My Master Is a God

Chapter 2228 Snow Cat Information

Yang Yiyun asked Shenmoniao to take a look at the detoxification prescription he had deduced. Naturally, he believed that Zamaoniao had extraordinary knowledge and could help him a lot in many cases.

After asking this question, Yang Yiyun didn't expect that the demon bird didn't speak for a while.

"Crow?" Yang Yiyun shouted again, this time much louder.

The result was that the demon bird cursed: "You are a weakling, why don't you let me sleep and rest? Such nonsense bothers me. You are an alchemist. I don't know if I am an alchemist."

Zamao Bird's curse was very simple, only three words he didn't know.

Yang Yiyun didn't even react for a long time, as long as this didn't look like a feathered bird~

It was thought that when he asked questions, Zamao Bird acted as a role model and would take the opportunity to attack Yang Yiyun. There were very few people who didn't know anything.

However, Yang Yiyun was relieved after a while, and then burst into laughter: "Wow haha... I laughed so hard. There are things you don't know about, this is the first time. It's not easy, hahaha... …”

Yang Yiyun seemed to have seized the opportunity to ridicule the miscellaneous feathered bird. In fact, he and the magical bird had long been accustomed to this alternative way of communication.

"You weakling, although I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms, I don't know everything." The god and demon bird cursed.

Yang Yiyun smiled and stopped joking about it. Thinking about it, it is also a special way to refine elixirs and weapons, etc. It is not a matter of cultivation. It is normal for the gods and demon birds not to know.

Since there was no one to refer to, he could only believe in himself. Next, he analyzed the detoxification pill he had deduced several times. After confirming that it should be feasible, he was ready to refine it directly. He was somewhat successful in the art of alchemy and was confident. It's still ok.

Believe that you are.

Not a big problem.

He has accumulated a lot of elixirs in the Qiankun Pot space, and he can find all the elixirs for refining the detoxification pills, and they are not too high-level elixirs. It didn't take him half a day to refine the detoxification pills.

What's interesting is that after he added the Tumu Crystal, even the detoxifying pills were of almost perfect quality.

A total of thirty-six pills were refined in one furnace. After Yang Yiyun took one himself, he began to refine the Hundred Poisons and Blood Pills. Finally, three days later, nine Hundred Poisons and Blood Pills were refined.

Yang Yiyun took it in his hand and looked at it. The poisonous elixir mixed with earth and wood crystals was indeed terrifying. The poisonous elixir he refined by himself was naturally extremely toxic.

Put it away carefully.

But the alchemy furnace did not stop, and he randomly added the remembering poison into it, just as a show, so that if Duan Qianhu roared or Duan Qian came with great force, it would be easy to fool him.

Now he was just waiting for news from Snow Cat. As long as Snow Cat found out the location of the soul-taking ancestor and Lu Pengbin, he was ready to take action.

When the time comes, save people and kill Duan Qian Huxiao.

Four days passed in a flash, and Yang Yiyun didn't know what was going on outside during these four days. Did Duan Qian Dali come to check on Gang? He didn't know if the two little fairies Xiaoqing and Xiaobai could cope with it.

I don’t know if the snow cat has come back?

Anyway, no one has come in to disturb me during the alchemy these days.

Then he swept his consciousness and found that there was a restriction outside the door, but it was a very low restriction. After thinking about it, he realized that it was a restriction placed by two little fairies, maybe because they were afraid that someone would disturb him.

Speaking of which, they are very dedicated, which is a good thing.

Moreover, Duan Qian Dali did not force his way in. He would definitely come, but he was stopped by two little fairies.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Xiaoqing and Xiaobai can stop it just because they say they want to stop it. At most, it's because Duan Qian vigorously insists on loyalty and takes advantage of him that he doesn't feel embarrassed to come in.

Otherwise, how could Xiaoqing and Xiaobai stop it?

At most, they are just using chicken feathers as arrows.

That's why no one bothered him these days.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun also laughed. At any time, interests can drive people's hearts, even immortals are no exception. The only difference between immortals and mortals is the resources for cultivation.

Then Yang Yiyun said: "Xiaoqing and Xiaobai came in to talk~"

When the two little fairies at the outer door heard Yang Yiyun's voice, they were overjoyed. They removed the restrictions they had set and pushed the door open.


The two women went in and saluted.

Yang Yiyun stopped and said, "You're welcome. Duan Qian Dali and Duan Qian Wuxiao haven't been here in the past few days?"

Xiao Qingka said: "Obviously, the captain of the bodyguard Duan Qian Dali just came yesterday, but we told him that he was refining elixirs and it would not be inconvenient to be disturbed, so Duan Qian Dali left without saying anything, but Duan Qian Huxiao was there. No movement."

"Sir, can the elixir be refined?" Xiaobai spoke weakly at this moment. In Xiaobai's heart, he urgently hoped that this gentleman would succeed, rescue their mother-in-law, and then take them all away. , get out of this sea of ​​suffering.

Yang Yiyun seemed to have succeeded in Xiaobai's intuitive talent, so I asked this question.

Yang Yiyun heard Xiaobai's words and smiled: "Did you intuitively think that I have refined it?"

"Of course it was successful~" Xiaobai said in one breath.

"Haha~ Xiaobai really has a future. Yes, it's done. Then we'll wait for the news, and then I will start to counterattack. Your two tasks are still to guard the gate and don't let anyone in. I said no during the month of alchemy. If you are disturbed by others, I believe they will believe it, and you should leave everything else alone.

Anyway, I will take you with me when the time comes, and I promise to take you out as well. Here are two antidote pills. Take them, just in case. "After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he took out the antidote pills for Xiaoqing and Xiaobai.

These two little fairies are now completely hugging Mr. Yang's thigh. Anyway, they will do whatever Yang Yiyun says. After all, they are two little fairies at the level of little gods. They can be seen by Yang Yiyun. For them, It was a great blessing, not to mention that Yang Yiyun also said that he would help them rescue the empress and lead them out of the miserable place of Huxiao Villa.

He repeatedly promised to thank him and swallowed the antidote pill without hesitation.

Yang Yiyun was also very pleased with the trust of these two little fairies, and secretly vowed to help them this time...

While the three of them were talking, Yang Yiyun sensed the presence of the snow cat's aura and dismissed the two fairies.

After they went out, the snow cat let out a soft cry: "Meow~"

The next moment, there was a flash of silver light in the main hall, and it turned out that the snow cat appeared.


"Did the Snow Cat find the place where the Soul-Capturing Ancestor was imprisoned?" Yang Yiyun asked quickly.

Snow Cat nodded and said: "Reporting to the master, we found it. The soul-taking ancestor was imprisoned in a prison in the back of the villa. I also contacted him... According to the soul-taking ancestor, Duan Qianhu Xiaoliu I didn't kill him, just because I wanted to get the Soul Capturing Technique from him, so I could control the Black-armored Yasheng.

However, there was a restriction on the technique in the mind of the ancestor of soul-taking. For a while, Duan Qian Huxiao was still unable to defeat him. However, the ancestor of soul-taking was also tortured miserably, and all the top-quality immortal stones on his body were destroyed by Duan Qianhuxiao. Take it away~”

Yang Yiyun nodded after hearing this. This was basically what he expected, and he asked, "Is the Soul-Capturing Ancestor's cultivation still intact?"

Xue Mao said: "No, he just had his magic power sealed and was beaten severely. Perhaps Duan Qian Huxiao wanted to make the ancestor of Soul Master surrender with the Black-armored Yasheng, so he hasn't killed him yet."

"Well, that's good. You deserve to suffer some physical pain. If that old guy wasn't showing off his wealth, why would he be targeted by Duan Qianhuxiao? It's good to let him suffer a little." Yang Yiyun finished muttering, Then he asked: "Apart from the situation about the Soul-Capturing Ancestor, has the master builder Lu Pengbin been found? Are there any other discoveries in this villa?"

Yang Yiyun knew that with Snow Cat's ability, she went out for four days before coming back. It was definitely not possible to just look for the soul-popping Ancestor. She was so smart that she would definitely do other things.

Sure enough, after he finished asking, Snow Cat said: "Yes, Lu Pengbin was captured and led people to build a palace in a mountainous area behind him. Nothing happened. I didn't come into contact with him. In addition, he was found in the mountainous area. The water of Reling Spring is indeed a good thing. The water of absolute cultivation is exactly what Duan Qian Huxiao said that day. The guardian of the place where the Reling Spring Palace was built is a person who has cultivated in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. He should be Duan Qianhuxiao. Another Immortal Emperor beside him.

There is also a strong restriction in a place at the mountainside. I felt a strong aura. If I guessed correctly, it should be an Immortal Emperor of Great Perfection who is sitting in charge, and he must be guarding the place where earth and wood are crystallized. I'm afraid The snake was frightened and did not dare to break in. "

Snow Cat said slowly.

"You have done well, that should be it. I heard from the two little fairies outside the door that there is indeed a strong Immortal Emperor Perfection sitting in Huxiao Villa. He does not appear easily on weekdays. The aura you feel should be that person. The existence of the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection." Yang Yiyun nodded.

Snow Mao glanced at the door, and then said: "Another discovery is that in a large valley in the back mountain, there are hundreds of women with beautiful plants and trees taking care of a fairy garden, and there is a Ten Thousand Flowers in it. The King of Peony..."

As Xue Mao spoke, the information he had found out came out one by one. Yang Yiyun kept nodding and praised Xue Mao in his heart. As expected, he went out and found out the entire situation of Huxiao Villa without anyone noticing, including a group of people. As for the Divine Tiger Guards, according to Snow Mao’s research, there are actually eighteen members in the Divine Tiger Guards, which is more than what we heard before. Moreover, there are three late-stage Immortal Emperors in the Divine Tiger Guards, and the rest of the members are all immortals. King Dzogchen level.

Indeed, this is a very powerful force.

It is the backbone of patrolling the villa.

In addition, there is an ordinary guard led by Duan Qian Dali, the captain of the bodyguard. There are thousands of people, but their cultivation levels are uneven. Even the captain of the bodyguard Duan Qian Dali is only at the level of the Immortal King. This There's nothing to worry about.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun asked Snow Mao: "Everything else is not a big problem. The only thing I am worried about now is the person in charge of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen. I am not sure about dealing with it. Are you sure about it, Snow Mao?"

"No master." Snow Cat answered quickly and neatly, but added: "If the other party doesn't notice me, I may be able to succeed in a sneak attack, but the basic strong people of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen have very strong perceptions, and they are very powerful. It’s hard not to be discovered by him.”

Yang Yiyun thought about it, but he turned over his hand and took out the Hundred Poisons Blood-Transforming Pill, and said with a smile: "This is the Hundred Poisons Blood-Transforming Pill. Maybe we can try poisoning, what if we can poison the strong man sitting here?"

"Look~ Master, I feel that your poisonous elixir is very dangerous, and it may really have a big effect. Leave the poisonous elixir to me. I can't defeat it from the front. I can guard against the poison secretly. I am confident that I will not notice it. When he finds out, he will definitely Let him get hit." Snow Cat meowed.

"Hehe, let's do it like this~" Yang also laughed evilly, and he discovered that the snow cat actually has a dark side.

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