My Master Is a God

Chapter 2253 The star formation is broken

I have seen all the information images, not to mention Yang Yiyun's obvious feature of having white hair. As for Dongfang Haotian, who is also a titled Immortal Emperor, he naturally knows better.

Facing these two culprits, Duan Qianhanshan squinted at the two of them, his eyes fell directly on Dongfang Haotian, but he ignored Yang Yiyun, and finally said: "Dongfang Haotian, don't you have anything to say to me? ?”

Yang Yiyun saw that Duan Qianhanshan actually ignored him.

The bastard obviously looks down on me, and he is completely ignoring me.

So angry ~

But at this time, Dongfang Haotian looked at his mouth and said: "I am the elder of Yunmen Keqing. I have nothing to say~"

Dongfang Haotian expressed his attitude in one sentence.

"Haha, very good... I never thought that the ninth-ranked Blood-Drinking Immortal Emperor would actually treat a little Immortal King as a dog and kill the nine Immortal Emperors of my Duan Qian family. This debt should be settled today..."

Duan Qianhanshan's words were filled with thorns.

Before he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt him: "Hey, the old dog we brought came to our Yunmen gate to bite people. What's wrong with it without a rabies vaccine?"

Duan Qianhanshan was interrupted by Yang Yiyun. He was angry at first, but later he was directly scolded as a mad dog. He also said something about rabies vaccine? Although I couldn't understand what he said, I could guess that it was a curse word.

Suddenly furious, he waved his hand at Yang Yiyun, with a loud bang, and hit a magic power in his hand. Unfortunately, it hit the star formation. The formation was defensive, and even Duan Qianhanshan just stared.

"Hey, old mad dog, let's see how good you are~" Yang Yiyun and Dongfang Haotian stood in the formation and used their energy to attack Duan Qianhanshan.

"You...Okay, very good...I am here today with the 118 Immortal Emperors of the Duan Qian family. If I don't crush your boy to ashes, won't it make the immortal world laugh at my incompetence, Duan Qian Hanshan? Don't say that. If you have a big formation, even if you are here in the Immortal Realm today, it will be destroyed, leaving your kid dead without a burial place." Duan Qianhan said with a face as deep as water.

Then he shouted to everyone behind him: "The Great Punishment Formation~"

After he finished speaking, Duan Qianhanshan looked up to the sky and roared, and his whole body suddenly glowed with white light.


A roar spread across the sky.

The next moment, Duan Qianhu roared and a white tiger with a length of thousands of feet appeared behind him~

"Ho ho ho~"

The roar of the divine tiger kept ringing.

One hundred and eighteen Immortal Emperors also formed a strange formation.

At this time, Dongfang Haotian's expression changed and he said: "Yunzi, be careful. We really can't let everyone in the Yunmen base meet the enemy. The Heavenly Punishment Formation is an ancient multi-person formation. The more people there are, the more powerful it will be." The bigger it is, the attack of one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors forming the Heavenly Punishment Formation will be very powerful.

And it seems that Duan Qianhanshan has directly used the power of the divine tiger. It is rumored that Duan Qianhanshan’s power of the divine tiger is refined from the inner elixir of the divine tiger, which directly has the power of a demigod. I am afraid that the large formation cannot stop it..."

Yang Yiyun's face changed slightly when he heard this, but he knew that if the formation was broken, all the people combined wouldn't be enough to fill the gap between the Duan Qian family's teeth.

"Grandpa Dongfang, go and gather everyone together and take them to the forbidden mountain. If Old Liushu asks, just say it was me." Yang Yiyun was also afraid of what might happen.

He is not afraid, but there are nearly 3,000 people in the Yunmen base plus Meng Tian's army of ghost cultivators. He has to make preparations. If the formation is breached, Lao Liushu will be his biggest support. He believes that Lao Liushu will not ignore it.

When Dongfang Haotian heard this, he sighed inwardly: "This boy really still has a hand, old willow tree?"

Thinking about it, Dongfang Haotian didn't ask any more questions. He knew that since Yang Yiyun had arranged it this way, it would be guaranteed, and he would not mess around with Yang Yiyun's understanding.

"Okay, be careful. If you don't believe me, just withdraw~" Dongfang Haotian said.

"I know, I'll leave the rear to you~" Yang Yiyun nodded.

"Don't worry, I will protect everyone today even if I risk my life." Dongfang Haotian finished speaking this time and left directly.

After Dongfang Haotian left, Yang Yiyun looked outside the formation. Duan Qian Hanshan and a large formation composed of more than a hundred good people had begun to brew. He squinted his eyes and said to himself: "Young master, I will give it a try. It's you Duan Qian." Is Hanshan, the fifth ranked Immortal Emperor, more powerful, or is my second senior brother more powerful?"

After saying this, he waved his hand and the clouds rolled in, completely covering the formation.

And he was suspended in the air. After closing his eyes, he began to activate the formation eyes. At this moment, everything in the Star Sword Formation was under his control. Under the control of his mind, he could control it with just one thought.

The Star Sword Formation is not only a strong defense, it can also be called a sword formation. It naturally also has attacks. It can attack within the large formation, and it can also attack outside.

But this time, unlike last time, he didn't dare to put the enemy into the formation to kill and attack.

There were only a few people last time, but this time there were 119 Great Immortal Emperors, and Duan Qianhanshan, the patriarch of the Duan An family, was personally following them. Naturally, they did not dare to enter the formation, otherwise they would lose control.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun had to control the sword of the earth of one hundred and eight large mountains to resist the Immortal Emperor who killed these Duan Qian families.

The one hundred and eight peaks are the one hundred and eight swords of the earth. They are independent, but when combined, they are also integrated. Last time, he did not use all of them for you, but this time he can use one hundred. Zero and eight combined into one great sword formation.

"Let me break this formation~"

The sound of Qian Hanshan sounded outside the formation.

Yang Yiyun also narrowed his eyes, contacted or adjusted the power of the large formation between the 108 peaks, and was ready to attack at any time.


The tiger roars and rises.

The attack begins~

Yang Yiyun saw the Heavenly Punishment Formation composed of one hundred and eighteen Immortal Emperors attacking in one go. With a click, a white lightning a hundred meters long was formed, heading towards the formation~

The phantom white tiger behind Duan Qianhanshan suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it, also aiming at the formation.

The white lightning formed by the one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors was really like a punishment from heaven. It was extremely powerful and thunderous.

The phantom of the white tiger behind Duan Qian's tiger roar was thousands of feet long, and when he waved it, it seemed to cover the sky and the sun, driving the wind and clouds to roll.

Not to be underestimated.

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to ignore it for now and try to test the defensive power of this large array set up by his second senior brother.

But after seeing these two attacks, he didn't dare to wait any longer. Under the massive attacks, they were also extremely powerful and frightening, so he immediately made a decisive counterattack.

A movement in his heart activated ten sword qi at the same time, or the power of ten mountain peaks. It was also ten sword qi rising into the sky, each of which was a hundred feet long.

Ten hundred-foot-long sword energy struck out, split into two, and attacked the lightning and Duan Qianhanshan's white tiger phantom respectively.


The roar that almost resounded throughout the Chaotic Immortal Realm exploded.


What surprised Yang Yiyun was that the attack he activated with ten sword energies this time only dimmed the lightning a little, and still failed to withstand the attack.

The Heavenly Punishment Lightning still fell on the formation.

As for Duan Qianhanshan's white tiger, it seemed not to be affected at all.

The huge grabs of Lightning and White Tiger all fell on the formation.



Two deafening explosions sounded.

Yang Yiyun felt that the entire formation was trembling.

As the controller of the Star Sword Formation, he could clearly feel at this time that the power of the formation had dropped by part. According to this level of attack, Yang Yiyun felt that the defense of the Star Formation would be broken in less than ten strikes.

This made his face look ugly.

I know that I can't have any reservations at this time, otherwise the consequences of being forced into the formation will be serious.

"Star Sword Array, one hundred and eight swords, give them to me..."

Yang Yiyun roared loudly, and his magic power reached its peak, activating the entire formation.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

One roar after another sounded.

Sword energy shot up into the sky from one hundred and eight peaks...

Seen from a distance, it is extremely spectacular.

Lines of pale golden sword energy shot straight up into the sky, and the sword energy rippled out, causing Duan Qianhan Mountain in the distance to change.

He shouted at the one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors: "Attack with all your strength~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he prompted the white tiger to let out a roar, suddenly jumped up, and rushed straight into the formation.

However, Yang Yiyun also saw that Duan Qianhanshan was about to fight, and was determined to break his formation.

He roared angrily: "Star Sword Formation, the formations merge into one, kill~"


A sword cry resounded in the sky, and the sword arrays of one hundred and eight mountain peaks were also independent, but they were forcibly unified by Yang Yiyun.

Under sudden urging, it turned into a thousand-foot giant sword and killed him.


Among Yang Yiyun's star formations, this time Chengdu exerted its maximum attack power.

A sword fell towards the more than 100 Great Immortal Emperors outside the formation, causing the entire space to rumble and turmoil.

You can all see the cracks in space appearing.

No matter Yang Yiyun's sword was amazing, Duan Qianhanshan's more than a hundred great immortal emperors formed the Heavenly Punishment Sword Formation and it was not a vegetarian. However, after Duan Qianhanshan ordered an all-out attack, he also exploded with a more powerful lightning strike. The attack, coupled with Duan Qianhanshan's own White Tiger primary level, also formed a spatial rift.

This scene made everyone in Yunmen Base, who had gathered on the top of the mountain where Old Willow Tree was, feel in suspense.

You must know that this is the fairy world. If it is a small world, it is not surprising that the air space cracks are caused. However, the fairy world is a big world with comprehensive laws. It is not easy to form a space crack in a big war.

It can only be formed after the power reaches a very strong level.

And Yang Yiyun's control of the star formation and the attack by Duan Qianhanshan and others have obviously become space cracks, which is enough to show that the power this time has reached a very powerful level.

Not only people like Yunmen, but most people in the entire immortal world who are paying attention to this battle are watching.

However, many people are not optimistic about Yang Yiyun.

Because as the formation becomes stronger, it is always dead. Only the people are alive. Strength and cultivation are the key to determining destiny.

To put it bluntly, Yang Yiyun just relied on the large formation. If he had not faced Duan Qianhanshan and the more than 100 Great Immortal Emperors, he would have escaped long ago, or would have been killed a hundred times.

At this moment, the attacks from both sides resumed.

Yang Yiyun controlled the stars in the formation and suddenly chopped them down.

Duan Qianhanshan's attack and the Heavenly Punishment Formation of one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors were also launched at the same time.

Lightning, White Tiger Shadow, Star Array Sword.

A roar erupted.


The entire sky was rippling, creating a circle of waves.

It spreads out at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye, ripples and spreads thousands of miles away.


A series of screams also sounded at this moment.

But it was Yang Yiyun's sword that scattered the Heaven's Punishment Lightning of one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors, and fell directly on the formation formed by them, causing the Heaven's Punishment earthquake to instantly shatter.

Immediately afterwards, one hundred and eighteen Great Immortal Emperors rose up with screams and scattered in the roar, staining the sky with blood.

With one strike of the sword, Yang Yiyun saw at least twenty Immortal Emperors fall directly, and more than a dozen Immortal Emperors were seriously injured and fell down like dumplings.

But at the same time, the white tiger from Duan Qianhan Mountain jumped to the star formation.



Duan Qianhanshan, the fifth-titled Divine Tiger Immortal Emperor, is indeed extraordinary. However, his attack dodged Yang Yiyun's sword formation and struck directly at the star formation. In the dullness, the star formation made a clicking sound...

Yang Yiyun suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.


The star formation was broken. As the person who directly controlled the formation, the formation was forced to suffer a backlash, causing him to vomit blood and get injured.


The roar of the tiger shook the sky.

The next moment, Duan Qianhanshan appeared directly within the formation, the defense of the formation was broken, and Yang Yiyun suffered backlash and was injured. Duan Qianhanshan did not give Yang Yiyun a chance at all.

He instantly entered the formation and appeared directly in front of Yang Yiyun. From a distance, he shouted: "Seal the world~"


Yang Yiyun felt the world around him shake. Gravity squeezed around him, making him unable to move.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart: "As expected, even the titled Immortal Emperor has no one who is a vegetarian~"

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