My Master Is a God

Chapter 2232 Killing the Great Immortal Emperor

Yang Yiyun actually also knew that there were many reasons why the soul-taking ancestor was able to break through at this time...

First of all, the soul-taking ancestor himself has reached the level of Immortal King Dzogchen, and the time is not short. He is only one step away from the realm of Immortal Emperor.

Secondly, this suffering is also a mental training for him. After enduring it, his mood will definitely improve.

Now that Yang Yiyun gave him three drops of the water of life at one time, it was equivalent to reshaping his physical body. With the guidance and help of Yang Yiyun's divine power, it was a matter of course to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

After a few minutes, the soul-taking ancestor stopped and turned around to thank Yang Yiyun: "Thank you, master, for your kindness~"

After breaking through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the gloom in the soul-taking ancestor's heart was swept away, and he felt extremely prepared to thank Yang Yiyun in his heart.

"Okay, this is also your destiny. Get up. This incident was ultimately caused by your contribution to the sect. It's our duty to help you and save you. Let's go. We still have a lot to do next."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he always felt that something was missing. He looked around and found that the black-armored puppet was no longer there, and then asked: "Isn't the black-armored puppet locked up with you?"

The ancestor of Soul Capture smiled bitterly and said: "The black armor was taken away by a strong man from the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor~"

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he thought that he must have been taken away by the Immortal Emperor who was sitting in the land of earth and wood crystallization, but he didn't know what the purpose of taking him was. It must not be simple~

"How is the connection between you and Heijia?" Yang Yiyun continued to ask.

The ancestor of Soul Capture smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I lost my sense~"

After he finished speaking, he said confidently: "But master, don't worry. Now that I have become the Immortal Emperor, the Soul-Capturing Technique can exert greater power. They wanted to control Heijia in their dreams at that time. How could they know the mystery of the Soul-Captivating Technique?" Yes, once I find Hei Jia, I will have him back in a minute."

When saying these words, the soul-taking ancestor was full of confidence.

"That's very good. Let's go. I asked Snow Cat to deal with the Great Immortal Emperor. I don't know what the situation is~" Yang Yiyun walked out of the prison as he spoke.

The soul-taking ancestor followed him out and said, "Master, can you wait~"

Yang Yiyun stopped, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The soul-taking ancestor said: "Most of the monks imprisoned here are extraordinary, and most of them are the people who were captured by Duan Qian Huxiao to build the palace, but most of these people were destroyed by Duan Qianhuxiao. The people from the sect will not work for Duan Qian Huxiao even if they die. They are considered enemies of the Duan Qian family. How about we release them and follow us if they are willing to do so. If not, how about we help them and get a good relationship? "

Yang Yiyun listened to the soul-taking ancestor's words and kept nodding: "You have the consciousness, yes, you can see this matter. I went out to see the situation over at Snow Cat, but I always feel uneasy. And after you come out, the passage on the left Over there, take Lu Pengbin away. By the way, there is an Immortal Emperor over there who can handle it in the mid-term?"

"Master, don't worry, there are two Immortal Emperors imprisoned here. Just go deeper and he will let them out. In return, they will help us kill that Immortal Emperor..." said the soul-taking ancestor.

"Okay, you figure it out. I'll take the first step." As he spoke, he gave the soul-taking ancestor thirty detoxifying pills to prevent poisoning. Of course, this guy should be able to deal with the poisonous gas now that he has become an Immortal Emperor, but he will still be affected to some extent. It's up to him to decide how many people he saves with thirty detoxifying pills.

"Master, walk slowly, I will be there shortly.

Yang Yiyun took Hongyi back the same way and appeared in the central passage. He didn't know whether Snow Mao could use the poisonous elixir to deal with the Great Immortal Emperor. After all, if he didn't worry, it would be better to go and see.

He didn't know if Snow Cat's Hundred Poisons and Blood Transforming Pills could have any effect on the Great Immortal Emperor, which really worried him.

Soon Yang Yiyun rushed into the middle passage and went straight into the depths.



Not long after I followed, I heard a roar and the cry of a snow cat.

Yang Yiyun was suddenly startled, and he speeded away with Hong Yi.

Listening to this voice, it was obvious that Snow Cat and the Great Immortal Emperor were already facing each other.

Yang Yiyun knew that Snow Cat was very capable of hiding, and even the Immortal Emperor found it difficult for her. But now it seemed that not only was she discovered by the other party, but she also started a fight.

This also shows that the Great Immortal Emperor sitting here is not an ordinary person. If he can discover the concealment of the snow cat, he is not an ordinary Great Immortal Emperor.

Yang Yiyun thought in his mind and quickly flew away.

Three hundred meters later, a barrier appeared in front of him.

The sound of fighting coming from within grew louder.

Yang Yiyun roared loudly, raised his fist and gathered his magic power to attack with all his strength. He was still afraid that he could not break the barrier with one punch, so he ordered to Hong Yi: "Red Yi~"

Let Hongyi attack together.

"Boom ~ click ~"

Together with Hongyi Jia, who was a beginner, they bombarded the barrier, and with a sudden roar, the barrier instantly broke open.

The next moment a large hall appeared, covering an area of ​​three to four hundred meters square.

A snow cat and an old man in black appeared in his sight.

There is also a familiar voice - the black-armored puppet.

It looked like the old man in black and the black armor were attacking the snow cat together.

The snow cat's snow-white fur was stained with blood.

The aura of the old man in black was extremely powerful, and he clearly seemed to be the existence of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor.

After he and Hongyi went in, it was the other party who discovered them.

When their eyes met, Yang Yiyun found that the Immortal Emperor's face was a little dark, and he looked like he was poisoned.

I was overjoyed, thinking that Snow Cat had succeeded in poisoning him, but the powerful opponent also discovered Snow Cat and started a fight, focusing on the black armor.

At this moment, the black armor is actually attacking the snow cat, which shows that the black armor puppet is controlled by this immortal emperor, and is also controlling the snow cat.

Yang Yiyun came back to his senses: "Leave the red clothes and black armor to you~"

The black armor is also a sub-sage body, and only the red armor can match it.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately attacked the old man in black. He had to rescue Snow Cat first.


Perhaps it was the appearance of Yang Yiyun that gave Snow Cat confidence in his heart and let out a scream. The next moment, Snow Cat pounced on the black-clothed Immortal Emperor, opening his mouth and spitting out a breath of ice.

The old man seemed to have seen the power of the snow cat's cold breath, and he was unwilling to accept it and directly dodged to avoid it.

But when Yang Yiyun attacked at this moment, he knew it was a good opportunity. He struck the black-clothed Immortal Emperor with a palm, and transformed into a palm with concentrated mana, and did not rush into close combat with the opponent.

"Hmph~ Looking for death."

The Immortal Emperor in black snorted coldly.

His name is Chen Qishu, he is the strongest Immortal Emperor around Duan Qian Huxiao, and he is also the person who is in charge of Huxiao Villa. He will not follow Duan Qianhuxiao out easily.

He has been responsible for guarding here, because there are civil engineering crystals here, and more importantly, he is the patriarch of the Duan Qian family, with strength and status.

He is considered one of the core guests of the Duan Qian family.

Today, he was in trouble. He was poisoned by a cat invisibly. Although the poison gas entering his body was suppressed by him, he was still affected a lot.

In anger, Chen Qishu used the forbidden technique to force the invisible snow cat out, but found that the cat was really weird and very difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, he asked Duan Qian Huxiao for a puppet a few days ago, and this puppet was actually the physical body of the Sub-Saint. However, he was so high that he spent a lot of effort to control the Sub-Saint puppet. Taking control is in his own hands and becomes a powerful help.

It was also because of this puppet that he severely injured the snow cat.

During the battle, I thought I would be able to take down the Snow Cat soon, but I knew that at the next moment, two more people rushed in, a white-haired boy, the Immortal King Dzogchen, and another woman wearing a bright red armor. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that I discovered that this woman in red armor was actually the same as the black-armored puppet...

They are all sub-holy bodies.

At first, Chen Qishu thought that there was someone behind the black armor, but it was definitely not the old man Duan Qian Huxiao had captured. Now it seems that he had guessed correctly. This white-haired young man might be the person behind it.

Although it seems that this white-haired young man has the cultivation level of Immortal King Dzogchen, Chen Qishu knows that it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Because the barrier he had set up could not be broken without the same cultivation strength of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen, but this young man actually broke his barrier.

This shows that this young man also has Immortal Emperor level strength.

When he thought of this, Chen Qishu was also shocked.

Facing Yang Yiyun's palm strike, he felt the aura, but was stunned. The power of this palm he felt was barely at the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, but not up to the Great Perfection strength of the Immortal Emperor.

Now Chen Qishu felt a little more relieved, and when he thought that the person who broke his barrier just now might be the sub-saint woman in red armor, or a puppet, he felt relieved.

Thinking of this, Chen Qishu faced Yang Yiyun and slapped him with a palm, and sneered: "You're looking for death~"

The moment after he roared loudly, Chen Qishu suddenly waved his hands: "The power of the emperor is invisible, and the great avenue of heaven and earth is at my disposal. I can suppress, crush, transform, and kill~"

Perform the four-character mantra method in one breath.

The unique talent attack of the Immortal Emperor Realm, the Emperor's Power Avenue was displayed.

The substantial aperture that turned into four avenues of mana fusion was directed at Yang Yiyun's mana condensed into a palm.


Just a halo appeared, and with one palm of Yang Yiyun's magic power, Yang Yiyun's palm was resolved.

The remaining three apertures were directly overwhelming Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was also shocked. He secretly said that the Immortal Emperor of Great Perfection was really powerful. This hand had the power of heaven and earth. He felt the coercion and the powerful and vast magic power sweeping towards him.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that he could no longer hold anything back, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

When he stretched out his hands and flashed his left hand, all the remaining four Five Thunder Purple Leaves were in his hand, and three watermelon thunders appeared in his right hand.

"Explode for me~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun threw all the five thunder leaves and three watermelon thunders in his hand towards the immortal emperor. At the same time, he waved his hand to the snow cat and led the snow cat into the space of the Qiankun Pot instantly.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The moment he entered the Qiankun Pot, the power of thunder and the deafening explosion sounded in his ears.

Just as Yang Yiyun was observing with his spiritual consciousness, he heard a voice joining in: "Ah~"

The explosion ended in an instant, and Yang Yiyun took the snow cat out again.

A large pit of fifty or sixty meters appeared on the spot, with thick smoke billowing...

As soon as he swept his consciousness, he discovered that the Immortal Emperor had his legs and one arm cut off by the gate. He was vomiting blood and lying in a large pit more than ten meters away. He was still alive.

But there was no danger for him now.


At this time, the snow cat meowed and turned into a white light and rushed into the pit.

The next moment, a voice of despair sounded: "No...ah~"

The sound stopped.

But it was directly torn into pieces by the snow cat waving its sharp claws.

"Mr. Chen..."

At this moment, shouts were heard outside the cave in the distance.

As soon as Yang Yiyun heard the sound that seemed to be Duan Qian's roar, Yang immediately showed an evil smile.

Zheng was worried that he would have to go to Duan Qian Huxiao to settle the score afterwards, but it was good that this kid actually found him himself, which saved trouble.

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