My Master Is a God

Chapter 2268 Some monsters are smarter than humans

Yang Yiyun listened to the young senior sister's words, and he couldn't help but ask: "Did the White Dragon King have a fight with the dead old man?"

Ji Zixia smiled and said: "That's not true, but it was a little bit close. Anyway, the old man Bai Jiaolong was so angry that he almost started a fight. However, the old man was a bit awesome after all. At that time, the Baijiao Dragon King was very angry. I had a minor attack, but I managed to hold it back in the end. Now that I think about it, it’s so funny, hehe~”

However, Yang Yiyun heard another meaning from the words of the junior sister, that is, there is a gap between the White Dragon King and the dead old man, but the old man did not dare to break out due to his strength.

If he follows the little senior sister to Baijiao City...

If the White Dragon King knew that the two of them were Yuntianxie's disciples, would he start an attack?

If you can't beat the old one, it shouldn't be difficult to bully the younger one, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched and he looked at the junior sister Ji Zixia and said: "Senior sister, I think we should not go to Baijiao City to inquire about the news. Let's go to another place?"

"Why?" After Ji Zixia asked, she looked at Yang Yiyun's face. As smart as she was, she understood something immediately. She chuckled and said, "Are you worried that the White Dragon King will embarrass us?"

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Isn't that right? Since the old man offended the Baijiao Dragon King back then and made him angry, he might know about our presence in Baijiao City and he would make things difficult for us~"

"Why are you worried about this? We are going to Baijiao City, yes, but we are not going to the Lord of Baijiao City's mansion, nor are we going to find him, the White Dragon King. We are just going to the city to inquire about news.

Besides, when we go, he may not know that we are Yun Tianxie's disciples. Even if he met me once back then, he can remember it after so many years, so don't worry, as long as we don't meet or take the initiative to find Bai. Dragon King, he doesn’t know that we are the disciples of the dead old man. "Ji Zixia spoke carelessly, as if she didn't take it to heart.

However, Yang Yiyun was still worried and said: "Senior sister, we are a human race. Entering a large demon city, it is difficult not to attract others' attention~"

Ji Zixia said: "You don't have to worry about this. The Immortal World is so big that it's beyond your imagination. There are countless immortals. We are not the only ones who can come to the alien world. All the immortals in the entire Immortal World who can enter the alien world want to come." Look, this is the territory of the demon clan, and the cultivation resources are also extremely rich. There are things that are not available in the immortal world, such as mounts. Many immortals will come to the foreign world to buy mounts..."

Hearing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt Ji Zixia and said: "Wait, senior sister, do you mean that the foreign world still sells mounts?"

Ji Zixia was stunned and nodded: "Yes, what's the problem?"

Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched and said: "Since the foreign world is the territory of the demon clan, it is the home field dominated by the demon clan. Could it be that the demon clan's own people are also selling their own compatriots?"

"Hahaha..." Ji Zixia laughed and said: "Junior brother, you are so cute. How can you have such thoughts? What happened to the demon clan? You think that the demon clan is all united. Of course not, at the level of immortals Monsters, no one has an IQ lower than that of the human race, and even the saying that their intelligence is close to that of a demon, to a certain extent, also reflects that some creatures of the demon race have higher IQs than our human race.

Especially those old monsters who have been cultivating for who knows how many thousands of years. They all have uncanny IQs. They view the essence of things more thoroughly than us humans. Let’s talk about this business. In fact, they are all cultivation resources. Humans need them. Mount, but not everyone can get the mount they want, and capturing it is even more difficult. Even after capturing, whether they can surrender is another matter.

So a shortcut is to buy mounts from the demon clan. On the other hand, the human race is the primate of all things. It does have unique talents in some aspects. The human race can do things that the demon clan cannot do. The simplest example is It is said that elixirs and immortal weapons are the weaknesses of the demon clan.

Elixirs, immortal weapons, etc. are also cultivation resources. The demon clan’s mounts are also cultivation resources, so there is an exchange and transaction. The human race gives the demon clan elixirs, immortal weapons, and the demon clan provides mounts, etc., that only the demon clan has. Something, this is an exchange of cultivation resources.

As for the problem of compatriots you are thinking about, in the eyes of those monsters who see the problem directly into the essence, it does not exist at all, because in their eyes, all living things in the world are the same, everyone pursues the great road, and in the end the result is the same, they are all the same The most important goal is to become an immortal. Everyone has become an immortal. No one can be worse than Shao.

Moreover, the survival of all living things is due to natural selection. Those who should be eliminated will eventually be eliminated. It cannot be organized by making a transaction. For those monsters who sell monster mounts, this matter does not exist at all. Even this is a very fair deal. Those who should be eliminated from the world will eventually be eliminated, and those who deserve to be eliminated will eventually die.

There is even one thing you may not know. Some monsters even voluntarily come out to sell themselves. Why? Because the human race has elixirs and other resources, after following the human race, you can obtain elixirs and other resources, and your final achievements will be very high. This is a shortcut to becoming a great demon.

Of course, there are some shady things involved, but these are all rules that have been established for a long time, and there is nothing at all. When facing the monster clan, you just need to be careful when dealing with them in the future. "

After listening to the senior sister's story, Yang Yiyun was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. However, after thinking about it carefully, the senior sister was absolutely right, and it seemed to be the truth.

There are good people and bad people in the human race, and it's the same in the demon race.

This makes no difference as long as it is an intelligent creature.

He nodded to show that he understood, and then said: "Senior sister, do we really not have to worry about the White Dragon King when we go to Baijiao City?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. Your senior sister and I are here. There are not many people who dare to trouble us without opening their eyes. Walking in the foreign world, in the territory of the demon clan, it matters who has the biggest fist, so there is no need to cover up the aura deliberately. If you deliberately If you cover up your aura and be regarded as weak, more people will be looking for trouble.

If you are strong enough to release your aura, people will naturally avoid you from far away. This is the law of the foreign world. Oh, by the way, when walking in the foreign world, the most important thing is not to guard against the monsters, but to guard against us humans..." Ji Zixia solemnly gave instructions.

"Why?" Yang Yiyun wondered, everyone is a human race. On the territory of the demon race, shouldn't we be more united?

Just listen to the young senior sister say: "Unity does not exist here at all. Let's put it this way, communication and so on in the foreign world are isolated from the outside world. Some human forces have close relations with the monster forces in the foreign world. If they are Targeting for robbery or something, killing him will be in vain, and the outside world will not know if he dies in a foreign world.

Even if some news spreads and wants revenge, those with low cultivation level will die if they come in, while those with high cultivation level, such as Immortal Lord, will inevitably attract the attention of several giants in the foreign world. Therefore, there is no advantage for the human race Immortal Lord to enter. There is also an agreement that the Immortal Lord level should not take action lightly.

After all, when our human race enters the foreign world, we must be careful of the human race. For some human races, this is paradise. In some aspects, it is even worse than the chaotic fairyland you are in. Anyway, be we are~"

Ji Zixia finally said it. Yang Yiyun looked up and saw a huge city far away. The main color of the city as a whole was light white.

"Is Baijiao City ahead?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Well, it is the largest city in the foreign world. It is under the jurisdiction of the five giant white dragon kings in the foreign world. It also occupies the center of the foreign world. Speaking of which, the white dragon king is also a character. It is located in the center of the other four giants. Although the territory is not big, it has always been as stable as Mount Tai." Ji Zixia sighed.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and blurted out: "This should be easy to understand. Since they are the five giants in the foreign world, they are all overlords of one side. If any of these existences cannot defeat the other, they will definitely not be harmonious, but in terms of strength and power, they are If they are evenly matched, conflicts will not easily arise. They will definitely know each other. Once they take action, everyone will be finished.

The Dragon King of the Bai family sits in the center of the foreign world, which actually acts as a buffer, which is equivalent to buffering the other four giants from each other. It is a very important balancer, so he is entrenched in the center of the foreign world, which seems to add a lot to the center of the other four giants. Dangerous, but actually the safest one. "

Ji Zixia listened to Yang Yiyun's analysis, nodded and smiled: "That makes sense, you are indeed my junior brother, hehe~"

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