My Master Is a God

Chapter 2148 The natural enemy of the eight-legged crocodile

It's too late to do anything now, and in the end it wasn't everyone's mistake, it was just an accident.

Who could have imagined that this would be the case?

The eight-legged crocodile was aroused to be ferocious anyway.

In this way, they had no choice but to directly resist or fight, otherwise these eight-legged crocodiles would become another ferocious evolution stimulated by the smell of blood. Although they were not weak, they could not withstand the attacks of so many eight-legged crocodiles.


Yang Yiyun roared loudly.

"Everyone, go down to the bottom of the river as quickly as possible. Only by entering the Demon King's Cave can we get rid of these eight-legged crocodiles." At the same time, the voice of the Soul-Capturing Ancestor sounded.

The next moment everyone burst into action. They couldn't wait to be attacked by these eight-legged crocodiles. The eight-legged crocodiles that evolved once were not fun, and their number seemed to be endless.

It really makes people feel a little numb.

Don't even think about leaving without killing them.

At this time, everyone didn't care about anything, they all took action in an instant.

Powerful auras spread out in the Black River.

Countless eight-legged crocodiles were also gathering towards Yang Yiyun and the others from all directions.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the fighting broke out, a dull sound erupted throughout the Black River.

The smell of blood is getting stronger...

Just as the Soul-Capturing Ancestor said, the Eight-legged Crocodile's counterattacks are getting bigger and bigger.

Indeed, the impact force has more than doubled. Yang Yiyun felt that the eight-legged crocodile that hit him was much more destructive to the magic defense. Fortunately, he felt that he could still withstand it, but as time went by, the defense would be broken sooner or later.

So get rid of the eight-legged crocodile as soon as possible.

But fortunately, the soul-hunting ancestor controlled the black-armored man from the front and took the lead. The momentum was very strong. I don’t know what secret method the soul-taking ancestor used to control the black-armored man. The black-armored man simply transformed into a meat grinder. All the eight-legged crocodiles it passed turned into blood mist, making it impossible to get in.

The Soul-Capturing Ancestor carried out most of the attacks from the front, which put a lot less pressure on the people behind.

Facing countless groups of eight-legged crocodiles, the biggest attack part is the head and tail. In other words, Yang Yiyun, the person behind the formation, can withstand no less attacks than the soul-popping Ancestor.

But it didn't matter to him. As he danced with his hands, he continued to use the magical powers of the Twelve Supremes, but he forced the eight-legged crocodile back two meters away.

Two meters away, there was a wall of flesh formed by an eight-legged crocodile, coming like a mountain. With the use of his twelve supreme magical powers and five magical powers, he was still able to deal with the eight-legged crocodile with ease.

In this case, the group of people kept going towards the bottom of the river, not fast but not slow either.

Mainly, there are too many groups of eight-legged crocodiles, and we can't move fast even if we want to.

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun felt that they had only dived about 200 meters. In addition, they were at a depth of 500 meters before. The 200 meters now were not enough. There were still 300 meters to reach the bottom of the river. , he could feel that the speed had begun to slow down, which meant that the eight-legged crocodiles attracted by them were coming more and more.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was not going to work. Sooner or later, everyone's mana would be exhausted. At that time, they would directly face the attack of the eight-legged crocodile. Crocodile's hissing attack.

We must find a solution as soon as possible~

Seeing a group of eight-legged crocodiles, Yang Yiyun inexplicably thought of sawtooth birds~

He suddenly thought of a question~

The question is, can the sawtooth bird deal with the eight-legged crocodile?

Of course, in terms of quantity, the one hundred thousand saw-toothed birds in his Qiankun Pot are naturally not as numerous as the countless eight-legged crocodiles here, but in terms of size, the saw-toothed birds have an absolute advantage, and in terms of strength, the saw-toothed birds are much more powerful than the eight-legged crocodiles. .

The only disadvantage now is that one is a flying bird, a ferocious beast belonging to the sky, while the other is a water beast in the water, and there is gravity in the Black River. I wonder if it will affect the sawtooth bird?

However, when Yang Yiyun thought about it, both of them were descendants of the prehistoric bloodline, and they were creatures born in the fairy world. There should be no problem adapting to the natural environment...

If the saw-toothed bird can deal with the eight-legged crocodile, then the pressure on them will be much less.

Regardless of whether it works or not, Yang Yiyun will give it a try. There is no other good way at the moment. They can endure the hard resistance, but it consumes too much mana and energy. They still have to conserve their strength to enter the Demon King's Cave, and they don't want to spend too much energy on it. Wasted on the eight-legged crocodile.

In the final analysis, these ferocious beasts are still difficult to deal with. Although they have no intelligence, they are fierce and ferocious. They are like moths flying to the flames. There is no life or death at all. They will pounce on them no matter how many die. This is what makes them difficult to deal with. .

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he released the Sawtooth Bird King from the Qiankun Pot space. He just wanted to see if the environment in Heihe would have any impact on the Sawtooth Bird?


A long roar sounded, but it was the Sawtooth Bird King roaring, and then the Sawtooth Bird King opened its mouth in a few flashes and swallowed several eight-legged crocodiles.

Yang Yiyun actually felt the excitement of the Sawtooth Bird King, as if these eight-legged crocodiles were a feast for him.

Yang Yiyun was happy now. Facts have proved that the method he thought of is feasible.

Although the number of hundreds of thousands of saw-toothed birds is far less than that of eight-legged crocodiles, it now seems that saw-toothed birds are the natural enemies of these eight-legged crocodiles.

It is true that all things in the world are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

The next moment his heart moved, Yang Yiyun released all 100,000 Sawtooth Birds from the space of the Qiankun Pot...

"Wow wow wow wow..."

The roars continued, and hundreds of thousands of saw-toothed birds appeared in the Black River, not restricted by the Black River water.

Immediately after Yang Yiyun gave an order to the Sawtooth King, one hundred thousand Sawtooth Birds formed a huge rectangle, completely wrapping Yang Yiyun and the others inside, and started overwhelmingly devouring the eight-legged crocodile. devour……

Suddenly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Dongfang Ironman looked at Yang Yiyun and naturally knew what was going on.

The ancestor of the soul master was filled with shock. He did not expect that this master would summon so many saw-toothed birds at once. He naturally knew about these saw-toothed birds. They were also ferocious beasts that lived in groups and entrenched themselves in the abyss. In terms of being able to fight alone, No one is afraid of the saw-toothed bird, but even if he is an Immortal King with Dzogchen cultivation, he must be wary of a group attack. When he first entered the abyss, the soul-taking ancestor also entered quietly and did not provoke the saw-toothed bird.

Now I didn’t expect Yang Yiyun to summon such a huge sawtooth bird to appear. It was simply...

Who can control Sawtooth?

He couldn't do it, but now it turns out that Yang Yiyun did it.

And the important point is that the saw-toothed bird is the natural enemy of the eight-legged crocodile.

The soul-catching ancestor was shocked. He watched the saw-toothed birds wrap up a few of them, and while devouring the eight-legged crocodile, they quickly headed towards the bottom of the river. The speed was many times faster than before. They really treated Yang Yiyun, the master. I was convinced.

In less than half an hour, they arrived at the bottom of the river, escorted by a hundred thousand saw-toothed birds.

"Which way to go?"

After arriving at the bottom of the river, Yang Yiyun asked the soul-taking ancestor.

The Black River is very big, but the cave of the Great Demon King Crystal Lion must only exist in one place.

"Master, if we walk a thousand meters south, we will arrive at a rocky mountain at the bottom of the river. The Demon King's Cave is on the rocky mountain," said the Soul-Capturing Ancestor.

Yang Yiyun nodded and ordered the Sawtooth Bird King to go south.

In fact, there were very few eight-legged crocodiles chasing them after they reached the bottom of the river. The long formation of a hundred thousand saw-toothed birds could devour as many as they came.

Along the way, he didn’t know how many eight-legged crocodiles the one hundred thousand saw-toothed birds had swallowed. Anyway, Yang Yiyun felt like he was full. But when he started to feel that the one hundred thousand saw-toothed birds seemed to be a bit stronger, this was obviously the same as the eight-legged crocodiles that had swallowed up the eight-legged crocodiles. Related to crocodiles.

It's a good thing for him. The more powerful these saw-toothed birds are, the stronger his strength will naturally be.

Controlling the Sawtooth Bird Queen is equivalent to controlling a hundred thousand Sawtooth Birds. In the future, when those bird eggs emerge from the Qiankun Pot space, Yang Yiyun will have an army of nearly four to five million Sawtooth Birds.

Although these saw-toothed birds have no intelligence, the saw-toothed bird king has wisdom, which is enough for him. The ordinary saw-toothed birds have weaker attacks, but they are better in numbers, and they are reckless in killing the enemy. They are simply killing weapons.

Then he quickly arrived a thousand meters south, and his immortal consciousness found a huge rock mountain. Yang Yiyun saw a large cave on the mountain, which should be the entrance to the Demon King's Cave according to the soul-taking ancestor.

After arriving here, the eight-legged crocodile that was chasing them had also disappeared. It was feasted by a flock of hundreds of thousands of saw-toothed birds. There were still many left, but they were not chasing after them and dispersed. This may have something to do with the Demon King's Cave.

Without the pursuit of the eight-legged crocodile, Yang Yiyun took all the saw-toothed birds into the universe space. With the saw-tooth king in the space, a hundred thousand saw-toothed birds would not be able to cause chaos.

Next, they will enter the cave of the Great Demon King Crystal Lion...

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