My Master Is a God

Chapter 2267 White Dragon King, one of the five giants in the foreign world

Yang Yiyun was stunned. At this time, he felt it carefully. Indeed, as the second senior brother said, he could feel three different auras appearing in the Starry Sky Sea.

The height of the sea of ​​stars, which is a hundred thousand miles away, is like a coordinate. You will not be able to sense the three auras here whether you rush over or fight.

According to what the second senior brother said at the time, after arriving at this coordinate, you should feel the three kinds of breath and follow the breath into the boundary wall.

But now that the young senior sister is here, there is no need to worry, and the young senior sister has been there once, so there is no need to worry since she is here this time.

He felt it carefully and indeed felt that there were three different kinds of auras appearing. They were the immortal energy and similar demonic aura, which were more powerful than the demonic aura, and the third kind was the demonic aura.

Then she asked Ji Zixia: "How can I get in, senior sister?"

"Feel the demonic energy carefully, let yourself and the demonic energy roar, and rush over with one final burst of energy. By the way, when the demonic energy wraps your whole body, you will feel the boundary wall barrier, and you can enter directly by hitting it with all your strength. Although it takes an immortal to hit the boundary wall. Your cultivation level is at the emperor level, but your strength should be enough, I will go first and you will follow." Ji Zixia said.

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun nodded in agreement.

The next moment, the young senior sister was surrounded by purple thunder. Yang Yiyun could see that there was a strong demonic aura emerging, or it could be said that it came from the starry sky in front of her and appeared out of thin air. The demonic aura can only be seen with the naked eye if it is thick enough. , the color is light green with white, but Yang Yiyun knows that the colors of demonic energy are colorful, and it is difficult to have a unified color.

No matter how big the fairy energy is, it is usually gold or white, while the devil energy is black or red. The color of the ghost cultivator's mana is generally gray.

All living things in the world have different mana, heaven and earth, and aura. There is no real unified standard for this.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun saw light flickering from Junior Sister Ji Zixia's body, and a portal appeared out of thin air in front of her, or more like a wall, a wall that penetrated the world.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the young senior sister rushing towards this wall and said: "Follow me as you do~"

Yang Yiyun did not dare to neglect, he ran his skills to feel the demonic energy, and followed closely. It was not difficult for him to gather the demonic energy and sense the roar of the demonic energy, so he followed closely...


With a dull sound, Yang Yiyun saw the young senior sister Ji Zixia's whole body full of magic power, and she rushed into the boundary wall and disappeared in an instant. He did not dare to pause at all, for fear of something happening, he quickly used his magic power to attack with all his strength.

There was also a roar, and he only felt that he hit the boundary wall, just like hitting an iron door. It was very stiff and hurt all over his body, but he knew that this was an impact on the boundary wall.

With a low roar, all the magic power in his body circulated, but the next moment there was a bang, and his whole body felt light.

The light in his vision was dazzling, and he subconsciously closed his eyes.

But the voice of junior sister Ji Zixia came to my ears: "Okay, you can open your eyes, we are already here."

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he opened his eyes. At this moment, his vision was filled with clouds and mist. He and his junior sister seemed to be on a white jade platform. This platform was very large.

It seems that there is no end in sight, but what is certain is that the place they are in should be as high as the nine heavens.

She couldn't help but ask Ji Zixia: "Senior sister, are we above the sky?"

Ji Zixia smiled and nodded and said: "It is indeed above the sky. To put it bluntly, the foreign realm is the same as your Chaotic Immortal Realm. It is formed by the fairy mountains synthesized by the great magical powers of the demon clan with great magic power. It is even bigger than the Chaotic Immortal Realm. There is even a larger piece of fairy mountain land, this is a big world.

There will be no sea of ​​stars here, only heaven and earth. The place we are coming in now is the entrance to the foreign world. This place should be called Tianmentai. From Tianmentai, one hundred thousand miles away is the mountains and rivers of the foreign world. "

After Ji Zixia finished speaking, Yang Yiyun finally understood that this place was actually a larger fairy mountain. She said before that it all belonged to the fairy world, which was true, but it was controlled by the demon clan.

Of course, according to the senior sister, not only the demon race exists here, but the human race and other races also exist, but there are relatively few of them.

"Senior sister, let's go down~" After Yang Yiyun's thoughts reached this point, he became more and more anxious because he was worried about Diao'er and Little Phoenix...

"Let's go~" Ji Zixia glanced at Yang Yiyun and flew up.

After flying 30,000 feet to the edge, the diameter of Tianmen Terrace is 30,000 feet.

The clouds and mist below are so thick that you can't see anything at all. There is no sun here, but the whole world is very bright, and there is no need for the sun to be different.

The two of them leapt down...

While flying, Ji Zixia said: "There is no difference between day and night here. It is like spring all year round, but it is also a rare fairyland world. Tell me about the conditions of some of your friends, so that I can find clues..."

Yang Yiyun nodded and began to tell about the situation of Diao'er, Little Phoenix, Yun Lei Beast, Niu Duzi and Sister Mei...

After finishing the story, his vision became clear for a while, but Yang Yiyun pointed in the direction that he and his junior sister had already emerged from the clouds, and below were endless mountains and rivers, which were basically not much different from other places in the fairy world.

The demonic energy between heaven and earth is even stronger. Of course, this does not mean that there is no immortal energy here. In fact, according to the little senior sister, as long as it is a normal world of heaven and earth, any kind of power exists. The difference is whether you can feel it or not. question.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had reached the peak of the moon.

"According to your statement, nine out of ten of the ascending divine beasts that appear in the foreign world are really your friends. As far as I know, there have been no divine beasts since modern times, or in other words, real divine beasts and exotic beasts with extraordinary talents. It has become extinct in ancient times, and there seems to be no news of the birth of mythical beasts in modern history, including other cultivation worlds.

The three thousand worlds under the fairy world represent three thousand realms of cultivation. The world of cultivation you are in is just one of the three thousand worlds in the fairy world.

The world of cultivation you are in is called the Galaxy Cultivation World. That world is indeed very mysterious. Our family is considered an ancient family in the fairy world. It has recorded many secrets. There is not much description of the Galaxy Cultivation World, but a little is enough. It explains the mystery of the Galaxy Cultivation World. According to the records, it is the origin world, the ancestral world, the birthplace of the universe, but it is also the most dangerous world.

If mythical beasts can be born in that place, then it is most likely to be in the Galaxy Cultivation World where you are, so the mythical beasts that ascend in the foreign world are very likely to be the friends you say they are, but..."

After saying this, Ji Zixia suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun's heart tightened and he said, "Senior sister, you can finish what you said~"

Ji Zixia sighed, gritted her teeth and finally said: "But if they are really your friends, they may be in danger. Any strange beasts and divine beasts in the world are the ultimate cultivation cauldron in the eyes of every powerful monk. If they are really After ascending to the foreign world, I am afraid that I will be chased by the great demons of the entire foreign world and become a cultivation cauldron.

Even the strong ones of the human race are afraid of tempering, or hunting down the cultivation furnace, or forcibly subduing the landline, etc. Three thousand years have passed, and whether they are around for such a long time is still a question..."

Yang Yiyun didn't listen to the rest of the words, but his heart skipped a beat, and his mind went blank. He couldn't imagine what would happen to him if Diao'er, Little Phoenix, etc. were captured or called a cultivation cauldron.

"Senior sister, help me. No matter whether they are dead or alive, I will find them." The next moment Yang Yiyun raised his head, his eyes were full of determination.

Ji Zixia smiled and comforted: "Don't worry too much. In fact, these are just the worst results I guessed. Since it is a divine beast, it also has the extraordinary talents of divine beasts. I think it will be fine. Since your senior sister, I will accompany you here." Come, I will naturally help you find it, don’t forget that I am your senior sister, hee hee~"

"Thank you, senior sister~" Yang Yiyun forced a smile. In fact, he knew that the senior sister was comforting him. Even if it is a divine beast, it is a divine beast that has just ascended. How can it compete with the great demons and cultivators in the fairy world?

Divine beasts also need to grow. Only grown-up mythical beasts are true mythical beasts and can have the power to protect themselves.

Although he heard his senior sister say that the foreign world is plain, he can guess that the real foreign world is not peaceful. Since the powerful demon can integrate the fairy mountains to create an foreign world, how can he be a simple person?

If Diaoer and Little Phoenix were targeted by these powerful monsters, would they be able to escape?

Yang Yiyun was extremely worried.

At this time, I only heard Ji Zixia say: "Let's go. Since we want to inquire about the news, let's go to Baijiao City first. It is the largest city in the foreign world. It is basically the same as the human race. It is also a city known as the gathering place of thousands of monsters. According to rumors, The city lord is a white dragon with powerful magic. Under his governance, White Dragon City is relatively peaceful, and the various groups in the foreign world are doing most of their business."

Yang Yiyun nodded, and then asked: "Sister, do you know the division of forces in the foreign world? Tell me about it?"

"I know a little bit, but not much. Many years ago, I came here once with the old man. I didn't stay long. I heard from the old man that there are five great demons that reach the sky in the foreign world. They are at the level of the Great Demon Lord of the Five Directions. Basically, Controlled the entire foreign world.”

After Ji Zixia finished speaking, she flew up and said, "Let's talk as we walk. The distance to Baijiao City is not very close~"

Yang Yiyun flew up and walked side by side with Ji Zixia.

The two flew forward, and Ji Zixia said: "Roughly speaking, the foreign world can be divided into five directions, namely southeast, northwest, and middle. The Baijiao City we are going to is the central area of ​​the foreign world. It is the territory of the White Dragon King. One of the five great demons that reach the sky according to Master.

The White Dragon King has the ability to move clouds and spread rain to overturn rivers and seas. I heard from my master that the strength of the five giants in the foreign world is no weaker than that of the three rulers of the fairy world. The White Dragon King is a very difficult person to deal with. However, my master took me there back then. I went to see him, but he didn’t seem very friendly..."

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