My Master Is a God

Chapter 1970 Tiankeng Blessed Land

Ding Heping was also stunned when he listened to Bao Shunguang's words. Indeed, according to the rules of the Immortal Refining Alliance, the treatment of the Grand Master level and the place of residence in the Immortal City branch seem to be worthy only of the place where Lord Luoyang lives. Yang Yiyun said.

It’s just that that’s where Lord Luoyang lives…

After thinking about it, Ding Heping said: "Lord Luoyang has been away for a thousand years and has not come back. The place is empty. You can arrange for the great master to live there.

I think even if Mr. Luoyang comes back, he won't blame him if he learns that a great master has joined our elixir city branch. "

"That's fine. Alas~ Speaking of which, don't you have any news about Mr. Luoyang?" Bao Shunguang asked.

When Lord Luoyang was mentioned, Ding Heping and the other four became less excited.

Speaking of which, the Lord Luoyang they talked about was the leader of the Immortal Refining Alliance branch of the Immortal City, and the immediate boss of the four of them. However, he never came back after leaving a thousand years ago, and there was no news. They have been waiting for Lord Luoyang. return.

Yang Yiyun followed Bao Shunguang to see where he lived. He originally thought that the residence of the Immortal Refining Alliance was in the building of the Immortal Refining Alliance, but he didn't expect to follow Bao Shunguang directly into a small room on the ninth floor. , and then discovered that this place was actually a place similar to an institution.

After entering the small room, Yang Yiyun found a place similar to an elevator, and there was a formation.

After looking carefully, I discovered that there is a puppet method, which is the product of combining the appearance of the formation.

Bao Shunguang introduced to Yang Yiyun: "Master, this is a combination of puppet mechanism and formation. They are all small paths that can lead directly to the ground.

The real training place of the Immortal Refining Alliance is thousands of meters deep underground. Where is there another world? The immortal spiritual energy is dozens of times that of the outside world. According to legend, after Lord Luoyang came to the Immortal City and discovered which underground world, The headquarters of the Immortal Refining Alliance was built here.

The nine-story building of the Immortal Refining Alliance is just a place where business is carried out. Our daily cultivation and so on are all in the underground world. We can go down in a while. "

While Bao Shunguang was introducing Yang Yiyun, he raised his hand and activated his immortal power on a place with an inscription. Suddenly the light in the whole small room started to flicker, like a flowing red light.

Then Yang Yiyun felt just a slight shock, and the whole room did begin to sink.

Yang Yiyun sighed. It seemed that he was familiar with too few immortal magic techniques, and he would have to learn more about them in the future.

Hearing Bao Shunguang mention the name Luoyang again, he couldn't help but ask: "By the way, can you tell me about the Lord Luoyang you mentioned?"

I heard Bao Shunguang and Ding Heping mention Mr. Luoyang several times. Yang Yiyun also only heard them say that Mr. Luoyang was the leader of the Immortal Refining League branch of the Immortal City, but he seemed to have disappeared for thousands of years.

It seems that the four of them, Baoshunguang, respect this person named Luoyang.

So he couldn't help but be curious.

What kind of person is this Luoyang?

After listening to Yang Yiyun's question, Bao Shunguang pondered for a moment and said: "Even if the master doesn't ask, I am ready to tell the master about the creation of the Immortal Alliance...

The entire Refining Immortal Alliance has branches in many places in the fairy world. We can be regarded as a dominant force in the immortal world. The power of the Immortal Pill House that the master has offended is nothing compared to our entire Refining Immortal Alliance. So, master, you Don't worry that the Immortal Pill Building will cause trouble for killing a Jia Ye and destroying a branch building. They don't dare yet. "

When he said these words, Bao Shunguang's tone was full of pride and strong self-confidence.

If Yang Yiyun can allow Bao Shunguang to speak with such confidence tomorrow, it is natural that the Immortal Refining Alliance is very powerful and may be a behemoth in the entire immortal world.

I am very curious about the history of the Immortal Alliance.

Without interrupting Bao Shunguang's words, he continued: "I'd better talk about Mr. Luoyang first. I'm off topic~"

Bao Shunguang smiled sheepishly and said: "Lord Luoyang is a woman, her cultivation is a master of the Immortal Lord level, and she is a disciple of a certain high-level Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Refining Alliance, so she can take charge and become a member of the Immortal Refining Alliance of the Immortal City. The leader of the branch.

It's a pity that thousands of years ago, Master Luoyang didn't know the reason. He just said that he went out to travel, and he was gone forever. Until now, there has been no news. We have also searched for it, and the headquarters has also sent people to look for it, but nothing has happened. No more news, alas~"

After sighing, Bao Shunguang continued: "Lord Luoyang is a talented and strange woman. She is extremely talented in cultivation and can be said to be very fast. She is also involved in alchemy, weapon refining, formations, puppets, and spells. She is an all-rounder. .

By the way, speaking of weapon refining, in fact, the person in charge of the weapon refining department of the Immortal City Refining Alliance branch is still vacant. It is not because he disappeared or was killed. The real reason is that the person in charge of the weapon refining department is looking for Lord Luoyang.

In the early years, I heard the person in charge of the Weapon Refining Department say that he suspected that Mr. Luoyang was most likely framed by his enemies and entered a certain death place, so the person in charge of the Weapon Refining Department went there to look for Mr. Luoyang.

He left and never came back again. Speaking of the person in charge of the weapon refining department, Mr. Luoyang saved his life. This is repaying his kindness. He is loyal to Mr. Luoyang and is a kind and righteous person..."

"Master, let's go out~"

Zhongbao stopped talking, opened the door of the small room with a wave of his hand, and stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun followed them out and found that they had arrived in a large natural cave with a very high temperature. There was a pool of rolling magma within sight.

It looks like it goes very deep into the ground.

"Master, we still have to pass through this natural cave. The other end is the real location of the elixir city refining branch. There are more than 3,000 people gathered there, all of them are alchemists, weapon refiners, formation masters, puppet masters, and spell masters. , those talents are the core force for forging the Immortal Alliance." Bao Shunguang said as he walked.

Yang Yiyun is a little curious about this. It is a large cave in the underground world. Is it possible to live here?

It’s not good to have too much fairy spiritual energy.

I couldn't help but ask: "Hey, dear, why don't you choose to live on land? Even if the immortal energy is abundant here, it won't be good, right? You'll be suffocated to death after a long time~"

Bao Shunguang laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Master, you don't understand. You will like it when you get to Zhenzhen place later. I can only say that there is another world here. Through this section of the road , is the destination.

In fact, this place is connected to the fairy mountain of a certain fairy city. It is a place with a huge sinkhole. It is a naturally formed geographical environment. The fairy spirit energy of dozens of miles around has gathered here. It is a rare blessed place. "

The two of them walked and talked for about ten minutes. After passing through a huge natural cave, Yang Yiyun's sight suddenly lit up and he found that he had appeared in a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

Indeed, as Bao Shunguang said, this is a very huge tiankeng. The place where they are is at the bottom of the world. It is not so much a big tiankeng as it is a grand canyon hidden at the bottom of the tiankeng.

Because Yang Yiyun saw here the scenery of mountains, water and woods. Although the mountains are not too big, they are still mountains, but it is precisely this that creates a unique environment.

The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth that does exist is extremely abundant, more than ten times that of the outside world. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, like a fairyland~

Immortals also appeared here, some sitting by the river meditating, some sitting cross-legged on the big trees, some practicing magic...

As Bao Shunguang passed by, someone called him Master Bao. He seemed to be doing well.

Originally, Bao Shunguang wanted to introduce Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun stopped him. He didn't want to be so high-profile. He would naturally get to know these people gradually in the future.

The environment here is very good and quiet. It is a good place to practice. Yang Yiyun also wants to practice well and does not want to be disturbed.

After looking up at the sky, there was plenty of light, but there was a layer of glazed air covering it. It seemed that they were surrounded by dodges thousands of meters high. The place where they were was in a rectangular sinkhole, like a ship-shaped sinkhole. .

According to Bao Shunguang, the formation barrier naturally formed by the inner chamber of glazed air covering the tiankeng can be seen from the bottom of the world, but it cannot be seen from the outside and cannot be found here. , so it's very safe here.

"Master, let me take you to Lord Luoyang's training dojo. Anyway, the place is idle and no one lives there. What a waste of the strong fairy spirit~"


The two of them reached the deepest part of the sinkhole while talking, and stopped in front of a pool. Directly in front of the pool was a huge waterfall.

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