My Master Is a God

Chapter 2191 Collection of Snow Cats

After listening to the story of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun felt relieved.

Buddhism does exist, but it is called Buddhism in the immortal world. It originated from ancient times, but it is also a major lineage.

Indeed, Yang Yiyun recalled that in the earth's ancient myths and stories, such as the list of gods, the Buddha in the prehistoric era was called Shi.

Now that he thinks about the ancient legend of the earth, it may not be groundless. At this moment, he only has one sentence in his mind - the earth is so mysterious!

According to the old man, the earth is the origin world!

Although Yang Yiyun only heard the old man talk about the origin world and did not understand it, he could understand the meaning of the word origin.

Origin is the origin of everything.

In other words, it is the beginning of the universe.

If you think about it this way, the topic becomes huge.

Thinking about the God Cemetery, the place where gods are buried, the guarded Qilin soul, including his dragon-slaying sword, and even the black lotus...

Added up, it's really not that simple.

Especially when I think about the myths and stories I heard when I was a child, it seems that everything traces back to a long origin, and its spread on the earth seems to have been reflected in the world of cultivation and immortality.

So Yang Yiyun had a very serious reverie about his home earth for the first time.

He was thinking that after meeting with the old man, and after everyone in Yunmen was settled...all matters in the immortal world were completed, or after he stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he would return to Earth.

The Cemetery of God is a must-see.

The Kirin Soul told him at the beginning that he should not worry about entering the God's Cemetery until he was the Immortal Emperor.

Yang Yiyun didn't pay much attention to this matter before. It didn't matter whether he went to the God's Cemetery or not. But now for the first time, he had a strong idea of ​​going to the God's Cemetery.

Yang Yiyun's thoughts flew to the earth, and the God and Demon Bird had finished speaking.

But Snow Cat continued and said: "Master Crystal Lion, the master of the Crystal Cave, was himself the great demon king of the prehistoric era. In the prehistoric era, there were many people who practiced Buddhism and practiced Taoism. Both humans and demons could practice Taoism, and Buddhism Tao was most glorious in the prehistoric era. It claimed that all things are equal and can save all living beings. They even wanted to save demons and convert them to Tao...

Therefore, it is normal for the Ice Lotus to manifest the vision of heaven and earth and appear the statue of Buddha that the owner calls it. This is the lair of the Crystal Lion, and the rules of heaven and earth will naturally have an impact. He is the great demon king born in Buddhism. "

Yang Yiyun felt relieved after hearing what Snow Cat said. It turned out that the Crystal Lion was originally from Shi Dao. From this point, we can see how influential Shi Dao was back then.

Lotus flowers, lotus stands and other objects are the most commonly used sacred objects by Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the earth's culture and civilization. It makes sense that lotus flowers are born in icicles.

But inexplicably Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of Heilian.

The body of the Black Lotus is the first Black Lotus in the prehistoric era. After Nirvana, it turned into a lotus seed. Now it blooms as a lotus on the lotus platform. But I don’t know if the Black Lotus was also a Buddhist figure in the prehistoric era?

It's interesting to think about it.

Yang Yiyun looked at the snow cat and asked casually: "How do you know this?"

The snow cat said: "Return to the ancient master, as I said before, I was originally an ordinary lynx, but the Crystal Lion Dojo existed a hundred thousand years ago. Later, I became enlightened and channeled, and then entered the crystal ice cave. By chance, Under the influence of the original power of ice, changes occurred and evolved to what it is today.

Therefore, I can go to many places in the lair of the Crystal Lion. I also know about the deeds of the Crystal Lion from the records in the secret room deep in the lair. These are not secrets. "

Yang Yiyun nodded to show that he understood, and then asked: "It is rumored that there is you in the Crystal Cave, known as the frozen and weird snow cat. Now I want to know if you are the only one here, or are there many snow cats?"

"Master, I am the only snow cat here. The rumors of those people who have seen me are because I have nine clones that can move around in the crystal cave. They have only seen my clone. I have nine clones and Nine lives.”

Snowcat explained.

When Yang Yiyun heard this, it was amazing. He had long heard that cats have nine lives, and it turned out to be true.

"There are really nine lives~" Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Snow Cat hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, it is a talent of mine. Of course there is only one demon soul, there cannot be nine. It's just that my talent is special. I can die nine times, which is equivalent to nine. Damn it~"

Yang Yiyun knew that every powerful creature had its own special talent, and the snow cat was obviously like this. He was not digging into the problem. For him, it was a good thing that the snow cat had nine lives.

After all, the current snow cat is his spiritual pet, and that's the important thing.

As for Snow Cat’s trump card, it’s better not to ask.

Things are now understood.

Yang Yiyun was thinking about the origin of the ice in his heart. Of course, there were Dongfang Iron Man, Soul-taking Ancestor, Xuexiang and others, but he didn't know what happened to them.

But now that we have reached the depths of the Crystal Cave and are close to the origin of the ice, we have to go see it no matter what. And the point is, Snow Cat knows where the origin of the ice is.

Now he can reach the destination smoothly without Hua Mingyuan's map. The snow cat is half a master here.

According to Snow Cat, there are no original creatures in the entire Crystal Lion Demon King's cave, and she is the only one who has been guarding it for a hundred thousand years.

Therefore, Snow Cat is most familiar with Crystal Cave.

Yang Yiyun asked Snow Cat to lead the way directly to the origin of ice. He was determined to win the origin of ice.

Before leaving, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and took the Sawtooth King and the previously released Sawtooth Bird back into the universe space again.

When he was practicing before, the Sawtooth King and the Sawtooth Bird were always scattered around to protect him. Speaking of which, Yang Yiyun was becoming more and more fond of the fierce-looking Sawtooth Bird.

Not to mention that the Sawtooth Birds led by Sawtooth King in Crystal Cave were a big help this time.

Although 30,000 saw-toothed birds have died before and after, some saw-toothed bird eggs have begun to hatch in the Qiankun Pot space, and the army of saw-toothed birds will only increase in the future.

Yang Yiyun firmly believes in this.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun asked Snow Cat if there were any other treasures in the Crystal Cave. Snow Cat's answer was beyond his expectation, which made Yang extremely happy.

Just listen to Snow Cat's answer: "Master, don't worry. Over the years, I have basically collected all the treasures in the Crystal Cave. I have a lot of top-quality immortal stones like the ones you mentioned. I will give them to the master when the time comes." "

Yang Yiyun and Luoyang were both stunned when they heard this.

Especially Yang, his mouth felt dry for a while.

In the past, in order to obtain the best fairy stones in the frozen space, they had to sweep through and destroy all the icicles in order to get only a few, but...

But now I hear Snow Cat downplaying that she has a lot...

This made Yang uneasy.

He swallowed and asked, "How much is a lot?"

I heard Snow Cat casually say: "I haven't counted the exact number~" She paused to think about it, then waved her paw and gestured: "It's probably this big~"


Yang swallowed, and suddenly his whole body trembled.

According to Snow Cat’s calculations, there must be tens of thousands of them at least!

This is the crystal of the origin of ice, the same treasure as the best fairy stone!

Tens of thousands of top-quality immortal stones, what is the concept?

If Yang Yiyun thought about it and looked at the entire fairy world, it would be a huge sum of money.

What can't be done by then?

Originally, he had never thought about setting up Yunmen in the Immortal Realm and laying a foundation. This was because he was not familiar with the Immortal Realm, and he did not have the Immortal Stone as a foundation.

But now Yang Yiyun was tempted. With tens of thousands of top-quality immortal stones in hand, it would not be difficult to reorganize the Yunmen of the Immortal Realm.

Immortal stones are currency in the fairy world, and they are also money. Money can make ghosts grind, and the same is true in the fairy world.

If Yunmen in the Immortal Realm is formed, and when the disciples of Yunmen in the Cultivation Realm ascend, it will be easy to find him, and there is no need to look for him. Wouldn't it be like finding a needle in a haystack to find someone in the Immortal Realm?

With the best immortal stone in hand, he can do a good job in publicity. The publicity of Yunmen's establishment will spread throughout the immortal world, and the ascended Yunmen disciples will naturally look for him.

Thinking about this, Yang Yiyun gets excited ~

Suppressing his excitement, Yang was now like a wolf grandma coaxing a child, and asked Snow Cat: "Have you collected any other heavenly materials and earthly treasures since you came out with the best immortal stone?"

Snow Cat nodded seriously and said: "Yes, there are also some treasures similar to the Ice Lotus, but naturally they are not as high-grade as the Ice Lotus, but they are not bad. The special environment here has actually created a lot of heaven and earth." Treasures come out, I collected a lot..."

While walking and talking, Yang was really excited.

If he can form Yunmen in the Immortal Realm, it will be a collection of Snow Cats~

Under the guidance of the snow cat, we walked for about ten days. On this day, the snow cat finally said: "The master has passed through a section of ice cave and we have arrived."

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Is there any danger? Can anyone else enter the ice origin place you mentioned?"

"Currently, except for me, no living being has entered. Because of the existence of the power of the ice source, no one except me can use the real power of the ice source. Even if the Immortal Emperor comes, as long as he is contaminated, he can instantly He froze to death.

In the past 100,000 years, masters at the level of Immortal Emperor have been breaking into the core place, but without exception, they have been frozen to death by the power of the ice source~

So no one can get in. The reason why I can get in is because my talent is the power of the origin of ice. After practicing for a hundred thousand years, I have been completely transformed by the power of the origin of ice. My strength and talent are both cold and cold. I can't absorb the power of the ice source, or I can't refine the ice source.

But Master, I don’t mean to hurt you. I am the Immortal King in the early stage of cultivation. It is probably impossible to think of the origin of ice. "

After Xuemao finished speaking, he did not forget to hit Yang Yiyun in the end.

"Uh~ My master, I am a genius. If there are any treasures that I can't refine, you can lead the way and see how I collect the refining ice source. Is it possible that I, a human genius, can't do as well as you? Are you always a cat?" Yang was very unhappy with the snow cat's contempt.

"Hehe~ I don't dare to look down on the master. You are my master now. Do whatever you want~" After staying with someone for a long time, the snow cat started talking more, unlike before. So cold.

Although he was tough in front of Snow Mao and Luoyang, Yang Yiyun actually knew in his heart that it was not easy to collect the ice source.

According to Snow Cat, the powerful Immortal Emperors who were close to the origin of the ice were frozen into slag. He, a person who had just stepped into the Immortal King, was naturally far behind.

The reason why he persisted was because he put his hope in the feathered bird.

Zaimao Bird had been encouraging him to search for the origin of ice from the very beginning. He thought that Zaimao Bird must have some idea, otherwise he wouldn't have encouraged him.

Based on his understanding of the miscellaneous feathered bird, this guy is sometimes very reliable.

"By the way, Snow Cat, what does the Ice Origin look like?" Yang Yiyun asked as he walked.

Snow Cat said: "It is a crystal stone, but it is rhombus-shaped. It is nine meters high and about three meters in diameter. The real power comes from the crystal stone, which is the crystal stone that many people have heard about. "

As I walked, I kept saying that the road was getting smaller and smaller, from dozens of meters in diameter to less than three meters now.

At a certain moment, his vision suddenly lit up, and an extremely dazzling white light came from him.

Yang Yiyun felt a little uncomfortable.

And the cold is getting stronger.

Even under the protection of magic power, it can be resisted.

The snow cat said: "Master is here. Ten meters ahead is the underground core of Crystal Mountain, which is also my home. The origin of the ice is there."

Yang Yiyun was shocked: "Let's go~"

Sure enough, after walking ten meters, a dazzling space appeared. It was hard to open your eyes at first, and the coldness was so strong. The snow cat said, "Master, please wait for a moment. I will remove the coldness, otherwise you will be injured." you."

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