My Master Is a God

Chapter 2220 Bao Shunguang cannot die in vain

Yan Chixia's shouting made Yang Yiyun's heart sink, and he quickly asked: "What happened? Where are the soul-taking ancestors and Bao Shunguang?"

"Master Soul Master Ancestor and Bao Shunguang were injured and the other was arrested..." Yan Chixia said anxiously.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, "What's going on? Don't be in a hurry to explain it clearly?"

Yan Chixia took a deep breath and then started to say: "Master, this is what happened. After we went out, we went to Chaos Fairy City to find the manpower to build the palace. It went well at first, and we found more than thirty people. And all deposits were paid.

But the soul-taking ancestor said that there was still a major construction designer missing. Later we found out that there was a palace builder named Lu Pengbin who had built palaces for many sects, so the soul-taking ancestor was going to hire this Lu Pengbin.

But who knows, after we went there, we met people from a family who came from outside the chaotic realm. We didn’t know what the old ways were. Anyway, they claimed to be from some fairy realm or some family, but we didn’t hear very clearly. Their cultivation level was in the late stage of the Immortal King. , but with two strong men beside him, who couldn't tell what his cultivation level was, they also came to invite Lu Pengbin to build a palace.

However, that Lu Pengbin was a weird person. He didn't give any face to anyone at the beginning. The soul-taking ancestor directly took out five thousand top-grade immortal stones. Lu Pengbin was tempted and agreed to follow us on the spot.

But at this time, the immortal surnamed Duan suddenly got into trouble and directly ordered the two masters around him to forcibly capture Lu Pengbin, and the Soul Capture Ancestor was also arrested together. The black-armored puppet of the Soul Capture Ancestor was not in the way of a fight. He was severely wounded by the opponent.

Bao Shunguang and I also helped, but... As a result, Bao Shunguang was instantly killed by the other party, and I... My cultivation level was so low that the other party didn't even notice, and they knocked me away with a wave of my hand and seriously injured me...

The soul-taking ancestor also asked me to find the master. I met Master Dongfang Iron Man on the way. After telling Master Dongfang about the matter, he said he would investigate and asked me to find you Baoxin. What happened half a month ago Okay, I finally waited for you, Master, to come out of seclusion. What will Master do now? "

Although Yan Chixia spoke in a hurry and was a bit confused, Yang Yiyun still understood it~

According to Yan Chixia, in the past ten years, they have been looking for various craftsmen to build the palace in Chaotic Fairy City, and they have found about the same, and they have twenty or thirty, but the soul-taking ancestor said that they need a major construction master, Yang Yiyun's Understanding is the chief architect.

At that time, I found a man named Lu Pengbin, but in the end I met a foreigner named Duan, who came from a fairy family outside the Chaos Fairyland. He also came to invite Lu Pengbin. At first, Lu Pengbin refused, but after the soul-taking ancestor became anxious, Directly use money, no, use fairy stone to hit Lu Pengbin.

Money can make the world go round, and five thousand top-quality immortal stones is not a small amount, so Lu Pengbin agreed.


Don’t show off your wealth, but the soul-hunting ancestor showed off his wealth...

This matter is complicated.

The result was that he was directly robbed by a person named Duan, and finally he was captured together with Lu Pengbin, the soul-capturing ancestor.

The point is... Bao Shunguang was beaten to death by the other party.

This made Yang's good mood suddenly fall to the bottom.

I first met Bao Shunguang because he won an alchemy bet. Bao Shunguang misjudged him and volunteered to follow him and become his servant. At that time, his cultivation level was not as high as that of Bao Shunguang, but he could forge an immortal alliance in the elixir city. When he was young, Bao Shunguang took his master very seriously and worked hard with all his heart.

This time, he followed the second senior brother who came across a thousand years and took the initiative to stay by his side to help his master build Cloud Gate.

And what about him?

In fact, I have never done anything to Bao Shunguang, a loyal and hard-working servant. Now... Bao Shunguang has been killed...

Yang's whole body was filled with murderous intent that could not be concealed.

He, Yang Yiyun, is not a giant in the immortal world, but his people can't be caught and killed casually?

Yan Chixia had the lowest cultivation level among the three servants. Fortunately, she managed to survive, but Yan Chixia looked terribly pale. He was seriously injured and ran back to Baoxin.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun asked: "Where are the craftsmen we have found?"

"After meeting Young Master Dongfang, Young Master Dongfang arranged to go to the Dongfang family, saying that he was waiting for you, the master, to make a decision." Yan Chixia said.

"You can cultivate and heal your wounds. I'll go to Chaos Fairy City." As Yang Yiyun spoke, he drank a drop of water of life for Yan Chixia and wished him healing.

"Master, let me go with you~" Yan Chixia said after swallowing the water of life.

"No, you heal your wounds, and don't worry about the rest. I'm going to Chaos Fairy City... Oh, by the way, condense the images of Lu Pengbinhuan and Duan for me." Yang Yiyun thought about it and added, he was going To find someone to settle accounts, you naturally need to know the person. It is a piece of cake for the immortal to condense the image of a person's appearance.

"Master, I have prepared it a long time ago. There are still thirty-eight images of construction craftsmen in it." Yan Chixia handed Yang Yiyun a jade slip as she spoke.

Yang Yiyun took over his spiritual consciousness and scanned it, and saw dozens of images of people. After recording it in his mind, he greeted Hong Yi: "Hong Yi is leaving~"

She took one step forward and disappeared from Yan Chixia's sight.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's consciousness discovered the snow cat and the magical bird taking a nap on an ancient tree.

"The crow and the snow cat come out of the mountain~"

"Boy, you're finally leaving the mountain. I'm getting moldy if I stay here every day. Let's go for a walk. Go out for a walk~" Shenmoniao muttered.

The snow cat meowed, but it jumped up and landed on Hong Yi's shoulder.

But Hong Yi is still like a sculpture, without any ripples.

With a wave of his hand, Yang Yiyun summoned the sawtooth bird. He had to have a mount.

The Sawtooth King, which is comparable to the Immortal King, is naturally very suitable as a land plane, and its flight speed is also fast.

After inviting Hong Yi to sit on the back of the Jagged King, Yang Yiyun gave an order, and the Jagged King let out a long roar and flew into the sky.

Three days later, Yang Yiyun arrived at Chaos Fairy City and the Dongfang Family.

When Yang Yiyun arrived at the gate of Dongfang Family, he saw Dongfang Iron Man running out in a hurry.

This is the territory of the Dongfang family. It's not surprising that he was discovered as soon as he appeared.


Oriental Iron Man says hello.

"What clues does Iron Man have?" Yang Yiyun asked directly.

Dongfang Ironman knew what Yang Yiyun was asking, and said with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face: "Let's go in first. I just came back and was thinking about looking for you. Now that you are here, some news has arrived in my hall, but Grandpa said this It’s up to you to make the decision, so you should go in and listen to my grandpa’s opinion.”

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun nodded and did not continue to ask. He is no longer a young boy, and he is much more stable. Moreover, under the guidance of Lao Liushu, he has successfully channeled several forces in his body and refined the power of Shinto. After success, my ability to control both internally and externally has become much stronger.

Now that things have happened, there is no point in being anxious for a while. It is better to go in and listen to Dongfang Haotian's opinion.

Following Dongfang Iron Man to the Dongfang Family Hall, Dongfang Haotian had been waiting for him.

"Yang Yiyun pays homage to Grandpa Dongfang~" Yang Yiyun still saluted respectfully when seeing Dongfang Haotian.

"Okay, okay, Yunzi has made great progress in cultivation. I'm very happy to congratulate you. Don't be polite in Dongfang's house. Treat it as your own home. Sit down quickly~"

In Dongfang Haotian's eyes, he admired Yang Yiyun more and more. He had already heard his grandson Dongfang Iron Man tell about the Cursed Land. Yang Yiyun was indeed not an ordinary person. He went to the Cursed Land and cultivated to the level of Immortal King in just a thousand years. In the realm of perfection, such a speed of cultivation is rare in the entire fairy world.

The point is that Dongfang Haotian was really shocked when his grandson Dongfang Iron Man said that Yang Yiyun's second senior brother was actually the most existing Sword Emperor Xingchenzi in the Immortal World.

Although Dongfang Haotian is also a person with the title of Immortal Emperor, he is naturally incomparable with Sword Emperor Xingchenzi. Sword Emperor Xingchenzi is also a well-known figure in the entire immortal world.

But I never expected that Yang Yiyun was actually Xingchenzi's younger brother. I heard from my grandson Dongfang Iron Man that according to legend, Yang Yiyun also had a senior brother and a younger sister. Thinking about it this way, the second senior brother Du Sword Emperor Xingchenzi was the Immortal Emperor. The first person, his senior brother and junior sister will naturally not be unknown people.

Think about Yang Yiyun’s master again?

After hearing this, Dongfang Haotian was overwhelmed with emotion...

It was so unsettling. I didn’t expect Yang Yiyun’s background to be so scary.

Now he is even more enthusiastic towards Yang Yiyun, especially when Yang Yiyun immediately salutes him as an elder as soon as he comes in, which makes Dongfang Haotian feel very comfortable, and he lets Yang Yiyun take his seat with a smile.

After the three of them took their seats, Yang Yiyun looked at Dongfang Iron Man and motioned for him to tell him about the situation in which the soul-taking ancestor was caught.

Dongfang Iron Man said: "After Yunzi met Yan Chixia that day, he chased him all the way to the Tiger Roaring Fairy Mountain outside the Chaotic Fairyland. After asking around, he finally found out who had captured Lu Pengbin and the soul-taking ancestor. His name is Duan Qian Wuxiao, and he is a core disciple of Duan Qian family, one of the top ten families in the immortal world. His name is Duan Qian Wuxiao. His cultivation level is not high and he is in the late stage of Immortal King.

But he is the third son of Duan Qianyangwen, the patriarch of the Duanqian family, and there are two immortal emperors around him, so I retreated and came to you to discuss what to do?

And the Duan Qian family is a big family. It is not easy for a family to become one of the top ten families in the immortal world. One family occupies an immortal realm, and there are many immortal mountains in one immortal realm. The power is very huge. For the Duan Qian family Grandpa knows better. Grandpa, can you tell Yunzi about this? "Dongfang Iron Man looked at Dongfang Haotian.

Yang Yiyun looked at Dongfang Haotian, ready to listen to Dongfang Haotian's story. It sounded like the Duanqian family was indeed not simple. How big of a family must it be to occupy an immortal realm?

It's a bit tricky indeed.

However, he will not back down because of this. If he catches his people and kills his people, naturally he can't just let it go.

Listening to Dongfang Haotian's story now will also be a help for him in his next actions. Knowing yourself and your enemy is always victorious. He is determined to defeat the Duan Qian family.

Bao Shunguang cannot die in vain.

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