My Master Is a God

Chapter 2147 Eight-legged crocodile at the bottom of the Black River

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The water in the Black River is so heavy and dark that even immortals are blinded under the water and cannot see clearly.

Regardless of the fact that they can use immortal consciousness here, this will solve their problem of being blind and unable to see under the water.

They were not very fast in the water. This was because the soul-taking ancestor who took the lead was cautious and said that there were water beasts in the Black River and they needed to be careful in everything.

Yang Yiyun has no objection to this. Safety is the first priority. Just slow down!

Most of the time, the disadvantage is due to carelessness. Although the ancestor of soul-taking is slow to lead the way, Yang Yiyun is relieved.

After all, we are going to the cave of the Great Demon King in the prehistoric era, so be careful.

According to the ancestor of the soul-hunting ancestor, diving a thousand meters is the bottom of the Black River Lake. This depth is not too deep for them.

Everyone was very alert as they dived all the way down, and nothing happened even after reaching 500 meters.

This made everyone's tense nerves somewhat relaxed, and it was at this time that the mutation suddenly occurred...


Yang Yiyun vaguely heard a sound that seemed to be flowing out. This sound was normal outside, but it was a bit strange in deep water.

"Everyone, be careful, there may be water animals approaching us~"

The voice of the Soul-Captivating Ancestor sounded, warning everyone to be vigilant.

Yang Yiyun was behind the formation. He took a look at the man in red beside him and felt reassured. Speaking of which, the man in red was really different.

Everyone used mana to defend against the gravity of the black water, but Hong Yi didn't have any mana or power on his body, but he was unaffected in the water.

As if completely integrated into the black water, flexible and comfortable.

He thought to himself that maybe this was the power of the ancient body refining and the immortal body, right?

A physical body is comparable to, or even surpasses the strength of an immortal weapon. It can generate self-awareness and transform into a brand new life. Although it is not a cultivator, a demon cultivator or other cultivation systems, it cannot be seen that it has any level of strength. .

Of course, there is no way to define a system for Hongyi, but the potential is unlimited. At present, it seems that it is possible to fight against the Immortal King Dzogchen.

As for the powerful person at the level of the Immortal Emperor, Yang Yiyun didn't know if Hongyi could fight against him. He would only know if he met him later, but he thought it was possible.

Hong Yi's powerful physical body at the sub-sage level was already reflected when he used the Five Thunder Purple Leaves. When he fought with the Five Thunder Leaves in unison, it only made Hong Yi's hair a little messy, and there was no trace left on his physical body. From this point alone, you can already see how powerful the red-clothed body is.

Yang Yiyun really couldn't figure out where the limits of her physical body were.

And he also remembered what the old man and the God and Demon Bird had told him to strengthen his physical body tempering. The rumors that the physical body became holy through cultivation now seemed to be true.

If one day in the future, he cultivates his physical body to the sub-sage level and reaches the peak of the immortal world, I wonder what it will be like?

He set a goal in his mind to synchronize his physical training. He actually didn't pay much attention to this aspect before.

But now after seeing the big man in red and black armor, I can really see the potential.

If others want to temper their physical bodies, they may face many restrictions. First of all, you must have a technique that can temper your physical bodies to the extreme.

And he has the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique. Yang Yiyun believes that the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique is definitely the top tempering technique in the world. If conditions permit, it will definitely be able to support him in tempering his body to the sub-sage level.

Maybe even higher.

Because this skill is a skill within the Qiankun Pot, and it is practiced both internally and externally.

In fact, he has always been cultivating both internally and externally, but he really didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of the physical body. Every time he tempered and practiced, he only practiced when he encountered suitable opportunities and conditions.

Not once did I take the initiative to practice in a true sense.

He saw the power of the physical body from Hong Yi, but he didn't expect that the physical body could be so powerful through cultivation?

It can even lead to true physical enlightenment and sanctification.

He has always believed that what he saw and heard was focused on the cultivation of mana. Very few people take the path of physical enlightenment. The monks in the world regard the cultivation of the body as an auxiliary to the cultivation of mana, and do not regard it as an auxiliary to the cultivation of mana. It is the path to enlightenment.

Thinking about it now, this may be a matter of conditional restrictions...

Because he learned about the cultivation method of the physical body from the old man, and this was the situation.

Yang Yiyun kept this in mind and prepared to go back to the God and Demon Bird to ask about the situation.

Yang Yiyun was thinking about the matter of physical training, and the soul-taking ancestor from the front sent another message: "It is indeed a water beast. The eight-legged crocodile unique to Heihe River is a group water beast. Everyone is determined to fight it and don't attack.

The individual attack power of this eight-legged crocodile is not very powerful, but the group is extremely large, traveling in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. If we don't provoke them, they will attack us at most, but once we provoke them and see blood, these The eight-legged crocodile will activate its sexual nature and transform into a ferocious aquatic beast, enlarging its size by a circle. Even those as powerful as the Immortal Emperor will have to be wary of the impact at that time.

The cursed land itself is a part of the prehistoric times. Most of these creatures are descendants of the products of the prehistoric times. After the mutation, there is no wisdom, only ferocity and difficulty. This is why it is called the cursed land. . "

After the Soul-Taking Ancestor finished transmitting the message, he added: "Here we come, remember to defend yourself and hold on until the impact passes. You will be fine."


The waves at the bottom of the water swept over them instantly, drowning them all at once.

Fortunately, everyone had the message from the soul-taking ancestor and was mentally prepared, so they did not panic and allowed the eight-legged crocodile to rush past them.

In fact, although there are a large number of eight-legged crocodiles, not all of them are impacted, but they can still withstand it.

Yang Yiyun's immortal knowledge clearly observed that this is a kind of water animal that is completely black and has the same color as the black river water. It looks like a crocodile in general, but its size is much smaller than that of a crocodile, which is half a meter long, with thick arms and eight legs. , with fingernail-sized scales all over its body.

They don't look very ferocious, but as the soul-taking ancestor said, the group is too large, and the immortal consciousness can see countless of them, occupying an area of ​​more than a thousand meters.

Speeding past them, you can't avoid hitting them...

Fortunately, everyone was prepared. After the magic power was activated, defenses were prepared outside the body. Although there were many eight-legged crocodiles, they could withstand the impact.

The huge eight-legged crocodile group is so densely packed that in fact, just looking at it will make one's scalp numb.

Yang Yiyun was glad that this time he had the Soul Capture Ancestor, a man who had visited the Black River once in ten thousand years. If there had not been the reminder from the Soul Capture Ancestor, they would definitely have gone on a killing spree, and the eight people would have been bloody. The ferocity of Crocodile Foot will definitely make it difficult for them.

"Crack, crackle, crackle..."

The dull sounds continued, hitting everyone, and everyone withstood the impact.

But at the next moment, Yang Yiyun found that he had overlooked a problem.

The defenses of the whole body, including the black armor, are maintained by mana, which is relatively soft. The impact of the eight-legged crocodile will be fine on both sides. As long as they withstand this wave of impact, these eight-legged crocodiles will pass by. After that it's done.

But there was one person who didn't have any magic power and could only resist with his physical body.

This person is naturally in red!

Yang Yiyun was not worried that Hongyi would be injured by the eight-legged crocodile; instead, he was worried about the eight-legged crocodile.

Because he knew very well how strong Hong Yi's body was.

In contrast, the eight-legged crocodile is just hitting rocks.

This will definitely lead to a bloody blow.

When the eight-legged crocodile smells the smell of blood, won't it arouse its ferocity?

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he thought of this question.

At the same time, the voice of the soul-taking ancestor also sounded: "Master, use magic power to protect Hongyi. Her body is too strong. If the eight-legged crocodile hits her, it will definitely be..."

Okay, before the rest of the words were finished, the soul-taking ancestor stopped completely because it was already too late.

There was a burst of impact, and the eight-legged crocodiles that hit Hong Yi exploded one by one, and the smell of blood suddenly filled the air.

Yang Yiyun's order was to tell Hong Yi not to move. Now it was fine. Hong Yi didn't move at all, but the eight-legged crocodile that hit her was finished. In an instant, hundreds of eight-legged crocodiles hit Hong Yi's head and broke her head. Blood flow.

The next moment, the entire bottom of the Black River was boiling.

It was the group of eight-legged crocodiles that exploded in ferocity under the stimulation of the smell of blood.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly, what is this?

On the contrary, it was the one who was hit who got into trouble.

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