My Master Is a God

Chapter 2229 Large area poisoning in the villa

Snow Cat took part of the Hundred Poison Blood Transforming Pills and became invisible again. The task Yang Yiyun gave to Snow Cat was to poison the Great Immortal Emperor. No matter whether it was successful or not, he had to try it.

In Yang Yiyun's mind, even if the poison could not kill the Great Immortal Emperor, it would be enough to poison him.

Leave the rest to him.

The two of them went out together, and Yang Yiyun also disappeared silently.

Although his invisibility is not as powerful as Snow Cat's gifted ability, it is not bad at all and is enough for him to fish in troubled waters.

Outside the gate, the two little fairies Xiaoqing and Xiaobai were still standing guard, not noticing that he and Snow Cat were going out at all.

On the surface, he was still refining elixirs in the main hall. Of course, he used his mana to condense a mana clone and pretended to make elixirs. In fact, he was just showing off.

In fact, he started causing trouble from now on.

Following the snow cat all the way, they want to rescue the ancestor of soul-taking. This is the first task. The next step is to obtain earth and wood crystals. If possible, Yang Yiyun wants to move all the water from the Reling Spring.

Logically speaking, this can be done, because it is a spiritual spring water, and the spring exists and can be moved away.

There is also the matter of rescuing Peony, the King of Flowers. Since Yang Yiyun promised the two little fairies, he will definitely do it.

The difficulty level is earth and wood crystals. According to Snow Cat's investigation, the place where the earth and wood crystals are located is where the Great Immortal Emperor is stationed.

It was also because of this that Yang Yiyun asked Snow Mao to bring a portion of the Hundred Poison Blood Transforming Pills to poison the Great Immortal Emperor.

As for Duan Qian Huxiao, he must also kill Bao Shunguang to avenge him.

The matter was settled like that.

Yang Yiyun started poisoning as soon as he walked out of the hall. He detonated a hundred poisonous blood pills every step of the way. The thick poisonous gas spread immediately and dissipated invisible in the blink of an eye. In fact, Yang Yiyun knew that a poisonous pill could spread three to five times. Kilometers away, ten Hundred Poisons Blood Pills can make the entire villa shrouded in poison.

This saves a lot of things.

Following Snow Cat all the way to the back mountain of Huxiao Villa, Yang Yiyun squeezed out ten Hundred Poison Blood Pills. Although he couldn't see any poison, he knew the poison pills he had made. At this time, the poisons were already there. It filled the sky over the entire Huxiao Villa.

I believe that it won’t be long before the entire Huxiao Villa is poisoned. Although this is a bit cruel, Yang Yiyun has no regrets. The entire Huxiao Villa is a member of the Duan Qian family. Once these people fight, they will all be his enemies. Poison is the best.

Following the snow cat all the way, we came to the back mountain.

"There is a small valley over the master's side, where Peony is located, but it is guarded by a large formation. If we go in, we will be discovered." Snow Cat pointed to a small valley and said.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun said: "I have crushed ten poisonous pills. If I don't keep them all, I will be affected. So I just went to save the Peony Empress. In this way, you can still act according to the plan and go down to poison the Great Immortal Emperor who is sitting in charge. Then you can If you can save the soul-taking Ancestor, save it. If you can't save it, just leave it alone. I will join you later."

"Yes, I understand~"

The snow cat responded, thinking about the mountains in the distance.

Wherever there is a cave, there is a hot spring, and deeper inside is where the crystallization of earth and wood is.

After the snow cat left, Yang Yiyun headed towards the small valley.

After arriving at the small valley, we found that there was a large formation guarding us.

However, he can still handle a large formation of this level.

Prepare to break the formation by force.

"Slay the dragon, coil the dragon~"

The two swords were drawn out of their sheaths.

Yang forced himself to break the formation.


An earth-shattering sound resounded throughout the entire Huxiao Villa.

Yang Yiyun's figure also appeared.

From the moment the attack started, he had no intention of hiding.

Perhaps it is because there is a large formation guarding it, but there is no one guarding it here.

Yang Yiyun's blow made a lot of noise.

After the boom, the formation was turbulent, and the mana became much thinner.

But Yang Yiyun frowned, but didn't open it at once.

No matter that according to this progress, it would take at least three times, but he didn't have time to waste it.

A five-thunder purple leaf appeared between his backhand.


A metallic thunder leaf was aroused.

"Boom... click~"

The golden Five Thunder Purple leaves turned into a finger-thick lightning and struck the formation.


This time, the defense formation dissipated invisible.

Yang Yiyun dodged and rushed into the small valley.

At the same time, Duan Qian, who was hugging Huxiao in the Huxiao Hall of Huxiao Villa, heard the earth-shattering sound. He pushed the beautiful woman in his arms away and said quickly: "What's going on?"

An old man with early cultivation level as Immortal Emperor appeared out of thin air in the main hall.

"The third young master seems to be in the direction of Peony Valley. I'll go take a look," the old man said.

Duan Qian Huxiao's expression changed, and he said gloomily: "Go quickly, inform the Divine Tiger Guards to go to the cave in the back mountain immediately, and nothing will happen."


The old man left in response.

At this moment, Duan Qianhuxiao, who was shirtless, frowned, but he didn't know what happened.

"Master, why don't you come and have another drink?" A charming woman came up to him with a wine glass.

There were six or seven women around Duan Qian Huxiao, and it was natural that they would be jealous and please Duan Qianhuxiao.

"Go away~boom~"


However, this woman was directly slapped away by Duan Qian Huxiao's palm, and she screamed and turned into blood mist.


The other women screamed in fear.

"Everyone, get out of here, get out~"

Duan Qianhuan roared in frustration and started to get dressed.

Several women were so frightened that they rolled and crawled out of the hall.

For Duan Qian Huxiao, something must have happened in the Peony Valley. He named the Peony Valley himself because he wanted to train the Peony Empress to transform into Nirvana. He valued the Peony Empress’s toys and training cauldron at that time. .

But it seemed that something had happened now. Duan Qianhuxiao got dressed and was ready to go take a look.

But at this time, rapid footsteps sounded outside the hall.

Before anyone came in, the sound came.

"The owner of the village is not good, he is not good..."

In the blink of an eye, the captain of the guard, Duan Qian, ran in vigorously.

Duan Qian Dali was a servant of the Duan Qian family. Duan Qian Huxiao valued him very much and knew his character. Naturally, he knew that he had a calm personality and rarely panicked.

But now seeing Duan Qian Dali, the captain of the bodyguard, with a frightened expression on his face and a dazed look on his face, Duan Qian Huxiao's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Seeing Duan Qian vigorously come in, Duan Qian appeared in front of him and asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

"Master, all the people in the villa were poisoned, and those with lower cultivation levels began to rot, and eventually turned into a pool of blood~ Only those at the Immortal King level could resist, but they were also greatly affected..." Duan Gan Dali quickly answered.

"Poisoned? What happened? How did you get poisoned?" Duan Qianhuxiao asked quickly.

"I don't know. I don't know how I got poisoned. Everyone got poisoned out of nowhere~" Duan Qian Dali replied with a grimace.

"Go and check~ What is Yang Yiyun doing?" After hearing the signs of poisoning described by Duan Qian vigorously, Duan Qian Huxiao immediately thought of Yang Yiyun, because the Hundred Poisons Blood Transforming Pill he asked Yang Yiyun to refine was exactly the sign of poisoning. .

"Mr. Yang has been refining elixirs in seclusion these past few days and has never come out?" Duan Qian Dali replied in surprise.

"Go and see right away. Is Yang Yiyun refining alchemy? Go and confirm with your own eyes. I'll wait here and report quickly." Duan Qian Huxiao felt something was wrong.

"Yes, I'll go right away~" Duan Qian turned around and left.

The more Duan Qian Dali thought about it, the more something was wrong. His villa had strict rules and nothing happened, but something happened to Yang Yiyun as soon as he arrived. The main reason was that the signs of poisoning were exactly the same as the poison pill he asked Yang Yiyun to refine. Duan Qianhuxiao had to wonder, was Yang Yiyun up to something?

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is someone else. Anyway, it seems that something big is going to happen this time. After all, two treasures, Hot Spirit Spring and Tumu Crystal, have appeared in his villa. In addition, he has repeatedly forced the entire power of Tiger Roaring Fairy Mountain to pay tribute to the construction of immortal stones. In the palace, a small sect in the south was destroyed some time ago. Maybe these people took revenge?

No matter what, be careful.

At this moment, Duan Qian Huxiao couldn't help but his heart beat violently.

"No, it's necessary to notify the family master to come. If something happens, he won't be able to handle it."

After muttering to himself, Duan Qian Huxiao issued a spiritual talisman, activating his magic power, and the magic talisman immediately turned into ashes. This was the emergency talisman of the Duan Qian family, and the family would know to send someone immediately.

Just in case, Duan Qianhuxiao knew it was necessary.

Xiao Qing and Xiao Bai were still guarding the alchemy hall where Yang Yiyun was before.

At a certain moment, a ray of light flashed, but Duan Qianli, the captain of the guard, appeared in front of them. Lian Nu quickly saluted: "I have met the captain of the guard."

Duan Qian Dali didn't have time to accompany them at the moment and said politely: "Open the door, I want to see Mr. Yang~"

Xiao Qing could see that Duan Qian Dali's face was extremely gloomy. Logically speaking, he would not dare not open the door, but the two of them were now loyal to Yang. They knew that Yang Yiyun was refining elixirs and could not be disturbed, but they still said bravely: "Guards Mr. Yang, the eldest son, has given instructions that it will take him a month to refine the elixir, and no one can disturb him during this period..."

In fact, the two women didn't know that Yang had already disappeared and left. At this moment, there was only one mana body left in the hall pretending to make pills.

"Go away~ I have something important to do." Duan Qian Dali knew the seriousness of the matter at this time, cursed and pushed open the door of the hall with a wave of his hand and walked in.

After entering, I saw Yang Yiyun closing his eyes and forming a seal with his hands in a corner of the hall.

"Mr. Yang~"

Duan Qian Dali saw that there was nothing wrong with Yang Yiyun. He was still refining elixirs.

After shouting, Yang Yiyun did not move, so Duan Qian Dali stopped disturbing him. Yang Yiyun was refining elixirs and could not be disturbed. At this time, he should go back and report to the village owner~

At least there is no need to worry about Yang Yiyun causing trouble.

The situation was urgent, and Duan Qian Dali did not dare to disturb Yang Yiyun. In fact, a large-scale poisoning occurred in the villa. He was also panicked and did not observe Yang Yiyun carefully, otherwise he would have discovered that it was just a clone with concentrated mana.

Then Duan Qian left in a hurry. When the two little fairies saw that Yang Yiyun was still refining elixirs, they closed the hall door and continued to guard outside.

In the Tiger Roar Hall, Duan Qian vigorously reported: "Mr. Yang, the owner of the village, is fine. He is still refining alchemy~"

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Duan Qian Huxiao asked.

"Yes, I pushed the door open and saw it with my own eyes." Duan Qian replied vigorously.

"In this case, Yang Yiyun will be fine. Come on, follow me to Peony Valley~" Duan Qianhuxiao felt much more at ease after sending a request for help to his family.

After all, the Duan Qian family is one of the top ten families in the immortal world, and not everyone dares to provoke them.

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