My Master Is a God

Chapter 2234 Shinto Fist - Overturning the River

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Although the formation composed of the Divine Tiger Guards of the Duan Qian family is powerful, if Yang goes crazy, the consequences will be very serious. After all, it is a formation composed of the county king level. Even if there is a phantom of the Divine Tiger, it looks bluffing, but in the It was difficult for Yang, Snow Cat and Hongyi to resist the attack.

After all, both Yang and Xuemao Hongyi can exert the power of the emperor.

Yang was so stimulated by Duan Qianhu Xiao's words that all the power in his body exploded. The explosion of the huge divine power in his body made the air around him sound like a strong wind.

While roaring, Yang Yiyun went out with all his strength and struck out with both palms. The two swords of Coiling Dragon and Slaying Dragon also combined their scabbards and struck fiercely.

Snow Mao and Hong Yi did not have Yang Yiyun's orders this time and also followed the attack.


There was a roar that resounded throughout the entire cave hall.



It finally broke.

The formation composed of the Duan Qian family's Divine Tiger Guards was shattered at this moment.

The next moment Yang Yiyun moved with his sword, the dragon-slaying sword and the Panlongjiang sword danced, and screams rang out one after another.

The white shadow transformed by the snow cat is looming, and every time it flashes, someone must fall in a pool of blood.

Hongyi turned into an afterimage and punched a member of the Divine Tiger Guard directly.

Under such a one-sided crushing, all eighteen Divine Tiger Guards were annihilated in a short period of time.

Duan Qian Huxiao hid behind and saw all this. Before he could react, all the Divine Tiger Guards were wiped out.

At this moment, Duan Qian Huxiao came to his senses and ran away...



A shrill meow sounded. The snow cat's body was dazzling with silver light, and its hair stood on end. A pair of enchanting silver eyes stared at Duan Qian, who was about to run, and cut off his way.

Duan Qianhuxiao broke into a cold sweat at this time. He had seen the weirdness of this cat before, and he felt that he was not sure about the opponent at all. He was blocked from retreating and could only stop. When he turned around, Yang Yiyun appeared.

When Duan Qianhuxiao looked at Yang Yiyun, he was finally ready to fight. He had no confidence in facing the snow cat in front of him, but Yang Yiyun's cultivation was that of an immortal king in his eyes, and he thought it would be easier to deal with than that cat.

"Yang Yiyun, this young master will fight with you~"

Duan Qian Huxiao glanced around. No matter whether it was Snow Cat or Hongyi, he felt that he had no chance of facing them. Only Yang Yiyun should be able to fight.

At this time, I can't run away, I can only fight. I hope that the family's support will arrive as soon as possible.

Duan Qian roared and rushed towards Yang Yiyun. As he roared, a tiger talisman token appeared in his hand, but it turned into a white tiger the next moment.

This is a treasure that can only be owned by core members of the family. It is the Divine Tiger Talisman that his father personally refined. It has powerful power and can be integrated with himself. Its strength and defense can reach the emperor level in an instant. How far can it reach the level of the Immortal Emperor? In fact, Duan Qian Huxiao himself didn't know that this was the first time he had used the Tiger Talisman to save his life. Normally, he was surrounded by Immortal Emperor-level guests to protect him, so there was no need for him to risk his life.

However, two Immortal Emperors have died today, and there is also a guest in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor sitting in the land of Reling Spring. Now that I think about it, it is probably a disaster.

In this case, Duan Qian Huxiao can only place his hope on the tiger talisman. This is the tiger talisman made by the patriarch of his family and his father. It has powerful power. As long as he can delay time and wait for family support to arrive, it will be Yang Yiyun's. Death date.

It's just a pity that Duan Qianhuxiao didn't know that the Yang Yiyun he chose was the owner of Snow Cat and Hongyi. This time he chose the wrong person.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, Duan Qian Huxiao's hand flashed with light, but a white tiger phantom appeared behind him. The aura was much stronger than that of the previous Divine Tiger Guards. At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked at Duan Qian Huxiao, who was rushing towards him. He narrowed his eyes, clenched his fists, and gathered the power of the divine power in his body, waiting for Duan Qian to rush over with a tiger roar.

Today, his definition of Duan Qianhuxiao is to crush one's bones and scatter ashes.

It can be clearly felt that the white tiger shadow behind Duan Qian Huxiao has merged with himself.

From the perspective of strength alone, this guy's strength actually directly reached the level of the late Immortal Emperor, which really surprised him. He also didn't know what kind of treasure the tiger talisman Duan Qian Huxiao took out was. It was indeed extraordinary.

But being strong, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, it was just that.

It's just that the power level has reached the level of the late Immortal Emperor. It's not his own power, nor is it the true cultivation level of the late Immortal Emperor. For Yang Yiyun, he is not afraid as long as he is not the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, Duan Qian Hu Xiao was obviously an external force, just pure strength. At this time, the second generation ancestor roared and punched him, obviously trying to compete with him for strength, so Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart.

Fighting for strength, he transformed the divine power under the guidance of Lao Liushu, and it seems that he has never suffered a loss so far.

in this way……

Seeing Duan Qian Hu Xiao coming with a punch, Yang Yiyun stood quietly on the spot without moving.

Until Duan Qian Huxiao's punch was almost half a meter away from him, Yang Yiyun sneered at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly struck out with the punch he had prepared, directly meeting Duan Qian Huxiao's punch.

Yang Yiyun was filled with strong self-confidence before, and was extremely clear and calm. When he was conserving strength, the power of the divine way in his body was like a flood, like a torrential river flowing. For the first time, he clearly felt the power of the divine way. Spirituality can be hard or soft, hard and soft at the same time...

He roared suddenly, remembering this feeling, or the feeling of the power of Shinto flowing in the body. When he punched, he accidentally shouted: "Shinto Fist - overwhelming~"

Indeed, he felt that when the magic power was gathered on his fist, the divine power in his body had this feeling of torrential rivers and overwhelming seas. It was very powerful and appeared in his mind.

One punch produced an overwhelming momentum.

Invisibly, the sound of a rushing river appeared faintly, and huge mana was condensed on his fist. Yang Yiyun saw that a rushing river actually evolved.

This change was something he didn't even expect, but this punch was really strong.

The change in strength and momentum was more than three times stronger.

The main thing is to create momentum with one punch, and create the momentum of rushing rivers.


The deafening sound echoed throughout the space.



A roar of a tiger and the sound of a roiling river sounded at the same time.

The two fists clashed, and from a distance, they could see a fierce tiger colliding with a rushing river.

The next moment, amid the roar, the white tiger's phantom directly fell apart and dissipated.

Duan Qianhuxiao flew backwards while screaming.



Blood spilled in mid-air.

Duan Qian Huxiao, who was hit by the attack, had a look of horror and disbelief on his face when he flew backwards. He did not expect that the power of Yang Yiyun's punch would directly break his tiger talisman's protective body. What was even more terrible was a force that he had never touched before. Incomparably domineering and full of destructive power, it penetrated directly into his body and rushed into his Dao Yuan in an instant.

At this moment, Duan Qianhuxiao's face was ashen, and there was only one sentence in his heart: "It's over~"


Duan Qian Huxiao's body flew backwards for dozens of meters and hit the wall of the cave hall hard, making a roar. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body got into the wall and never came out again, vomiting blood.

Where is Yang Yiyun?

Looking at his own punch at this moment, he also made some noise, but when he reflected it, he said to himself ecstatically: "I finally created my own magical combat skill, Shinto Fist - Overturning Rivers and Seas. The name is apt. There will be many moves in the future." Show up~"

After muttering, he looked up at Duan Qian Huxiao, walked step by step, and came to Duan Qianhuxiao.

Duan Qian Huxiao was extremely frightened. He was really scared when he looked at Yang Yiyun. At this moment, his body had been destroyed by the overbearing and arrogant power. He even knew that these powers came from Yang Yiyun. He could feel the murderous intention in Yang Yiyun without any concealment. And out.

Facing death, Duan Qian Huxiao spoke in fear: "Yang Yi... Mr. Yang, please don't kill me. I am the third son of the patriarch of the Duan Qian family. My father is Duan Qian Hanshan. You can't kill him. I can kill all the people here." Earth and wood crystallization is given to you..."

Duan Qianhu's incoherent begging for mercy made Yang Yiyun even more disgusted. Looking at him, Yang Yiyun slowly raised his hand and said: "I said that I will crush you to ashes, and I will do it. Besides, your father is I, the King of Heaven, can’t save you, and I, Yang Yiyun’s servant, can’t kill anyone, so I’ll send you on your way now.”

After saying this, Yang Yiyun suddenly struck him with a palm.

"No...Father, it's just me...ah~"


With one punch, Duan Qian Huxiao was annihilated by flying ashes, and a large hole and blood appeared on the spot, proving that Duan Qianhuxiao existed.

"Rest in peace, old treasure, I've avenged you~" Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.

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