My Master Is a God

Chapter 2260 Space Portal

Yang Yiyun could hear that the young senior sister was resentful and seemed to have neglected her. After turning around with a smile on her face, she bowed and saluted politely with her hands clasped in fists: "Greetings to senior sister, long blessings to senior sister~"

"Haha~ you still know that I am your senior sister~" Ji Zixia snorted coldly while holding her mouth.

Mr. Yang had seen the tricks of this young senior sister. In his opinion, his young senior sister was a powerful arm-wrestler, and he did not dare to offend her.

It can also be seen that she is the kind of master who dares to take risks and is not afraid of anything. This can be seen from the achievements of Qian Tian in the battle.

Duan Qiantiancheng was a middle-level Immortal Lord, and he was an old Immortal Lord with the power of a divine tiger. However, his senior sister hit him whenever she wanted, without any fear, and did not give Duan Qiantiancheng any face.

Even though Duan Qiantiancheng scolded her for thousands of miles, she still killed Duan Qianhanshan, which is enough to show how tough the young senior sister is.

But now he couldn't neglect the young senior sister. Originally, he had greeted Lao Liushu and Hei Lian from the beginning, but left the young senior sister behind.

Logically speaking, this is what should be done. Old Willow is a mysterious pervert. This time he used three willow leaves to heal his wounds. He knew that this was the lifeblood of Old Willow. It was really good to be able to use it on him this time. It’s not easy. I should have thanked Old Willow.

As for Hei Lian, who has not been seen for a long time, she is both a teacher and a friend to Yang Yiyun, so she is naturally placed in the second place. In comparison, this young senior sister lags behind.

Unexpectedly, the young senior sister took the initiative to speak, which made Yang Yiyun smile bitterly. This was in line with the temperament of this tough young senior sister.

Although this was the first time he met the young senior sister, Yang Yiyun could tell that he, the young senior sister, was the kind of person who dared to love and hate. It was normal for him to take the initiative to speak with the slightest complaint.

He quickly saluted and formally paid homage to this senior sister.

In fact, he was very kind to this little senior sister.

With a smile on her face, looking at the little senior sister's mouth slightly raised and puffed up, she looked more and more cute.

From the face of the young senior sister, Yang Yiyun saw three parts naughty, three parts cute, three parts evil, and the remaining part innocent.

In his eyes, this was the temperament of a young senior sister.

As for the appearance and talent of the young senior sister, Yang actually did not dare to look at it, because the appearance of the young senior sister was on the same level as the Tianji sister she had seen on Sanxian Island.

This is the real fairy in the fairy world.

Hearing the unkind tone of the young senior sister, Yang Yiyun quickly apologized and said with a smile: "It must be my young senior sister. She is the best senior sister to me in the world. There is no one. Senior sister, you are from the fairy world, no, you are the goddess of the three realms. You are beautiful, kind-hearted, and considerate." …”

Regardless of whether it is the fairy world or the mortal world, there are thousands of people who can wear flattery, but no one can wear it. When Yang continued to be obedient, Ji Zixia finally smiled and said: "Okay, okay, you are glib, your senior sister, am I such a stingy person?" You were just joking~"

Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing these words, and the aunt who always gave in agreed.

To be honest, he was really touched by this little senior sister who had just met him for the first time and came to rescue him as soon as he appeared, killing everyone and even going to confront an intermediate immortal like Duan Qian Tiancheng directly just to vent his anger.

The old man is no longer dead in the fairy world. He is helpless and there are not many people who can fight for him.

The little senior sister is such a person.

Not to mention that the young senior sister is also a person with a profound background, and she sounds like the daughter of the Ji family's apple, but she is able to fight Duan Qiantiancheng for her own sake. It would be a lie to say that she is not moved.

Yang Yiyun kept all this in mind.

He secretly made up his mind that he would protect this cute and naughty little senior sister in the future, even if he risked his life.

"Hehe, although this is my first time meeting senior sister, I know that young senior sister is the best to me." Yang said with a smile.

"You have a conscience. Did you know that this time you were besieged by the Duan Qian family? I rushed over as soon as I found out. Senior sister, am I okay?" Ji Zixia was very proud. In fact, she liked Yang Yiyun calling her senior sister.

Just as she said to Yun Changsheng and Xingchenzi when she came, after being a child for countless years, she finally had a little junior brother, and someone called her senior sister. This feeling was really likeable to her, and it was very satisfying.

"It's interesting, it's so interesting. Senior sister is so powerful and domineering. It's my blessing to have a senior sister like you who has cultivated Tongxuan as my junior brother for three lifetimes." Yang praised enthusiastically.

"Hehe, this is pretty much the same, but don't give me a high hat for your senior sister. As for me, I am the best at dealing with ordinary early stage immortals. This time I still suffered a loss against the old bastard Duan Qiantiancheng. , fortunately there was the Black Lotus woman just now...

Junior Brother... It seems that you have an unusual relationship with that Black Lotus woman. She feels like a junior immortal at most in terms of aura, but her whole body is full of prehistoric aura. She is extremely dangerous and no weaker than an old immortal like Duan Qian Tiancheng. , and what she said about Xiao Honghuang, could it be that he was someone from Xiao Honghuang in the Chaotic Immortal Realm? "

Ji Zixia was also full of curiosity and a little awe when she talked about Black Lotus.

Yang Yiyun smiled, but told the young senior sister what happened between her and Hei Lian.

After listening, Ji Zixia understood clearly, and then nodded and said: "No wonder her whole body is full of prehistoric aura. Although she feels that her prehistoric aura is not stable, it should not be underestimated. It is rumored that the real powerful forces in the Chaotic Immortal Realm are here Xiao Honghuang, now it seems that the rumors are true. I think Black Lotus has also established a firm foothold in Xiao Honghuang, which will be very helpful for you to establish Yunmen.

In the future, when the establishment of Yunmen is completed and the sect is truly established, at least those big demon masters in Xiao Honghuang will not jump out to cause trouble for you, but it also depends on whether Hong Huang Black Lotus can suppress those in Xiao Honghuang. Creatures.

If you can hold it down, it will be a great help to you. If you have time, I think you should go to Xiaohuanghuang. Of course, you should visit the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Chaotic Fairyland. Since you want to establish a sect, then We need a unified territory. Junior brother, can you take over such a huge fairy mountain in the Chaotic Immortal Realm? Hehe~"

Ji Zixia's eyes were spinning as she spoke, as if she had thought of something interesting.

Yang Yiyun looked at the twinkling light in her eyes, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

It feels like this senior sister is thinking of some bad idea.

He coughed and said with a smile: "What about senior sister, first senior brother and second senior brother, are they okay?"

Yang Yiyun changed the topic, fearing that this weird senior sister would say something he couldn't bear.

"Humph, don't mention them two. We both almost died from Duan Qiantiancheng's attack before. It's a good thing they didn't show up? When I get back, I'll settle the accounts with them. When Master comes back, Master will make the decision. If you have to You can’t pluck out the skins of both of them.”

When Ji Zixia mentioned Yun Changsheng and Xingchenzi, she immediately became angry and cursed angrily.

Yang Yiyun felt ashamed when he heard this, and mourned for the two senior brothers. It seemed that the two of them must have encountered difficulties from this young senior sister on weekdays.

Based on Yang Yiyun's understanding of the two senior brothers, he was definitely not the kind of person who would just sit back and ignore them. Besides, they were in the ninth heaven, but even if they wanted to come, it would probably be too late.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "It's too far. Even if the two senior brothers help first, they won't be able to catch up. I don't blame them."

"Hmph, you know nothing. If you really want to help, a space portal is formed. With their magic power, it will definitely appear. I think they really want to see us suffer. If it weren't for this time Heilian and Lao Liushu, we are both in trouble. No, I will record this account and go back to Master to file a lawsuit against them." Ji Zixia became angrier as she spoke.

Yang Yiyun knew that the young senior sister was a little unreasonable. This time Heilian appeared, the two senior brothers must have seen it and did not take action.

Otherwise, he had met the senior brother Yun Changsheng and the second senior brother Xing Chenzi, and they were not the kind of people who would refuse to save anyone.

Besides, he was not sure whether the two senior brothers could be Duan Qiantiancheng's opponent.

Putting this aside, Yang Yiyun heard the junior sister say a word - space portal?

It sounded like he had great supernatural powers that could instantly reach another place from a very far away place. He was somewhat interested and asked: "Senior sister, what is a space portal?"

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