My Master Is a God

Chapter 2261 The feeling of being held by the little senior sister

Ji Zixia was obviously stunned when she heard Yang Yiyun ask about the space portal, and then said with a smile: "The space portal is similar to teleportation, or you can understand it as an upgraded magical power of teleportation, which is more advanced.

This can be used when your cultivation level reaches the Immortal Emperor level. It can also be regarded as the cultivation talent magical power brought by the Immortal Emperor realm. It is a law of power that comprehends space. It is so powerful that it can open up space portals thousands of miles away, instantly. Arrival, or even cross the border with a wave of your hand.

Of course, after reaching the Immortal Emperor realm, it is just the entrance to the space portal. How far it can be opened depends on the strength of the Immortal Consciousness. Once you reach the Immortal Lord realm, you can do whatever you want.

Come on, little junior brother, I think you are only one step away from the realm of the Immortal Emperor. When you become the Immortal Emperor, your immortal consciousness will explode. It will be easy to reach thousands of miles with just one thought. By then you will be able to Building a space portal is the beginning of traveling in the immortal world and the sea of ​​stars. "

After listening to Ji Zixia's narration, Yang Yiyun suddenly realized that he knew that the more he completed his cultivation, each state would be different, and he was fascinated by it.

After the two chatted about this topic, they talked about the senior brother and second senior brother again. This time Ji Zixia lost her anger or figured it out. She was also afraid that Yang Yiyun would misunderstand the two senior brothers, so she explained: "Little junior brother, actually the senior brother is not here. It was because Master told Senior Brother that he was going to fall into a dragon turtle and he couldn't get away, so he didn't come.

The second senior brother was originally going to come, but I stopped him. I wanted to come to meet you and other junior brothers. Before this old man left, he told me that I was not allowed to go out to cause trouble, and asked my senior wife to watch me and not let me go out. This time I happened to know that you were bullied by the Duan Qian family, so I came here on my own initiative.

In fact, the second senior brother and the first senior brother are very concerned about you. Also, since the dead old man came back, you are the one who talks about the most. I am even jealous. Master, senior brother and me, the senior sister, are very concerned about you. Master has gone somewhere, don't blame him. "

Yang Yiyun listened to the young senior sister chatting about everyday things and saying good things to the old man and the two senior brothers, but he didn't care at all. He naturally knew this and liked this feeling very much. He liked having these senior sisters and brothers...

"Senior sister, don't worry, I know everything. To be honest, thank you this time, senior sister." Yang said a genuine thank you.

As a result, Ji Zixia's beautiful eyes glared: "Go away, don't be pretentious when you are my junior brother, remember that I am your senior sister, even if you poke a hole in the sky, I am your senior sister behind you."

Yang Yiyun was so moved after hearing this~

"Senior sister, you are so kind~" She looked at Ji Zixia with sparkling eyes and said this.

This time, Ji Zixia's face turned red and she pretended to be calm: "Then I belong to your senior sister, so I will naturally treat you well~"

After finishing speaking, she looked down the mountain. It seemed that she had just discovered at this moment that the high-rise buildings built by Yang Yiyun at the foot of the mountain were different from any other buildings in the fairy world. They were somewhat novel and said: "Junior brother, these buildings are very unique~"

"Yes, senior sister, these are the architectural styles of my hometown. The interior of Yunmen I built is part and core of it." Yang Yiyun explained.

"Your hometown... I've heard the old man mention it before. It's a very mysterious place. Junior brother, if you have a chance, you want to take me to see it~" Ji Zixia kept talking about the old man, just like Yang Yiyun.

This made Mr. Yang smile in his heart: "Sure enough, it's not like the same family doesn't come into the same house~ It's my senior sister."

"Okay, I will definitely take you to visit my hometown in the future~" Yang Yiyun nodded and agreed. Anyway, he would go back to the God's Cemetery in the future. It would be a lie to say he was not curious about it.

I didn't dare to think about it before when I didn't have the strength to cultivate, but now I can think about it.

"Let's go, take him down to see your blueprint~" Ji Zixia was very interested.

"Ahem, senior sister, wait a minute." Yang Yiyun called to Ji Zixia, who was about to jump up.

Ji Zixia turned around: "What's wrong?"

Yang said with some embarrassment: "My Daoyuan is damaged now, so I don't dare to use my magic power. I'm afraid... I'm afraid I need my senior sister to take me down."

Ji Zixia was stunned and suddenly laughed loudly, but after the laughter, she came over, took Yang Yiyun's hand and said, "Let's go~"

Yang Yiyun didn't even react when the junior sister held his hand. He only felt a faint residual warmth from the junior sister's hand, which was very soft. His heartbeat sped up inexplicably. To be honest, he hadn't had such a heartbeat in a long time.

Is this... heartbeat or...?

Yang's face turned red for no reason.

He was held by the little senior sister's hand and jumped down from the top of the mountain in one leap.

Like a flying swallow falling down, free and easy.

The beautiful scenery of Yunmen was in his sight. Yang Yiyun liked this feeling very much. He thought that this kind of flying could last longer.

But the more beautiful things and time are, the more fleeting they are.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had landed on the ground.

The vast sky comes from the east in the distance.


With a shout, Dongfang Haotian had already arrived in front of the two of them.

"Grandpa Dongfang, formally introduce this is my senior sister Ji Zixia." Yang Yiyun introduced the young senior sister to Dongfang Haotian.

"I've seen Miss Zixia."

In the world of monks, strength is the most important thing. Ji Zixia is a strong man who can compete with immortals. Dongfang Haotian knows very well that his title of immortal emperor is even worse than Ji Zixia. After hearing Yang Yiyun’s introduction Dongfang Haotian was very happy when he still called him Grandpa Dongfang.

In this way, Ji Zixia has become his junior.

However, when it came to etiquette, Dongfang Haotian still didn't dare to show off. He cupped his fists and gave a courtesy. He had seen Ji Zixia's terror with his own eyes, and he even knew that she was from the holy Ji family in the fairy world and had an extraordinary status and background.

"Grandpa Dongfang, there is no need to be polite." Ji Zixia was serious when facing Dongfang Haotian.

This made Yang Yiyun take another high look at his little senior sister.

In front of her own people, she is quirky and nervous, but outside she is also serious, and her bearing of a well-born person is clearly displayed.

At this time, Yang Yiyun suddenly noticed that Dongfang Haotian glanced at him strangely, intentionally or unintentionally. This made Yang Yiyun stunned for a moment, but he did react the next moment. He and the young senior sister were still holding hands.

The one who noticed it before him was Ji Zixia. Her face suddenly turned red, and she quickly let go of Yang Yiyun's hand, and then said, "Junior brother, you guys are chatting, I'll go take a look around~"

After saying that, without waiting for Yang Yiyun to reply, he disappeared from the place in a swish.

After Ji Zixia left, Dongfang Haotian smiled and said: "It turns out that the man is talented and the woman is beautiful, a match made in heaven, haha~"

"What are you talking about, old man? She is my senior sister~" Yang said with a blush after hearing this.

Dongfang Haotian laughed and said: "I know, if she were the elder of your master, she wouldn't say anything, but there are many senior sisters and junior brothers who become Taoist couples in the immortal world. If your boy can really become Taoist couples with Zixia girl, , The Ji family in the fairy world is really not simple, it’s a good thing~"

"Ahem~ Let's not talk about this anymore. What's going on with the formation? Is there any follow-up reaction from the Duan Qian family?" Yang Yiyun asked two questions.

"I really want to tell you these things. This is the trophy for cleaning up the battlefield after the battle. Duan Qian's family plus Duan Qiantian have a total of one hundred and twenty people, and they have one hundred and twenty coins stored in the immortal world on their mobile phones~" Dongfang Hao said as he spoke Tian handed one hundred and twenty storage immortal rings to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun accepted them all without mercy. The financial and material resources required for the construction of Yunmen were a bottomless pit. These were urgently needed at the moment.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun thanked him. He had not arranged to clean up the battlefield after he fell into coma. Dongfang Haotian had already done it. With such a person by his side, he, the hands-off shopkeeper, would have a lot less worry.

Dongfang Haotian continued: "The upper echelons of the Duan Qian family have basically been wiped out. After receiving the news, the Duan Qian family members who wanted to stay in their old nest were in no hurry to hide and did not dare to cause trouble. As for those who are attached to Duan Qian in the entire Duan Qian Immortal Domain, Regarding the power of the Qian family, I have an idea to discuss with you~"

"Sir, tell me." Yang Yiyun said seriously.

"If you don't object, I think you can take advantage of your current fame to incorporate the entire Duan Qian Immortal Territory. Anyway, Duan Qian Immortal Territory is the closest Immortal Territory to the Chaos Immortal Territory. If it can be incorporated, it will have a huge impact on our Yunmen." Dongfang Hao The eyes of heaven are bright and divine.

Yang Yiyun's eyes also shone brightly upon hearing this.

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