My Master Is a God

Chapter 2269 Black-headed Ant Restaurant

Yang Yiyun was still very proud of being praised by his junior sister, and he said humbly: "I was just guessing~" After saying that, he looked at Ji Zixia and asked: "By the way, senior sister, what are the other four giants in the foreign world doing? Can you tell me~"

"Of course, you or I will tell you, go down, there is a strong prohibition near Baijiao City, you can't fly, let's walk over and talk as we go~" After speaking, Ji Zixia took the lead and flew down, appearing in the pass. On the road to Baijiao City.

Yang Yiyun dodged and flew down.

At this moment, thousands of meters away from sight is the very majestic Baijiao City.

The place where he and his junior sister stayed was an avenue made entirely of white jade, leading directly to Bailong City. The entire avenue was nearly a hundred meters wide, and each white jade brick was about two meters long and about 100 meters wide. One meter, piece by piece, the main road of Baijiao City was built.

Stepping on it, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but secretly swallow his saliva and exclaimed: "It's so luxurious. These white jade can even compete with the best Hetian mutton-fat jade on earth~"

At this moment, Yang was thinking, should this road be dug away?

Just when he had this thought, he followed his senior sister to the gate of Baijiao City. Looking at the huge gate about a hundred meters high, the entire city gate was actually shaped like an entrenched white dragon, but the material it was made of was inferior to The white jade beneath his feet was even higher-grade, reaching the level of low-grade immortal stone. From a distance, he could feel the strong aura of the fairy spirit.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but stop and cursed: "It's so extravagant. Senior sister, are all the monsters in the foreign world so rich?"

As he was talking, Yang's eyes were shining green, and a word came out of his heart - Robbery of Baijiao City~

Ji Zixia said: "That's not true. The five giants in the foreign world are just like this Baijiao City of the White Dragon King. But when I came here, I had the same idea as you, but the old man said that the dragons are naturally relaxed and like these gorgeous things. Things, the White Dragon Dragon King can be considered a branch of the dragon clan, and he has called himself the Dragon King since the real dragon of time became extinct. He is also a strong man at the level of the Great Immortal. He has this strength.

The entire White Flood Dragon City is made of white jade, which is indeed very expensive. However, the old man said back then that this White Flood Dragon City is also a large formation, and it is also a treasure land. The energy of the heaven and earth is sufficient, and any immortal who enters the Danfang will be harvested. A low-grade immortal stone is enough. Immortal stones are needed for practicing, doing business, etc. Fortunately, Baijiao Dragon King is not serious, and any living being can afford this money. It is precisely because of this that Baijiao City has become the entire The largest city in the foreign world, very popular..."

While the two were talking, they had reached within tens of meters of the city gate. At this time, Yang Yiyun saw four queues of monsters lining up to enter Baijiao City at the city gate, and more than a hundred monster creatures were lining up to enter the city.

It is true that as the senior sister said, she is collecting immortal stones from entering the city.

The two of them also lined up to enter the city honestly. As for the idea of ​​robbing Baijiao City that came up in his heart, he knew it was just a fantasy of his.

The owner of this city, the White Dragon King, is known as one of the five giants of the demon clan in the foreign world. From what the young senior sister said, he was on the same level as the dead old man. If he really dares to rob, he is seeking death.

But this is just a fantasy, I really don’t dare to make any plans.

But think about the Yunmen complex he built. It does require money, not fairy stones. It would be great if he had such a city or so many white jade...

Thinking in his mind, he followed the young senior sister to the entrance. The young senior sister handed over two low-grade immortal stones, and the two of them were let into the city.

As he passed by, he felt it. The soldiers guarding the city gate were demons in disguise, but they still had the characteristics of demons. Some had furry ears, some had tails, and some had scales on their hands...

A pair of twelve demon soldiers, each wearing silver-white human armor, looks like armor made by humans.

Even the immortal weapons in their hands are spears refined by humans.

This is exactly what the young senior sister said, the demon race and the human race both trade with each other.

Each of these demon soldiers are at the Immortal Lord level. They are used to watch the gate, which also shows the power of Baijiao City. Indeed, ordinary creatures do not dare to cause trouble in the city.

"Junior brother, go this way~"

Just when Yang Yiyun was still sizing up these demon soldiers, the little senior sister's urging sounded. When he looked up, he could already see the little senior sister more than ten meters away.

"Ah~ here it is~"

Yang Yiyun responded and quickly followed.

"Hurry up, what are you looking at? Don't follow me like a bumpkin." Ji Zixia rolled her eyes and cursed.

"Haha, senior sister, I'm just taking a look. By the way, where should I go now?" Yang Yiyun asked with an apologetic smile.

After entering the city at this moment, Yang Yiyun's sight of the demon city seemed to be not much different from the human city. It was also said to be a layout extending in all directions, but the streets were exaggerated and the buildings were generally three times larger than the human buildings. Although it doesn't look as exquisite as the human city buildings, it gives people the feeling of being majestic and solid, but it has a different style.

"Let's go to the Goblin Restaurant to find out the news~" Ji Zixia said as she walked.

"Goblin? What is that?" Yang Yiyun asked curiously.

Ji Zixia patiently explained: "Goblin is the collective name for the monsters living underground. There are also many underground monster races. There are countless snakes, insects, rats, ants, etc., collectively called goblins. They are called underground elves. Anyone who can survive underground and form With a large group of people who have cultivated themselves into immortals, it can be said that the underground network will be spread throughout most of the underground world. They are the most well-informed in terms of information. If you want to find out the information, you can go to them.

The restaurant I’m going to take you to is a restaurant opened by the black-headed demon ant clan in Baijiao City. Many creatures ask for information or buy information from their mouths, which is quite reliable..."

Listening to what the senior sister said, Yang Yiyun nodded, feeling the same way. He thought of the Five Elements Rat lineage when he was in the realm of cultivation. When he was in the lower realm, the Five Elements Rat King and the Purple Emperor had made great contributions in this regard.

Now that I think about it, I really miss them. Speaking of which, the Purple Emperor is a demon fairy who came down from the immortal world to rebuild himself. He is also a beast with extraordinary talents. But I don’t know if the Purple Emperor ascended here...?

For him now, everything is full of unknowns and everything is possible.

In fact, even if all the demon clans he subdued back then would still recognize him as their master, even if they ascended to the upper realm, it was unclear because when he was in the lower realm, he had conquered many demon clans with the help of the water of life.

But now if he ascends to the immortal world, Yang Yiyun knows one thing very well. When every ascended creature ascends to the immortal world, he will undergo the baptism of immortal power, which is called the achievement of the immortal body. It is equivalent to being reshaped, and this reshaping process is the life of the immortal body. The water's restraint on them may dissipate.

This point is probably gone now.

Because if the restraint of the Water of Life is still there, he will feel it as long as anyone ascends to the immortal world, but thousands of years have passed, and he has never felt it.

Yang Yiyun also thinks very broadly about this. Every living being has his own way to go. He cannot control others forever, and to be honest, he is opposed to this kind of control in his heart.

Those who really want to follow him, he hopes to do so from the heart, not to be restricted by the water of life.

After all, they have made great contributions to Yunmen in the lower realm. If they meet again and the restraint of the water of life disappears, he will not force them.

Except for the big monsters such as the Five Elements Rat King and Zihuang, Yang Yiyun believed in Diao'er, Little Phoenix, Niu Xiaozi, Hou Doudou, etc. Even if it could be said that some of them had taken his water of life, it was still unreliable. This is because the relationship between him and them is like family.

So no matter what, he was going to find a few of them.

Thinking of these things in my mind, I followed the little senior sister and walked all the way to a street. The whole street was full of restaurants and crowded with people, but most of them were monsters. All kinds of monsters were not as prosperous as humans. The city is poor, and there are countless people selling food along the street. Merchants and hawkers run throughout the entire street.

Among them, Yang Yiyun also felt the presence of some human auras, and each one was undoubtedly at the Immortal Emperor level.

Unknowingly, the senior sister stopped and said: "We are here~"

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw a huge mud mountain appearing in front of him, about fifty or sixty meters tall and circular. To be precise, it was a building at this time, but no matter how you looked at it, it was a big mountain of mud.

However, there was a horizontal line of demon characters that he recognized. There was a door, and there was a plaque on it. Four gold-plated demon characters said: Black-headed Ant Restaurant!

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