My Master Is a God

Chapter 2273 One hundred colorful glazed stones as a meeting gift

As soon as Yang Yiyun entered, he was stunned by the luxury in sight.

The word "glorious" is the most suitable to describe it, because the color of the whole room is golden.

The room was about 200 square meters, but the layout and furnishings were so luxurious that Yang Yiyun felt a little outrageous.

The floor tiles under his feet are made of golden stone that exudes fairy energy. He doesn't know what material it is, but Yang Yiyun thinks it must be some kind of metal for refining. There are circles of ores of different sizes hanging upside down from the roof, sparkling and colorful. The big one is as big as a millstone, and the smallest one is as big as a fist.

It is the halo emitted by these crystal ores on the top that illuminates the entire room and is refracted on the floor. The thick golden color makes the halo color of the entire room golden.

The room is also surrounded by strangely shaped stones, either natural or acquired, including people, mountains, and animals.

Some tables, chairs and benches are carved from strange stones. What attracted Yang Yiyun the most was the huge barrier in the center of the room, which was colorful. It was obviously a natural color at first glance, but it was carved into a map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. The high moon is about six meters long. Twelve or thirteen meters away, it exudes strong energy. The energy in the whole room is so strong that it makes people's pores open when they take a breath.

Indescribably comfortable.

Seeing the furnishings in the room, Yang Yiyun once again had the idea of ​​robbing.

Is it possible that the demon clan in the foreign world are so rich?

This thought kept lingering in my mind.

Just when Yang Yiyun was wandering in his thoughts, he heard the young senior sister say: "Junior brother, come here~"

Yang Yiyun looked back and saw that his senior sister and Daya Bai were already sitting on a huge white jade table. The table was filled with various fairy fruits, and the aroma was refreshing.

He walked over.

At this time, only the junior senior sister was heard to formally introduce to Daya Bai: "My junior brother Yang Yiyun is also a close disciple of my master."

After saying that, he looked at Daya Bai and introduced Yang Yiyun: "Junior brother Daya Bai is from the Black-headed Ant Clan. When my master and I came to the foreign world and met him more than ten thousand years ago, he was not the chief steward of the Black Ant Restaurant, at most. He was just a waiter, but he didn't expect that after so many years, he was already the chief steward of this restaurant.

When my master and I came here, it was Da Yabai who received us. This boy was lucky and could talk. The old man gave him some guidance on how to practice when he was happy. This is the origin between us. It happened almost 20,000 years ago. , now it seems that this kid still has a conscience and recognizes me. "

The little senior sister spoke with ridicule and didn't care at all about Daya Bai's feelings. However, Yang Yiyun saw that Daya Bai was not angry at all. The little senior sister directly mentioned the embarrassing matter again, but said happily: "Miss Zixia is right, there is nothing like that back then." Without the guidance of the Supreme Lord Tian Xie, Daya Bai is not what he is today. Of course, in terms of cultivation, there is also Miss Zixia’s contribution back then. I, Daya Bai, will never forget these things forever. If I forget, I will be a supercilious wolf."

Hearing what Daya Bai said, Yang Yiyun suddenly realized that Daya Bai knew that the dead old man was the Supreme Lord of Heaven, so no wonder he respected them so much.

Thinking about it, even if he is a monster from a foreign world, he would not dare to make a mistake if he faced a supreme strongman from the human race. What's more, he still had the gift of training and guidance back then. It is a great kindness to any living being.

It's no wonder that Daya Bai supported him as soon as he appeared on the scene, even if he killed four monsters.

After finishing speaking, Daya Bai looked at Yang Yiyun and said with a smile: "Yang... speaking of it, I can be regarded as half a registered disciple of Supreme Heavenly Evil. Although he did not accept me back then, I will always remember his love for me. I have long regarded you as my mentor for your cultivation guidance, so for a moment, can I call you junior brother?"

In Daya Bai's heart, he really thought so. After knowing that Yang Yiyun was actually Yun Tianxie's disciple, he felt uneasy. Every disciple and disciple is usually the last one and will be the true successor, representing The way of a teacher, so Daya Bai knew that Yang Yiyun, Yun Tianxie's disciple, was better than Zixia in Yun Tianxie's heart to a certain extent, and he had been paying attention to Yang Yiyun from the beginning.

He also saw Yang Yiyun kill four demon cultivators. To be honest, he was shocked in his heart. A human immortal from Immortal King Dzogchen killed two demon cultivators who were comparable to Immortal King Dzogchen with one punch. At the middle stage of the Immortal King's cultivation, some backhands were used to search for souls on the other, all in one go. From the beginning to the end, the four demon cultivators had no place to resist. Even if he was at the peak of his strength as the Big Tooth White Demon Emperor, he wanted to crush him like Yang Yiyun. The four demon cultivators will not be as relaxed as Yang Yiyun.

In Dayabai's heart, Yang Yiyun's definition is that the real strength does not require him, the demon emperor, to be weak at the peak. He even felt a very unique aura in Yang Yiyun, which was elusive, so although he didn't think much of Yang Yiyun at first. Dialogue, but Zixia must be more concerned.

But after discovering that Yang Yiyun was surprised when he saw the furnishings in the room as soon as he entered his room, Da Yabai was ready to give in to him and gave Yang Yiyun a meeting gift, determined to make good friends, and Da Yabai thought that he could make good friends. Yang Yiyun is the one who has made friends with godlike figures like Tianxie Supreme.

This is extremely important to himself and the entire Black-headed Ant Clan. In addition to being the chief steward of the Black-headed Ant Restaurant, Da Yabai is also one of the elders of the entire Black-headed Ant Clan. Sometimes he has to consider the clan. If It would be a great blessing for their clan to have one more godly figure like the Heavenly Evil Supreme as their backer.

Back when Yun Tianxie and Zixia came to the foreign world and came to their restaurant, he was still a waiter in the restaurant, but he was born with a different appearance than other tribesmen, with white antennae on his head and white teeth. He was not black, so he was ostracized by the tribe and became a waiter in the restaurant. As a character, I feel very inferior.

But it was precisely because of this characteristic that Ji Zixia, who met her for the first time, was nicknamed "Big Teeth", which also entered Yun Tianxie's eyes and gave her a comment about her extraordinary talent. At that time, he naturally did not know that Yun Tianxie They are the strongest of the human race, the Supreme of Tian Xie, but they still have the eye-catching skills trained in restaurants. They feel that Zixia and Yun Tianxie are not mortals, and they have moved their minds to serve beside them wholeheartedly...

Later, before leaving, Yun Tianxie gave him a set of cultivation techniques, which allowed him to make rapid progress in cultivation from then on. From a waiter in a shop to today's chief steward of a restaurant, he was called the Demon Emperor, and was also called the Elder of the Clan within the clan. one.

Another thing about this is that at first some tribesmen laughed at him for fawning over a human tribe, and he was severely humiliated. However, after Yun Tianxie left that day, he had a fight with the four giants of the foreign world. Of course, he also I went to the White Dragon King's house. I don't know why. Among the five giants in the foreign world, I heard that only the Bai Family Dragon King and Yun Tianxie did not fight. The other four all fought, but in the end, Yun Tianxie was completely destroyed. .

Only then did the news come out that Yun Tianxie was the Supreme Heavenly Evil of the human race. From that day on, his status in the clan and the restaurant rose dramatically, completely changing his destiny.

No one laughed at him anymore, and no one said he was an alien. Instead, he became known as the genius leader of the Black-headed Ant Clan. He kept the title of Big Yabai, and he was proud of it. He remembered Ji Zixia and Yun Tianxie, and he felt like it in his heart. He considers himself a disciple of Supreme Tian Xie, but unfortunately he knows that Yun Tianxie may not like him, and he also knows that it is unknown whether he will see Supreme Tian Xie in this life.

Unexpectedly, Ji Zixia and Yang Yiyun came now. Almost 20,000 years have passed, and Daya Bai was actually full of excitement.

Now when facing Yang Yiyun, Daya Bai knew that this was the opportunity given to him by God and he had to seize it.

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard Daya Bai speak like this, but thinking about it since the old man had given Daya Bai advice, there was nothing wrong with him calling him junior brother. He smiled and said, "Of course it's possible, you can do whatever you want."

Daya Bai was overjoyed. Yang Yiyun was a close disciple of Yun Tianxie. To some extent, he represented Yun Tianxie. Yang Yiyun recognized him as a registered disciple of Yun Tianxie. That was real recognition. Even Ji Zixia was not able to do this. This was Regarding the issue of mentorship, as for the real identity of a formal disciple, Daya Bai did not dare to think about it. It would be good to have a named disciple. In the future, Yun Tianxie would become a regular disciple if he felt like it. At this time, he looked at Yang Yiyun and Daya Bai said excitedly: "This is the first time we meet. I don’t have anything to give to junior brother. I think junior brother has seen my screen, so I will give you a hundred pieces of this rough stone and then junior brother can carve it into whatever style he likes, as a greeting gift."

While talking, a storage ring appeared in Daya Bai's hand and placed it in front of Yang Yiyun's desk, signaling Yang Yiyun to accept it.

"One hundred yuan?" It was Yang Yiyun's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Daya Bai would be so generous. This screen stone looked like it was not a mortal thing at first glance. In addition to being rich in energy, it was also a top-quality weapon refining material, and it was huge. It has great ornamental value, and I thought it would be cool to put a piece in Yunmen Hall as a decoration, but I didn’t expect that Daya Bai would give it a hundred yuan as soon as he made the move.

Seeing the excitement on Da Yabai's face, Yang Yiyun was a little confused. This guy is a stupid rich man~

"Ah~ If I can't help it, I'll ask other tribesmen and collect a hundred yuan for my junior brother. This is a vein of colorful glazed glass produced underground on the edge of the Nirvana Mountains. It can also be regarded as a high-grade weapon refining material, but the quantity is a pity. "Young Master, I only have one hundred yuan left in my hand..." Daya Bai thought that Yang Yiyun was too little, so he quickly offered to collect another hundred yuan from other tribesmen.

The hundred yuan in his hand was sold, and it was worth about one hundred thousand high-grade demon stones. It was considered a big gift. I didn't expect that Junior Brother Yang would think it was too little, but after thinking about it, I understood. Tian Xie Supreme's closed disciple, I am afraid that this gift will not catch his eye. It seems that I am being stingy. No, I need to add more chips. His identity as a registered disciple also requires Yang Yiyun, the Scorpio Supreme's closed disciple. After approval, Da Yabai's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and was about to take out something he thought was a valuable treasure as a meeting gift.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what Daya Bai was thinking at this moment, otherwise he would definitely laugh out loud. A hundred colorful glazed stones were considered a big gift in the entire fairy world. It's a pity that Daya Bai got it wrong and was ready to commit bloodletting.

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