My Master Is a God

Chapter 2219 To create your own magical combat skills

Three days later, Yang Yiyun recovered. He looked at the old willow tree and said timidly: "When will the next time be?"

"Giggle~ Don't worry, it won't be that fast. Sister, I also need time to recover. The next time will be a month or so later. There is no specific time. I will let you know then." Old Willow said.

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to do it consecutively, otherwise he would be really overwhelmed and it would be too tiring.

"I'll leave if it's okay~" After speaking, Yang Yiyun stood up and prepared to leave. Ten years had passed in Laoliu Shu, and he didn't know if the soul-taking ancestors and the others had returned.

"Wait~" Old Willow shouted.

Yang Yiyun's whole body trembled: "Didn't you say that next time it will be sixty years later?"

"Gee, I see you've worked hard. Sister, I have something to say that will help your strength. It seems like you're not interested, so forget it~" Old Willow joked and spoke deliberately.

As soon as Yang Yiyun heard what the old willow said, he immediately stopped and put on a smile. He knew that this old pervert was a real divine creature. It was just a Nirvana and a re-cultivation. Shinto creatures are different. The old willow tree needs memory and mana.

There are not many people who can give guidance on the Shinto he practices, but if Old Willow can give guidance, it will be an opportunity for him to benefit a lot. How can he miss it?

Being able to get some advice from this perverted old willow tree meant that all my hard work was not in vain.

He quickly put on a smile and said: "Yes, yes, if you are interested, please give me some advice~"

"Haha, your brat's shamelessness rivals that of your master Yun Tianxie. Seeing that you have suffered this time, my sister will nag you..."

Old Liushu paused here and continued: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between Shinto and Immortal Tao?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "The techniques of Shinto cultivation are even more advanced~"

"Haha, it seems that you kid really doesn't know anything~" Old Liushu chuckled and continued: "Let's put it this way, the biggest difference between Shinto and Immortal Dao can be summarized in two sentences. Immortal Dao can be described as flying into the sky and moving mountains and seas. Shinto, on the other hand, can be described as turning decay into magic and being omnipotent.

Of course, you can’t understand what I’m telling you now. Sister, I’ll put it more plainly, so you can understand it, right? If I’m not mistaken, what you have been practicing so far are other people’s magical powers and combat skills, right? "

Yang Yiyun was stunned, imagining that he seemed to have understood the air-piercing move in Wu Daolin before, but strictly speaking, he understood it from Wu Daolin's three swords. He just added his own understanding, and it was not actually his own. Created, if you think about it this way, you have really been practicing other people's magical powers, combat skills, etc.

But isn’t everyone like this?

He nodded and said: "Yes, but is there a problem? Everyone has a master's inheritance, and they all practice combat skills based on other people's magical powers~"

Yang Yiyun thinks this is a matter of course.

But I only heard Old Liushu chuckle and say: "If you think so, you are wrong. Little brother, you have to remember that every strong person in the world must have his own magical combat skills and even kung fu." Dharma, only what you create is the most suitable for you, the most powerful, and the closest to the Dao, and even the one that can finally achieve the Dao.

If you practice other people's things, you are just following other people's old paths and living in the shadow of others. Strong people have their own way to go and their own unique path.

So in the future, you have to slowly understand and create your own magical powers, combat skills, secrets, etc., so that you can become a truly strong person. The real strong person is not how high your cultivation level seems to be, but whether you have your own The great road, this is the path of the strong.

For example, your second senior brother Xing Chenzi and your master Yun Tianxie have all developed the power of their own great avenues. Your second senior brother has taken the sword path and created the Xingchen Sword Path. So you see, even though he is in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, But he can kill ordinary immortals, so he is a strong man.

And your master Yun Tianxie, that boy, created a set of twelve supreme magical powers. Some time ago, it seemed that one man fought against the three supreme beings of Sanxian alone and gained the upper hand. They all created their own secret method of the great road and walked out. Make your own way.

This is the strong man. Your talent is actually good, but you waste your time and energy on practicing and understanding other people's magical powers and secrets. Although it is easier to improve your strength, what my sister wants to tell you is that you will always become If you don't become a true strong man, if you don't create your own magical powers and secret methods, even if you practice the magical powers of that boy Yun Tianxie, etc., you will be a peak immortal until you die. Even if you practice the divine way, you will not be able to step into the true divine way. "

Yang Yiyun listened to Old Willow's words. How could he not understand this truth? But he smiled bitterly and said: "Everyone knows the truth, but how can it be so easy to create magical powers and secrets? If anyone can create magical powers and secrets, everything will be accomplished." Infinite~"

"Haha, little brother, I don't know if others can do it, sister, but if you can't, then you're really useless." Old Willow said with a smile.

"You..." Yang Yiyun almost choked to death at Old Willow's words.

Just when he was about to refute, he heard Old Liushu say quietly: "Don't forget that you are practicing Shinto Kungfu. Your starting point potential is much greater than others. In theory, you can achieve Shinto Kung Fu greater than others. First of all, don't worry. Although I don't know the origin of the exercises your boy is practicing, I can feel that they are definitely not ordinary Shinto exercises.

The biggest difference between practicing Shinto Kung Fu is that it can absorb and refine any level of power in the Immortal World into the power of Shinto. This means that your understanding of the Dao is one level higher than that of practicing Immortal Dao Kung Fu, so you have a lot of advantages. You may create your own magical powers, secret techniques, combat skills, etc. The successors of Shinto establish a sect in the lower world. What you establish is not just a sect inheritance, but also a great avenue inheritance, so that you can live up to your Shinto inheritance. This is the true founding of a sect.

In addition, I would like to give you a tip. In future battles, you must rely on your spiritual consciousness and magic power, and practice martial arts at the same time. From a certain perspective, spiritual consciousness is the medium of the laws of the great road, and the pulling force of the laws of the fairy world. If you can fight in the battle The power and mystery that can be exerted by making good use of the combination of spiritual consciousness and magic power cannot be resisted and understood by the creatures in the fairy world.

The so-called laws of the immortal world are the invisible power of the Tao, and the highest level of the Tao is the Shinto. You must find the right direction for your future cultivation, but don't stick here and there with a hammer and a stick, possessing the supreme Shinto skills, but you don't have them at all. If you unleash the power of Shinto, wouldn't your inheritor be pissed off to death? "

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment by what Lao Liushu said, but when you think about it, it seems to make sense~

"You mean to tell me not to practice other people's magical powers and combat skills in the future, but to create my own?" If this is the case, Yang Yiyun feels very unreliable.

"Can your kid be smarter?" Old Liushu stopped calling herself sister and said a little impatiently: "I'm not asking you to stop practicing now, but I'm giving you a target route for your future practice to create your own. To find your own way, other people's magical powers and combat skills can be used to assist, but don't take it as everything.

To put it simply, the Shinto you practice makes it easy to comprehend and create something of your own. This is the reason why Shinto is superior to the immortal way. Do you understand now? "

Old Willow shouted the last sentence.

If Yang Yiyun still couldn't understand, he thought that Old Liushu would beat him up, so he nodded quickly and said: "I understand, I understand~"

"Get out of here if you don't understand. Don't disturb my sister's Qing Xiu." Sure enough, Old Willow became irritable.

Yang Yiyun swung, called to Hongyi, and jumped down the mountain. If he didn't leave, he was really afraid of the old willow tree getting violent. This old pervert was actually very scary.

More than ten years have passed, but I don’t know how the construction of the soul-destroying ancestors and the others is progressing?

Yang Yiyun thought to himself, and went down the mountain with Hong Yi.

But as soon as I reached the mountain, I saw Yan Chixia at the bottom of the mountain, and when I saw Yang Yiyun appeared, I quickly shouted: "Master, please come down the mountain, something happened, something happened~"

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