My Master Is a God

Chapter 1969 The Second Servant

Moreover, when Yao Buyan and Bian Long thought about it at the moment, Yang Yiyun was at the level of a great master in alchemy. In the future, he would have to ask Yang Yiyun for help in alchemy. Naturally, it was impossible for him to side with Bao Shunguang.

The person in charge of Baoshunguang's Immortal Alliance Formation Formation, Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, an old immortal who has been practicing for thousands of years, is extremely embarrassed. Who would have thought that this kid Yang Yiyun is really such a monster.

Is it possible that he really wants to be Yang Yiyun's servant? How can he survive if word spreads about it?

But having said that, it seems that being a servant of a great alchemy master is not a shameful thing. It seems that Yang Yiyun has a bright future, and he may not know how far he can go in the alchemy path in the future.

After thinking of this, Bao Shunguang became entangled in his heart.

At this time, Yang Yiyun laughed and said: "Forget it, I was just joking with Master Bao. I am a junior in cultivation. I have offended many people before. I hope Master Bao doesn't mind."

Yang Yiyun actually said it sincerely. He had also thought about it. Since he chose to join the Immortal Refining Alliance, he would have to deal with the Formation Department in the future. If Bao Shunguang really became his servant, wouldn't he offend a large number of people?

He might use the formation master in the future. After thinking about it, he still couldn't get into trouble, so he opened his mouth and told Bao Shunguang to go down the steps.

When Bao Shunguang heard Yang Yiyun speak, he looked up at Yang Yiyun's sincere face and clear eyes, and knew that Yang Yiyun was not joking or entertaining him.

Suddenly, I felt that I was still not at home after tens of thousands of years of cultivation, and my state of mind was not as good as that of a younger generation. My old face turned redder and redder.

At this moment, there was a hint of enlightenment in my heart.

In an instant, I answered some questions and made a decision, and my thoughts became clear.

He immediately took a step forward, knelt on his knees and said, "A cultivator must first teach the Dharma, be sincere, and have credibility. Otherwise, he will have a broken mind and will be of no use to his cultivation."

Speaking seriously, Bao Shunguang bowed to Yang Yiyun with a bang and said: "Bao Shunguang pays homage to the master. From today on, Bao Shunguang is willing to follow the master."

Bao Shunguang's change made Yang Yiyun a little uncomfortable. I gave you a step down, why do you, an old boy, still fall down?

A little confused.

Ding Heping and the other three were also stunned for a moment, but then they looked at each other and smiled.

After all, the three of them were veteran cultivators, and they could immediately tell what Bao Shunguang was up to.

This is a change in the state of mind during cultivation, and it is a rare improvement in the state of mind. Being able to let go freely is of great help to practice.

At this moment, in the eyes of Ding Heping and the others, Bao Shunguang's cultivation level is about to break through to the middle-grade Hunyuan realm.

Maybe it was because I instantly let go of the burden in my heart, fulfilled my bet with Yang Yiyun, and felt relieved that my mood improved.

It can be said that Bao Shunguang's kneeling to Yang Yiyun at this moment came from his heart.

Ding Heping said at this moment: "Congratulations, Lao Bao."

Although he had been fighting with Bao Shunguang for a long time, there was no hatred in the real sense. On the contrary, the four of them worked together in the Immortal Refining Alliance in the Immortal City. In fact, they had experienced many things together and had a sense of comradeship.

When Bao Shunguang asked him to refine the elixir, he didn't agree. He had no choice but to fight with him. Since then, Bao Shunguang has fought with him everywhere, but it was limited to quarreling. There is a bottom line.

At this moment, Ding Heping said congratulations because he knew that Bao Shunguang's inner thoughts were clear. Lao Bao could listen to what he said at this time, unlike before, anything he said would only be rewarded with sarcasm from Bao Shunguang.

At this time, Ding Heping knew that Bao Shunguang, an old friend, could listen.

In fact, Bao Shunguang is not bad in Ding Ding Heping's heart.

What made him even more gratified was Yang Yiyun's performance.

Although Yang Yiyun showed great skill in alchemy, after all, he was still a junior compared to them.

But Yang Yiyun was able to take the initiative to help Bao Shunguang step down. This kind of open-mindedness in his heart was something that most of his peers could not achieve.

When Ding Heping spoke, Bian Long and Yao Buyan also said: "Congratulations, old man. I didn't expect you to be the first one among us to break through the bottleneck."

The four of them are all Hunyuan Dao Immortals who are at the peak of the first level, and have been stuck at this bottleneck for many years.

Bao Shunguang took the first step today.

"Hahaha... Today is a blessing from the master. My old treasure has already practiced cultivation, but it was in vain. At this stage, we finally found that cultivating the mind is sometimes more important than practicing." Bao Shunguang still bowed in front of Yang Yiyun and did not get up. Looking around at Ding Heping and the other three, he laughed openly, without any pretense.

And Yang Yiyun could finally see that Bao Shunguang had indeed fulfilled his bet sincerely, and every word he said was true.

This time, it made a good impression in his mind.

Speaking of which, he would be happy to have a servant like this by his side.

After all, Bao Shunguang is now a master who has half-stepped into the middle-grade Hunyuan Dao Immortal Realm. It is only a matter of time before he fully reaches the middle-grade Hunyuan Realm.

In this case, he glanced at Ding Heping and the other three, then looked at Bao Shunguang, who was prostrate in front of him, and grinned: "Get up~"

Bao Shunguang was overjoyed, knowing that Yang Yiyun agreed.

"Thank you, Master." He bowed before standing up.

Ding Heping and the others immediately congratulated Yang Yiyun on having such a master of formations as Bao Shunguang.

No one laughed at Bao Shunguang for being a pouncer, because in the fairy world, there are many stories of people following strong men and becoming servants. The key is to see what kind of master you follow.

That's the point.

And what about Yang Yiyun?

It can be said that he is young and promising.

In terms of cultivation strength alone, Yang Yiyun is only a top-grade Da Luo, but he is a top-grade Da Luo who can transcend levels to fight Hunyuan, beheaded Jia Ye, and destroyed the Immortal Pill Tower in the Immortal City by himself. Division.

This is something that thousands of Da Luo could not do, but Yang Yiyun did it.

Let’s talk about the art of alchemy. Yang Yiyun’s alchemy skills are at the level of a great alchemy master. In the future, his achievements in the art of alchemy alone will be limitless.

Not to mention Bao Shunguang, Ding Heping and the others were all very fond of him and wanted to follow Yang Yiyun.

It's just that it's a bit abrupt at this time. Wanting to follow someone is not just wishful thinking. It also depends on whether the person will accept you or not.

It was a perfect opportunity for Bao Shunguang to become Yang Yiyun's servant today.

The next moment, Bao Shunguang placed his fingers on his eyebrows, and a trace of the immortal soul mark appeared. He handed it to Yang Yiyun respectfully and said, "I almost forgot, this is the immortal soul of the old slave, please accept it."

"Old Bao can see that you are sincere, but let me also say that if you follow me from now on, I will treat you sincerely. The fairy soul is just a constraint. What you really follow is your heart. Put away Immortal soul, it will also be good for your future cultivation." Yang Yiyun smiled and rejected Bao Shunguang's immortal soul.

It is true that every slave who follows the master will hand over the immortal soul to the master, but what Yang Yiyun values ​​​​is the heart. In his opinion, if you use strong methods to restrain the slaves, what you get cannot be a real slave.

What he wants is sincerity, not coercion under constraints.

As soon as he said this, Bao Shunguang was shocked all over...

After looking at Yang Yiyun for a while, Bao Shunguang's eyes flashed, and then he withdrew his fairy soul and said loudly: "My Lord's heart is as big as the sea. Bao Shunguang remembers that the way of heaven is above. From now on, the way of heaven will never destroy me." Bao Shunguang will follow his master for one day."

An oath of heaven came out of Bao Shunguang's mouth.

"Why are you doing this? In fact, I am very casual~" Yang was happy in his heart, but he was still hypocritical. He knew that from this moment on, the Bao Shunguang's heart he accepted was comparable to I don’t know how powerful the immortal soul restraint is.

This is the true servant of the world.

Everyone is happy ~

Yang Yiyun passed the alchemist examination and was followed by a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. He was also a formation master and had a second servant who came to the immortal world.

He also obtained the title of the ninth level badge of the Immortal Refining Alliance and became the Grand Master of Alchemy of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

Of course, the Immortal Refining Alliance in Immortal City is only a branch and can only issue fifth-level badges. After the ninth-level badges are submitted jointly by Ding and Heping, they need to be issued by the headquarters and need to wait for some days.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun has settled in the Immortal Refining Alliance for the time being.

After all the regulations were completed, Ding Heping said: "Old Bao, go and help the Grand Master choose a place to live."

"Okay, but according to the treatment of my master's Grand Master level, it seems that I can only go to the place where Lord Luoyang lives. There is no second place?" After Bao Shunguang agreed, he thought of the Immortal Refining Sect in the Immortal City. A place worthy of the living environment of the master Yang Yiyun also knows where Master Luoyang lives.

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