My Master Is a God

Chapter 2208: Which location is suitable for establishing Cloud Gate?

Even when he was in the lower world, Yang Yiyun always felt that he was alone, a very lonely person. Others had a backer, but he did not. Even if the old man was there at that time, he could not be his backer.

But now he finally feels like he has family and support, which feels so good.

Although the old man went to a place that was deceived by heaven and earth, he still has a senior brother, a second senior brother, a young senior sister, and three senior wives. What is the cultivation strength of these people? It can also be seen from the second senior brother.

"Alright, little junior brother, let's start back to the Nine Heavens. Let's talk while walking on the way. The senior brother, your junior sister, and the three tenth junior ladies are all waiting to see you."

Xingchenzi stood up and waved his hand, and as he spoke, the entire flying boat was shocked and jumped up.

When Yang Yiyun heard that he was going to Jiuchongtian now, he didn't realize it for a moment. He had planned to go to Jiuchongtian to find the old man. If the old man had enemies, he, as a disciple, would do his part.

But now I heard that the second senior brother said that the old man's matter was basically over, otherwise he wouldn't be in a hurry after their apprentices intervened.

He quickly said: "Second senior brother, can you go later?"

"Why?" Xingchenzi asked in surprise.

"I...I still have a sect in the lower realm. Now, counting the time, some of them should be flying to the immortal world soon. I want to find them. In addition, I...I also want to establish my own foundation in the immortal world..." Yang Yiyun was a little embarrassed when he spoke.

When he thought about it, with his little cultivation, if he founded a sect in the immortal world, he would probably make his senior brother laugh at him.

But it was something he wanted to do, so he said it anyway.

Xingchenzi was stunned after hearing this, but after he came to his senses, he smiled and said: "Junior brother, you have a sect in the lower realm. When you come to the immortal world, you should establish a sect. This is natural, otherwise the inheritance will be broken. Your disciples in the lower realm When a disciple ascends to the top, he has no foundation and is more likely to be destroyed. Senior brother, I support you in this matter."

I thought the senior brother would make a joke, but unexpectedly he said his support seriously, which made Yang Yiyun very happy.

But then I heard the second senior brother say: "Young junior brother, do you mean not to go to the Nine Heavens to see your senior wife, senior brother, your junior sister, and the others for the time being?"

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Second senior brother, let's go after I set up the Immortal Realm Yunmen. Don't worry. You can go back and talk to your senior wife and senior brother and junior sister."

Xingchenzi pondered for a while and nodded: "It's okay not to go there for the time being. It may not be good for your cultivation after you go to Jiuzhong. The great laws of the immortal world are still outside. Jiuzhong is a place where strong people gather, and killings are very important." , but it is not the best place to practice.

And when you rebuild Yunmen, your senior brother suggests that you don’t go to the Ninth Heaven. In fact, many ancient sects are no longer in the Ninth Heaven, and they are all outside.

Where there is heavy killing, it is not suitable for the cultivation and development of disciples. Compared with the entire Nine Heavens of the Immortal World, it is much smaller. The outside is the real big world. Senior brother will explain this to them when he gets back. Don't worry. . "

After hearing the second senior brother's suggestion, Yang Yiyun kept nodding. Regarding the establishment of Yunmen, he originally wanted to ask this second senior brother for his opinion. Now it sounds like the second senior brother is indeed supportive and can give good advice. He should not go to the ninth level. Just don’t go there.

The next step is to choose the location of Yunmen. To establish a sect, you need to choose a place. This is very particular. Yang Yiyun once again asked the second senior brother for advice.

"Senior brother, if I were to build Cloud Gate, where would be a suitable location?" Yang Yiyun asked directly.

Xingchenzi narrowed his eyes and smiled meaningfully, and slowly said: "Junior brother, let me tell you about our situation in the fairy world first. Senior brother and I did not form a sect after we came to the fairy world, but because of the master's The young man was captured by three mistresses, and the three mistresses established an Immortal Refining Alliance in the immortal world.

Let's put it this way, the refining of the Immortal Sect is also our foundation, with branches basically all over the Immortal World, and the overall force has been working secretly in the years since the master has not returned, but it can compete with the three major Tianzun forces. It can be regarded as the top force in the fairy world.

As for your little senior sister, she has a family. It is an ancient family in the immortal world, and it is also an existence that cannot be underestimated. Master and he have never paid attention to the affairs of powerful sects, and they always live alone.

Now I want to know what kind of Cloud Gate you want to build, so that I can give you suggestions on where to locate it? Do you want to build a Yunmen that can compete with the Immortal Refining Alliance, or do you just need a Yunmen that can give disciples from the lower world a place to live and inherit? "

Yang Yiyun gasped as he listened to the second senior brother's words. He did not expect that the Immortal Refining Alliance was so awesome that it could compete with the power of the three great Heavenly Lords.

Later, when he heard the second senior brother directly ask him what kind of Cloud Gate he wanted to build, Yang Yiyun knew that this was the second senior brother asking about his ambition.

There was a flash in his eyes, and he had nothing to hide in front of his senior brother. He smiled and said: "Second Senior Brother, the old man often teaches me that you should be generous in life and work. My Yunmen is also a first-class large sect in the world of cultivation. The Immortal Realm will naturally become a first-class sect.

The Immortal Refining Alliance of the three master wives is my standard, even better, hehe..." Yang Yiyun spoke without blushing or out of breath.


The next moment Xingchenzi laughed.

Then he looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Master is indeed right. You are neither big nor small. Well, you are worthy of being Master's disciple, and worthy of being my junior brother of Xingchenzi. If you are a petty person, you just want to establish a legacy." Damn it, senior brother, I want to look down on you.

As a close disciple of Master, your ambition is worthy of your status. In the future, becoming the number one force in the fairy world should be your goal, haha~"

When Xing Chenzi said this, Yang Yiyun became embarrassed, and said with a blush: "Senior brother, I don't have such high requirements. Besides, the Immortal Refining Alliance of just three senior ladies is already the top existence in the immortal world. , I wouldn’t dare think of being number one in the fairy world.”

Xingchenzi smiled slightly and said: "What are you afraid of? Just go ahead and do it. We will stand guard and support you. Speaking of it more seriously, the creation of the Immortal Refining Alliance by the three master ladies is not an orthodox inheritance sect. It is to fight against the three major Tianzun forces. It is still unknown whether the alliance can continue to exist. When the master returns from the place covered by the sky, the three master wives may not be interested in taking care of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

I heard something from my master at Yunmen in the lower realm. To put it into perspective, our master does not have a sect inheritance, but we do have a master, brothers, and disciples. We don’t have a inheritance. That’s not really what it sounds like. Well, your statue of the founder of Yunmen is your master, and you are his close disciple, and he is the most partial to you. Speaking of which, you, Yunmen, will become the orthodox of our lineage in the future. .

Yunmen Yunmen, don’t mention it, it sounds very smooth, and it is the same as the name of master Yun Tianxie. Well, this is what I will do, little junior brother, build up Yunmen well, and your Yunmen will be of our lineage in the future. It’s orthodox, leave some space for me, senior brother, and your little senior sister. I will make the decision for them and contribute to Yunmen. "

Xingchenzi became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and had already forced himself to get a position, but Yang Yiyun sounded good, haha, having a master like Second Senior Brother exist in Yunmen would really be even more powerful.

I also think what the second senior brother said makes sense. When he founded Yunmen, the old man also tacitly approved it. Speaking of this, his Yunmen may really be the orthodoxy of their lineage, because the old man approved it and the founder was also an old man.

"What suggestions does the second senior brother have? Where should we choose the best location for Cloud Gate?" Yang Yiyun asked directly.

Xingchenzi smiled and said: "The Chaos Fairyland is known as one fairy mountain and one fairyland. Junior brother, if you can establish a sect in the Chaos Fairyland, it will be the largest sect in the fairyland~"


Yang Yiyun spit out the tea just after taking a sip.

"Ahem...Second Senior Brother, are you kidding me? You must be aware of the complexity of the Chaotic Immortal Realm. Fairies, demons, and demons coexist. It is an extremely weird place. There are countless weird things after dark in some places. It is like a small prehistoric world. It exists, but I don’t know if there are any strong people among them. It is rumored that all the people who came to unify the Chaotic Immortal Realm are dead. Are you trying to trick your junior brother?" Yang Yiyun said with a bitter smile.

He has been coming to Chaos Immortal Realm for a long time and has heard a lot of rumors about Chaos Immortal Realm. This place is indeed a complicated place with countless forces, but it is also a place where no one can control anyone. It is conceivable that Yunmen is established here. How difficult is it?

If he started a small sect, no one might pay attention to it, but his goal is so big that it will be difficult not to attract others' attention when the time comes.

He felt that the second senior brother was trying to trick people.

Unexpectedly, Xingchenzi said seriously: "I'm not joking with you, senior brother, I am serious. Think about it, although there are many races and forces in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, it is really because of this that you have the opportunity to grow.

This is a vast and integrated fairy mountain. Each mountain is called a fairyland. There is no fairyland anywhere in the fairyland that is composed of a mountain. This is the most ideal place to establish a sect.

The famous Chaotic Immortal Realm, if you don't create Yunmen in the future, hehe, he will naturally be the number one in the Immortal Realm. It will save trouble, right?

As for your worry, it is nothing more than someone looking for trouble. The establishment of a sect cannot be established overnight. You just need to develop slowly. When the climate is good, you will naturally not be afraid of someone looking for trouble. Moreover, we will support you from behind. You are afraid What~"

"Uh~ It seems to make sense. How about I try it here?" Yang Yiyun was also moved.

The key point is that he has the Water of Life in his hand, which is the supreme treasure to deal with the demon cultivators who control them. To put it bluntly, the most feared people in the Chaos Fairyland are the descendants of the ancient demon clan in Xiaohonghuang. As for the human race, they have the support of their senior brothers. He is not afraid either, and it goes without saying about the demons. The largest demon clan in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, Beiming Immortal Emperor, has been killed by his second senior brother, so there is no danger.

What he has to guard against in the future is the demon clan from the Little Prehistoric Kingdom. He will slowly develop in the early stage and not provoke them. If a demon clan from the Little Prehistoric Kingdom really comes to visit him in the future, he will use the water of life to deal with it.

It's not impossible to think about it.

In this case, let's give it a try. Yang Yiyun immediately asked: "Senior brother, let me give it a try. Can you tell me where is the right place to establish Yunmen in the Chaos Fairyland? There must be a hilltop, right?"

"You asked the right person. Senior brother, I traveled to the Chaotic Immortal Realm in my early years. There is a place with strong fairy energy, good environment, and natural dangers. It is very suitable. Come on, I will take you to see it now~"

As he spoke, Xingchenzi activated the flying boat. With a buzz, the flying boat jumped up and turned into a stream of light that shot up into the sky.

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