My Master Is a God

Chapter 2254 The Holy Ji Family

"Look at how you kid can escape from my grasp?"

At this moment, Duan Qianhanshan sneered and walked towards Yang Yiyun step by step as he spoke.

The remaining eighty or so Immortal Emperors behind them were affected by Yang Yiyun's sword. After stabilizing their bodies, they followed.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart. After all, he didn't block it. He also knew that after all, his own strength and cultivation were too different from the opponent's. Another reason was that the formation was a dead thing after all.

In addition, the Duan Qian family has a large number of people, so it is normal for the formation to be broken.

After all, Duan Qian Hanshan is the fifth-ranked Immortal Emperor, the patriarch of the Duan Qian family, and according to Dongfang Haotian, he is a being with the power of a divine tiger.

Being able to break through the star formation set up by the second senior brother, it makes sense that the main reason is that he is not strong enough to control the formation. Naturally, the stronger he is, the more powerful he will be.

But Yang Yiyun's cultivation strength was far inferior to Duan Qianhanshan's.

Although he killed and seriously injured twenty or thirty Immortal Emperors with one sword, which was an unprecedented feat, in the end the formation was still broken by Duan Qianhanshan.

He himself was killed by Duan Qianhan and instantly sealed in mid-air.

At this moment, it seems that Yang Yiyun has become a piece of cake.

But is that so?

Of course not for Yang Yiyun.

If Duan Qianhanshan, a dignified successor of Shintoism and the owner of the Qiankun Pot, were to capture him like this, he would be too weak, and he was not someone to be manipulated by others.

Although Duan Qianhanshan was sealed in place and unable to move his body at this time, Duan Qianhanshan was approaching step by step, as if he was going to kill him.

But Yang Yiyun's eyes became more and more critical. Listening to Duan Qianhanshan's sneer, Yang Yiyun didn't give in at all, hehehe said with a smile: "Young master, I am in the realm of Immortal King, didn't I kill twenty or thirty great Immortal Emperors under you? ? It is true that I am imprisoned at the moment, but it is not that easy for you to kill me. Even if you die today, believe it or not, you will be buried with these immortal emperors behind you? Hahaha~"

When Duan Qianhanshan and the remaining eighty or ninety Immortal Emperors heard Yang Yiyun's words, they were also stunned.

In other words, I feel weak.

No matter what, it is a fact that this boy just used the power of the formation to kill and seriously injure twenty or thirty Immortal Emperors.

Even the titled Immortal King in the entire Immortal World seems to have no one who can do this.

But Yang Yiyun did it~

He can borrow the power of the formation at any time, but he is really the number one person in the immortal world.

Duan Qianhanshan listened to Yang Yiyun's words with a gloomy expression. He did underestimate Yang Yiyun at first, or he underestimated the power of this formation. He didn't expect that he could control the formation to kill and severely injure so many immortals under his command. Emperors, they were all immortal emperors, but they were all killed with the power of a sword.

At this time, the formation was broken by him, and this kid was sealed in mid-air by him. He couldn't move his body, but he still said such big words?

Duan Qianhanshan was also a little unsure about the way to go.

Does this guy have any other tricks up his sleeve?

No, after the formation was broken, it had stopped functioning. Yang Yiyun was also imprisoned by him and became a piece of cake. After thinking about it, the only one left was Dongfang Haotian.

However, Dongfang Haotian is just the titled Immortal Emperor. Dongfang Haotian is only the ninth in the title, but the fifth in the title. He is also the head of the Duan Qian family, and he does not pay attention to Dongfang Haotian Duan Qianhanshan at all.

As for whether there are other strong people...?

After Duan Qianhanshan entered the formation, his immortal consciousness swept away and there was no one within a radius of ten thousand miles. Naturally, he also discovered Dongfang Haotian and others. At this moment, there were about three thousand people gathered on a mountain peak, but Except for Dongfang Haotian, there don't seem to be any great characters.

However, Duan Qianhanshan found a very old dead tree on the top of the mountain. His immortal consciousness found that it was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange. There was no energy or mana fluctuation at all. Thinking about it, he must have thought too much.

Among these people, only Dongfang Haotian can take a look at Duan Qianhan Mountain, and no one else can enter his Dharma Eye~

A vast eastern sky is nothing to worry about~

Now that I think about it, it must be Yang Yiyun who is just making things up.

Thinking of this, Duan Qianhanshan laughed and said: "Boy, do you expect Dongfang Haotian? To be honest, Dongfang Haotian can't enter my eyes.

Now you are just a piece of cake, I will cut you into pieces right now, extract your immortal soul, and make your kid never be able to stand up again..."

Where the old willow tree was, Dongfang Haotian also sensed the extraordinary power of this ancient tree. The formation was broken and Yang Yiyun was imprisoned. At this moment, Dongfang Haotian's heart sank. Seeing that Duan Qianhanshan was about to attack Yang Yiyun, Dongfang Haotian knew Perhaps now only the old willow tree in front of him can save Yang Yiyun.

He quickly stood in front of the old willow tree and clasped his fists and said: "Senior Gushu, I know you can hear me. Yang Yiyun is about to be robbed at this moment. Please take action, senior~"

Thinking about it in Dongfang Haotian, since Yang Yiyunneng arranged everyone where the old willow tree is, it must be that this old willow tree is a powerful person. He can't feel the slightest fluctuation of mana in the old willow tree. Because of this, Dongfang Haotian The more I thought that this old willow tree was not ordinary, I didn't know if it would work, so I asked.

I hope Lao Liushu can save Yang Yiyun. If Lao Liushu is really a powerful man, he must be able to save him, right?

"Haha, that kid won't die. A little girl is here, so don't worry."

The next moment Old Willow opened his mouth, and his voice reached everyone's ears.

Dongfang Haotian and others were sure, and they were immediately overjoyed.

At the same time, Qian Hanshan roared suddenly, and the white tiger shadow behind him glowed brightly, but he slapped Yang Yiyun with his paw.

"Suffer death, boy~"

Duan Qian Hanshan roared.

Yang Yiyun has made up his mind and is ready to activate the power of the Qiankun Temple. His last trump card is the power of the Qiankun Temple. Although he knows that he will most likely not be able to bear the backlash of using the power of the Qiankun Temple, at the moment of life and death, he can also If you risk everything, you won't wait to die.

Seeing the phantom of the white tiger behind Duan Qianhanshan slapping his paw, Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and was about to activate the power of the Qiankun Temple.

But at this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded from the sky.


Earth-shaking, this thunder seemed to resound from the entire sea of ​​​​stars, and the movement was so loud that it was scary.

Yang Yiyun was startled. He stopped subconsciously and looked up, but his eyes widened.

But I saw that Tianji's body had formed a whirlpool similar to the calamity clouds at some point, spreading for hundreds of miles. The calamity clouds were rolling and extremely terrifying.

A thick purple thunder and lightning with a diameter of three to four meters struck from the calamity cloud and fell vertically down the entire sky and earth, but it fell directly on Duan Qianhanshan, or on the white tiger that appeared thousands of feet behind Duan Qianhanshan.



This thunder struck down, and Duan Qianhanshan's white tiger phantom disappeared instantly with a cry, while Duanqianhanshan screamed, vomited out a mouthful of old blood, and flew backwards.

Thunder also disappeared immediately.

However, Yang Yiyun felt that his body was instantly free again.

The power that imprisoned the surrounding heaven and earth dissipated.

At this moment, a voice spread throughout the audience.

"Damn Duan Qian Hanshan, you brought more than a hundred people to bully my junior brother. Are you tired of life? Is the Duan Qian family great? Today, my aunt will chop you into pieces one by one. You are a bunch of idiots. There are so many people, so hum~ "

A voice like a silver bell, slightly tinged with a naughty and cute curse.

Although he was still alive, a barefoot woman in purple walked out of the calamity cloud above the sky.

Yang Yiyun listened to the voice, his mouth widened, his eyes widened, and he looked at the woman in purple walking out of the calamity cloud above the sky, feeling warm currents in his heart.

A sentence kept echoing in his mind, bullying my junior brother...

He was the only one being bullied in the room.

And what about him?

Call him little junior brother~

He only had one senior sister, a young senior sister that the old man would often mention at that time - Zixia~

There is no doubt that this purple-clothed girl who fell from the sky and walked out of the calamity cloud is the young senior sister Zixia whom he has heard from the old man many times but has never met.

She fell from the sky, getting closer and closer, looking at her jade-white bare feet, there was a bell on each ankle, making a tinkling sound...

After getting closer, Yang Yiyun felt very friendly when seeing her peerless appearance with a bit of mischief and quirkiness.

I secretly sighed that each of my senior brothers and sisters was more awesome than the other~

Last time the second senior brother came, he didn't have a sword in his hand, but his sword energy spread across the world and was majestic in all directions.

The young senior sister who appeared this time was even more awesome. She seemed to be able to control the calamity cloud. The purple thunder that penetrated the heaven and earth just now smashed Duan Qianhanshan's white tiger into pieces, causing Duan Qianhanshan to fly backwards.

While Yang Yiyun was stunned, the woman in purple looked at him, smiled mischievously, and winked at him and said: "Junior brother, I am your senior sister Zixia, wait a minute, I will chop up these bastards from the Duan Qian family. Turn into ashes to vent your anger."

After saying that, the purple-clothed woman turned to look at the eighty or ninety immortal emperors of the Duan Qian family again. She glared and cursed: "Your uncle, Duan Qian Hanshan, dares to bully my junior brother. Today, my aunt is not good at seeing you." I’ll chop you to death~”

At this time, blood was flowing from the corner of Duan Qian Hanshan's mouth, he was vomiting blood constantly, and his face was as pale as paper. He was caught and supported by someone, and he looked at the woman in purple above the sky, his eyes full of fear. Listening to the woman in purple's curse, Duan Qian Han Shan forcibly swallowed a mouthful of old blood and said in a trembling voice: " are the little witch Zixia of the Ji family of the Holy Family?"

"It's your grandma Gu and I. Are you going to commit suicide on your own, or will my aunt kill you?" the woman in purple asked with an extremely domineering glare.

After Duan Qianhanshan heard the purple-clothed woman's admission, his whole body trembled. He swallowed and said, "Don't the Sacred Ji Family, the first family in the Immortal Realm, have a rule not to interfere in any matters in the Immortal Realm? are violating the Ji family's ancestral precepts. ~"

"Go away, you uncle, you have bullied my junior brother, and you are still paying back the ancestral precepts? Then it is the ancestral precepts of my Ji family, you are doing this shit, and I ask you again, do you commit suicide or not?" The woman in purple is extremely domineering. .

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