My Master Is a God

Chapter 2227 Hundred Poisons and Blood Pill

Yang Yiyun never expected that the peonies mentioned by the two little fairies would be their empress~

Peony Empress?

It sounds interesting, but I feel more sympathy for them.

This time, seeing the two little fairies kneeling down, Yang Yiyun waved his hand to help them up and said, "How come you know that I have the ability to save people, so you kneel down and ask for help?"

Xiaobai, who had not spoken much, said weakly: "Intuition~"

"Intuition?" Yang Yiyun found it interesting.

"Well, intuition." Xiaobai replied weakly, not saying much.

At this time, Xiao Qing said: "Reporting to the master, Xiao Bai's intuition has always been quite accurate. We, the grass and tree spirit monsters, are born with better perception than the human race. Xiao Bai is even more gifted. It is not so much intuition as it is It is better to say that she is a kind of talent. Xiaobai said that her intuition is that you are very powerful, so we beg you. Then it would be good to have a glimmer of hope to save my mother-in-law. Moreover, Xiaobai also said that in her intuition, are interested in Duan Qian Huxiao has had killing thoughts at least three times before, so we believe you."

Yang Yiyun took a breath of air at this moment. It is true that he had thoughts of killing Duan Qianhuxiao three times, but he hid them very well. Even Duan Qianhuxiao himself and the Immortal Emperor beside him did not notice it. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai, the little banshee, knew it intuitively?

This is indeed a gift.

At this time, Yang Yiyun glanced at the two little fairies, and secretly warned himself in his heart that he could never underestimate the enemy at any time in the fairy world, or look down on any living creature with any level of cultivation, otherwise he might die at some point without knowing how he would die. of.

Fortunately, these two little fairies were captured by Duan Qian Huxiao and were enemies of Duan Qian Huxiao. If the two of them were together with Duan Qian Huxiao, they would have told Duan Qian Huxiao about the murderous thoughts in his heart. , I am afraid that the fight has already started, and even if Duan Qianhuxiao is a sinister person and tries to trick him in turn, he will not notice it.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun looked at the two little fairies and said: "You two made the right bet. In fact, I came here to kill Duan Qian Huxiao. He killed one of my servants and captured my other servant. I I came here to settle a score with Duan Qian Huxiao, but I can't act rashly until my subordinate is rescued.

Now that I'm here and have initially gained Duan Qian Huxiao's trust, I will play with him, otherwise I will be letting him down Duan Qianhuxiao, haha~"

Yang was smiling coldly at this moment.

It made the two little fairies feel cold all over.

Then Yang continued: "Tell me about your mother-in-law. Where is she? What is the situation now? How can you solve it? I will help you rescue her."

The two little fairies were overjoyed, and Xiao Qing said quickly: "Reporting to the master, my wife is still in the state of the real peony tree. She was imprisoned by Duan Qian Huxiao in the back mountain of the villa, but she did not suffer. Every day, a group of them were captured together. The sisters take care of each other, and Duan Qian Huxiao also set up a large immortal essence condensation formation for her..."

"Wait? What do you mean, your mother-in-law is in no need of rescue. She is simply enjoying herself!" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt Xiao Qing.

Xiaoqing smiled bitterly and said: "Master, that's not the case. My mother-in-law is a peony, and peony is also the king of flowers in the world. If she were transformed into a human being, in the eyes of some people, she would be born with the best cultivation cauldron.

Therefore, even if Duan Qian Huxiao returned to his original shape after my mother-in-law cast a forbidden spell, he was still captured by him and came to Huxiao Villa. He had to spend a lot of effort to make my mother-in-law re-nirvana. Then he would use My mother-in-law's innate body of thousands of flowers came to double and cultivate with my mother-in-law, and hit the realm of the Immortal Emperor...

There are rumors that by combining the Yin and Yang of the King of Flowers, one can reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Therefore, my mother-in-law is the best cultivation cauldron in the world in the eyes of Duan Qian Huxiao and others. Once my mother-in-law transforms, My mother-in-law will be miserable due to the perverted methods of that devil Duan Qian Huxiao.

Many of our captured sisters have been killed by the demon Duan Qianhuxiao. I beg the master to show mercy and save my mother-in-law and those sisters..."

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai begged Yang Yiyun while talking.

After listening to the two little fairies narrating, Mr. Yang finally understood the cause and effect. He said solemnly: "So I understand. Don't worry, just because she is Peony, I will save her."

For Yang, the peony has an unusual meaning on earth. It is the national flower, but he did not expect to encounter peonies in the fairy world. Moreover, he is the king of flowers and the Peony Fairy.

This alone will save him.

But now he still needs to wait for the snow cat to come back and make some plans.

The two little fairies were overjoyed when they heard Yang Yiyun agreed and thanked him repeatedly.

After that, the three of them chatted again. Yang Yiyun asked the two girls about the entire Tiger Roar Fairy Mountain and the Tiger Roar Villa. However, the two little fairies were, after all, little angels, and they were even lower-class slaves in the Tiger Roar Villa. Knowing that of limited.

But I also have a rough idea.

According to Xiao Qing, Duan Qian Huxiao will always be protected by two Immortal Emperors, one who is in the early stage of Immortal Emperor and the other who is in the middle stage of Immortal Emperor cultivation.

But there is also a Great Immortal Emperor who sits in seclusion all year round in Huxiao Villa. He is a late-stage Immortal Emperor. He was also the one who broke into their Ten Thousand Flowers Forest and fought with their empress thirty years ago, forcing their empress to use forbidden techniques. That Immortal Emperor The emperor is the strong one.

Even if there are Immortal Emperors among some of the powerful sects attached to Huxiao Villa, there are not many, and they are low-level Immortal Emperors. There are no high-level Immortal Emperors. In addition, Duan Qian Huxiao continues to force these sects to submit sacrifices. The resentment is so high that if a fight breaks out, no sect will really help Duan Qian Huxiao.

As for the ancestor of Soul Master and Lu Pengbin who was captured by Duan Qian Huxiao, they have never seen them, but Xiaoqing said that the mountain behind Huxiao Villa is a forbidden area, and it is rumored that they are also in prison, so where should they be locked up.

Don’t worry about this by then, Snow Cat will probably find out.

The problem now is that Yang Yiyun is thinking about how to quickly solve the battle problem once he gets involved with Duan Qian Huxiao.

The Divine Tiger Guards, the two Immortal Emperors in the early and middle stages, he, Hongyi and Snow Cat should have no problem solving it. The key point is the late Immortal Emperor who is in charge. Yang Yiyun is not sure. When they really fight, it is not Do you know if you can handle it?

Fortunately, there is currently only one late-stage Immortal Emperor in Huxiao Villa, so it is not impossible to think about it.

He rolled his eyes, paid attention, and thought of the poison pill that Duan Qian Huxiao asked him to refine.


Perhaps Duan Qianwhistle's Poison Pill can be put to use, and with the addition of his Five Thunder Purple Leaf and Watermelon Thunder, even if he can't defeat the strong ones in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor, he should be able to escape by then.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt confident.

Prepare to refine the poison elixir immediately.

Speaking of this poisonous elixir, Yang Yiyun felt that it was an extremely evil elixir when he saw it. He didn't know where Duan Qianhuxiao got the elixir from. It was very vicious and evil.

It’s better to refine it now and use it on Duan Qian Huxiao and the strong man in the late Immortal Emperor stage. It will definitely be very interesting then...

Then he said to the two little fairies: "You two go and guard the outer door. Let others come in. If anyone wants to come in, just say that I am refining elixirs and don't let anyone disturb you."

"Yes, Master~"

The two little fairies were obedient and walked out.

After the two women went out, Yang Yiyun was ready to start refining the poison pill.

Just give him one day. After the refining is successful, he will naturally not give Duan Qian Hu Roar. When Snow Mao comes back from searching, he will start to take action.

The poison materials required for the poison pill were all in the storage magic weapon left by Duan Qian Huxiao. Yang Yiyun took out all the materials with a thought.

There are poisonous weeds, poisonous flowers, venom, concentrated strange poisonous insects, etc., adding up to hundreds of poisons.

The name of this poison elixir is also called - Hundred Poisons Transforming into Blood elixir.

According to the description of the elixir, when the elixir explodes, poisonous substances will appear. When the time comes, the poison will disappear silently. It is colorless, odorless, invisible and intangible.

If it is stained, the whole body will rot. If there is no antidote or power to control it, it will eventually turn into a pool of blood together with the soul.

A very overbearing poison elixir.

After Yang Yiyun thought about it, he was not in a hurry to refine the elixir. Just in case he was poisoned, he had better study the antidote first. Although he was not afraid of poison, what if it happened?

It will be too late to cry by then.

Any poisonous elixir antidote can be studied from the elixir recipe, because all things are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other, so it depends on whether the understanding of the elixir is high or not.

Yang Yiyun watched the poison elixir recipe for more than half an hour, and also studied the ingredients of each poison. Theoretically, Yan Jing came out to detoxify the elixir, but he was not sure, so he asked the god and demon bird dozing on his shoulder: "Crow, look at me. Can the detoxification pill we are researching protect against the Hundred Poisons Blood Pill?"

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