My Master Is a God

Chapter 2120 The belief in fighting the world sprouts

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


When the Donghuang Bell rang, Yang Yiyun felt his face light up, but found a blood mark scratched by the sharp claws of the saw-toothed bird.

Suddenly he was furious: "Evil beast~"

With a panic in his heart, Yang Yiyun flew up directly. Anyway, he was protected by the Donghuang Bell, which could not break his defense for a while. Next, he was going to use his law aura to massacre these saw-toothed birds.

He will kill as many as there are.

At first, I thought these saw-toothed birds were very powerful, but now it seems that they are nothing more than that.

And the point is that he was unable to temper himself and actually scratched his face. It was really unreasonable.

His face was broken, Yang was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

It's hard to get rid of this anger without teaching these flat-haired beasts a lesson.

He flew into the air and was suspended in the void. It seemed a bit risky, but he was not afraid.

The hurricane in the abyss does not appear all the time and will not pull him down.

Even if it is pulled, as long as it does not enter the eye of the hurricane, it will be fine.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun still has the Donghuang Bell on his body, which can defend him one or two.

Another problem he discovered was that these saw-toothed birds seemed not to be afraid of hurricanes in the abyss and were still flying freely. In other words, these saw-toothed birds were immune to hurricanes.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun had an idea to catch a saw-toothed bird and use it as a temporary vehicle. I wonder if it was credible or not?

If it could, wouldn’t it solve the impact of hurricanes?

When the time comes, he can directly drive the sawtooth bird down to the bottom of the abyss, right?

I thought that my hands were not idle...

At this moment, he jumped out, but was buried by countless saw-toothed birds.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Bump bump bump..."

After activating the defensive power of the Donghuang Bell, the Donghuang Bell made a roaring sound, and the golden runes continued to flow.

Outside, it was violently attacked by countless saw-toothed birds, and the Donghuang Bell shook violently, but its defense was still there.

Yang Yiyun mentally estimated that he could hold on for at least ten minutes.

In other words, the attacks of these saw-toothed birds are also extremely powerful. Now that he is an Immortal Lord, he activates the Donghuang Bell. It is said that his defense is many times stronger than when he was at the Hunyuan level, but he is still shaken by these saw-toothed birds. .

The important reason is that there are too many saw-toothed birds.

To say that it has no attack power would be a lie. It means that for Yang, the attack power is low.

Anyway, judging from the impact of attacking his Donghuang Bell, it was really quite big.

He could only hold on for ten minutes, maybe even ten minutes was not enough.

Under such circumstances, what Yang Yiyun wanted was to make a quick decision and then chase the Oriental Ironman and the others.

As soon as the heart moves, the aura is mobilized.

Silently recited: "The sea of ​​stars hangs upside down~"

He lowered his hands to hold up the sky, and half of the mana in his body was drained out in an instant. The surrounding heaven and earth also turbulent, converging on his hands. Once again, he felt the feeling of being between heaven and earth, with heaven and earth as his backing. Feel.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly pressed down on the void.


The whole heaven and earth are in order.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.


Yang Yiyun clearly felt the turmoil of the power of heaven and earth.

Then his vision became clear, and he saw that the saw-toothed bird that had attacked the Donghuang Bell and was buried in it was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the wind blowing a fool and quickly dissipating...

In the blink of an eye, this speed spread out, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters...and continued to spread away.

Anyway, there were countless saw-toothed birds within sight, but they also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

With one move of his, the sea of ​​stars turned upside down and turned into powder, or even evaporated.

As far as your eyes can see, you can disappear as far as you can.

The entire Tianzhan Abyss was silent.

There was no longer a sawtooth bird within his sight.


Yang Yiyun himself gasped this time, the power of the law's aura was simply a killer move.

Although he tried his power in the deep canyon last time, it ended up being a dead end against environmental objects. But now that his target has been replaced by countless saw-toothed birds, this scene is truly shocking.

He himself was shocked.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt a passionate fighting spirit in his heart.

With such a big move at his disposal, is there any enemy in the world that Yang Yiyun cannot defeat? Those who cannot be killed and those who dare not fight?

What Wu Zun Tian Zun Nine Heavens...?

As long as he cultivates the power of the law's aura well, why not worry about not being able to fight?

He has only just entered the threshold of the law aura, and he already has such power. As his cultivation level improves in the future, when he enters the realm of the Immortal King or even the Immortal Emperor, he will be able to exert it, or borrow it. The power of heaven and earth will become more and more powerful.

The aura of law is the key to unlocking the power of heaven and earth. Many people are unable to master it throughout their lives. No, in other words, the lifelong pursuit of monks is to explore how to control this key to the power of heaven and earth. However, many people are just touching the edge. , and he held the key firmly in his palm as soon as he got it, and opened it, opening an extremely powerful door, and took out a scoop of power from this door.

Everything in the entire world is filled with the power of this kind of aura, waiting for him to steal it. The difference is how much it can be obtained, which requires understanding. This understanding is to find techniques on how to obtain more power in the simplest and most effective way.

He can only get such a small spoon now and that's all.

Even so, it already has such power...

Therefore, Yang Yiyun was suddenly full of confidence in his future cultivation path.

A kind of thought came into being that I am the only one in heaven and earth.

This thought is like a seed, sprouting and taking root at this moment...


Facing the empty scene within sight, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but let out a long roar!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Then laughed wildly.

Countless saw-toothed birds that covered the sky were wiped out by him in one go.

This kind of inner joy is truly indescribable and can only be expressed with a long roar.

His path has always been groping on his own, stumbling and looking forward to it, and it was a bit frustrating. Including when the old man was around, the dead old man himself was in the state of a remnant soul in the Qiankun Pot, and could not come out to teach him personally to guide his practice. The method is to keep it free-range and let it grow on its own. As the name suggests, it can go further.

Thinking about it now, Yang Yiyun knew that it was the old man's helpless statement, because he himself could not get out of the Qiankun Pot, so he could only use this reason to excuse him.

After Sanxian Island, the old man left in a hurry and did not teach the Eight Classics personally. The result was that he continued to grow up. Therefore, although the magic weapon in his hand was awesome and the skills he practiced were awesome, his opportunities and luck were the same. It's against the sky, but most of the time it's a bit frustrating to encounter enemies.

That's because he has a treasure house, but he can't open it. He doesn't know how to use his treasure house. Every time an enemy appears, a powerful person will ask others for help, but he himself always feels that he is avoiding it. Coward.

What now……

After he mastered the law's aura, he knew the future path and finally took it out.

He will no longer be so aggrieved. He will kill the enemy without hiding, and fight head-on. Any enemy who dares to challenge and arm-wrestle is what he really wants.

Just like his sworn brother, the six-eared macaque, that is the goal he seeks.

The six-eared macaque is the kind of person who is small and broad, and whose cultivation level is obviously very different from that of the enemy, but still has the fighting spirit to fight in the world, and can often win.

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence, but a strong belief in fighting.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and it was this belief that he actually lacked.

In fact, Yang Yiyun could vaguely guess Liu Er's situation. It was not that Liu Er was arrogant, but that he was very similar to himself. The Liu Er macaque was one of the four monkeys that transcended the three realms and five elements, so he was also a person with a treasure trove. Even in the face of an enemy that was stronger than him, Liu Er still dared to defy, fight, and win the battle. Now that he thought about it, Liu Er had the confidence to control and open his own treasure house.

He is just the opposite. He also has his own treasure house potential, but he can't open it or master it...

But now he knows that he has begun to master and open his own treasure house, and from then on he will gradually use all his own resources to make good use of his own treasure house.

In fact, if you carefully calculate it, he has a lot of things that the old man passed on to him, and they are all high-level magical methods, but he has consciously forgotten some things.

For example, the "Eight Dragon Sutras" and the "Pure Yang Burning Sun Curse" are both incredible things. He had experienced them personally back then. They could exert great power in the hands of the old man, but in his hands But I was a little confused in my hands, that's all. Now I understand that all methods in the world need one thing as a medium, and that is aura.

Regarding the law aura, the old man actually talked about the law back then, but when he asked about it at that time, the damn old man always said that you didn’t understand it even after he told it, so there’s no need to ask, and we’ll talk about it later.

Thinking about it now, if you don't have a certain level of cultivation, it would be useless to explain it, and you can't understand it at all.

Only now did he understand that some magic spells and supernatural powers did require cultivation to a certain level before they could be understood.

This time the law aura was successful and after the last cultivation reached the realm of the Immortal Lord, many things became naturally understood.

As he used the power of the law's aura twice, he understood more and more its true meaning. Some things were actually something that could not be expressed in words, but could only be understood.

After his thoughts became clear today, these things were perceived by the great powers.

In addition to the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon Sutra and the Pure Yang Burning Sun Curse, including the sword-handling skills passed down to him by Black Lotus, he can actually only perform two moves at the moment, water-cutting and ground-breaking, followed by Kaitian and God-Slaying. None of them have been comprehended yet. In addition to the old man's twelve supreme magical powers, more than half of them are still waiting for him to comprehend and practice.

There is also the trump card of Qiankun Pot!

The greatest power in the Qiankun Pot, the power of the Qiankun Temple, is at the level of nuclear weapons. He dare not use it easily, not only against the enemy, but also against himself.

This thing almost killed me last time, and I don't dare to do it now.

However, the Water of Life, Five Thunder Purple Leaves, and the newly emerged Watermelon Thunder are all his treasures. If these things are used properly, they are extremely powerful treasures that can turn the overall situation around.

So when Yang Yiyun thought about it, it was really worth this roar.

The law aura is just the beginning...

With these thoughts in his mind, he felt relieved after letting out a long roar.

But at the next moment, there was a roaring sound from under the abyss.

The thunderous roar was punctuated by a roar.



This time Yang Yiyun heard clearly that the strong one was the sound of a hurricane, and the latter was some kind of creature.

It doesn't sound like the roar of a sawtooth bird.

Then he saw a bright light coming quickly from below the abyss, it was light green like a small flame.

It looked like it was getting bigger and bigger in my sight.

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