don’t worry.”

" are so bad, but...hehe, I like it. I have long disliked this kid. I pluck out all the feathers on my body at every turn. It's really hateful. Yes, let this kid suffer a little, hahaha~"

"You are not a good thing, you are a bastard. Do you think you can talk about your master behind his back?"

"Hey~ don't think that just because you wake me up, you can make a fool of yourself. I call you boss because he thinks highly of you, but don't push yourself too hard. I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms~"

"Tch~ It's just the number one bird in the Three Realms. Grandpa, what kind of existence have I not seen in my endless years? You are the only one who can't be ranked. Besides, you are just a waste bird that has been sealed. If you hadn't seen For the sake of giving Xiao Yunzi a drop of his life essence and blood, grandpa, I won’t save you."

" are so proud. No matter how capable you are, you are still just a weapon spirit. You and I are just following that little bastard Yang Yiyun to earn a living. What is there to be superior about?"

"Don't compare me with you, grandpa. Grandpa and I are different from you. Now grandpa is following Xiao Yunzi, but that kid will be too useless in the future, so I can still ignore him. What can I do?"

"Don't be proud of the broken bottle~"

"Don't call grandpa a broken bottle, you miscellaneous bird. Grandpa, I am a unique weapon spirit in the world~"

"You are just a bastard, your whole family is a bastard..."

"I'll call you a bastard bird, a bastard bird..."

"Broken bottle, broken bottle, broken bottle..."

The harmony between these two creatures at the beginning evolved into bickering and cursing like shrews.

It can be said that they are all weird.

And these two strange things, if they can be in the space of the Qiankun Pot, are naturally the spirit of the Qiankun Pot and the God and Demon Bird.

Indeed, just as they were quarreling, it was the spirit of Qiankun who saved Yang Yiyun's life by giving Yang Yiyun a drop of his life essence blood.

Both of them are considered special beings. When they meet in the depths of the Qiankun Pot, they are both relatively lonely and solitary people, so naturally they have something to talk about.

The God and Demon Bird is known as the number one in the Three Realms. He has known a lot about the secrets and gossips of the Three Realms for a long time. The spirit of the Qiankun Pot is even better than the existence of the God and Demon Bird. On some long-lasting things, chatting with the God and Demon Bird is the best way. There is a buzz about the topic.

It can be said that the conversation is full of joy, but the smell is the same.

Naturally, the spirit of Qiankun was there, and the two strange creatures saw everything that happened to Yang Yiyun in the Qiankun Pot.

I saw that Yang Yiyun was in deep trouble at the moment.

The God and Demon Bird knew the mystery of the Spirit of Heaven and Earth, and should have a way to resolve Yang Yiyun's crisis. He asked the Spirit of Heaven and Earth whether he would take action?

As a result, they started bickering while talking.

Although the quarrel was fierce, they did not take action.

At a certain moment, the God Demon Bird looked through the projection mirror in the Qiankun Temple and saw that Yang Yiyun seemed to be unable to hold on. He quickly stopped and said: "If we don't take action against the broken bottle, that kid will really die~"

"Uh~ It's indeed dangerous. It's you who wasted Grandpa's time. Stop arguing. I'll help Xiao Yunzi collect this demon tree first." Qiankun Spirit said.

"I hear what you want, can you still accept it?" The Divine Demon Bird was surprised.

"Nonsense, it's just a little demon tree. Grandpa, I haven't taken it seriously yet. It's just a little trouble. I'll wait and see what grandpa can do." The spirit of Qiankun and Zizizi.

"It can be blown to the sky~"


Outside the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun was indeed on the verge of danger. He felt that the essence and blood on his body had been absorbed by the Demon Mother Demon Tree.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, although the soul was protected by the black lotus, Yang Yiyun felt that the power of the black lotus was weakening.

He knew that if this continued, even if the soul could be saved, Black Lotus would be destroyed, and when the essence and blood of the physical body were sucked dry by the old demon tree, death would be waiting for him.

When he was extremely anxious, a voice rang in his mind: "Xiao Yunzi is ready to turn the Qiankun Internal and External Kung Fu and reverse the Qiankun Kung Fu. I will help you refine this demon tree and swallow it instead."

When Yang Yiyun heard this voice, he was shocked and said, "You are finally willing to take action. Come on, you won't be much better even if I die."

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