My Master Is a God

Chapter 2233 I swear to crush you to ashes

Yang Yiyun thought that Snow Cat was responsible for more than half of his ability to kill the Great Immortal Emperor this time.

Obviously, Snow Cat's poisoning was successful, but it was discovered later, but it was poisoned after all, and Yang Yiyun gave Snow Cat half of the poison pill, which was enough for the Immortal Emperor to drink a pot.

Coupled with the snow cat's extraordinary talent, it will more or less cause a certain degree of damage to the Immortal Emperor.

At first, Yang Yiyun saw the corner of the Immortal Emperor's mouth left in black as the best proof.

Poison pills may have been suppressed by the Immortal Emperor, but once these poisonous pills are activated, they will inevitably have backlash. His full primary level, coupled with the unique power of the divine power, although there is no danger to the Immortal Emperor, it will eventually make him This Immortal Emperor dealt with it with all his strength.

This is one of the reasons why the use of skills will inevitably cause the poisonous gas to backfire.

But having said that, it is true that high-level Immortal Emperors have means. Yang Yiyun admitted that relying on magic power, even if his magic power is special, he is no match for high-level Immortal Emperors.

He was directly suppressed by the opponent with all his strength. If he hadn't had powerful weapons such as Five Thunder Purple Leaves and Watermelon Thunder in his hands, as well as the Immortal Emperor himself being poisoned, Yang Yiyun would have suffered a disastrous defeat today.

Fortunately, he used a big weapon to blow up the Immortal Emperor until he was crippled. Snow Cat had been dodged by the Immortal Emperor before and had hatred for the Immortal Emperor. He rushed into the pit without opening his mouth and killed the Immortal Emperor. It was torn into pieces.

From this point of view, Snow Cat is also a vengeful cat.

Yang Yiyun thought that it would be better to treat the snow cat better in the future. After all, it is a female. It has a fierce temperament, holds grudges, and is not easy to get along with. It is difficult to raise a woman and a villain in this world. He believes that this sentence is applicable to any magnetic creature.

Fortunately, a big enemy was finally eliminated.

In fact, when Yang Yiyun thought about it carefully, his current strength coupled with external assistance such as Snow Cat Hongyi, this strength was already awesome.

Snow Cat is a gifted mutated existence. It is a low-mutated demon cultivator affected by the power of the ice source. It can exert the power of the ice source itself. To reach this level of power, one can freeze to death in the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Moreover, coupled with the Snow Cat's innate ability, it is not to mention that it is really powerful.

Hongyi has also developed a new consciousness, and is still gradually maturing. However, Yasheng's physical body is the strongest physical existence at this level in the fairy world. It can withstand any attack. He was not injured by the watermelon thunder at the beginning. The slightest hint of red.

If you cooperate well with Hongyi, you can still deal with high-level immortal emperors.

And himself...

Yang Yiyun himself didn't even know what his current situation was. After cultivating the Shinto and gaining the power of the Shinto, Yan Yan always said that his level of cultivation could no longer be measured and compared with other monks in the immortal world using common sense.

Immortal King Dzogchen's cultivation level instantly killed the Immortal Emperor in the early stage, suppressed the Immortal Emperor in the middle stage, and confronted the Immortal Emperor head-on in the late stage. Only when he faced the existence of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen did he feel powerless, but he still dared to fight.

Coupled with the assistance of Watermelon Thunder Five Thunder Leaves and so on, it seems that it can completely fight the Immortal Emperor Dzogchen.

Come to think of it, it's true... he was unknowingly awesome.

This was before he could tap into the potential of the power of Shinto. According to Lao Liushu, when he slowly taps out the power of Shinto, he would know what it means to be a practitioner of Shinto inheritance.

And he also has the opportunity to develop his own cultivation techniques, supernatural powers, combat skills, etc. Speaking of which, he has a dark horse potential.

When Yang Yiyun thought about it, he should definitely be more generous or arrogant from now on.

He obviously has the strength of the Immortal Emperor, but he does not have the momentum of the Immortal Emperor.

For example, among the Immortal Emperors he has seen, which one does not have his nostrils pointing upward?

After thinking about it in this way, Yang's heart changed unconsciously, and an aura appeared invisibly.

This is a change in self-confidence, and it is also a kind of strong self-confidence.

It is also the self-confidence brought by practicing the exercises.

Confidence in strength.


The snow cat barked and turned into a white shadow and came up from the pit. It held a storage fairy ring in its mouth and placed it in front of Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun was stunned, feeling for the first time that Snow Cat was really smart.

He laughed and put away the ring.

He took a look at the blood stains on the snow cat's body and asked, "How is the injury?"

"Master, it's just a scratch, it doesn't matter." Snow Cat replied in human language.

"That's good~" Yang Yiyun nodded.

"Old Chen~"

At this time, the shouting started again, getting closer and closer.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and waited.

Now it was certain that the person coming was Duan Qian Huxiao.

On the other side, Hong Yi and Hei Jia also stopped. Hei Jia was controlled by the Immortal Emperor. After these Immortal Emperors were killed, Hei Jia became motionless.

Hongyi also stopped.

He stopped on his own initiative without Yang Yiyun's order.

From this point of view, Yang Yiyun knew that Hongyi's consciousness had matured a bit, and perhaps he would slowly learn to think for himself.

This is a good thing.

Next, they waited for Duan Qianhuxiao to come in, and then Yang Yiyun avenged Bao Shunguang.

For Duan Qian Huxiao, the second generation ancestor, Yang Yiyun didn't pay attention at all. He could be slapped to death a hundred times.

The next moment, Duan Qianhuxiu finally appeared at the door of this hall.

At first glance, he saw Yang Yiyun standing not far away looking at him with a smile.

Duan Qian Huxiao was a little confused. Duan Qian Dali came to report that there was widespread poisoning in the villa. He had suspected Yang Yiyun and asked Duan Qian Dali to check. The result was that Yang Yiyun was still refining alchemy in the alchemy hall and had not come out.

But now?

Yang Yiyun appeared at the core of his villa.

Moreover, Duan Qianhuxiao felt Mr. Chen's aura, which had just disappeared.

Looking at the big pit that appeared behind Yang Yiyun and the situation in the entire hall, it was obvious that an extremely brutal battle had just occurred.

At this moment, even if Duan Qianhuxiao is the second generation ancestor, he still understands.

Something happened, something big happened.

The poison in the villa, the disappearance of the first 600 fairies and the Peony Empress in the Peony Valley, and the fall of the Immortal Emperor beside him. After feeling the aura of the strongest Immortal Emperor sitting in the villa here also dissipated, he obviously fell. All of this is different from the one in front of him. Yang Yiyun can't escape the relationship...

Duan Qianhuxiao broke down in cold sweat when he thought of this, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

He looked around and saw a woman in red armor next to Yang Yiyun, as well as a snow-white cat, both of which he had never seen before, and could not feel the breath at all. This showed that they were very powerful. Perhaps the death of the two immortal emperors , the poison in the villa was all caused by them...

Being able to kill the Great Immortal Emperor is not something he can deal with. Although there are Divine Tiger Guards around him, the Divine Tiger Guards are not the Immortal Emperor's favorite.

Thinking of this, Duan Qianhuxiao knew that he should run away. Leave the treasures in the villa behind. His life was gone and everything was over. When someone from the family came, everything would naturally come back.

However, as the third young master of the Duan Qian family, he must not lose his dignity as the second generation ancestor. He had to say something. He also wanted to know where Yang Yiyun came from and why he came to his villa to cause trouble.

The reason needs to be known.

So Duan Qian Huxiao stared at Yang Yiyun and said: "Mr. seems that I lured the wolf into the house. Everything that happened today is what you said, right?"

Yang Yiyun chuckled: "What do you think?"

He has endless contempt for Duan Qianhuxiao.

"What grudge does my Duan Qian family have against you, Yang Yiyun?" Duan Qian Huxiao was angry, angered by Yang Yiyun's contempt.

"Haha, Chaos Fairy City, you killed one of my men, captured one of my men, and robbed the person I wanted. What's the grudge? Today, Mr. Yang will use your head and your villa to pay tribute to my servant's spirit in heaven. Right~" Yang Yiyun said quietly.


After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and gave orders directly to Xue Mao and Hong Yi.

He himself also moved and roared towards Duan Qian.

Duan Qian Huxiao was startled and shouted loudly to the dozen or so Divine Tiger Guards around him: "Form up and block~"

"Ho ho ho..."

The next moment, each of the Divine Tiger Guards roared, but it was the roar of a tiger.

The phantom of the white tiger appeared behind the eighteen people, forming a formation instantly.

"Boom boom..."

The attacks of Hong Yi and Snow Cat came, and the thunder shook the sky, but they were all taken down, but their formations were also trembling.

Duan Qian Huxiao, who was hiding behind, saw that he had blocked the attack, and immediately cursed at Yang Yiyun: "Yang Yiyun, I'm afraid you don't know the existence of our Duan Qian family. Let me tell you that our Duan Qian family is one of the top ten families in the immortal world. One, you wait, I have already notified the strong men of the family to come, and I will kill you all."

When Yang Yiyun heard Duan Qianhuxiao's words, his murderous intention rose to the sky, especially the last sentence about killing your whole family, which really stimulated him.

He roared suddenly, gritted his teeth like ice and said: "Duan Qianhu roars, just by your words, I swear, I will crush you to ashes."

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