My Master Is a God

Chapter 2209 There is an old willow tree

Yang Yiyun didn't know where the second senior brother was taking him, and even tried to keep him secret. He cooperated without asking any more questions, and he would naturally find out when he got there.

The flying boat was flying very fast. Yang Yiyun was sitting in the cabin drinking tea. Luoyang excused herself and said she was going to meet Ding Heping and the others. After all, they were her subordinates and they hadn't had time to meet them yet.

Xingchenzi signaled Luoyang to go forward. At this time, Yang Yiyun wanted to ask the second senior brother if you were blind? Didn't you see that Luoyang likes you?

But after all, he didn't dare to say it. Thinking about it, this second senior brother is the most disciplined person, and he would never do such a thing as falling in love with his apprentice.

And now that Yang Yiyun thinks about what kind of person his second senior brother is, how could he not see that Luoyang likes him?

Maybe he just didn't want to see it.

After all, he didn't say much. Everyone has their own destiny. It's hard for him to ask about this kind of thing, and he can't ask about it. He can only hope in his heart that they don't have a good outcome.

But seeing that the second senior brother is very upright and has a somewhat old-fashioned character, I guess Luoyang will have no consequences for him.

The Chaotic Immortal Realm is very large. With the cultivation of the second senior brother, the flying boat continued to fly. It also flew for three days before it slowed down.

At this time, I heard the second senior brother say: "Junior brother is here, come with me to take a look outside~"

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun put down his tea cup and stood up, following Xing Chenzi out of the room.

The two came to the deck.

A scene shrouded in clouds and mist appeared in his sight, and the flying boat was slowly landing downwards.

Yang Yiyun saw the mountains and rivers below.

I also saw the mountain peaks standing on the earth. They were very straight and very strange. The clouds and mist filled them, and they looked like peaks emerging from the sea of ​​clouds.

At this time, I heard Xing Chenzi say: "Junior brother, this is the center of the Chaotic Immortal Realm. The peaks you see now are no more than 1,808 mountains. From the sky, it looks like a natural Of course, the grand formation has not yet been formed. If it is modified, it can be laid out into a natural grand formation that was processed later.

Senior brother, I will work as a coolie for you and arrange these 108 peaks into a sword formation. In this way, the foundation of Yunmen can be built within 3,000 miles. In the future, if it develops and grows, 108 mountains can be built. Build one hundred and eight palaces, and have strong men sit in charge, and the power of this formation will be doubled.

In the center of one hundred and eight mountains is an open space three thousand miles away. The environment and climate are full of immortal energy. It is really a blessed land..."

Yang Yiyun listened to the second senior brother's story so well, and couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Second senior brother, such a good place is not simple, right? If it is really that good, it must have been taken by someone long ago, right?"

"Ahem~" Xingchenzi coughed and said with a red face: "There is indeed some trouble here, but senior brother, I can resolve it, junior brother, don't worry."

Yang Yiyun became even more curious when he heard what he said, and asked: "Second Senior Brother, please stop being so pretentious and tell me what kind of trouble there is here?"

Xingchenzi said: "There are three major troubles~"

After a pause, he continued: "The first one is the evil wind of clouds and thunder. This is a natural danger. The clouds and mists we see now contain the evil wind and thunder. Once you enter, you will be attacked by the evil wind and thunder. The thunder is thundering and the cold wind is blowing to the bones. It is really extraordinary. It took a lot of effort for me to get in. Ordinary immortal emperors here can't easily enter. If the formation is 10%, even the realm of immortals will be able to break in. You have to take off a layer of skin, but don’t worry, junior brother, I have a way to get in.

The second is that there is a demon tree in the central place. I was blocked by this difficult character at that time, which really cost me a lot of effort. The demon tree is an ancient willow tree, although it has evil nature. , but it is a spiritual being. To be fair, if the junior brother wants to move into the central area, he must deal with the old willow tree himself.

But remember not to use force. You are not your opponent. It is an unfathomable old willow tree. Your goal is to become an alliance with the old willow tree. When the time comes, the old willow tree will become the guardian tree of Yunmen, the best of both worlds, haha.

This is the second problem. I can’t help you. You can find a way to solve it yourself. Thirdly, this is the core geographical location of the Chaos Fairyland. It connects the four directions from east to west, north to south. In other words, the four directions connect the territory of the human race. , the territory of the demon clan, the territory of the demon clan, and of course the small prehistoric land, so there is a risk that it may provoke enemies from all directions in the future. Of course, this is a matter for the future, and we will talk about it later. "

After Xingchenzi finished speaking, Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said, "Senior brother, don't you think the next two days will be a scam?"

Xingchenzi smiled: "I have already said that I will solve the first problem. Although the second problem is troublesome, it is also your opportunity. As for the third problem, it does not exist for the time being. When the surrounding people find you, you will have already To grow stronger, so you only need to face the second problem and get rid of the old willow tree."

Yang Yiyun seemed to be making sense and couldn't help but nodded. However, he always felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't explain it.

After the brothers discussed it, Xingchenzi was ready to take action. He acted vigorously and resolutely, doing what he said and never dragging his feet.

But when he was about to start, Yang Yiyun stopped him and asked, "Second Senior Brother, I have another question to ask you. Let's wait and see."

"What's the problem?" Xingchenzi asked.

What Yang Yiyun was thinking about was naturally the issue of the ascension of relatives and friends in Yunmen, the lower realm. If there was no place, it would be very troublesome. It was necessary to ask clearly and find a countermeasure.

Then he said what was in his heart.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Xingchenzi said: "As long as human monks ascend, they will be in a few fixed places for ascension. This matter is easy to handle. Senior brother, I will arrange for people from the Immortal Refining Alliance to pick them up. Several places where human cultivators will ascend." There are branches of the Immortal Refining Alliance in various places. As long as they ascend, they are guaranteed to be brought back. I will personally arrange this matter. Don't worry.

It's just that you Yunmen still has demon cultivators and ghost cultivators, so I'm not sure. Each cultivating race will have a specific place for ascension. When the time comes, I will tell the people who cultivate the Immortal Alliance to pay attention to this matter. "

Yang Yiyun is most worried about the ascension problem of Diao'er, Xiaofenghuang, Wu Moqiu and others. Now it seems that there is really no solution. As for the others, Yang Yiyun believes that the second senior brother can solve it.

Now it seems that he must establish Yunmen in the fairy world as soon as possible and develop it stronger. In this way, Yunmen will have a reputation in the fairy world. If Diaoer and the others ascend, even if they go to the territory of the demon clan, maybe It can also be retrieved.

"In that case, I'll thank you, Second Senior Brother~" Yang Yiyun saluted solemnly.

"Okay, we are not allowed to be polite from now on. Senior brother knows the seriousness of the matter. He also knows that you have a woman and child in the lower world, and there are more than one. Don't worry, wait for me to go back, senior brother. This matter will be handled as soon as possible. I will send a few People from the big branch will go to the reception pool and wait in person, and will contact you at any time." Xingchenzi said.

Then Xingchenzi said: "You guys just wait for me on the flying boat. I'll go down and set up the formation."

After saying that, he jumped up and flew out of the flying boat. As his hands danced, the sea of ​​clouds below rolled up, and the clouds and mist scattered in all directions.

Only then did Yang Yiyun see the mountain peaks standing on the ground like pillars reaching the sky.

Looking closely, there are indeed one hundred and eight roots.


At the same time, thunder sounded, but no lightning could be seen.

There was thunder in this place, which reminded him of Cloud Gate in the lower realm. At that time, there was also Thunder Jedi, and there were also Cloud Thunder Beasts, but what existed here was an old willow tree.

Yang Yiyun was curious about the existence of the old willow tree mentioned by the second senior brother. He always felt that the second senior brother's words flickered when he talked about the old willow tree, as if he was a little afraid.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun saw the second senior brother disappear into the sea of ​​clouds.

But there was a thunderous roar in the sea of ​​clouds below. It can be imagined that it must be extremely dangerous, and I have great admiration for the strength and cultivation of this second senior brother.

At the same time, I am also looking forward to what kind of formation the 108 mountains will be transformed into by the second senior brother?

At this time, footsteps sounded behind him, but Luoyang appeared behind him without knowing it. When Yang Yiyun looked at Luoyang, he saw a faint worry in her eyes as she looked at the sea of ​​clouds below. Yang Yiyun knew that she was worried about her second senior brother.

"Uncle Junior~" Luoyang stepped forward and saluted.

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