My Master Is a God

Chapter 2190 The Taoist lineage

Naturally, Yang Yiyun didn't know that he had refreshed Luoyang's three views. At this time, he had entered the process of comprehending the sixth magical power of the "Twelve Supreme Divine Powers"...

The old man passed on the twelve supreme magical powers to him, and he only cultivated to the fifth magical power. As for the following ones, he has not studied them properly in the past few years. Most of the time, he has no time. Of course, there is also a The point is, the more advanced the magical powers and secret techniques are, the more difficult it is to comprehend them.

It's not that he hasn't seen the magical power behind it, but he can't understand it at all. This has something to do with the realm of cultivation. If the realm of cultivation can't keep up, it's like reading a book from heaven.

But now, when he saw the sixth magical power of the Twelve Supremes, he had a new understanding, and this time he could really see it.

As expected, it is related to the realm of cultivation. Once you reach the realm of cultivation, you will naturally understand it.

The sixth magical power is called - Fire and Water are Incompatible~

It is literally a barge, so water and fire are naturally incompatible.

But this sixth magical move is to fuse water and fire together.

Two seemingly impossible powers were fused together in one magical move. Yang Yiyun realized, from the absurdity at the beginning, to the feeling that it was possible, and finally to the fact that it was completely understandable...

Then he began to try to deduce the sixth magical power in his mind. First, it must be feasible in theory before he can practice it.

Water and fire cannot tolerate this magical power. One premise is that the power in the body must have the power of water and fire. This is not difficult for Yang Yiyun.

There is a water origin bead in his hall that can be used just in time, so the power of water is not a problem.

In addition, the power of fire is no problem. He has the existence of Qinglian Fairy Fire.

The difficulty is how to fuse the two powers together to form one body. After that, the magical power can be used. The power of water and fire is the prerequisite.

But everyone knows that these two forces are incompatible. How can they be integrated into one?

But the sixth move of the Twelve Supreme Divine Powers can do it. This is the power of the secret method.

The purpose of the skills, secrets, etc. is to organize and bring together the seemingly impossible power of heaven and earth, all things, and heaven and earth, so as to form a systematic system and exert powerful power.

The more powerful the skills, secrets, etc., the more powerful the power of all things that can be successfully gathered, etc. will be.

This is also the reason why there are magical powers, secret methods, and strength levels for cultivation.

Naturally, the skills practiced by cultivators cannot be compared with the skills practiced by immortals. This is the difference between strength and weakness.

This also shows that the old man's boat sailing skills are indeed very good. The more he tries to understand the old man's twelve supreme magical powers, the more Yang Yiyun feels.

Time passed by unknowingly, and Yang Yiyun was completely immersed in the spiritual power...

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Outside, the snow cat stared at the Ice Lotus and suddenly let out a meow.

"Master Ice Lotus has matured~"

Snow Cat shouted to Yang Yiyun to wake him up from his cultivation state.

Luoyang also opened his eyes at this moment.

Yang Yiyun heard the snow cat shouting and woke up from the state of enlightenment.

He looked at the Ice Lotus at the first glance, and sure enough, the Ice Lotus was in full bloom at the moment, emitting a milky white halo, and the color changed from crystal clear to milky white.

He immediately stood up and walked to the icicle and asked Snow Cat, "How do I collect it?"

The snow cat kept talking: "Master, I will come later, please wait."

"Isn't it already mature? What are you waiting for?" Yang Yiyun asked confused.

"When the Ice Lotus manifests into a vision, these heaven and earth spiritual beings will have a vision of heaven and earth manifested." Snow Cat said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luoyang next to him said: "It's true, look, little uncle, there are so many white clouds condensed on it~"

As Luoyang spoke, Yang Yiyun stared, and sure enough, he saw white clouds emerging from the Ice Lotus.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared again, still with a milky white halo, but in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he looked like a Buddha sitting on a lotus.

one two three……

A total of nine white clouds condensed and appeared around the Buddha.

Then the Buddha made a gesture of putting his hands together, as if praying to heaven.

The light suddenly burst out, and after a dazzling moment, it completely dissipated, but merged into the Ice Lotus.

At this time, the snow cat said: "It's mature. Master, wait a moment, I will take it out."

As she spoke, the snow cat opened her mouth and swallowed suddenly, and the white mist on the icicle was completely absorbed by her and swallowed into her stomach.

Then he waved his front paws, and the icicles instantly dissipated like water mist hitting the flames.

The Ice Lotus appeared.

At that moment, Yang Yiyun felt an extremely cold feeling, which suddenly spread out. The cold was so extreme that he couldn't help but shiver. It was many times more powerful than the cold when he was caught in the eye of the storm.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically, and he quickly activated his magic power to resist the cold air. The same was true for Luoyang.

There is no doubt that the Ice Lotus is a treasure, but it has the ultimate ice attribute. It is not that easy to refine it.

At this moment, the snow cat opened its mouth again, roared at the Ice Lotus, and spit out a mouthful of white mist. In an instant, a circular light shield was formed, wrapping the Ice Lotus inside.

The extreme coldness immediately disappeared.

The snow cat waved its front paws and dragged the Ice Lotus wrapped in a transparent light mask out of thin air in front of Yang Yiyun, and said casually: "The Master Ice Lotus was conceived by absorbing the origin of ice and the power of the extreme yin of heaven and earth. , it needs to be sealed, otherwise the cold energy emitted can hurt you. If the master is not completely sure of refining the ice lotus, don't touch it for now, and save it for refining in the future when your cultivation is stronger!"

Snow Cat showed his loyalty and told Yang the pros and cons.

He also breathed out a burst of cold air to seal the Ice Lotus.

Yang Yiyun listened to Snow Cat's words and deeply agreed. Indeed, he felt that he could not control the cold energy emitted by the Ice Lotus alone with his current cultivation level. If he forcibly refined it, it would be counterproductive if it was not kept intact.

It's better to listen to Snow Cat, put it away first, and wait until his cultivation is stronger before refining this treasure. This thing is bred from the source of ice and the world, so it is naturally a rare treasure.

After putting away the Ice Lotus with a wave of his hand, Yang Yiyun said to Snow Cat: "Thank you for your hard work~"

Although the snow cat has now become his spiritual beast, Yang has accepted many spiritual beasts along the way. He has always been kind to spiritual beasts, and he is not like others who treat their spiritual pets as slaves.

Finally got this treasure, but Yang Yiyun had doubts.

The vision of heaven and earth manifested by the Ice Lotus just now was obviously in the shape of a Buddha. Since his cultivation, he has seen immortal cultivators, demon cultivators, demon cultivators, and even other alien cultivating creatures. But there was no one who practiced Buddhism.

Only when we were on Earth, there were people from the ancient Shaolin, such as the young monk Liao Fan, but in the final analysis, they were at the mortal level.

But there really has never been a practitioner of the Buddhist lineage in the world of cultivation. He thought there should be some, but he had never encountered one, or even seen any clues about Buddhism.

This time, he saw the shadow of Buddhism in the manifestation of an ice lotus.

So I am very confused as to whether there is a lineage of Buddhism and Taoism in this world. Case studies suggest that there should be, right?

Yang Yiyun was going to ask Xue Mao about this. After all, Xue Mao was a creature born and raised here, and from what Xue Mao said before, she had been around for a long time, so maybe she should know something.

Yang Yiyun looked at Snow Cat and asked directly: "Does Snow Cat know whether there are Buddhist practitioners in the immortal world?"

Snow Cat was stunned for a moment, shook his head in confusion and said, "I have never heard of anyone practicing Buddhism before."

"This is strange. I saw that the Ice Lotus manifested a vision just now. It was clearly a Buddha. It stands to reason that the appearance of such visions of heaven and earth would not be without reason. There must be something like the world of water and earth here. Factors involved can lead to the formation of such phenomena, which means that there should be people of the Buddhist lineage in this world..." Yang Yiyun spoke in confusion.

But he was directly interrupted by the God and Demon Bird: "Weak chicken, are you talking about Buddhist monks? They are not called Buddhas, they are called Bodhisattvas. The Buddhist monks are a very ancient lineage, and they are races such as immortals, demons and monsters. They are all equally old and very low-key. They naturally exist in the fairy world. This line of rumors was very prosperous in the prehistoric era. It flourished at the beginning of the prehistoric era, but it did not fall at the end of the prehistoric era.

There have been great changes, and the Buddhist Taoism that has been preserved since then has basically practiced in seclusion, so it is not very conspicuous. Their lineage is more interested in existing in the mortal world and dealing with mortals. They claim to save all living beings, and they follow the same path as immortals, demons and monsters. It’s the same, but it’s also a very mysterious lineage…”

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