My Master Is a God

Chapter 2119 Breaking the Queen

There was an attack or a sneak attack in front of him on the narrow path. Yang Yiyun was worried behind him and couldn't get through for a while.

"Boom boom~"

Two more dull noises were heard.

In an instant, Dongfang Iron Man was attacked twice by the opponent, and he screamed in anger.

Fortunately, Luoyang was following Dongfang Iron Man. Both of them were in the realm of Immortal Kings and could still take care of him, so there would be no big problem.

When Yang Yiyun dodged and rushed over, he lit up the fairy fire in his palm. Through the light, he saw blood stains on the corners of Dongfang Iron Man's mouth, but he did not see any enemies.

Luoyang instantly rushed forward.

"What's wrong with you? What's going on? Who is attacking?" Yang Yiyun asked Dongfang Iron Man.

Dongfang Iron Man pressed his teeth and said: "I'm fine. I just saw a figure, but I didn't see it clearly. It's undoubtedly a human race."

"Uncle Junior didn't notice." Luoyang came back to speak at this time.

I suffered a small loss~

No one was caught, and he was attacked twice without even seeing who he was.

No wonder the Oriental Ironman was so angry that he screamed.

However, this is understandable. The other party obviously deliberately attacked and retreated quickly after succeeding. Luoyang didn't even notice when they chased after him.

"Yunzi, please extinguish the flame, it will attract the saw-toothed bird." Dongfang Iron Man said as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and extinguished the flame in his hand and said: "Now it seems that the other party did this on purpose. It is obvious that the other party's sneak attack is to make noise, and then attract the saw-toothed birds to attack us. Look, there are already saw-toothed birds circling over. Go faster~"

Yang Yiyun walked ahead while talking. The Oriental Ironman suffered a loss and was injured, so he rushed ahead.

"Fuck~ If I catch him, I will crush him to ashes~" Dongfang Tieren cursed angrily.

Soon the five people quickened their pace...

"Wow wow wow..."

At this time, roars full of violence sounded, but more than a dozen saw-toothed birds came towards them. Not all of the trail on the edge of the cliff was hidden within the mountain. A long section was exposed to the outside. There was no protection at all, and below was the abyss and the circling saw-toothed bird.

One can imagine the consequences if it falls.

It wouldn't be a big deal just to fall. What's scary is that there are countless saw-toothed birds and hurricanes below. This is the danger.

Therefore, you must not fall down. It is relatively safe to walk on this trail.

However, things are different now. I was attacked by someone inexplicably and attracted the Sawtooth Bird...

Or say that the other party is insidious.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun knew that he could not attack in the face of the saw-toothed bird's attack. If there was a fight and bloodshed, it would inevitably attract more saw-toothed bird attacks, which would be troublesome.

But the sawtooth bird's attack would not work without retaliating. This was a dead end, and the first difficulty they faced appeared.

The other party is really insidious. From this point of view, Yang Yiyun analyzed that it should be aimed at him again, because it is obvious that the other party has premeditated his appearance here.

On the other hand, the attackers were still very familiar with the terrain and environment, so Dongfang Ironman made a sneak attack and escaped without delay. Luoyang did not catch up, and Dongfang Ironman did not even see the opponent.

Furthermore, if someone can sneak attack Dongfang Iron Man, who is a Immortal King, the opponent’s cultivation level will not be bad, at least he is at the level of an Immortal King, and he has plans and plans...

The sneak attackers should understand that as long as such a fuss attracts the sawtooth bird to attack, it will be enough for them to drink a pot, and there is no need to go all out.

Really hateful.

Yang Yiyun was also holding back his anger, wondering who could be plotting against them?

It's really hard to say when I think about it. He killed Wu Tianzun's son, and Wu Zun's forces announced a reward for killing him. From 30,000 high-grade immortal stones, it has reached 100,000 high-grade immortal stones. With such a huge number of immortal stones, the lawless people in the Chaos Immortal Realm , there will be more and more.

One hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones are a huge temptation for immortals. Everyone is short of cultivation resources, and one hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones are a huge resource.

There are now ten villains, and there is also the Miasma Ancestor. Those who come to seek trouble for him are becoming more and more powerful and difficult to deal with...

This made Yang Yiyun depressed.

Not to mention that there are other big forces that are eyeing him. The Ximen family has been eradicated by him, but there is also the Dugu family. The Dugu family is also a family of killers. When he came out of the inner city that day, he killed two of the Dugu family. As a master of the Immortal King, he didn't believe that the Dugu family could swallow this breath.

Yang Yiyun still knows a little about these powerful families in the fairy world. As long as he has strength, he will never give up. He is no different from a gangster in the market.

But having said that, he now thinks about the power of the witch master that he should be most wary of. It is conceivable that for a reward of 100,000 high-grade immortal stones, a master at the level of an immortal king will sacrifice his life.

From this point of view, the influence of Wu Zun's power is terrifying, with financial resources, power and strength.

If it weren't for the existence of some ancient races of creatures in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, and the rules that the outside Immortal Emperor did not dare to act rashly, I am afraid that there would have been Immortal Emperor-level masters coming to kill him.

Wu Zun~!

Yang Yiyun recited the name silently in his heart. He knew that if he wanted to completely solve the bounty hunt, he would eventually get rid of the root of the matter.

Of course, he also knew that with his current strength, provoking the Witch Lord would be like an egg shaking a tree, and it would be impossible for an egg to touch a mountain.


He has confidence and time. One day he will go to the witch lord's forces and kill the so-called witch lord.

But now I can only think about this idea in my heart. If I really want to do it, it is very different and too far away.

All he can do now is to kill the enemies who will invade him one by one, kill them all, and make them change their minds when mentioning his name, Yang Yiyun.

Continuously improving one's own strength is the right thing to do.

Only when you are strong can your dreams come true.

Going to the ninth level to kill the Witch Lord requires strength.

I still have to help the old man...

Waiting for something, there will always be two words - strength.

Now, his early cultivation as an Immortal Lord is still far from enough, and he is actually very urgent in his heart...

Yang Yiyun was thinking about things in his mind, but his eyes were not idle. He turned the Eye of the Universe, watching all directions and listening in all directions, ready to deal with the upcoming battle at any time.

They were fast, but a dozen saw-toothed birds were native creatures that flew even faster.

After a few minutes, he was finally chased by the sawtooth bird.

"Prepare to kill, there is nothing you can do if you don't kill~" Yang Yiyun roared and walked away with his sword.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Wow wow wow..."

The saw-toothed birds seemed huge, but they were not intelligent creatures. After Yang Yiyun came out with his sword, he killed all thirteen saw-toothed birds in an instant and fell into the abyss.

Although he killed it easily, he knew that the next step would be an even crazier sawtooth bird attack.

Because when the smell of blood spreads, it will attract more saw-toothed birds to attack. They are now racing against time. As long as they reach the bottom of the abyss, they will naturally be able to kill more saw-toothed birds.


A long roar rose up.

Extremely sharp, piercing the eardrum.

"Wow wow wow wow..."

One after another, the sound of anger resounded through the abyss for a long time.

Yang Yiyun knew that blood would make these saw-toothed birds even crazier. For these creatures that had not turned on their intelligence, the smell of blood was a stimulant.

He knew he had broken the ant's nest.

But there is no way, because this is the conspiracy of the sneak attacker.

Regardless of whether he kills the sawtooth bird or not, these beasts have been alerted and will attack them.

Sure enough, densely packed saw-toothed birds came out of their nests and swooped towards the five of them. Looking at them made people's scalp numb.

"Luoyang Dongfang, the four of you go first and rush to the bottom of the abyss as quickly as possible. I will stop you."

Yang Yiyun activated the dragon-slaying sword as he spoke, and directly turned it into a sword to resist the saw-toothed bird that blocked the sky and the sun, while shouting at the four people in Luoyang.

The four people in Luoyang also saw the power of Yang Yiyun's sword. It was indeed extraordinary and he could attack from a long distance. It was indeed the best way to defeat the latter at this time. Besides, Yang Yiyun had already taken action and there was no time to be pretentious and rush forward.

"Yunzi, I'll stay and help you~"

Dongfang Iron Man shouted.

"Stop talking nonsense, just some flat-haired beasts, I can handle them. Take them down to the bottom of the abyss to wait for me." Yang Yiyun shouted loudly.

Dongfang Iron Man gritted his teeth and said nothing more, "Then be careful~"

Hua Luo, Luoyang Jingcan and Xuexiang disappeared into the cave.

The entire road is half a cave and half an open air environment. At this moment, Yang Yiyun blocked the black saw-toothed bird. The four of them just entered the cave and escaped the attack and pursuit of the saw-toothed bird.

As long as the speed is fast enough, there is no problem in getting rid of it.

Of course, the premise was that Yang Yiyun blocked the Sawtooth Bird's pursuit for them.

Yang Yiyun stood on the edge of the open-air path, or on the edge of the cliff. After wielding the sword, he shouted loudly. With the help of Fengyun Scabbard, the dragon-slaying sword that flew out transformed into thousands of sword energy and exploded suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Wow wow wow..."

The sword attacks were like thunder mixed with the screams of saw-toothed birds.

Yang Yiyun saw saw-toothed birds as big as calves falling down. Some were cut into pieces by the sword energy, and many more were only injured but not dead. After all, the sword energy attack was an indiscriminate attack. Moreover, the power of thousands of sword energy produced under the sword is much weaker than that of one sword.

However, Yang Yiyun felt that tens of thousands of saw-toothed birds had been killed by him with this blow, and he even blocked the pace of the saw-toothed birds, which was not bad.

But his expression changed in the next moment.

From all directions, even under the cliff where he stood, there were many saw-toothed birds. There would always be a breather time for him to use the sword in one breath, and in this short time, he was attacked.

If he hadn't suddenly activated the Donghuang Bell to come out, he would have been buried under the attacks of these beasts.

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